I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2386: Divine Art Blooms, Helpless the Church of Truth

The prophet Begna looked at the closed door to the starry sky. Ivan Vincent had already entered the starry sky. There was no point in their staying here and said.

"We go back to Allinge to observe the starry sky. We cannot miss this historic moment. In about three to five minutes, His Excellency Ivan Vincent will reach the predetermined orbit."

Ivan Vincent arrived at the predetermined orbit. This sentence seems a bit wrong, but it is not a strange thing in the magical world. From this, we can deeply understand the inhuman nature of the Grand Arcanist.

Hathaway and others returned to Arlinge together, standing on the 33rd floor of the headquarters and looking up at the stars.

Time passed minute by minute, but there was no change in the night sky. The stars twinkled like countless eyes. They moved according to their orbits forever, as quiet as most nights in the past.

Astrologer Samantha observes the star trails on her observatory to improve a fate-interference magic. During the short rest, she still looked at the starry sky with pure admiration.

"The starry sky is the most beautiful scenery in the world, full of vastness and depth, which makes people awe from the heart!"

Samantha murmured like a poem.

Suddenly, Samantha's beautiful eyes opened wide, so ferocious that they seemed to pop out of their sockets, because in the starry sky, a star lit up without warning, a star that had never appeared before. So close, so dazzling, and the trajectory is so special!

"A new star is born?"

Samantha was so horrified that she couldn't close her mouth at all.

The holy city of Reims.

Pope Benedict III was reading the classics. Suddenly, he looked out the window with emotion and saw the unprecedented bright star, the star that lit up half of the sky, and the star that competed with the setting sun!

With a bang, the book in Pope Benedict II's hand fell to the ground, and he blurted out in a daze.

"New stars?"

"who is it?!"

In the Aringe Magic Tower, when the stars lit up, everyone suddenly let out a low roar, as if they wanted to vent all the frustration and anger in their hearts.

"It really works. There is nothing wrong with the gravity theory system! With the help of arcana, we are correct!"

Ivan Vincent embedded a magic circle on the artificial planet in order to make the artificial planet shine with scorching light like the sun. Otherwise, he was worried that the church would not be able to see it.

In Rentat, in Antiphore, in Tria, in Alto, in countless cities, no matter day or night, many strong men and many ordinary humans stared at the sky in stunned silence. , they have never seen the birth of stars!

The stars are all covered by the bright and dazzling light, and a brand new sun seems to have appeared in the night sky. The artificial planet exudes its own brilliance wantonly and moves in the sky along the established trajectory without any care.

"This is not the real birth of a star..."

"Its orbit is too close. If it is really a star, it will collide with the world hard and destroy everything..."

"What on earth is this?"

"There is such an unimaginable and shocking power?"

In the Kingdom of Briana, a magic tower reaches into the sky.

A high-level astrologer was originally making a prediction about something based on the fateful trajectory of the stars reflected in the crystal ball, but at this time, he opened his mouth slightly and looked at the starry sky with a dull expression. He had never seen it so bright and bright. Such exaggerated stars, and they appeared so suddenly without any warning!

This is even more incredible than the Crimson Moon some time ago!

"What kind of star is this?"

After a while, he murmured to himself. Then, he suddenly woke up, looked down at the crystal ball in his hand, and looked at the trajectory of fate that had changed without his attention. He said with some annoyance and frustration: "We have to start over again. The birth of a star will definitely bring about great changes in the destiny of the galaxy..."

After several dozen minutes, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the air in astonishment:

"Why is there no reflection of fate?"

"Is this a star?"

On the edge of the dark mountains, the adventurer camp. Stannis, the Nightmare King, who likes to mingle with people, observe changes in people's hearts, and collect various dreams, is enjoying a leisurely afternoon tea in a cabin. Suddenly, the white glazed porcelain tea cup in his hand broke away from his control and fell to the ground in a beautiful trajectory. It made a crisp shattering sound and turned into countless porcelain pieces. But Stannis didn't care about this at all. He arrived at the window in a flash, raised his head, and looked toward the east.

