I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2687 Whereabouts are exposed, one arrow hurts the enemy

The wind on the wasteland was strong, but the pile of ashes was not completely wiped out, because there were several bone relics in the pile of ashes that could not be completely incinerated by any kind of fire.

Looking at the colorful white bone relics in his hands, the seven masters remained silent. The ascetic monks in red robes showed their sad faces and sat down cross-legged around the ashes. They began to recite the Purana Sutra with sincerity. .

Master Qi Mei handed the bones to a monk for safekeeping with a solemn expression. Then he knelt down in front of the ashes, put his hand into the ashes, and began to search silently and quietly. His fingers like stone branches were under the hands of the lecturer. The ashes moved slowly, like a sieve, without missing any place.

The remains of the lecturer were completely burned by the talisman fire. Except for a few bone particles, the rest was reduced to fine white ash. Logically speaking, it should be impossible for the seven masters to discover anything, but as his fingers moved, his His expression became more and more solemn, because his fingertips felt a majestic and indelible aura of awe in the ashes.

Master Qimei stood up and walked towards the way he came. Only then did he remember that when he passed the Bodhi tree before, he always felt that the tree seemed a little different from what he had seen every day for decades. He walked to the Bodhi tree and looked at the small lines of characters carved on the gray bark. The expression on his face became more and more indifferent, and the angry Mingwang flame in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"In the seventeenth year of the Apocalypse, Academy Ning Que and his wife Sangsang, the daughter of Pluto, came here for a visit."

The seven masters were greatly shocked. They brushed the ground with their monk sleeves, and the gravel on the surface of the wasteland rolled randomly, revealing a very shallow rut. After following the rut for dozens of feet, the faint traces of the rut completely disappeared on the wasteland ground. He raised his eyes and looked into the distance, guessing where the black carriage was heading.

Night is approaching, and the world in the tiankeng has entered a long night ahead of schedule. From the yellow temple at the highest point among the giant peaks, you can still see the last sunset. A distant bell rings from that temple, and then gradually moves towards the mountain peak. Below, countless yellow temples rang their bells at the same time.

The bells of the Hanging Temple left the quiet underground world and came to the desolate ground, and then spread in all directions. I believe that in a few days, the entire world will know that the daughter of Pluto is still alive, and she is with the academy Ning Que, Fleeing in the wilderness of the far west.

Deep in the wasteland of the far west, a dusty scholar appeared on the edge of the sinkhole. He looked at the yellow temple between the giant peaks in the center of the sinkhole and asked hurriedly.

"Where is my little junior brother?"

The scholar is naturally Li Manman, the college student. After the news that the black carriage had appeared in Xuankong Temple reached Chang'an City, he once again embarked on a journey to find Ning Que, even though his appearance was haggard and his state was gradually becoming unstable.

Li Manman's voice was very soft. In the snow-covered wasteland, it could only be heard a few feet before disappearing. However, someone in the yellow temple among the distant giant peaks heard it clearly.

A quiet and majestic voice slowly sounded in the air in front of Mr. Da, like a letter being opened and its edges calmly revealed to those who wanted to see the letter.

"Wherever the daughter of Pluto is, Ning Que will naturally be there."

This was the voice of the leader of the lecturer at Xuankong Temple. He was supposed to face the wall for three years, practicing silent meditation without seeing anyone.

A year ago, the first lecturer chose to face the wall for three years and practice silent meditation. No one knew why this living Buddha did this. They only knew that after the incident at Lanke Temple, he stepped into the cave. , even when the disciple Qi Nian returned to Xuankong Temple to report the final results of the daughter of Hades, he never appeared, as if he had sat in the cave and passed into nirvana.

But now the traces of the daughter of Pluto have reappeared, and the leader of the lecturer finally left the house, violating the agreement he made with Zhao Wuhao, because he already understood why Zhao Wuhao made him face the wall for three years and practice silent meditation. , in order to avoid the leakage of the news that the daughter of Pluto is still alive.

Now that the daughter of Pluto appeared again, the leader did not want the world to be invaded by the underworld. Even though he was extremely afraid of Zhao Wuhao, he still made a choice and resolutely broke through the barrier, preparing to eliminate the daughter of Pluto.

Li slowly looked at the temple in the snow and fog, and was silent for a long time. He understood the meaning of the sentence in the first lecture hall, but didn't know how to answer, so he could only remain silent.

