I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2686: Already invincible, they are all lunatics

After a while, Li Manchuan, who had fainted, stood up unsteadily. The cotton-padded clothes on his body were already blood-red, and most of the flesh, flesh and bones on his body were torn and broken. No one knew what kind of power was supporting him. Standing up, such a serious injury could be fatal, but he could still stand up, and even remained awake, but his originally gentle face was full of paleness and weakness, and his eyes looked at the ruins on the stone steps. It was terrifyingly bright, as if there were two bright suns shining in the depths of his eyes, full of heat and persistence.

Li slowly stood up and looked at the rainy sky. His eyes were slightly narrowed in the rapid rain. His face was still pale and haggard, and he suddenly turned around and walked up the stone steps.

The Buddhist temple was in ruins. Li slowly waved his cotton sleeves. The cotton protruding from the cracks in his cotton clothes floated away like silk. The masonry waste around his body was quickly cleared away at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

Jun Mo knew that his senior brother had forcibly broken through too many times today and suffered serious injuries. If he continued like this, it would have an irreparable impact on his cultivation and state of mind, so he quickly stopped him and said seriously.

"Brother, I will do it."

Li Manman is a very slow person, he does everything slowly, has a slow temper, a slow temper, everything is slow, but he understands that Wu Jian, the fastest in the world, is precisely because he is usually slow, so he can Be quick at the critical moment, shake your head slightly and say.

"I'm anxious now."

Li Manman always walked in a calm and leisurely manner, even to the point of panicking. However, today, he became the most anxious person in the world. Naturally, he was anxious about Ning Que's life and death.

Jun Mo said nothing more. Regardless of his injuries, he held the iron sword in his hand and thrust it into the ground, and began to assist his senior brother. He was also concerned about the life and death of his younger junior brother.

In a very short period of time, the ruins of the Buddhist temple were cleared by the two of them, and even the foundation of the Buddhist temple was dug up by Jun Mo. However, they still did not find the chessboard.

Could it be that Ning Que and Sang Sang really had no bones left? But even if there were no bones left, there should still be some traces left.

The autumn rain fell more and more rapidly, and there was a dead silence around the ruins of the Buddhist temple. Apart from the sound of rain, nothing could be heard. The rainwater gradually poured into the dug foundation, gradually accumulating puddles everywhere.

Li slowly looked at the puddles everywhere in the ruins, and suddenly his expression changed slightly. In the deepest part of the foundation of the Buddhist temple, surrounded by earthen walls with traces of the iron sword still remaining, he could vaguely see a building about ten feet in diameter. The base of the pagoda has been buried under the Buddhist temple for who knows how many years. It has long been in dilapidated condition. In the middle of the pagoda base, there is a dry well filled with earth, and the wellhead has long been broken.

Jun Mo rushed to the base of the tower, held the iron sword in his hand and stabbed again, then shook his head. The light in his eyes dimmed a bit. There were no gaps in the sealed soil in the dry well, and it reached directly to the ground. There was no passage at all. Ning Que and Sang Even if Sang abandoned the black carriage, there was no way he could escape from here.

With such a ruined well and ruined building, how can it be filled with colorful flowers?

Ye Su and others watched Li Manman and the others rummaging through the ruins and digging out the foundation of the Buddhist temple. They remained silent because they knew that Mr. Big and Mr. Two looked silent and calm at this time, but in fact their emotions had reached the point of explosion. At this time, even the master of Zhishou Temple and the leader of the lectures were not willing to provoke these two people at the same time.

Li slowly walked out of the ruins and walked to Qi Nian. He looked at him silently for a long time and said with self-blame. "I shouldn't discuss this matter with you in Chang'an City. I always thought that since you are a Buddhist and yearn for it, you should always have some compassion."

Ning Que and Sang Sang came to Lanke Temple because of Li Manman's influence. He was deceived by Qin Nian and harmed Ning Que and Sang Sang, so he felt so guilty and blamed himself.

Qi Nian was covered in blood, but his expression was peaceful. He had completed his mission and saved the world from destruction and was invaded by the underworld. He had no regrets and said solemnly.

"It was an evil thing for me to take advantage of Mr. Da's trust in the Buddha Sect. However, I did this precisely because the Buddha Sect has great compassion for the world."

Li slowly shook his head and sighed, with a look of guilt and regret on his face, and said with great disapproval.

"Buddhism has no small compassion for a lonely and weak woman, so how can it have great compassion for the world? Even if it does, what is the meaning of such great compassion?"

