I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2696 The master turns into the moon, the husband turns into a star

One is his most beloved teacher, and the other is a woman whom he has been dependent on for many years and deeply in love with. There is no doubt that this is the most painful choice a person can imagine. Fortunately, Ning Que does not have the ability to make a choice. We can only passively accept the final result.

Ning Que couldn't even move. He could only sit on the grass beside Surabaya, looking at the two people connected by countless rays of light. His eyes towards Sangsang became calmer and stranger. .

No one could understand what Haotian said, like howling in the wind or thundering, but they resounded throughout the world, making everyone in the world aware of what happened by the Sishui River.

Then the whole world and the hearts of all sentient beings began to echo one sentence.

"I sincerely invite you, Master, to appear as a saint!"

"I sincerely invite you, Master, to appear as a saint!"

At the highest point of Peach Mountain in Xiling Divine Kingdom, outside the solemn temple, a crowd of black people kneeled on the stone flat. The usually arrogant red-clothed priests and temple deacons were like the most devout believers, touching their foreheads to the ground.

The headmaster of the Xiling Temple also knelt behind the gauze curtain at the deepest part of the white temple. Outside the gauze curtain, there were also kneeling the great priests of Heaven and Judgment.

"I sincerely invite you, Master, to appear as a saint!"

Deep in the wilderness of the far west, on the top of the huge peak in the center of the sinkhole, Qin Nian, the new lecturer of Xuankong Temple, did not hold a tin staff in his hand. Instead, he sincerely clasped his hands together and prayed with great respect.

In the countless yellow temples looming in the clouds and mist of the giant peaks, the sound of chanting scriptures and the same words are constantly ringing, quietly waiting for the Master to ascend to heaven.

"I sincerely invite you, Master, to appear as a saint!"

Countless Taoist temples, countless temples, all royal palaces, and countless dignified figures in the world all knelt on the ground with utmost respect and kept repeating this sentence.

A hidden place somewhere in the distant South China Sea.

The Taoist in Qingyi looked silently in the direction of the land, with an extremely solemn expression on his face. He did not say this because he was very nervous now. He saw a big curtain slowly falling. He had been waiting for this moment for too long, and he couldn't rest assured until the end.

Of course, there are still many people who have not respectfully asked the Master to appear as a saint. Real ordinary people don't know what happened, let alone what impact this incident in Surabaya will have on the world and their lives. They just buy groceries and cook as usual. Drink and chat, listen to music and enjoy music, stay at home and farm.

"I have been meddling in human affairs for too many years. I am tired, annoyed, and even disgusted, so I no longer want to meddle in it! Moreover, many people in the world don't want me to meddle in others' affairs."

The Master waved away the light that came to his eyes, looked at Ning Que, and said very calmly.

Ning Que's freedom was restricted and he could not move. He could only watch and cry. He cried, but he laughed again, like a madman, with reluctance and retention in his eyes, and he said excitedly.

"I really hate it!"

"You cry and laugh at the same time, and you are not afraid of embarrassment. What do you hate? Hate your wife?"

"I hate you, teacher, for being irresponsible. You went to heaven like this. What will happen to the Tang Dynasty? What will happen to the academy?"

"I'm not even interested in such trivial matters, let alone Haotian?"

"Even if Haotian is not interested, how can we deal with that sect?"

"If you can't even deal with the enemies in the world, how can you fight against Haotian? What's more, I may not lose, because there are still people in the world that Haotian is afraid of, but he has not made any move until now!"

The Master withdrew his gaze from the direction of the academy, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and his body floated above the Surabaya River. Looking at Sangsang, whose whole body was shining brightly, he suddenly spoke.

"I knew it was you in the wilderness carriage, and when you found me, I also found you. Have you ever thought about what I have been doing these days?"

Sangsang's face was expressionless, as if she didn't hear the question. The light on her body became more and more dense, converging into a world of light.

"I'll take you to eat the most delicious roast leg of lamb in the world, I'll take you to eat the most exquisite eighteen dishes from the Song Dynasty, I'll take you to eat the most delicious hot-boiled mutton on the grassland, I'll take you to eat peony fish, oyster soup, I'll take you to eat I took you to see the snow peaks, go boating on the sea, the Tundra Mirror Lake, and even let you marry Ning Que in the bridal chamber."

"I'll take you to eat all the delicacies in the world, take you to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the world, I'll let you experience the most wonderful happiness of mankind, and I'll even let you experience the most lingering emotions in the world."