The voice of the lecturer once again sounded in front of him, like a wake-up call.

"The human world is a human world, with a lot of suffering, but also a lot of joy. Everyone in it has responsibilities and obligations to maintain the existence of this world. This is why the daughter of Pluto cannot exist."

"Killing the daughter of Hades is not a matter between Buddhism and Taoism, but the will of the entire human world. Since Ning Que wants to live and die with her, if the Academy wants to protect Ning Que, it must do so with the entire human world. Against the will.”

"The Academy is the foundation of the Tang Kingdom. Now even many people in the Tang Kingdom have begun to oppose the stance of the Academy. How can you defeat the entire world? Master, can't you even understand this?"

The eldest brother covered his mouth and coughed twice in pain, his face a little pale.

More than ten days ago, the Xiling Temple officially announced the true identity of the daughter of Pluto. This directly caused the Tang Dynasty to fall into the most intense dispute in hundreds of years. The reason was the relationship between Ning Que and the daughter of Pluto, and the academy has never known it. Clearly expressing their attitude, almost all officials and people questioned the academy.

The voice of the lecturer of Xuankong Temple rose with the wind and snow on the edge of the sinkhole, and said, full of pity.

"Even if you know where Ning Que is and find the black carriage, what can you do?"

"Can you kill everyone in the world and bring that black carriage back to the academy? You have no way to take them away, and you have no way to stop the world. Faced with the world's fear and hatred of the daughter of Pluto, even if you are The fastest man in the world, even if the master takes action himself, it will be meaningless."

Li's expression gradually became darker, and his cough became more rapid. He seemed to feel the coldness of the extreme western wilderness. He couldn't bear the cold wind, so he couldn't help but tighten his tight cotton clothes, as if this was the only way to make his heart grow stronger. My chilly heart feels a little warmer.

The cloud in the sky became bigger and thicker.

The shadow cast by the clouds has shrouded most of Chaoyang City. When the morning sun rises, Chaoyang City welcomes a very brief moment of morning light. Then as the sun rises above the clouds, the city once again falls into gloomy weather. middle.

Starting last night, thousands of Yuelun Kingdom soldiers, led by Buddhist ascetic monks, have been searching along every street for Chaoyang City under the clouds. This search was carried out very carefully, and no one dared to be careless. , every household was knocked open, and places such as water tanks and grain cellars were not spared. Only after Li Zheng and three neighbors confirmed that no outsiders lived, a red paper was posted on the door to indicate that no problem.

Although the area of ​​Chaoyang City covered by the shadow of clouds is large, with so many people searching door to door and gradually eliminating suspicions, there will always be a time when the two people hiding under the clouds can be found.

That moment arrived earlier than everyone expected. Neither the seven masters of Xuankong Temple nor Luo Kedi and his eighteen Xiling divine guards had expected it.

An ascetic monk from the Hanging Temple was leading a dozen soldiers to search along a creek. Suddenly, a black crow appeared on a dead tree in front of him.

The ascetic monk looked at the crow and frowned slightly. He stretched out his hand and waved it away, intending to drive it away. However, the black crow didn't seem to be afraid of humans. Instead, it squawked at him several times in a very sad manner.

After chirping several times, the black crow rose from the branch, flew around the head of the ascetic monk three times, and then flew upstream towards the stream. After flying about ten feet away, it landed on another tree and quacked again. Called twice.

Practitioners in the world are basically followers of Haotian. Although the disciples of the Buddhist sect worship the Buddha, they have no doubts about those things in the world. Seeing the strange behavior of the black crow, the ascetic monk's expression gradually condensed and he motioned to the More than a dozen sergeants searched the spot, and then followed the black crow to the north of the creek.

After walking about a few miles and walking about five or six streets and alleys, the ascetic monk watched the black crow fly into a small courtyard dozens of feet away by the stream, and his expression changed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the ascetic monk's eyes fell on a green tree in front of him, and he saw a clear punch hole in the hard trunk. His pupils shrank suddenly, and his expression changed drastically.

The ascetic monk suddenly thought that if the two people in the small courtyard were really the two people in the legend, and his Zen mind was restless due to fear, he was afraid that he would be sensed by the other party in an instant. When he thought of this, he actually condensed his Zen mind and calmed down. , force everything he saw and guessed out of his mind.

