I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2429: Follow others and attend the wedding banquet

In the evening, it was dinner time. There were already many guests at Gesanghua's house, including locals and outsiders. As soon as they walked in, they smelled the rich aroma of chicken and wild mushrooms.

The most unique mushroom delicacy in Caiyunzhinan is now the time when fresh mushrooms are on the market. At this time of year, there are all kinds of wild mushrooms to taste. Gesang’s braised chicken naturally requires mushrooms, so it tastes great. It's more delicious than the braised chicken elsewhere.

Li Qingyan and Xu Hongdou found a seat by the window and sat down, quietly waiting for the food to be served and chatting casually.

"As the manager of the hotel room department, how many days of vacation did you take for the trip?"

Li Qingyan looked at the curious Xu Hongdou. Her eyes were constantly looking at the surrounding environment, and she felt very fresh about everything around her.

"I quit!"

Xu Hongdou replied casually, looking away with a relaxed smile on his face. The whole person gave people an extremely relaxed feeling. There were more smiles on his face than before, and his eyes were brighter, with a puddle of autumn water and ripples. Glittering, enough to attract anyone's attention.

"I was too tired from life before. Now I just want to do some of the things I wanted to do before, eat delicious food I've never tasted before, and see beautiful scenery I've never seen before!"

Chen Nanxing's figure appeared in Xu Hongdou's mind again, recalling the regrets she had before her death. She wanted to do all these things again so as not to leave any regrets in her life.

At the end of Xu Hongdou's words, he paused for a moment. With a bit of shyness on his face and sparkling eyes, he glanced at Li Qingyan and continued.

“Let’s have a sweet love and don’t leave any regrets in your life!”

For some reason, Xu Hongdou couldn't help but look at Li Qingyan when she mentioned falling in love. The ripples in her heart spread out, making her feel inexplicably nervous.

It was undeniable that Li Qingyan was the man Xu Hongdou had met that most attracted her heart in the past few years. He was handsome, free and transparent, and extremely real. Xu Hongdou naturally felt good about him and was a little moved by him.

Li Qingyan didn't notice anything strange about Xu Hongdou, nodded in agreement and said with a smile.

"You're right, there is no need to live so tiringly in just a few decades!"

“The world is so big, food and love are the only things we can’t live up to!”

"There are delicious food everywhere, and love can be encountered at any time. Fate is wonderful. Maybe you will meet the person you like in Dali, maybe!"

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Xu Hongdou's expression moved slightly, his eyes slightly raised, and he glanced at Li Qingyan. The ripples in his heart were even bigger. Maybe as Li Qingyan said, he met the man of his heart here.


Xu Hongdou took a deep look at Li Qingyan and echoed with deep meaning. The smile on his face became brighter, blowing like a spring breeze, soft and warm, making people feel extremely comfortable.

After more than twenty minutes, the braised chicken ordered by Li Qingyan and others was brought to the table. At this time, they could not start eating. The waiter took out a small plastic box and scooped a spoonful of soup into the casserole. After sealing it, he said with a smile.

"Your braised chicken is ready, please enjoy!"

Xu Hongdou stared blankly at the waiter's operations and asked Li Qingyan with some confusion.

"Did she have any special intention in doing this?"

Li Qingyan chuckled lightly and looked at the braised chicken in the casserole. There were various kinds of fungi in it. The fragrant smell lingered, making people salivate, and explained.

"This is the south of Caiyun. Every year, many people get poisoned by eating fungi. Therefore, as long as wild fungi are used in cooking, local stores will generally keep samples to prevent food poisoning and use them as evidence for testing!"

Xu Hongdou was immediately startled. Is it so exaggerated? He held chopsticks in his hands and was a little afraid to eat.

"Eat it with confidence. People who are poisoned are usually outsiders who don't understand mushrooms. They like to collect mushrooms in the wild. If they don't know the species of mushrooms, they dare to eat them randomly!"

"The locals know the types of fungi very well. They usually use familiar fungi to cook, so there will be no food poisoning!"

After saying that, Li Qingyan picked up a chopstick and put a handful of mushrooms into his mouth, with a look of enjoyment on his face. Food can always make people feel happy and satisfied.

Xu Hongdou saw how sweet Li Qingyan was eating, and swallowed cutely. The sound was clear and audible, making her pretty face blush slightly, and she started eating without worrying.