"In your eyes, human beings are all ants. Now that you are married to an ant, and you have felt the most wonderful emotions and experienced all the beauties of the world, will you have the slightest desire to stay in the world? What about your thoughts? Over the years, you have tried every means to find me and invite me to fight in heaven, but have you ever thought that I actually want to invite you to the human world as a guest and make you a member of this world? "

In the world of infinite light, Sangsang could be seen vaguely with an indifferent expression, her delicate brows slightly frowned, as if the Master's words had caused some kind of fluctuation in her.

A sly smile appeared on the Master's face. Although he was tricked once by Haotian and his whereabouts were exposed, he also used the trick to make Haotian feel a trace of emotion for people. This is an emotion that Haotian has never had before, like A drop of ink spreads into the clear water and can no longer be erased.

Sangsang's frowned eyebrows opened again, and the light flourished again, closely connected with the Master. A bright and sacred light pillar was thrown into the blue sky. A light door gradually appeared in the sky. Behind the light door, a kingdom of light could be faintly seen standing. .

"This world only has the domineering and scorching Hao Sun without the moon. It would be too monotonous. After all, the moon is really beautiful and gentle. The world needs this gentleness!"

After saying that, the master floated up, left Surabaya, and flew towards the light door in the sky.

The Master rode the wind, and Sangsang followed closely behind. Countless bright golden flowers overflowed from her body and sprinkled into the world. The flowing clouds in the sky were glowing with glow, respectfully inviting the Master to appear holy.

This voice echoed in the world, and the Master's tall figure gradually disappeared into the light.

There is a small town in the world, a market somewhere, bustling and noisy, and the air is filled with the smell of rotten vegetable leaves and chicken feces. A man walked into a butcher's shop carrying a jug of wine. The butcher closed the door of his shop, took the man to the rooftop on the second floor, sat down across the table, and began to drink and eat meat.

The drunkard looked somewhere in the sky, his face full of mockery, and said.

"He always said that it doesn't matter how high Haotian flies. Now it seems that it doesn't matter how strong he is? He will eventually leave the world and fly to the sky."

Both the butcher and the drunkard had the same opinion and said in agreement.

"For those inexplicable thoughts, you have to give up eternal life and fight against the God that can never be defeated. In the eyes of some people, this may be very cool, but in fact it is just stupid."

Different people have different understandings, and different people have different pursuits. The Master wants to go against heaven and seek a glimmer of hope for all sentient beings in the world, but the drunkard and the butcher just want to live an ignoble existence and be free in the world.

There is nothing wrong with these two choices, and there is no distinction between superior and inferior. If you are successful, you can help the world, and if you are poor, you can be alone. No one can ask anyone to make a great sacrifice, and no one can despise someone who is humble.

The master of the temple was drifting in the South China Sea, not daring to set foot on land because the Master would not allow him to land.

Today the Master finally ascended to heaven. Logically speaking, he could finally reach the shore.

But the fluttering green clothes were still flashing back and forth among the countless islands in the South China Sea, not daring to stay too long.

On a lush island, his figure suddenly appeared, and the next moment, he disappeared. Thousands of miles away, his feet landed on the beach of another island, and then he disappeared again.

Because there is a powerful being in the world who is comparable to the Master, he does not dare to stay in one place for a long time. He can only constantly change his position and restrain his aura, for fear of being discovered by him.

There is a mountain behind Zhishou Temple. The rocks and soil are red, resembling old blood. However, there are countless ivy growing on the surface of the cliff, so it looks like a green mountain.

Those dense green vines covered the sky, and also covered the caves like ant nests in the green mountains. Most importantly, they covered the auras of the strong men in the caves.

Dozens of hoarse or sharp laughters came out from the cave, penetrated the ivy, and headed towards the world. These laughters were full of sadness and anger, and they seemed so vicious and violent.

There are many powerful Taoists living in the Qingshan Ant Nest, and most of them are already at the peak of the Fate Realm. A few of them have even surpassed the Fifth Realm of Cultivation and become legendary beings.

They were either seriously injured or disabled. Half of them were injured by Ke Haoran's sword in the academy, and the other half were injured when Master climbed Peach Mountain to cut flowers.

The two words "Academy" are the nightmares of these Taoist sects who are reclusive in the world. Ke Haoran was punished to death by heaven many years ago, and today the master finally appeared in heaven. There is no power in the world that can scare them anymore, and they finally have the time to see the light of day again.

They cried heartily, they laughed happily, and they danced. Although they all lacked arms and legs, they unscrupulously released their powerful and terrifying auras, announcing to the world that they would be born again.

However, they were too presumptuous. Those powerful auras not only filled the mountains behind Zhishou Temple, but even spread to the entire world, spreading to a small courtyard in the front yard of the academy outside Chang'an City.

