I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2430: The crowd making noises, the tempted Hongdou

Xie Zhiyao felt completely desperate for Li Qingyan's straight behavior. He silently slapped his forehead with his left hand, feeling very sympathetic to Xu Hongdou.

"I also thought it was quite interesting. I have never attended a wedding like this. I even pinched the bride's cheek. It was so funny!"

When a man and a woman are dating, the key to whether a woman is happy or not is whether she likes you. If a woman likes you, you can take her fishing for a day, and she will find it very interesting and happy. If a woman is not interested in you, she will be bored and unhappy even if you take her to experience the most romantic thing in the world.

Xie Zhiyao was as full as if he had eaten a meal of dog food. He closed his mouth and didn't want to talk anymore. He was very silent for the rest of the way.

In the evening, as night fell, the lights in Youfeng Xiaoyuan were brightly lit. In order to express their welcome to Xu Hongdou, everyone in Youfeng Xiaoyuan gathered together.

Various kinds of kebabs, delicacies, fruits, and beers were placed on the table. Everyone gathered around, chatting, drinking, and eating barbecue. The atmosphere was very harmonious.

Even Da Mai, who was usually very silent and shy, became talkative after a few glasses of beer, talking a little more than usual and complaining a lot.

"You know, my dad didn't agree with me writing a novel at all, so I left home in anger and came here!"

"My dad wants me to take the civil service exam and have a stable job. In his eyes, online novel writers are not doing their job properly and cannot be considered a profession. They are just hanging out and waiting to die!"

"There are also readers who find fault with me all day long. Some readers are just little hesitians who find fault with everything. Everything I write is wrong and I have to be scolded by them. It's really abominable!"

"The editor is also urging me to publish tomorrow, and I have a headache from her urging!"

"Even so, I'm still a transparent, streetwise author, and my royalties are barely enough to support myself. It's so hard to write a novel!"

"You guys think, should I go home and take the civil service exam? Like my dad said, when my job is settled, I can just get married!"

Maybe it was because she had been silent for too long, or maybe she was under too much pressure. After drinking, Damai obviously turned into a talkative person. She kept talking with her small mouth and complained a lot in one go. It was obvious that she was also very talkative now. Embarrassed and full of confusion about the future.

Xu Hongdou looked at Damai as if looking at her younger sister, patted Damai's head comfortingly, stretched out her arms to hug Damai, and said softly.

"You are so good, Damai, you will definitely become an excellent novel writer!"

Damai seemed to feel Xu Hongdou's concern. He tilted his head and leaned on Xu Hongdou's shoulder. He hugged Xu Hongdou's arm tightly with both hands, treating her as a support and full of dependence.

Nana was also affected by barley, with a look of disappointment on her face, as if she was remembering something unhappy. She picked up the wine glass and started drinking heavily, but she did not choose to talk to everyone about her feelings.

Mr. Ma also had a bit of dejection on his face, and he drank all the beer in his hand and sighed.

"I am over 40 years old. I have started several businesses. When I was most successful, I was worth at least hundreds of millions! Now, I owe a lot of debt, and my parents helped pay it off. It is such a failure!"

"I don't dare to go home now. I don't know how to face my parents. I've really embarrassed them. Not only did I fail to be filial to them, but I also burdened them. I'm such a bastard."

Mr. Ma seemed to be on top as well, and slapped himself hard. The mark of the slap clearly appeared on his face, which was bright red, showing how hard he had exerted himself.

Hu Youyu didn't give in too much, with confusion about the future on his face. He said he was a singer, but in fact he was just a bar singer. He had no reputation and no masterpieces. He lived in a haze every day and didn't know what tomorrow would be like. It seemed like Duckweed is content with whatever comes his way, unable to find his own destination.

"I'm the same. I write and sing songs every day, but I don't see any hope. I don't know how long I can sing, and I don't know what I will do in the future if I stop singing. I don't know anything else except music. meeting!"

Hu Youyu sighed, drank all the beer in his cup, picked up the guitar next to him, and spoke loudly to everyone.

"Let me sing to everyone a song I just wrote!"