The ascetic monk clasped his hands together, with an expressionless face and no thoughts. Like a muddy clay statue, he slowly left the stream and walked through the narrow alley, following the instinct deep in his consciousness and heading somewhere. He walked through several streets and alleys in this state. No matter the calls from his fellow apprentices or the strange eyes of the sergeants, he could not stop until he slowly walked into the White Pagoda Temple.

The bells of the White Pagoda Temple woke up the ascetic monk from his unconscious state. He looked at his fellow disciples who were gathered around him, with a look of confusion in his eyes. Then he suddenly woke up, showing endless fear, and vomited blood with a pop. Come, said extremely weakly.

"found it."

Luo Kedi, the commander of the divine guards of the Xiling Temple, was the most trusted person of the temple leader. He looked at the small courtyard in the distance. His burly mountain-like body did not tremble at all, and there was no emotion on his rock-like cheeks. His eyes The burning fighting spirit in his eyes seemed to burn everything in sight to ashes. Eighteen Xiling divine guards, wearing red cloaks, stood on both sides of his body with solemn expressions, carrying long god-given swords on their backs. Looking at the width of the scabbards, you can imagine how heavy these god-given long swords are.

Master Qi Mei stood next to Luo Kedi, quietly looking at the small courtyard in the distance, and said after a long silence.

"Who would have thought that the daughter of Pluto would be hiding in Chaoyang City?"

The place where the two strong men stood was two streets away from the small courtyard. The reason why they kept this distance was because the murderous intent in their bodies was so strong that even their realms could not cover it.

"What's the point of us standing here like this? Waiting for Ning Que to come out or waiting for Ning Que to leave. If I can only watch, why should I come all the way to Moon Wheel Country to watch? If watching is to take action, why should we If we don’t take action, why are we waiting here?”

Luo Kedi looked at the seven masters expressionlessly, and asked with a trace of eagerness and impatience flashing deep in his eyes.

"My Buddha is compassionate and has the angry face of King Kong. Since I came to see them, I naturally didn't want to watch them leave, but to watch the daughter of Pluto die. As for waiting, the entire world has been waiting for more than a year. If you wait a little longer, What does it matter?"

Hearing this, Luo Kedi frowned slightly and asked with some confusion.

"Who are you waiting for?"

The seven masters clasped their hands together, their faces full of admiration and reverence, and said in a solemn voice.

"By the time the first sermon reaches the city, it should be close by the distance."

Luo Kedi was shocked when he heard this. The first lecturer in Xuankong Temple was a living Buddha, a great figure alongside the master of Zhishou Temple. Is such a true Buddha about to come and enter the human world?

Although he thought so, Luo Kedi was still unwilling to wait. He couldn't wait to defeat Ning Que and kill the daughter of Pluto, and retorted.

"With so many of us, Ning Que cannot be our opponent. There is no way the daughter of Pluto will leave Chaoyang City alive!"

"You are the leader of the Xuankong Temple's Venerable Hall, and I am the commander of the divine guards of the Xiling Temple. Both in strength and realm, I am above Ning Que. The master leader and the leader of the Lectures have chosen you and me. Come to kill the daughter of Hades, you and me. We all understand why, even if Ning Que is Master’s direct disciple, it is impossible for him to escape?”

Master Qi Mei raised his head and glanced at Luo Kedi, with a somewhat strange look on his face, and reminded him.

"Don't you notice that you talk more?"

"so what?"

Luo Kedi asked in confusion, an expression of impatience appeared on his face. The soldiers were very fast. Since they already knew the traces of Ning Que and the daughter of Hades and had surrounded them, why should they continue to wait.

"This means you are getting nervous! Of course I am too!"

Master Qi Mei sighed, relieved his inner emotions, and said this.

"There is no shame in being nervous. It has only been more than a year since Ning Que entered the fate-knowing realm. Logically speaking, it is impossible to defeat us! But you should also know that from the time he defeated Prince Longqing and entered the second floor of the academy to what happened next It’s hard to find any reason for many things in this young man.”

"The most important thing is that although the daughter of Pluto is seriously ill and is weak, how can you be sure at the last moment whether she will burst out with terrifying power that is enough to destroy us?"

