I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2695 King Pluto and King Ming, the Master is exposed

There was no surprise on the Master's face. He looked at Sangsang with a gentle look and answered very firmly.

"There is no Hades."

The master's answer was so firm that Ning Que was stunned on the spot, as if he couldn't believe this terrible fact. He lowered his head and remained silent for a long time.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment. Ning Que seemed very nervous, even fearful. His hands were clenched tightly and trembling, and his voice became hoarse. He confirmed to his master again.

"Teacher, are you saying that there is no Hades?!"

The Master nodded, looked at Sangsang beside him, his eyes were deep and gentle, and he said quietly.

"I have lived for thousands of years and have been exploring the truth and secrets of the world. I have been to many places and seen many scenery, but I have never seen the underworld. Since there is no underworld, naturally there is no Hades."

Ning Que seemed unable to accept this terrible fact. His brows were furrowed, his words were confused, and with a bit of anxiety, he refuted the Master's words for the first time.

"How is it possible that there is no Hades? Isn't the underworld going to invade the human world? The Buddha's Light Array in Lanke Temple and the Buddha left so many magic weapons are not just to deal with the coming of Hades? Buddhism, Taoism, demons, and even the classics of the academy are not Do they all have records of the coming of eternal night?”

The master didn't seem angry at Ning Que's questioning. He understood Ning Que's thoughts and excitement at this time, and his voice became more and more ethereal as he explained.

"The Buddha wanted to suppress what he thought was Pluto. In this sense, his response before Nirvana did make some sense, but he was wrong about one thing!"

Ning Que looked excited, his voice was trembling, and an ominous premonition was getting stronger, as if a cruel fact was about to come.

"Which point is it?"

The master's eyes were kind, like a parent looking at their children, full of care and tolerance, and he said.

"He didn't figure out who Hades was?"

All the excitement on Ning Que's face dissipated and turned into calm, terrifying calm. He pointed at Sang Sang who was sitting on the ground knitting willow branches and said still struggling.

"She is the daughter of Hades. If there was no Hades, how could she exist?"

"Chi'er, it's up to now. Do you really not understand, or have you always been unwilling to think in that direction?"

The Master glanced at Sangsang and sat down on the ground. He didn't care if his clothes would be stained. He pulled a weed from the ground and held it in his mouth. His body was extremely relaxed, without any hostility, and even With a bit of laziness, his expression was somewhat similar to that of someone in the front yard of the academy.

The master's smile was gentle, and the look in his eyes was peaceful, but Ning Que's mood suddenly tightened, his eyelids began to twitch, and his legs became as soft as willow branches, as if they were about to collapse. Sweating profusely, sweat gushed out from every part of his body, instantly soaking his black academy uniform. The Haoran Qi in his body was showing signs of collapse due to the extreme emotional tension.

Ning Que felt that his mouth was dry. He wanted to speak but could not make a sound. Next to him, Sang Sang was weaving willow branches. When he heard the two talking about him, he showed a blank expression.

The Master rubbed Sangsang's little head, smiled lovingly, and said to Ning Que.

"Don't forget, before she became the daughter of Hades, she was called the daughter of Guangming by Wei Guangming."

Sangsang raised his head and looked at the Master, not understanding what he was talking about. There was confusion and cuteness in his black and white eyes.

Ning Que stood completely stunned, his eyes wide open. He had never opened his eyes so wide before, so wide that people could clearly see the fear and shock in his eyes.

"Actually, she has always been the daughter of light."

The master patted Ning Que's shoulder, as if to calm the disciple's emotions, and said calmly.

"In other words, she is Haotian's daughter, she is Haotian's clone. You can even understand that she is Haotian."

Sangsang understood this sentence, but couldn't understand it. She felt inexplicably uneasy in her heart. Her face suddenly became extremely pale, even whiter than if she had powder on her face.

Ning Que's face was paler than hers. At this time, he finally reacted from the shock and fear. His mouth opened slightly, his voice seemed particularly dry and hoarse, and he was trembling very hard.