""Wind" is for everyone!"

Hu Youyu held the guitar and gently plucked his fingers on the strings. A melodious and soothing tune sounded. Everyone stopped their movements and looked at Hu Youyu quietly, listening to the song.

"Always longing for and getting closer to the ideal. The more eager you are, the more clumsy you look. It sees your messiness and my panic, but it doesn't make any noise."

"Some people stop, and some wander around as usual."

"Life is a room, days are windows, the stories you want happen around you, every window, people are forgetful!"

Hu Youyu sang very emotionally, as if it resonated with his own emotional experience, and everyone listened very attentively. This song was really well written, and it expressed everyone's helplessness and aroused their concerns.

Everyone in the world cannot have smooth sailing. They all have their own troubles, big or small, difficult or easy, and they are all different. Nine times out of ten, life will be unsatisfactory, and there will never be a shortage of interesting people in the world.

After Hu Youyu sang a song, everyone was immersed in the singing and thoughts. Only one person remained unmoved. Li Qingyan was playing string strings and drinking wine, enjoying himself and not being affected by the low mood of the crowd at all.

Xu Hongdou looked sideways at the leisurely and contented Li Qingyan, feeling a little unhappy. Everyone was worried, but why did this guy seem to be fine and seemed very happy? He couldn't help but ask.

"Li Qingyan, aren't you worried?"

The voice was crisp and very pleasant, but there was a bit of resentment in the words, showing the owner's inner imbalance.

"Yes, I have!"

Li Qingyan was slightly stunned, stopped what he was doing, looked into Xu Hongdou's eyes, and said very seriously.

"What's bothering you?"

Xu Hongdou asked curiously, turning his head and leaning his body in the direction of Li Qingyan. He seemed to be very interested in Li Qingyan's troubles and was ready to listen.

Everyone also showed interest, and all of them looked at Li Qingyan, waiting for his next words.

"Does it count if he's too handsome?"

Li Qingyan frowned slightly, lowered his head, thought very seriously, rubbed his chin with his fingers, and then spoke.

"What kind of trouble is this? Are you Falsai?!"

With a ridiculous look on his face, Hu Youyu put down the guitar he was holding and complained speechlessly.

"It's not about showing off, being too handsome is really a worry!"

Li Qingyan put down the skewers in his hand, raised his eyes, glanced at Hu Youyu, and continued.

"You're not handsome enough, so naturally you can't understand my troubles!"

Hu Youyu felt a pain in his heart, as if someone had stabbed him hard in the heart. He was a little injured and said angrily.

"I'm also a handsome guy, okay? Many girls in the bar like me and want to fall in love with me!"

Li Qingyan was noncommittal. In a place like a bar where hormones are overflowing, men and women are affected by the dark and restless environment and can easily fall into lust. It is just an impulse. As long as they are not too ugly, they can have an affair at any time.

"If a man is handsome, he will know how proactive and bold women are. No matter where they go, they will be approached. Some women with hot personalities will even tease them with their hands and feet!"

Li Qingyan looked like he couldn't bear to look back on the past, which made Master Ma and Hu Youyu full of jealousy. How come they had never encountered such a good thing? It was really enviable.

Nana listened to Li Qingyan's complaint and immediately laughed, attracting everyone's attention. She didn't understand what was so funny about it.

When Nana saw everyone looking at her, she waved her hands and explained quickly.

"Maybe what Li Qingyan said is true!"

"I saw a very sexy and hot girl in a cafe before. She took the initiative to strike up a conversation with him, almost teasing him!"

Nana vividly recounted what happened that day, allowing everyone to understand that Li Qingyan was not showing off, and there was no exaggeration in what he said.

"You are not attracted by such a charming and sexy beauty?"

"Won't you regret it if you refuse?"

Xu Hongdou glanced sideways at Li Qingyan, testing Li Qingyan with a bit of sourness in his tone.

"Then there is nothing to regret. Since I was in school, I have experienced many confessions from girls, but I rejected them all!"

"All of those girls are excellent, fair, rich, talented, school beauties, there are so many of them!"