After listening to these words, there was silence in front of the ruins of the temple. The faces of the Buddhist cultivators in the temple were thoughtful, and Qin Nian's expression changed slightly.

"The teacher once said that I am just a bright and clear mountain stream. I have never encountered a real fork or quagmire. I am much luckier than my junior brother. It was not until I was deceived and used by you today that I understood what the teacher meant. What, this is the first time I have felt this kind of pain and anger.”

Li Manman is the most powerful person in Qinian's generation, but as the lecturer said, he has a gentle temperament and has never killed anyone in his life, so he is not dangerous and easy to deceive, even if he is deceived He, he will only suffer in the end without doing anything to the other person.

It is said that before Li Manman entered the academy, he lived in a small town and raised a few fish in the stone pond in front of his home. Then the fish were eaten by his neighbors. He went to ask the neighbors, and the neighbors told him what they were. The fish swam away on its own, but he actually believed it to be true, and sighed with regret as he faced the stone pond with only clear water left.

"Fish, fish, swim, swim, why did you just swim away and disappear?"

This is probably what a gentleman can deceive. However, no one has ever seen the academy master be as angry as he was today. He stared at Qin Nian and said very seriously and solemnly.

"I don't know how to fight, otherwise I will definitely have a fight with you now, or when I learn to fight later, I will go to the Xuankong Temple to find you."

Jun Mo looked at Qi Nian with an indifferent expression, his eyes glowed coldly, and he said coldly.

"I won't kill you today. After my academy retrieves my junior brother, he will go to Xuankong Temple to kill you. If the academy determines that it can no longer find his junior brother, then I will accompany him to Xuankong Temple to find you. Please go back and give the sermon to the leader."

Different words are telling the same thing. People in the autumn rain suddenly felt cold all over, thinking silently, is the academy planning to declare war on the Hanging Temple?

Tang, the descendant of the Demon Sect, was sitting on the steps. He was the only one who did not take any action in this matter. He just watched from the sidelines. Hearing this, he looked at the silent Qin Nian and couldn't help but think to himself.

"If I were a monk at Xuankong Temple, I would definitely pray to Buddha to bless Ning Que and keep him alive."

"If Ning Que dies, can Xuankong Temple withstand the academy's violent revenge?"

However, Qi Nian was not moved. He looked at the two people in the academy in front of him and said calmly.

"This is the will of the Buddha. How can a mortal change it? Ning Que and the daughter of Hades must be dead. If the academy wants to destroy the Buddha, let's see if it can be destroyed."

"Buddha was also a mortal back then."

Jun Mo looked up at the stone statue of Buddha on the top of Washan Mountain in the distance in the rainy sky. He looked at the compassionate and solemn face of the stone Buddha and the still bright and solemn light of Buddha in the palm of the stone Buddha. He was disgusted and angry.

"From today on, bald donkeys are not allowed to enter our Tang Dynasty."

After saying this, Jun Mo's face turned slightly pale, his loose robes fluttered against the rain, and his broad and straight iron sword left his hand and flew into the air, instantly piercing the layers of rain and stabbing at the stone statue of Buddha on the top of the mountain in the distance.

The stone statue of Buddha on the top of Washan Mountain is extremely tall, as if the real Buddha is overlooking the world. Compared with the stone statue of Buddha, the iron sword is like an inconspicuous small piece of iron.

However, the iron sword was filled with Jun Mo's most violent emotions, his most contemptuous attitude, and his most absolute order. How could a stone Buddha with no sense or knowledge be able to compete with it?

The right hand of the stone statue of Buddha was severed at the wrist. It fell from a very high altitude, startling the goshawks and disrupting the autumn rain. After an unknown amount of time, it fell to the ground with a loud muffled sound.

There are several horizontal and vertical lines on the face of the stone statue of Buddha. Looking from a distance, it looks like a naughty child has playfully flicked it with ink lines several times. The expression of compassion suddenly becomes extremely funny.

Those lines were cut out by the iron sword and penetrated deeply into the back of the Buddha's stone statue. After a while, the face of the Buddha's stone statue began to collapse, and rocks continued to fall.

On the Buddha statue, huge rocks began to peel off, and then the rate of collapse gradually accelerated. There were continuous thunderous crashes from the top of Washan Mountain. Countless smoke and dust rose into the sky, and even a sudden rain could not extinguish it in a short time. The vibrations on the top of the mountain even reached the Lanke Temple at the foot of the mountain.