"Well, it's delicious. It's really fragrant and fresh!"

Xu Hongdou had crooked eyebrows and a sweet smile on his face. He ate very happily and didn't even notice that there was some soup hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Li Qingyan seemed to have seen Liu Qianqian. She was also so greedy. When she came across her favorite food, she didn't care about her image at all, and she always ate in a mess.

Li Qingyan couldn't help but take out a tissue and reach out to help Xu Hongdou wipe away the soup from the corners of his mouth. The whole process was very natural and without any disharmony.

Xu Hongdou paused slightly, a blush appeared on his face, his heart was beating fast, his eyes were wandering, he didn't dare to look at Li Qingyan, like a child who had done something wrong.

Only then did Li Qingyan realize that the person in front of him was not Liu Qianqian, but Xu Hongdou. He retracted his arm in embarrassment and lowered his head in silence. He didn't know how to respond at this time.

Xu Hongdou has a straightforward personality, informal and a bit boyish. He calmed down after just a moment and started fighting with the food again. He let out praises from time to time, which relaxed the atmosphere. Only then did Li Qingyan relax and the two of them relaxed again. The conversation started.

Xu Hongdou was satisfied with the meal. He kept rubbing his belly and sighed.

"It's so satisfying. My belly is bulging. If I continue to eat like this, I will soon gain weight!"

Li Qingyan walked on the left side of Xu Hongdou. When he heard this, he glanced at her flat belly and shook his head slightly. Women are all cut out of the same mold. They always think that they are too fat and want to lose weight.

"You are in perfect shape now, so there is no need to worry!"

Xu Hongdou rolled her eyes at Li Qingyan charmingly and said with a bit of dissatisfaction.

"What do you, a grown man, know? Weight loss is a lifelong career for a woman. She needs to persevere and cannot indulge. Otherwise, she will soon lose her shape and become a fat man. How can any man like her at that time?"

Li Qingyan chuckled lightly and did not refute. The two of them walked on the path in the village, enjoying the quiet atmosphere and feeling the beauty of life under the moonlight, starlight, and lights.

In the windy courtyard, everyone had returned and were gathering in the courtyard to chat.

"You must be Xu Hongdou, I am Nana."

When Nana saw Xu Hongdou, she was stunned by the gentle and intellectual beauty in front of her. Her eyes widened and she took the initiative to say hello with a warm smile.

"Hello, Nana!"

Xu Hongdou responded quickly, his eyes sweeping over everyone's faces and looking at the quiet Damai beside him.

"I am barley!"

Damai did not change her fearful nature, and said hello obediently, with a bit of fear on her pretty face. Obviously, for her, social interaction is a big problem, which makes her very uneasy and instinctively wants to resist.

"Hello, Damai, nice to meet you!"

Xu Hongdou is the manager of the housekeeping department. I have never seen a guest with any personality. She is very good at dealing with people. She has a bright smile on her face, which has a magical healing effect. It makes Damai relax a little and his affection for her doubles.

Hu Youyu, who was on the side carrying a guitar and wearing fancy clothes, was so excited when he saw Xu Hongdou, a beautiful woman, that he quickly stood up and introduced himself.

"I'm Hu Youyu, a singer. Nice to meet you!"

Xu Hongdou nodded politely and replied with an undiminished smile.

"Nice to meet you!"

"Hongdou, we all live in Youfeng Courtyard, please add us on WeChat!"

Hu Youyu's eyes were a bit fiery and he asked Xu Hongdou for his contact information. Xu Hongdou's arrival made him restless, and the hormones in his body were evaporating like a wild cat in heat.

"I'm sorry, my phone is broken and I can't turn it on temporarily. I can't add everyone's contact information!"

With an apologetic smile on Xu Hongdou's face, she took out the mobile phone with a broken screen from her pocket and showed it to everyone.

Seeing that everyone knew each other, Li Qingyan spoke to Xu Hongdou.

"You haven't packed your luggage yet. Early tomorrow morning, you have to go to the ancient city to repair your mobile phone. Go back to your room to put it away and rest early!"

When Nana heard this, she also said quickly.

"Hongdou, let's help you clean it up. It's just a good time for everyone to get familiar with it!"