In the distant sky, a round of bright and dazzling stars suddenly emerged from nothingness, illuminating half of the sky, shining with the sun, and it was extremely exaggerated.

"There is a problem with my cognitive world. Is it affected by my own dreams or illusions?"

Stannis looked at the setting sun, and then looked back at the brand new star without fear of the dazzling light, watching it naturally move along its orbit.

"If it's a dream, what kind of psychological reflection does this newly-born star, such a terrifying star that can compete with the sun, represent for me?"

"If it's not a dream, then who did it? Such a great feat cannot be accomplished by ordinary people!"

Rentat, on the street without arc street lights, it was dark and cold, with only a few stars illuminating the road.

Due to the increase in alchemy workshops and the improvement of textile machinery by the alchemists, the ordinary citizens of Rentat were increasingly put into overtime. At this time, scattered night returnees were hurriedly walking forward covered with stars. The howling cold wind made them want to return to their warm homes as soon as possible after a tiring day.

As they walked, they inexplicably found that the road ahead was bright without any darkness, just like when they passed by during the day. In astonishment, they subconsciously looked up at the sky, and were suddenly speechless in surprise. When had there been a dazzling star in the sky that was completely different from the silver moon? The man-made planet stood scorchingly conspicuous in the night sky, rotating slowly and passionately. , is this a miracle?

"The great God of truth!"

"Only the truth lasts forever!"

After being stunned for a long time, these ordinary citizens thought it was the God of Truth performing a miracle, and they knelt down to pray excitedly and devoutly, completely ignoring the mud caused by the melting snowflakes.

In Nexor Palace, on the roof of the palace, Natasha was wearing a white knight uniform, looking up at the stars, looking shocked, and murmuring to herself.

"Is this the planet Ivan created? It actually took off and moved in the starry sky. It's incredible!"

In the holy city of Reims, Pope Benedict III stood at the window with his scepter and looked carefully at the new stars.

"It's not hidden! The track is wrong!"

"Judging from the location, is it the action of the Magic Council?"

After a brief trance, Pope Benedict III had regained his composure and calmly observed the trajectory of the newly born star. When he felt that he had understood and memorized the data of the star, he raised his scepter and moved his body slightly. He leaned back, half-closed his eyes, looked at the starry sky and whispered to himself.

“O great God of truth, you are one and you are ten thousand.”

"It's a moment, but it's also eternity."

"It is the creator and the master."

As Benedict III prayed, his whole body suddenly lit up with a layer of milky hazy light, conveying a solemn and holy meaning that could not be looked directly at. A majestic, sacred, transcendent, and condescending power slowly emerged, emerging from an inexplicable height. , covering the holy city of Reims and surrounding areas. Feeling this power, cardinals, holy knights, cardinals and other clergy as well as ordinary believers in the holy city of Reims broke free from the shock brought by the stars, and their expressions became gentle and peaceful, with indescribable touches. This is the breath and power of the Lord!

"You are one and ten thousand."

"It's a moment, but it's also eternity."

Hundreds of thousands of people followed Benedict III in prayer. Under the influence of that inexplicable power, they all became uniform, creating an exaggerated and terrifying resonance, ethereal, vast, and spectacular. When the prayers gathered into a torrent, Pope Benedict III pointed the scepter in his hand, and a sudden change occurred in mid-air!

In the center of the sky, a bit of milky white holy light lit up inexplicably. It grew larger and larger, and quickly developed into a light group comparable to the sun and artificial planets. Waves of melodious and soul-cleansing chants came out from the light group, making the surrounding sky holy and pure. The dark starry sky was completely illuminated by this light cluster, and the sound of ethereal and moving chants could be vaguely heard in the ears.

Ivan Vincent had long expected that the church would definitely shoot down this man-made planet. Otherwise, if magicians could create planets, then what would the God of Truth who created the world be? Just a more powerful magician than the Grand Arcanist?