Hundreds of boulders began to roll down the mountain, and the momentum became more and more frightening. They followed the mountain towards the dilapidated Lanke Temple.

The people in the back temple were so shocked that they supported their injured companions or carried the body of the deceased and began to run away towards the front temple of the middle temple. Amidst countless impact sounds, the huge boulder formed by the collapse of the Buddha statue easily smashed through the ancient temple wall, crushing the remains of the Buddhist temple into even more pieces. It ran over the stone flats and crushed the broken bells. It was extremely terrifying.

I don't know how long it took, but it finally calmed down, and the smoke gradually receded. People who took refuge in the square in front of the temple gradually calmed down and turned around to look, only to see that most of the Lanke Temple was filled with huge rocks and flattened.

Looking at the instantly destroyed Lanke Temple, it took people a long time to wake up from the shock. The surviving monks in the temple couldn't help crying loudly. Some monks looked at the temple that was still standing upright in the autumn wind and rain. Gao Guan was extremely sad and angry but also extremely frightened.

"You lunatic, do you think the academy is really invincible?"

Jun Mo did not turn around. He took out a dust-free white handkerchief from his sleeve, slowly and carefully wiped away the blood that overflowed from the corners of his lips, looked at the monks, and said firmly.

"My academy is invincible."

The monk who had just scolded him did not expect that he would hear such an answer. After being stunned for a moment, he laughed crazily and cursed resentfully.

"Even if your academy is invincible, you can only be invincible now! One day, God will open his eyes and take you in! Just like he took in that lunatic Hao Ranran back then!"

With Jun Mo's usual temperament, it would be another storm if he heard someone call his junior uncle a madman, but at this time he just stood quietly beside Li Manman without saying a word.

Qinian looked at the Lankegu Temple that had turned into a pile of huge rocks, thinking about the previous scene, and was silent for a long time. Then he looked down at the bloody mouth left by the two magic symbols on his chest. Thinking of the wounds caused by these academy disciples, he said in a slightly astringent voice.

"The academy is indeed a bunch of lunatics. You have no respect at all. How can you find true peace?"

Jun Mo ignored Qinian and the monks from Lanke Temple, but turned to look at Tang aside, tilted his head slightly, and asked.

"If you don't stay in the wilderness, what are you doing here?"

Tang was still burly and rugged, showing the tenacity tempered by the severe cold in the extreme northern wilderness. He was naked to the waist, with runes embroidered on his exposed skin. He was dazzled and looked ferocious, with beast-like eyes staring at Jun. street.

"Let me take a look!"

"What are you here to see?"

"Watch you kill someone!"

Tang did not take action from beginning to end this time. The reason is very simple. This is a matter of the Central Plains. The people of the Central Plains are fighting each other. It has nothing to do with the Demon Sect who has fled into the wasteland. There is another point that made Tang not take action.

Tang's sister Tang Xiaotang, this girl went to Chang'an City, worshiped in the academy, and became a disciple of the third master of the academy, Yu Lian, so Ning Que is still Tang Xiaotang's junior uncle. He does not look at the monk's face when he looks at the Buddha's face, Tang For the sake of my sister's position and situation, I would not take action, I would just stand by and watch.

"My academy doesn't like killing people, but I know how to kill people if I can, so you don't have to worry."

Tang knew that when Jun Mo said "don't worry", he meant that he didn't have to worry about his sister's education in the academy, so he nodded his thanks.

"If my junior brother appears in the wasteland, please send him back to Chang'an."

"If the daughter of Hades comes with us, I can't guarantee that I won't take action."

Jun Mo raised his eyebrows slightly and said no more. Although Tang had never taken action, he still had a strong murderous intention towards Sangsang, the daughter of Pluto. He believed deeply in the legend of Pluto, or in other words, everyone in the world believed in the legend of Pluto. That's why what happened today.

"Let's go."

Li slowly said to Jun Mo, and then walked towards the town at the foot of the mountain, with Jun Mo following closely behind.

Looking at the backs of the two people who gradually disappeared in the autumn rain, Ye Su suddenly spoke and asked Tang.

"I have lost five years of cultivation just to destroy the stone statue of Buddha to show off my power. Are you going to do this or not?"

Tang thought about the previous scene of Jun Mo wiping the blood from the corners of his lips, shook his head and said.

"Only a madman would do something like this."

Ye Su also thought so and said with emotion.