Li Qingyan said casually, still not forgetting to grab a skewer and drink, as if those beauties were not as important as the skewers and beer in his eyes.

"Before I met Hongdou, I went back to school and a school girl confessed my love!"

"I still used the fact that I like men as an excuse to reject him!"

When everyone heard this, they looked at Li Qingyan dumbfounded, with shock on their faces.

Li Qingyan didn't pay attention and told all the embarrassing things about himself. When he realized it, he regretted it and wanted to sew his mouth shut. He looked up at everyone and explained quickly.

"Don't get me wrong, I like women! I definitely don't like men!"

Xu Hongdou felt very funny in her heart. She covered her mouth with her jade hand and smiled. She ignored Li Qingyan's explanation and said jokingly with a playful smile in her eyes.

"Hahaha, who knows?"

"So many outstanding women have confessed to you, but you haven't accepted any of them. Maybe you really like men, or maybe there's something wrong with your body?"

Xu Hongdou glanced down, his face narrowed, his eyes slightly narrowed, and his smile was extremely bright and bright.

Li Qingyan became angry from embarrassment, glared at Xu Hongdou angrily, and said without hesitation.

"I'm a real man. If you don't believe it, can you give it a try?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's mouths opened wide, their eyes were full of shock, and everyone was stunned. What is going on?

Xu Hongdou's face suddenly turned red and hot. She glared at Li Qingyan fiercely, reached out and hit Li Qingyan twice angrily, and said in embarrassment.

"You can speak without restraint and let you talk nonsense!"




Everyone booed and looked at Li Qingyan and Xu Hongdou with gossipy faces, their eyes full of fun.

"Are you in love?"

Only Damai was a little silly, looking at the two of them stupidly, and asked curiously.



Li Qingyan and Xu Hongdou replied in unison, with a loud voice that startled Damai. He shrank back and looked at the two of them weakly, with innocent expressions on their faces.


Hu Youyu and the others made a sound of disdain, with expressions of disbelief on their faces, obviously regarding the two as a couple.

Li Qingyan was helpless. He couldn't explain this kind of thing at all, so he could only lower his head and keep silent. Xu Hongdou also responded in the same way, and everyone gave up.

Perhaps it was what happened just now that made the atmosphere warmer. Everyone was talking and laughing again. From time to time, someone would perform a small show. Nana used to be a host, and her talent was no problem. Hu Youyu played the guitar and she also sang a song. Not to be outdone, Xu Hongdou and Damai sang one after another. Although their performance was average, they still received warm applause from the crowd.

Even Mr. Ma sang an old song, which was very nice. He performed better than Xu Hongdou and Damai. People couldn't help but admire him. Old men have their own merits. The vicissitudes of time have not erased his face. His talent.

In the end, only Li Qingyan did not perform. Everyone looked at him, and it was obvious that it was his turn to show off his skills.

"Li Qingyan, everyone sang a song, why don't you sing one?"

Xu Hongdou looked at Li Qingyan who was still eating and drinking, with a look of anticipation on his face, and asked.

"OK, no problem!"

"Lao Hu, give me your guitar and I'll sing "Red Beans" for everyone!"

As soon as Li Qingyan said the title of the song, everyone burst into laughter and looked at Xu Hongdou jokingly, which made her feel a little shy.

Li Qingyan ignored everyone's joking. His handsome face was full of concentration. He held the guitar in his arms and gently plucked the strings with his slender fingers. The beautiful notes sounded and echoed in the small courtyard. The melodious and ethereal singing was like the sound of nature. It attracted everyone's attention, making everyone fall into silence and extremely focused.

"We haven't fully felt the climate of blooming snowflakes yet. Let's tremble together and we will understand better what gentleness is!"

"I haven't held hands with you yet and walked through the deserted sand dunes. Maybe from now on, I will learn to cherish the eternity of heaven and earth!"

"Sometimes, sometimes, I believe that everything has an end. There is a time to get together and leave. Nothing lasts forever!"

"But I, sometimes, would rather choose to linger and not let go. When the scenery is clear, maybe you will accompany me to watch the long flowing water!"