"But everyone says she is the daughter of Hades."

The master shook his head slightly, understanding why his disciple was so persistent and all sentient beings were crazy. He quite agreed with the Buddhist teachings. As for other Buddhist teachings, he dismissed them.

"I have said many times that if there is no underworld, there will naturally be no Pluto. If we must say that there is Pluto, as the Buddha believed, then Haotian is Pluto."

Ning Que's feet softened and he sat on the ground, lowered his head and buried it between his knees, and said with some frustration.

"This doesn't make sense!"

"But this is the simplest and most simple truth. Even a child who has just entered the book school can understand it. In fact, I should have figured it out a long time ago, but this truth is too simple."

"Absolute light is absolute darkness!"

Listening to Ning Que's muttering, the master looked through the willow branches and landed on the clear blue sky, stroking his palms and praising.

"The great road leads to simplicity."

Ning Que had read the Ming Dynasty Book in Li Manman's hand, also read the notes left by Buddha, and even lived in the Huangren tribe for a long time. He was once considered to be the son of Pluto, and later Sangsang was considered to be the daughter of Pluto. He had a deep understanding of information related to Pluto. At this time, when he heard the truth told by the Master, he used to read the Mingzi Volume Heavenly Book and the Buddha While taking notes, there were many things I didn’t understand, and suddenly I had answers.

In the ceremony of sacrificing Pluto by the Huangren tribe, Pluto was called Guangming Zhenjun, Guangming Zhenjun is Guangming Zhenjun; Buddha's notes and today's Buddhist sects all have records about Fudo Myooh, Fudo Myooh is actually Without Pluto, Pluto is Ming, Pluto is Ming!

Ning Que still didn't want to believe it, and he didn't want to believe this fact from the bottom of his heart. His eyes wandered between the Master and Sangsang. The emotions in his eyes seemed extremely painful, and his voice was slightly hoarse.

"There is no reason for Haotian to do so many things. It will be bright and dark for a while. Is he so bored that he has nothing to do, or does he just want to make a joke with the world?"

"Haotian never jokes. He naturally has a purpose in doing this."

The master's eyes sparkled with wisdom, which was the understanding gained after thousands of years. He could see the truth hidden in the fog at a glance.

"Haotian has done so many things, told such a big lie, and set up this shocking situation. Apart from Yongye's needs, of course his main purpose is me."

"At that moment in the wilderness, He successfully convinced me that Sangsang was really the daughter of Hades, and allowed me to pour the power of the world into her body."

"My way to resist Haotian is not to jump outside the three realms, but to go straight to the human world and integrate myself with the human world. This method is very safe, but also very dangerous. So Haotian has never been able to find a trace of me."

"I am the human world, and the power of the human world is part of me. Now part of me is in Sangsang's body. From that moment on, He has found me."

The Master looked at Sangsang with a warm smile on his face, without any hostility and even full of doting. He seemed to be looking at his daughter with kindness and said calmly.

"During these days of journey, He has been looking at me, and I have been looking at Him, so I have no taste in eating meat, so I take you all over the world to find meat to eat."

After the master poured the human power into Sangsang's body, he could no longer taste the delicious meat, which made him very distressed, because tasting delicious food was one of his few hobbies.

Sangsang looked at Liu Ying in Surabaya, her thin body trembling slightly and feeling uneasy. She seemed very sad.

"Actually, I have faintly noticed very early on that my fate and yours will be entangled. I am living in the mortal world, caring about human affairs, and my perception is not clear enough. Your senior brother is pure in body and mind, so his perception is better than mine. Be more intense.”

"So after your senior brother came back from the wasteland that year, he kept trying to keep Sang Sang far enough away from me. He was even deceived by Qin Nian into letting you go to Lanke Temple. But at that time, he thought that Sang Sang Sang is the daughter of Hades, but she didn’t expect the truth of the matter to be like this.”

"I don't believe in fate, let alone that my fate is destined to be entangled with hers and inseparable. However, in fact, under the arrangement of God, these things have already been destined."