After that, Nana took Damai and went upstairs with Xu Hongdou, leaving only three men sitting in the yard. Hu Youyu kept asking Li Qingyan for information about Xu Hongdou, which annoyed Li Qingyan. Too much trouble.

The next day, early in the morning, Xie Zhiyao drove Li Qingyan and Xu Hongdou to the ancient city, dropped them at the door of the mobile phone repair shop, agreed on a time to return in the afternoon, and left to get busy.

Xu Hongdou handed the phone to the maintenance staff for inspection. The screen of the phone was broken and a new one was needed. There was no one in the store. The repair shop could only order it now and it would take three days to repair the phone.

Xu Hongdou put the phone in the repair shop and left Li Qingyan's mobile phone number as contact information, and then it was done.

Li Qingyan and Xu Hongdou walked out of the repair shop. Xu Hongdou used Li Qingyan's mobile phone to contact his family and said that his mobile phone was broken and that if anything happened, he could contact Li Qingyan.

After finishing these things, Li Qingyan and Xu Hongdou started walking around the ancient city. Everything around them was so new to Xu Hongdou. They stopped from time to time. Although they didn't buy anything, they were very happy.

Unknowingly, it was already past ten o'clock, and Li Qingyan had to admire a woman's ability to go shopping. After two hours of shopping, Xu Hongdou didn't feel tired at all. The usually delicate woman was actually so strong at this time. Well, that’s really puzzling.

Suddenly, a loud suona sound came. The tune was festive, high-pitched and powerful. It was worthy of being a rogue among musical instruments. Even if it was far away, it could still be heard very clearly.

"Come on, I'll take you to a fun place!"

Li Qingyan grabbed Xu Hongdou who was about to continue shopping, and explained under the surprised gaze of the other party.

After saying that, Li Qingyan took Xu Hongdou's hand and walked towards the direction where the suona sounded.

As Li Qingyan and Li Qingyan continued to wake up, the sound of the suona became louder and louder. Xu Hongdou showed a curious look on his face, with big watery eyes. He first glanced down at the hand held by Li Qingyan, and then asked curiously .

"The sound of the suona sounds very festive. What are you doing?"

"This is the bridal tune, which is played when the local bride comes in!"

"A sedan welcomes the bride and a suona plays to welcome the new bride. This is the local wedding custom!"

"Oh! So, someone is getting married today. Let's go and have a look. I've never seen their wedding before?"

Xu Hongdou was very interested in the local wedding. He looked excited and quickened his pace. Instead, he started to pull Li Qingyan forward.

Li Qingyan had just walked to the house where he was getting married. The tune of the suona suddenly changed. Xu Hongdou showed a puzzled look and looked at Li Qingyan with big eyes, as if he could talk.

"What's going on here?"

"This is a welcome tune, welcoming guests to the couple's wedding!"

Xu Hongdou stopped and watched the excitement of the wedding. He looked very interested in the local wedding customs and stared at the couple intently.

Guests entered one by one, and an aunt stood at the door, holding a tray with rice flowers on it. When each guest arrived, she would grab a handful of rice flowers and sprinkle them on the guests. When the guests entered, they had to walk In front of the bride, one reaches out and pinches the bride's face. This is a wedding custom, for the purpose of seeking good luck and expressing blessings.

"It's so funny that he actually pinches the bride's face!"

"What should the bride do if she is pinched?"

Xu Hongdou asked worriedly. As a woman, of course she has to consider it from the bride's point of view.

"Don't worry. Generally speaking, adults know what's important. Only children don't know the importance. But there's no need to worry. The bride also has a pair of scissors hidden on her body. As long as she takes it out, even children won't dare to pinch it hard! "

"That's it, then I'll be relieved!"

Xu Hongdou got the answer from Li Qingyan and continued to watch the excitement with satisfaction, obviously very interested in this wedding.

Li Qingyan's clear eyes fluctuated slightly. After thinking for a moment, he pulled Xu Hongdou and walked inside. She was startled and asked softly, showing some doubts.

"what you do?"

"When we go in, don't you want to pinch the bride and taste the local special wedding delicacies?"

Xu Hongdou's eyes lit up instantly, and she licked her lips with her tongue. She looked like a greedy cat, and her pace quickened instantly, and she asked as she walked.

