I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2387 Belief in religion will harm a lifetime, radiation will ruin three generations!

Hearing Ivan Vincent's words, everyone looked at him blankly, and a thought emerged in their hearts at the same time. Shock appeared on Hathaway's cold face, and a cold and low voice came out of her mouth, with a Marvel at Ivan Vincent's bold plan.

"You are trying to dig up the foundation of the church. They will really go crazy!"

"So the time period and frequency band must be chosen well. At the same time, the program must be interesting and ensure that it can arouse people's interest. As long as they are interested, they will unconsciously accept the existence of magic. Subtly, they will not If you resist magic again, change your ideas.”

Ivan Vincent looked solemn and continued very rigorously. What he had to do was to dig out the foundation of the church, otherwise what would he do with all that time and energy?

"Okay, now that you've decided, this show will do what you said!"

Everyone has realized the value of this plan, and it will definitely make the church panic and get angry. However, the church has no other way except to respond passively. It can only watch the Magic Council dig into their foundations, except to use more cruel methods. They have no recourse other than to use harsh and heavy-handed measures to ban residents from listening to these programs.

However, oppression is not a solution. Wherever there is oppression, there will be resistance. Over time, the church will become unpopular. No matter how devout the faith is, there is no way to eliminate people's inner dissatisfaction.

"We still need to continuously improve the artificial planet, update it, develop more functions, and avoid being attacked by the church!"

The fact that the church lacks super long-range magical attacks does not mean that the church will never develop such magical attacks. Viken is not a fool, and even his wisdom and city are top-notch. He is not weaker than Douglas. It's just two people walking together. The paths are different. Such people should not be underestimated. They will soon come up with corresponding countermeasures. The Magic Council cannot be satisfied with the status quo and needs to continue to make progress. The speed of progress has to exceed that of the church, so that it can continue to close the gap between strengths. difference.

"First, conduct deeper research on the ionosphere and find a clearer and more stable electromagnetic wave transmission solution. Second, we must refine magic arrays such as concealment and orbit change for subsequent artificial planets to prevent attacks. Third, due to The orbit is high in the sky, and the impact of most magic on the ground will be attenuated to the point where it can be ignored, and some even collapse in mid-air. Therefore, we need to develop ultra-long-range strike magic with more concentrated energy, preferably below the legendary level. .The fourth is to use artificial planets to detect ground targets."

Ivan Vincent explained his plans one by one, and everyone felt refreshed. These were things they had never thought of. They all nodded and agreed with Ivan Vincent's views and plans.

Kingdom of Holm, Sadni District.

This area was originally outside the city and was inhabited by ordinary merchants who sold fish from the Storm Strait. Later, it gradually gathered citizens who made a living by salting, processing, sorting, and intermediary fish, and gradually prospered. In the Kingdom of Holm It prospered due to the influence of the Magic Council and was included in the second expansion of Rentate City. It was named after the Thadeni bream, a specialty of Storm Strait.

But as the magic steam train traveled between Port Padre and Rentat, the fishing industry was monopolized by big businessmen relying on abundant funds, cheap prices, and fresh goods. Ordinary businessmen went bankrupt and changed careers. Some of the citizens who relied on this began to work for big businessmen, while others fell into the miserable situation of unemployment.

Fortunately, at this time, the initial popularity of alchemy items and the increase in alchemy workshops prevented the unemployed citizens from finding a way to survive. It took only a few years for the Sadney District to become a neighborhood of half workers and half fishery practitioners.

The night was dark, and the houses were still flickering with dim candlelight because they could not afford magic crystal lamps. However, the street lamps on both sides of the street were bright and dazzling connected by black lines like spider webs. The light and shadow swayed, interspersed with darkness. Sparse and dense.

"Bah, bitch man and woman!"

A fourteen-year-old boy looked at the man and woman cuddling each other in the shadow behind the street lamp, and spat hard. Although the style of Holm Kingdom gradually became more open, in addition to hugging and whispering, the couple also kissed. The more intimate actions made the young man extremely envious. His eyes were shining, but his mouth was full of disdain. As for his heart, he had already turned into lemon juice and was so sour.

"Andy, stop watching, the show is about to start."

A slight sound came from behind the street trees on both sides of the road.

Andy was startled, and quickly turned around, only to see three friends sticking their heads out from behind a thick street tree, waving inconspicuously.

"What, I know, come right now!"

Andy came back to his senses, and his expression suddenly changed. He looked nervous and excited, as if he was doing something dangerous and exciting. He quietly approached the street tree and complained to his companions in a low voice.

"William, Mickey, Martin, why didn't you come to me earlier?"

The brown-haired Martin lowered his head and smiled, glanced at the man and woman clinging to each other, and said with a wink.

"How dare we come to you? You must be spying on other people's dates."


The blond William cleared his throat, with a serious look on his face, like a bard reciting poetry, with a bit of a smile in his eyes, looking at his friend and joking.

"Spring is here, everything is growing and commotion, and Andy is in heat again."

"Do you want to die?"

Andy gritted his teeth and stared at them, his blue eyes full of anger. He raised his fists and waved them threateningly, obviously unable to bear the teasing of his friends.