Master looked at Ning Que, his eyes flashed with memories of the past, full of vicissitudes of life, and he spoke quietly, as if he was telling someone else's story.

"Eighteen years ago, I watched you come out of the woodshed at the back of the academy. I also saw her birth. I saw the blood in the woodshed, and I also saw the dark little baby girl in Mrs. Zeng Jing's room. , but I didn’t know what it meant at the time.”

"She became the daughter of Hades in Lanke Temple, and then you took her and were hunted down by the world. I had many opportunities to take action, but I never took action. Now that I think about it, it was because I was already faintly I am aware of the trajectory of my destiny, so I instinctively want to keep a sufficient distance from this matter."

Ning Que looked gloomy and asked with some fear.

"Then teacher, why did you choose to take action in the end?"

After a moment of silence, the Master laughed, spread his hands and said.

"I don't know, maybe it's because I was really tired of staying in the human world, and subconsciously wanted to see what fate Haotian had arranged for me, so I followed the trend, hoping to use this opportunity to break through my own mental barriers and ascend to heaven. A fight with Haotian?"

"It's also your fault, little uncle. After thousands of years of practice, my character has become calm and tolerant. He insists on going against heaven with a broken sword. He has aroused my anger decades ago and stepped into After reaching Peach Mountain and cutting down the peach blossoms all over the mountain, I only let out a trace of it. After accumulating to this day, I can't help it anymore and want to vent the anger in my heart."

The Master has a fiery temper. He doesn’t look like a teacher. He is also tall and tall. He looks more like a martial artist. However, with such a martial artist’s appearance and character, he has established the most prestigious academy in the world and has become the leader of everyone. Dear Master, it can be said that fate is more wonderful than this.

Ning Que had a nervous expression on his face, and asked softly with worry in his eyes.

"Is this battle inevitable?"

The Master looked at Sangsang with a dignified expression, shook his head and just said lightly.

"Like I said, I put a lot of earthly energy into her, and earthly energy is a part of me, so He's always looking at me, and I'm always looking at Him, and He knows where I am, I also know where He is, so I can no longer refuse His invitation, and this battle is inevitable.”

When the master said this, a smile appeared on his face, he seemed a little proud, and he seemed a little happy.

"It's just that he also miscalculated. He didn't expect that there would be a variable like Zhao Wuhao, a variable that was enough to break the deadlock. He has power and realm that are not weaker than mine, and he has as amazing qualifications as your junior uncle!"

"I don't even know how he crossed the five realms of cultivation, and how he managed to hide it from Haotian's gaze. This is really interesting!"

"Compared to the thousand-year confrontation between Haotian and I, we both know something about each other! But we know nothing about him. I don't know, and Haotian doesn't know either, so it's hard to determine whether I will win or lose this battle. Even Haotian doesn't have any confidence, but he has to do it!"

"Because, he is afraid. He does not dare to let Zhao Wuhao grow. In just a few years, he has already matched my thousand-year cultivation. If he continues to grow, Haotian will need to look up to him!"

Ning Que looked at Sangsang, and his heart was very complicated. He had never thought that the little maid and wife who depended on him would actually be the incarnation of Haotian, a human body. At this time, the emotions in his eyes were extremely complicated, and he used No words can describe it, some are strange, some are familiar, some are sad, some are sad, some are afraid, some are struggling, some are resentful, some are loved, some are confused, and some are painful.

Ning Que wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say. At this time, he wanted to be speechless, but he desperately wanted to express something, and finally just sighed.

Ning Que raised his head and looked at the blue sky, which was as clear as the sea. But such a clear sky hid the most terrifying Haotian in the world. He has always been high up, herding all living beings, harvesting the world, and descending into eternal night. Destroy the world.

"Teacher, are you confident?"

“You’ve never really played, so where does the confidence come from?”

The Master also looked up at the sky, his expression calm and calm, as if it was not him who was about to face a life-and-death battle, but someone else, without any nervousness or anxiety at all.