A young teacher held an oil-paper umbrella in his hand. On the umbrella was painted a rugged and thin red plum blossom, blooming alone, admiring the fragrance alone, standing proud of the frost and snow, looking aloof and arrogant. The young teacher took one last look at the academy. Take a look at Chang'an City, take a look at the Tang Dynasty, and take a look at the human world.

Zhao Wuhao lightly stamped his feet, the ground shook, and the whole world was shaken. He looked at all the living beings, the various conditions in the world, and his eyes gradually became indifferent and majestic. He was aloof, and with a movement of his body, the world was left behind An oil-paper umbrella, a declaration that resounded throughout the world.

"I am Zhao Wuhao. My surname was given by my parents, and I got my name myself. This means that there is no more Haotian in the world!"

"Humans have three treasures, essence, energy and spirit; the earth has three treasures, water, fire and wind; the sky also has three treasures, sun, moon and stars!"

"The sky is the sun, Master is the moon, I am the stars that fill the sky, shining in the sky. From now on, there will be no eternal night in the world!"

As this declaration fell, the day turned into night, and a figure turned into stars, shining in the sky, followed closely, and rushed into the Haotian Divine Kingdom behind the light gate.

Before the stars completely rushed into the light gate, one foot fell from the sky and stepped towards the green mountain. The laughter in the green mountain suddenly turned into frightening screams and cries of fear, and dozens of extremely powerful auras spurted out. Then he came out and fled towards the outside of Qingshan.

However, there was no time at this time, that foot landed on the green mountain, the mountain collapsed and turned into flat ground, and the Taoist sect's hidden strong men were wiped out.

Ning Que stared up at the stars blankly, two lines of hot tears unconsciously shed from the corners of his eyes. One of the people he respected the most was missing.

The young teacher had secretly given him guidance and helped him embark on the path of spiritual practice. At Lanke Temple, when he was in the most critical moment, he took action to stop the strongest sword in the world. He even found the sword at Baita Temple. He used a ridiculous excuse to kill the leader of the lecturers who was called the living Buddha. He had a kindness as deep as the ocean. He had not had time to repay him, so why was he gone now?

"Why can't he wait any longer until he becomes even more powerful, so powerful that even Haotian doesn't dare to come to the world!"

It is recorded on the Mingzi scroll: the cycle of the sun and the moon, the blending of light and darkness, the endless life and death, the principles of nature. The principles of nature are called Tao. Tao is derived from law. At the end of the Dharma, night falls and the moon appears.

After the Buddha observed the scroll, he also wrote in his notes: The sun and the moon rotate and the light blends together, so the moon should be at night. However, for countless kalpas, the moon has not been seen for eternity.

Haotian is the sun, Master is the moon, but neither the Ming Dynasty Book nor the Buddha's notes have ever recorded the stars in the sky, which are so bright and magnificent that they shine across the entire sky, and there is no eternal night.

If heaven does not give birth to a master, eternity will be like a long night. Mr. Transformation into stars, there is no eternal night in the world!

In the autumn of the 18th year of the Apocalypse of the Tang Dynasty, the master turned into the moon and the husband made stars. His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty passed away, the academy was closed, and the Northeastern Frontier Army was destroyed in the battle of Chengjing.

The Golden Court of the Prairie went south, Qinghe County of the Tang Dynasty rebelled, Xiling Temple and tens of thousands of troops from the Southern Jin Dynasty came in force, covering the sky and the sun, and the general Xu Shi died in the battle.

Immediately afterwards, the Yuelun Kingdom's army entered Congling and conquered the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty seemed destined to perish.

The city of Chang'an was even more chaotic. The eldest princess Li Yu revised the emperor's edict and put her younger brother Li Hunyuan on the dragon throne, becoming the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

The emperor who had just ascended the throne, His Majesty Li Hunyuan, went against the grain and forced his important ministers and generals to death, causing chaos in the court. Finally, when he was walking in the academy, he ignored his long-standing friendship with the eldest princess Li Yu, stepped into the Golden Palace, and killed him with a knife. Li Hunyuan, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, became the emperor of the Tang Dynasty with the shortest reign. He brought order to the chaos, supported the sixth prince born by the queen to ascend the throne, and stabilized the court.

At the same time, the academy opened its doors to help Tang Dynasty fight against the world. Mr. Li slowly stopped the master of the Zhishou Temple in a state of no distance. Without the master and Zhao Wuhao in the world, the master of the temple was no longer afraid, and finally stepped onto the shore, towards the shore. The academy waved its long sword.