The lingering sound lingered around for three days. Everyone was immersed in Li Qingyan's singing and could not return to their senses for a long time.

It took a long time for everyone to react, and Hu Youyu sighed with a look of amazement on his face.

"Brother Li, your voice is simply heavenly. It's definitely at the level of a professional singer. I'm convinced. What girl wouldn't like your versatility? It's so normal to be hit on by a woman!"

Hu Youyu had now transformed into Li Qingyan's little fanboy, with a look of admiration on his face, as if he had seen a great god and was about to worship him. After all, he is a professional music professional. Only he knows how high Li Qingyan's musical standards are. They are no worse than the so-called kings and queens. Not to mention nightclub resident singers like him, even the professional standards of professors at music schools are no more than this. .

Xu Hongdou also looked at Li Qingyan in surprise. She didn't expect that Li Qingyan could sing so beautifully. Listening to him sing is a supreme enjoyment. It is so intoxicating that one becomes one with the song and cannot feel the outside environment.

After finishing the song, Li Qingyan put down his guitar and looked up at the night sky. It was getting late and it was time to rest. Then he stood up and said.

"We've had enough fun tonight, let's get some rest!"

Everyone tidied up together and then dispersed. Xu Hongdou lay on the bed, tossing and turning. The image of Li Qingyan when he was singing kept appearing in her mind. He was handsome and charming, with a touch of melancholy, which she couldn't get rid of. Hard to extricate myself.

"Ah, Xu Hongdou, you are a girl, you cannot be infatuated. Although Li Qingyan is handsome, talented, and has a free and interesting personality, but..."

Xu Hongdou murmured in a low voice, but there was no follow-up after that. For a while, he couldn't find the other party's shortcomings, and some of them were more difficult to say.

"It seems like there's really nothing wrong with it!"

Xu Hongdou was very honest and said helplessly, which made her even more excited.

"How about I give it a try?"

Xu Hongdou recalled the last time she spent with Chen Nanxing and was in a daze.

In the white ward, Chen Nanxing had lost all his hair due to chemotherapy, and his face was pale. With a heart-wrenching smile, he weakly comforted the distressed Xu Hongdou.

"It's not uncomfortable at all, I'm used to it!"

Chen Nanxing was suffering from illness and was already skinny. He gently stroked Xu Hongdou's head with his slender fingers and said with a strong smile.

"Hongdou, I regret it so much now!"

"I regret not confessing to the person I like, regret not seeing the scenery I have never seen before, regret not having time to enjoy life, regret not having fun in time! My life is really a loss!"

Both Chen Nanxing and Xu Hongdou understood that even if Chen Nanxing cooperated with the doctor's treatment, his time was running out. Now they were just doing their best and following fate.

Xu Hongdou's eyes were red, with faint tears. She couldn't hide the sadness in her heart. She held Chen Nanxing's fleshless palm tightly with her right hand, feeling extremely distressed.

"Nan Xing, don't think so wildly, you will definitely recover!"

Xu Hongdou's words were filled with a sense of powerlessness. Watching her best friend die step by step, fear and panic had overwhelmed her.

Chen Nanxing smiled. The smile was so pale, and her eyes were filled with dejection. Her own body knew very well that the feeling of powerlessness was surrounding her, and she would close her eyes forever at any time.

Chen Nanxing struggled to turn his body and looked at the bright sunshine and vibrant scenery outside the window, his eyes far away and his voice ethereal.

"Hongdou, you have to see more of this beautiful world for me, every scenery, every delicacy, and even every person, have a sweet love, get married and have children. I want to have two children, a son and a daughter. A family of four must be very happy living together!"

Chen Nanxing's voice was filled with endless yearning and blessings, and her eyes were looking greedily at the sunshine and scenery outside the window. This existence that ordinary people took for granted was what she missed the most at this time.

Xu Hongdou came back to her senses, a firm light flashed in her eyes, as if she had made up her mind. Now she not only wants to live a good life, but also experience such a beautiful world for Chen Nanxing. Now that she has encountered something that makes her heart move If you are a man, then take the initiative, there is nothing to hesitate about.

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