"What should we do?"

"It's just a matter of money. They won't know that we are tourists. They will only treat us as relatives and friends of the newlyweds!"

Li Qingyan and Xu Hongdou followed the money and blended in very calmly. Xu Hongdou even experienced the custom of pinching the bride. With a happy look on his face, the two found a young man to sit at a table with more seats. The guests did not suspect that they were just tourists sneaking in to watch the fun, and the man entertained them warmly.

Weddings in the ancient city of Dali pay attention to serving refreshments first, followed by Tuba bowls. Tuba bowls are a typical set of recipes for the traditional banquets of the Bai people. They include boiled, stir-fried, steamed, deep-fried, pan-fried, and pickled dishes. They are brightly colored, nourishing and stomachic. ,All ages.

Tuba Bowl consists of eight hot dishes: red meat stew with red rice; fried crispy pork with egg paste; steamed pork belly with soy sauce and honey; steamed pork with rice flour with sweet potatoes or potatoes; pig head, pig Dried aroma of braised liver and pork; white lentils covered with minced meat and egg crumbs; sweetbreads made of fungus, tofu, sesame, shredded eggs, and vegetable stems; and bamboo shoots with fried pork strips.

Li Qingyan and Xu Hongdou devoured their meal with great satisfaction. They had a full meal and then left the wedding venue. From the beginning to the end, no one discovered their identities.

"This method of yours is really useful. No one really knows that we are just enjoying the banquet!"

Xu Hongdou's face was excited, like a child who had done something bad and escaped punishment. He raised his little head and was very proud.

Li Qingyan stretched out his hand and tapped Xu Hongdou's forehead lightly, making her shrink her head and calm down.

"It doesn't matter even if you are discovered!"

"I was discovered in Aksu."

"The newlyweds are still very happy with the blessings from strangers!"

"How will you be discovered?"

Xu Hongdou was a little puzzled. In her opinion, as long as it wasn't too conspicuous, it shouldn't be discovered.

Li Qingyan had a look of embarrassment on his face, scratched his head, and said with a bit of embarrassment.

"That was my first time doing something like this. I had no experience. Both the man and the woman were Uyghurs and looked different from us. I was the only Han Chinese in the whole wedding. It was so conspicuous that it was impossible not to be discovered! "

Xu Hongdou suddenly laughed like crazy, leaning forward and backward, with tears flying out. At the end of the laugh, his hands and feet lost all strength, and he lay on Li Qingyan's shoulder. His face was slightly red, as if it was stained with paint. Generally, it is delicate and charming, like a gorgeous rose in full bloom, showing its amazing charm.

After a long time, Xu Hongdou stopped laughing and realized that his posture was inappropriate at this time. He quickly got away from Li Qingyan's body, reached out and smoothed his messy hair to relieve his embarrassment, and then said.

"I didn't expect you to have done such an embarrassing thing!"

"I'm human too, of course I make mistakes!"

Li Qingyan looked gloomy, as if he gave Xu Hongdou an illusion, an illusion of omnipotence and flawlessness.

"Maybe it's because you always look so confident that I thought you would never make such a mistake?"

"No one is a saint, and no one can make mistakes! I was wrong!"

Xu Hongdou also realized that his thinking was wrong. Li Qingyan was also a human being, and he also had to eat and sleep. How could he not make any mistakes? Thinking of this, Xu Hongdou felt suddenly relieved and felt that Li Qingyan had become more mature. Get closer.

After Li Qingyan and Xu Hongdou attended the wedding, they did not continue shopping. Instead, they returned to the mobile phone repair shop. The agreed time to return to Yunmiao Village had arrived. Xie Zhiyao had been waiting for a long time.

"How was your time in the ancient city today?"

Xie Zhiyao drove the car, turned his head and looked at Li Qingyan in the passenger seat, winked, and asked curiously.

"It was very fun. We also attended a local wedding and had a meal!"

Li Qingyan chatted with Xie Zhiyao about what happened today without hiding anything.

Xie Zhiyao was a little disappointed, with an angry look in his eyes, and said in surprise.

"that's all?"

Li Qingyan was a little puzzled and said confused.

"if not?"

"A beautiful woman like Xu Hongdou takes the initiative to date you, and you take her to a wedding to have a meal. Are you a romantic?"

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