"Keep your voice down! If you attract other people's attention, you will definitely be beaten severely by your parents when you go back at night, and the arcane sound will never be heard again!"

Mickey, the shortest but with a grimace, pressed down hard with the palm of his right hand. What they were going to do tonight was not suitable for making a fuss. Now Holm was in the area ruled by the Magic Council, but the folk customs were still against There is resistance and resistance to magic, and many people are still devout believers.

Andy took a deep breath, closed his mouth tightly, pointed in the distance, and indicated with his eyes to leave now, with a bit of expectation on his face. Young people are always the fastest to accept new things.

"Well, otherwise I will be late and miss Miss Nightingale's voice at the beginning."

William looked fascinated, with a hint of affection and shyness that a boy of his age would have.

"This guy is in heat too!"

Martin sighed, put his hand on his forehead, took two steps back, distanced himself, and looked like I don't know you.

Several friends were chatting and laughing in low voices while timidly moving forward like thieves. After turning around a dozen houses and passing through two sparse woods, their voices gradually subsided, becoming unusually quiet, and their breathing became heavier.

Ahead was a row of civilian houses in a remote corner of the Sadney District. They walked to the third-to-last ordinary two-story building. Andy knocked on the door. The door opened silently, and a man with a kind face The smiling middle-aged man showed his face, looked at the boys, said hello, and enthusiastically brought Andy and the others into the room.

Andy, Martin, Mickey and William very skillfully sneaked into the room. They saw that the hall was packed with people, sitting or standing around the center. It could be said that there were three floors inside and three floors outside, and the curtains had been drawn. , the room was dim and swaying under the light of a candlestick, which made people think of the ghost stories they had heard.

There were strong men, girls, old people, children, Andy and other adolescent boys in the hall, as well as a few lively and pretty girls. Looking at each other, Andy, William and others took advantage of their short stature and squeezed through the crowd. Finally, they came close to a few girls and smiled shyly.

"Scarlett, Thelma, are you here too?"

The beautiful blond girl glanced at them and raised her slender white fingers to her mouth with a bit of disgust. Apparently the boy's charm was not enough to make the girls smile.

"Hush, be quiet, it's about to begin."

Hearing these words, Andy and the others trembled violently. They temporarily stopped thinking about getting close to the girls and concentrated on waiting. The owner of the house, a serious middle-aged man with a straight face wearing an old white shirt, squeezed into the middle and played with the weird head-sized thing on the coffee table.

This thing is gray in color and is engraved with strange patterns. It has a row of black buttons and two round knobs. Like sheep horns, two long threads with shining metallic luster come out, about half a meter long, and they are also wrapped around each other. With strange patterns and symbols. Watching the serious middle-aged man playing with this weird thing, Andy and the others, old or young, male or female, rude or gentle, all held their breath and waited as if they were worshiping in a church, as if it was extremely sacred. thing.

Zizzi, the familiar sound of electricity sounded, Andy's back straightened up, and the people around him made similar movements almost at the same time as him. A vague, noisy female voice came from the strange thing. As the middle-aged man fiddled with it, the voice gradually became clearer.

"Hello everyone, FM 592.6M Hoz, this is the 'Voice of Mystery'. Thank you for listening. It is now 10 o'clock in the evening, Arlinge time. Your friend, I, the Nightingale, will accompany you for the next four hours. .”

The sweet and moving female voice made William, Andy and others feel itchy, guessing how beautiful Miss Nightingale was. Boys always pay attention to a woman's appearance, and the soul is what they need to understand after falling in love with the skin.

"The first program is about life tips. I will bring you a healthier and more reasonable lifestyle, so that you can avoid various hazards that you may encounter in life."

“In recent months, many unscrupulous businessmen have appeared in Rentat and other cities in the Kingdom of Holm, selling toothpaste, shower gel and other items under the name of radioactivity, claiming to be more fashionable, more effective, and able to prolong life, but in fact What about? These multifunctional and radioactive items will not only affect you, but will also pass through your body and bring it to your children, causing them to become deformed at birth. Therefore, dear listeners, please do not be misled by unscrupulous traders. , Radioactivity only does harm to you, not good. You can’t buy them just because they are fashionable.”

"To borrow a famous saying from the Great Arcanist Ivan Vincent: Belief in religion will ruin a lifetime, radiation will ruin three generations!"

"I, I have to throw away that toothpaste quickly! Fortunately, I came to listen to the mysterious voice!"

Similar voices sounded one after another, with fear, fear, and relief, not in the mood to oppose religion and harm your life.

Suddenly, the little girl Scarlett was frightened, her eyes turned red on her pretty face, and she cried.

"I, I have been using it for a month, will it ruin the third generation!"

The nightingale's sweet voice came from Strange Things and continued.

“Those unscrupulous vendors’ toothpaste, shower gel and other items have small or even no added amounts. Stop using them immediately and there will be no sequelae.”

Phew, when everyone exhaled, there was almost a strong wind in the hall. They were all secretly glad in their hearts. It’s okay, it’s okay! It’s okay!