Sangsang watched the movements of the two people, and also raised her head to look at the sky. After a moment, she withdrew her gaze, with a bright light shining in her eyes, and looked at the Master, her voice was indifferent yet majestic, ethereal yet lofty.

"Actually, I don't have the confidence to defeat you!"

Haotian has arrived. At this time, Sangsang is no longer Sangsang, but Haotian, the King of Hades, the God known to the people, the way of heaven, the wisdom body that governs the rules of the world, the collection of the power of human faith, and The supreme god is an omnipotent being.

But it was difficult for her to be the little maid who depended on Ning Que anymore, and the wife who shared life and death with Ning Que.

Sangsang's feet left the grass by the river, and she floated above the Surabaya River. Her short, yellowish hair instantly became extremely black, and then gradually grew longer, draped over her shoulders like a waterfall, and looked like countless rays of light. Her black pupils turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then merged with the whites of her eyes. Then they became pale, so pale that they seemed to be transparent, and then there was a faint ball of holy light shining.

Two completely different emotions appeared on Sangsang's face. One was the panic, fear and pain of Sangsang in the human world, and the other was the ruthless indifference from above, like a god looking down on the world.

Looking at this scene, Ning Que felt that his heart was suddenly torn into pieces. He cried out in pain, and the corners of his lips were bleeding. He quickly reached out to grab Sangsang's ankles, wanting her to touch her again. Fall into the world.

Seeing this, the master sighed quietly, flicked his sleeves, and froze Ning Que's figure in place, and looked up at Sangsang, whose appearance changed drastically.

On the slowly flowing Surabaya River, Sangsang's body continued to change. Her thin body gradually became plump. Her black clothes were torn and turned into countless strands, revealing her naked skin.

Her long black hair fluttered in the wind, and the expression on her face became more and more painful. Her body kept twisting, like an insect struggling painfully in a spider web, and then gradually stopped, leaving only indifference.

The torn strands of clothes slipped off like water, revealing warm and smooth skin. The thin, ordinary, and sick Sang Sang disappeared. The Sang Sang who appeared in front of him at this time was a beautiful woman who was completely naked. The body is so impeccable and perfect to the extreme.

The perfect body and appearance, coupled with the holy and indifferent divinity, give people a majestic and inviolable sanctity, as if she is like the statue of Haotian goddess enshrined by some Taoist sects.

The only difference between Sangsang and the goddess statue at this time is her skin color. Her skin color still looks a little dark, just like before, whether it is the Sangsang of Weicheng or the Sangsang of Chang'an City, her body has always been Black, but her feet are strange, as white as snow, as gentle as jade, like two snow lotuses.

When the master saw this scene, he seemed to have some enlightenment and said with emotion.

"Being in darkness, stepping on light, that's how it is!"

There is no Pluto in this world, Haotian is Pluto. There is no underworld in this world. When Haotian steps into the human world, the human world becomes the underworld.

Countless rays of light spurted out from Sangsang's body. The calm water surface of Surabaya was like a mirror, condensing the rays into a beam of light and then reflecting it into the high blue sky.

The riverside also began to shine brightly. Countless rays of light came out of the Master's body and were connected with the light gushing out of Sangsang. Part of him was in Sangsang's body, so he could no longer avoid Haotian.

The master looked at the light seeping out of his body and found it very interesting. He even reached out to touch it and played it twice, like playing a piano. Then he looked up at Haotian and asked.

"Is it time?"

There was no emotion on Sangsang's face, and there was no emotion in her voice. She could not distinguish between male and female. There was no fluctuation, but it was not dull, misty and empty. The voice that sounded from her body had countless syllables and was so complex that it was impossible to understand. It was more like the sound of nature.

The master understood it, with a faint smile on his face. Ning Que's realm was too low to understand the meaning at all, but he didn't need to understand the meaning, because he understood that it was time to separate.

At this time, Ning Que's heart was filled with immense sadness and pain. He didn't know who he preferred to win in his heart! Even having this thought made him feel painful and struggling.

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