"Since the death of Mr. Ke, the second floor of the academy has rarely set foot in the world. Many foolish people have forgotten the story of the academy. After today, no one will dare to forget it."

Tang Shuo was thoughtful after hearing this, and sighed as he remembered that his sister had entered the back mountain of the academy and became a disciple of Mr. San.

"My Ming Zong is regarded as a monster by your Taoist and Buddhist sects. Now it seems that the academy is acting even crazier than us. No wonder the academy does not treat me as an alien like you."

Ye Su's eyes flashed slightly, and he looked at the continuous autumn rain. He seemed to have infinite sadness in his heart, and he commented to the point.

"The Buddhist sect has been doing what they think should be done. Our Taoist sect is doing the right thing, but you Demonic sect is opposing it just to oppose it. As long as the Taoist and Buddhist sects want to do something, you will do the opposite. Only in the academy, they only do what makes them happy, and that’s the difference.”

In the late autumn of the 16th year of the Apocalypse, an autumn rain fell on Washan Mountain, causing a mudslide and then a landslide. The largest stone statue of Buddha in the world collapsed. Most of Lanke Temple was buried. The thousand-year-old temple was reduced to ruins. The monks in the temple suffered heavy casualties. People and tourists escaped because they did not enter the temple.

Of course, these are official statements. If the human world can continue to exist, it will probably be described in the history books in this way. The truth of the matter will probably only be found in the Xiling Canon and the Buddhist secret scriptures.

Only a few people now know that the disaster that almost destroyed Lanke Temple had nothing to do with nature, but the Buddha's attempt to suppress the daughter of Hades. Unfortunately, the academy stood on the opposite side of the Buddha.

In this battle, the leader of the Discipline Hall of Xuankong Temple died, the Buddhist monk Qin Nian was seriously injured, and the monks of Lanke Temple and representatives of various practicing sects suffered heavy casualties. Those who were lucky enough to survive also received the most severe warning not to mention this matter again. thing.

Perhaps because they were worried about causing panic in the world, Taoist sects and Buddhist sects tightly blocked the news of the arrival of the daughter of Hades. Even many people in the Xiling Temple did not know that the disciple of the God of Light, the Daughter of Light, had become a temple. The biggest enemy.

Since Kehao, the back mountain of the academy, which had not appeared in the spiritual world for many years, finally took action in this battle. The great strength and incredible realm shown by the academy's first and second gentlemen in this battle shocked the entire spiritual world. , which reminded many people of certain things from that year, and once again confirmed that the Academy was indeed invincible.

The academy also suffered extremely serious losses in this battle. Ning Que, whose realm has improved so fast that he has gradually been regarded as the academy's future contemporary walker, disappeared without a trace along with the daughter of Pluto and the black carriage.

And after this incident, although His Majesty Li Zhongyi, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, did not issue a decree to destroy Buddhism, he also issued a ban, which spread throughout the world. All Buddhist monks were strictly prohibited from entering the Tang realm.

Ning Que and Sang Sang have been missing for a whole year. No one knows where they have gone. They seem to have disappeared into thin air. Logically speaking, the two of them must have died, and the governor of Chang'an has already issued death documents. In fact, many people believe they are not dead.

Some people don't believe that Ning Que and Sang Sang will die because their bodies were not found in Lanke Temple. Some people don't believe it because they don't want Ning Que and Sang Sang to die. But no matter what it is, people Unable to find or even guess where they are now if they are not dead?

Hidden in the huge sinkhole underground, still shrouded in clouds and mist, with the yellow temples looming between the giant peaks, it was quiet and peaceful. Suddenly, a very calm and distant Buddha's name rang out from one of the temples.

After a while, dozens of ascetic monks wearing crimson robes climbed to the ground along the steep stone path between the cliffs. The faces of these monks had no expression and they looked like stones.

The leading monk was wearing a monk's uniform that was obviously different from others. He was the first of the seven monks in the Venerable Hall of Xuankong Temple. He squinted slightly and frowned slightly as he looked at the desolate wilderness in front of him.

The master lecturer of Xuankong Temple was sentenced to the wilderness to practice hard work by the Discipline Hall three years ago because he violated the Buddhist precepts. The time has come for the expiration of the hard work period. Today, the master lecturer should return to Xuankong Temple, but instead No one saw the master lecturer at all.

The seven leaders led the ascetic soldiers, following the induction, and walked towards the depths of the wasteland. They continued until dusk, when the twilight was as dark as blood, and they finally saw a cloud of ashes.

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