Luo Kedi was silent, feeling that his mood was a little restless. He took a deep breath. This breath was extremely domineering. His chest swelled like a peak rising in the plain. At this moment, his expression suddenly changed. The small courtyard in the distance was still quiet. He didn't see anyone or any movement, but he felt an extremely strong danger!

Luo Kedi let out a sharp roar and stomped his right foot to the ground. Pieces of the ground he stomped shattered into pieces. With the huge force of the shock, he suddenly fell backwards without hesitation.

At the same time, he let out a sharp roar to remind everyone around him, especially because he was taking a deep breath at this time, and his chest and abdomen were filled with countless air. If he did not release this air in the shortest time, he would Then he won't be able to achieve the fastest speed at all, and he will most likely be seriously injured if he is attacked!

At the same time as the whistle sounded, an extremely round small hole suddenly appeared on the wooden door of the small courtyard in the distance. The hole was only three fingers wide, and no sawdust could be seen flying. It appeared quietly and strangely!

The dark and sharp iron arrow ignored time and passed through a distance of tens of feet before arriving in front of Luo Kedi. Ning Que aimed at the moment when Luo Kedi took a deep breath and fired the arrow. How could he let him Avoiding it, the dark iron arrow hit Luo Ke's enemy in the left shoulder!

It was obviously just an arrow, but its effect was like a sledgehammer falling from the sky and hitting a majestic mountain peak, making a loud noise like thunder!

An extremely powerful talisman suddenly appeared on the armor under Luo Kedi's cloak. Thin golden threads flashed on the surface of the armor, trying to block the iron arrow from the armor! The armor he is wearing is a rune armor made jointly by the Talisman Master of the Xiling Temple and the Ministry of Industry of the Southern Jin Dynasty. Even in the entire Xiling Temple, there are only three sets of armor of this level. If the headmaster had not trusted him, He is not qualified to wear it at all.

The reason why Luo Kedi treated Ning Que with contempt was because he believed that Ning Que's most powerful weapon, the Yuan Thirteen Arrows, could not pose any threat to him at all. But just before the thin round arrow hole appeared strangely on the small courtyard door, and just when he sensed the strong sense of danger, he knew he was wrong.

The iron arrow pierced hard into the armor, the tail of the arrow trembled at high speed, and the sharp arrow clusters kept spinning, tearing out an arrow hole in the golden rune armor, and then continued to crush Luo Kedi's body-protecting essence. Gas, suddenly go deep!

Luo Kedi fell heavily to the ground, like a mountain collapsing, throwing up countless smoke and dust. A terrifying large hole appeared in his armor. The flesh and blood inside the armor hole were blurred, and white bones could even be seen. Countless blood spurted out from the blood hole like a waterfall!

As the leader of the Xiling Temple, Luo Kedi has experienced countless battles over the past decades and has extremely rich combat experience, so he can sense danger in advance before Ning Que fires the arrow, and howls out forcefully. Just because the jade mountain collapsed, he didn't let that terrifying iron arrow hit his heart.

Even so, this proud and arrogant figure in the Xiling Temple was still seriously injured. If he hadn't had strong martial arts skills and wore the talisman armor given by the master, he would have been severely injured even if he was hit by an arrow in his left shoulder. , the arm will be broken directly, and there will be no more strength to fight.

Luo Kedi was lying on the ground, his burly body surrounded by rocks and mud that had been thrown up. The cloud looked like a toppling mountain, and the blood spurting from his left shoulder was like the turbulent waterfalls and streams in the mountain. . He looked at the thick layer of dark clouds in the sky, his face became extremely pale, and his eyes showed extremely violent fighting spirit and anger. He slapped the ground heavily with his right hand, roared and bounced up, towards the distant tower. Xiaoyuan rushed.

The power of Yuan Shisan's arrow exceeded Luo Kedi's imagination, but he did not shoot him to death after all. He believed that as long as he moved, the man in the small courtyard would not be able to target his head and face, so as long as he could survive With this distance of more than a hundred feet, if you approach the small courtyard, you will definitely be able to kill that hateful guy!

Eighteen Xiling Divine Guards held the hilts of their swords and followed Luo Kedi as they rushed toward the small courtyard. Under the clouds, only red cloaks were fluttering. The momentum was extremely majestic and astonishing. They looked like thousands of troops. !

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