Li slowly relied on the ring stick left by the master, and fought with the viewer Chen on the South China Sea. He fell into an absolute disadvantage and was in danger. Finally, an oil-paper umbrella flew out of the academy, and the red plum blossoms bloomed, and Aoxue Ling Frost helped Li slowly defeat Chen, the master of the temple.

The second gentleman, Jun Mo, fought alone with Liu Bai, the swordsman in the world. A gentleman is upright and cannot be deceived. He goes forward with his sword and sacrifices his life for righteousness. He is not afraid of life and death. He forgets victory and defeat. He falls from his high crown and finally breaks the mighty river. Although Injuring the enemy a thousand times and inflicting eight hundred losses on yourself, both sides will be injured and neither will be able to fight again.

The third Mr. Yu Lian finally showed his true colors. Listening to the sound of cicadas in twenty-three years, who would have thought that the cicada, the leader of the Demon Sect in twenty-three years, would transform into a little girl and be taken into the disciples by his master. From then on, With a new name and a new life, Yu Lian, Mr. Shansan at the back of the academy, and the Demonic Realm faced off against the temple's leader Xiong Chumo, forcing this Haotian human spokesperson to step into the realm of apocalypse. In the end, he still fail.

The others all had their own opponents, with wins and losses. Among them, the most surprising performance was that of the eleventh gentleman of the academy, Wang Chi. This scholar who liked playing with flowers and plants and thinking about the philosophy of life actually understood what Zhao Wuhao said back then. The state of nothing outside the heart, crossed the five realms of cultivation, and became a saint. In one battle, he defeated Zhi Shou Guan walking Ye Su, the first sermon in Xuan Kong Temple, Qin Nian, and Xiling Temple's great oracle priest Ye Hongyu. His strength is not weak. Mr. Li Manmang shocked the world.

Seeing that the Tang Dynasty was about to win this battle, the master of Zhishou Temple, who was slowly defeated by Li, finally used his trump card. After the blessing of the five volumes of heavenly books, he snatched back the one stolen by Prince Longqing. The Book of Heaven, and the Book of Heaven with clear characters that had been lost for thousands of years, was taken away from the hands of Mr. Li Manman, and he gathered seven volumes of the Book of Heaven to open up the sky.

The wind in Chang'an City stopped, the rain stopped, the clouds dispersed, the red sun shone brightly on the world, and the patron in fluttering blue clothes appeared outside the city.

Haotian is a collection of objective rules and human subjective beliefs, and it is human choice. When humans chose Haotian, they also left behind the means to check and balance Haotian.

Countless years ago, the gambler who founded the Dao Sect made a bet for mankind and handed over the entire world to Haotian to protect it. He had planned his backup plan in advance.

According to legend, the seven-volume heavenly book in Zhishou Temple is the crystallization of Haotian's will, or it is Haotian's gift to mankind. In fact, it is the Taoist sect's real means of controlling the world.

With the seven volumes of the Heavenly Book, you can end the gambling game countless years ago, you can invite Haotian out of the Kingdom of God, and you can return Haotian to chaos. This method can only be mastered by the master of the Taoist sect. The current master of the Taoist sect can bring Haotian With seven volumes of heavenly books, he walked to Chang'an City.

Many people have scolded Daomen for being one of Haotian's dogs, but no one knows that the other end of the chain tied around the dog's neck is also tied around Haotian's neck. Daomen is one of Haotian's dogs. Tian is not a human dog. The seven-volume Heavenly Book is a dog-beating stick, which can check and balance the two sides. This is also the last resort and the most powerful means of the Taoist sect.

The viewer took out a book from his arms, and in the depths of the blue sky, a thunder sounded. This thunder came from the Kingdom of God. It is extremely majestic, as if it is announcing something to the entire world.

On the sea east of the Song Dynasty, a huge storm suddenly appeared that had not been seen in thousands of years. In the Southern Jin Dynasty, heavy rain poured down, flooding countless mountains and rivers. A hurricane was set off in the Yuelun Kingdom, and the tornado swallowed up countless trees and houses. In the sky of the Taoshan Xiling Temple, there was also a faint There are silver snakes dancing, shining in the sky, and thunder sounding like drums, shaking the heaven and earth.

Only Chang'an City is as calm as before, and it is so calm that people feel scared, because the temple master is standing here, holding a scroll of heaven, the heavenly word scroll, in his hand.

The thunder from the Kingdom of God continued and refused to dissipate for a long time, spreading infinite divine power to the world. The viewer did nothing but quietly held the Tianzi Scroll and looked at the sky quietly.

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