"After a brief beautiful melody, we will begin the church-revealing program hosted by Mr. Sage, telling the story of his thirty-eight years as a municipal official in dealing with pastors and bishops. He will remove the sacred halo from pastors, bishops and others and restore their role as The emotions a real person should have."

"Wow, cheating with a nun again?"

Andy and other adolescent boys immediately became restless, their eyes sparkling, their faces full of excitement, and their bodies twisted slightly. Children of this age were extremely curious about these things.

A strong man next to him with arms as thick as Andy's thighs looked back at the group of childish boys, with a playful smile on his face and teased.

"Maybe it's a little boy like you!"

The boys were extremely embarrassed and were about to retort when a beautiful melody sounded from the weird radio, which was calming and refreshing.

"It's the light music Sky City by Mr. Arcanist Lucien Evans."

Scarlett said softly, fearing to interrupt the beautiful music, her eyes showing her love for this music.

After "Revealing the Secret of the Church", "Into the Arcane" and "Magic Lecture", the nightingale's sweet voice sounded again.

"Next is everyone's favorite body mystery program, and we continue to invite Mr. Felipe, an authority in the field of human body, as a guest."

"Well, I like Mr. Felipe, I like his cold and arrogant attitude so much!"

Thelma was beaming and dancing. Girls of this age liked Leng Aofeng's magician. Felipe was a genius necromancy magician of the Pale Hand and the most authoritative arcanist in the field of human vitality.

"Hello, Mr. Felipe."

"Good evening, Nightingale."

"Mr. Felipe, as we all know, the human body will undergo a period of rapid development when around the age of twelve, which will be accompanied by great changes in the body, which will bring about depression and depression for boys and girls. I don't know, Felipe Sir, could you please explain this in detail so that they can understand that this is a natural phenomenon of the body.”

There was a long silence, as if something unexpected had happened, and there was no sound from the program.

"Mr. Felipe?"

"Mr. Felipe, please calm down..."

The nightingale's voice trembled, with a hint of panic and fear, as if she was frightened.

The audience in the room looked at each other in the dim candlelight, wondering what was going on. There had been brief pauses in the past due to technical failures, host jams, etc., but there had never been such inexplicable changes as today. .

The owner of the house who controlled the radio was an apprentice affiliated with the Holm Kingdom branch of the Magic Council. He was responsible for promoting radios and developing listeners. At this time, a faint smile appeared on his long and serious face, which made Leng Ao's tyrannical Mr. Felipe talks about puberty and development, so no wonder he gets angry.

Zizzizi, a brief sound of electricity came out, and before the middle-aged man was about to adjust the magic antenna, the nightingale's sweet voice sounded again.

"Sorry, I would like to express my sincerest apologies to all the listeners. Our guest, Mr. Felipe, had to leave early due to a family emergency. We asked Mr. Ricardo, another arcanist who specializes in the human body field, to explain to everyone. Issues with pubertal development and psychological changes!”

Nightingale's voice was still as sweet as ever, but there was a faint hint of fear. It was obvious that the scene just now frightened the most popular star of the Magic Council.

"Ah, didn't Mr. Felipe explain it?"

Scarlett still liked hearing Felipe's magnetic low voice, especially the faint proud tone, so after hearing Nightingale's words, she couldn't hide her disappointed attitude.

Her friend Thelma had a delicate appearance and petite figure. She also showed obvious disappointment on her face at this time, but she suddenly realized.

"How could Mr. Felipe, a proud and conceited person like him, explain the issues of pubertal development and psychological changes? No wonder he would be angry, silent, and leave angrily!"

Then, Thelma covered her face and thought longingly and excitedly.

"But if Mr. Felipe really talks about this issue, it will be very interesting and interesting. Will he blush? What is his mood? Well, he is so cute when he leaves in anger. He is indeed the cold and arrogant Mr. Felipe! "


As a magic apprentice, the owner of the house knew Felipe's character. He twitched his lips. If the cold Mr. Felipe heard about his image in the minds of the young audience, he would probably be more disturbed than the developmental topic just now. If you vomit blood, you will most likely actually vomit blood!

After getting excited, Thelma suddenly exclaimed and said worriedly.

"Will Mr. Felipe stop coming in the future?"

"Probably not, this topic won't be the next issue!"

Scarlett was also a little unsure, with a hint of worry evident on her face.

The owner of the house waved his hand to appease the girl's worries and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Mr. Felipe's participation in the body mystery program was assigned by His Excellency the Grand Arcanist Ivan Vinson. This is a task that he must complete and cannot be given up at will!"

Although Felipe is Vicente's master of the dead, Vicente followed Douglas to explore the world of the dead. Ivan Vincent, as the Grand Arcanist and a member of the Supreme Council, wants to send people to the Pale Hand. The task is not extremely easy, nor is it a dangerous task. It is a task that is conducive to promoting the influence of the Magic Council, and others will not object.

Felipe still admires the great arcanist Ivan Vinson and happily accepts this task. The rewards of this task are still very generous. Not only can he get a large number of arcane points, but also a large amount of gold. Take, these are all very helpful for Felipe to study arcana. After all, experiments cost money, and magicians cannot be divorced from money and reality!

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