The light group became clearer and clearer, and it seemed to be divided into seven layers. The first layer was a pair of beautiful angels with wings and countless white souls playing pianos, harps, recorders, and French horns, and singing hymns in praise of the true God. The second floor all the way to the fifth floor is a similar scene of joy, without any trace of distress or sorrow. The types of angels have changed, and their wings have gradually increased, and angels of power, angels of power, angels of wisdom, etc. have appeared. On the sixth floor, there are six six-winged seraphs with flickering lights and shadows. They each occupy one side and appear to be clustered on the seventh floor. On the seventh floor, apart from the endless light that no one can see through, there is only a Seraph holding a book and crawling under the light, as if serving at the feet of the God of Truth.

In the light group, all the angels lit up with holy light. They gathered together and expanded rapidly together with the infinite light from the seventh layer, submerging the entire sky like a sea!

Ivan Vincent watched helplessly as the divine art shot down the artificial planet, and he did not feel distressed at all. This artificial planet was just a test product. This time the artificial planet plan had been successful. He could just return to Aline. Artificial planets are being manufactured in batches. At that time, he will launch several artificial planets every day until a satellite network can cover the entire continent.

It is impossible for the Church of Truth to use divine descent to knock down man-made planets every time. Benedict III simply cannot consume Ivan Vincent, and Viken does not dare to use divine descent unscrupulously, lest his soul and consciousness be swallowed up by Heavenly Mountain. I can only watch helplessly as the Magic Council forms a satellite network.

Ivan Vincent watched the holy light dissipate, and once again took out an artificial planet from the space storage bag. This time he made two, and put the artificial satellite into orbit again. The bright light shone in the darkness. The stars were shining in the sky, like a small sun, dazzling and brilliant, once again attracting the attention and wonder of countless people.

"Another star is born. The Magic Council is so crazy. Is it a naked slap in the face to the Church of Truth?"

"Oh my god, what's going on? The divine descending technique just knocked down a star, why did another one appear?"

"The Magic Council did a great job this time. Unless Benedict III doesn't want to live anymore and uses the Divine Descendant again, he is destined to have no way to defeat the Magic Council!"

Arlinge, the members of the Supreme Council looked at each other, scratched their heads, and said in confusion.

"It seems that we only allocated 70,000 gold thalers to His Excellency Ivan Vincent. Where did this artificial star come from?"

"Did any of you allocate money to him? Otherwise, how could he create two artificial planets?"

Everyone shook their heads in denial, looked at each other, their eyes showed a bit of understanding, and they said in disbelief.

"Is the cost of building artificial planets so low? You can make two of them with only 70,000 gold tales?!"

"More than that, according to His Excellency Ivan Vincent's character, he also needs to get some funds from this! Oh my God, this price is unbelievable. How did he manage to reduce costs to such an extent?"

Everyone couldn't believe their calculations. They had also measured the cost themselves. If they did it themselves, it would cost at least one million gold thalers. Compared with Ivan Vincent's cost, the gap was too big.

"Have you forgotten what Ivan Vincent's legendary career is?"

"The creation authority of the God of Truth is false, but the creation authority of the Material Controller is not false. As long as he knows the structure of matter, he can use the two fundamental legendary magics of his profession, material creation, and material creation. Synthesis requires almost no money to buy magic materials, so the price can be suppressed to almost zero, which we can’t do!”

A look of amazement also appeared on Lord Hathaway's cold and pretty face. For the first time, she saw the power of the legendary professional material controller who has the power of creation. He can synthesize almost any magic material without almost any other resources. You can continue to study arcane magic.

When Ivan Vincent chose this legendary path, it was also because he was poor and had no money to do experiments. In order to save money, he chose to be a material controller. He can make any magic materials and magic instruments and items by himself, and is almost self-sufficient. Self-sufficiency has supported his arcane research path.

In the Great Hall of Light in the Holy City of Reims, Benedict III's face was pale and his aura was unstable. He had just forcibly performed the divine art, which had depleted the life of his soul. His eyes were dull and his entire brow was wrinkled. Standing high, his eyes filled with gloom, he paid a huge price to destroy the star created by the Magic Council. Unexpectedly, there was another star hanging in the sky. He was obviously provoking the church and wanted to use it to attack the faith of the Church of Truth. , shaking the hearts of believers and clergy.


Benedict III clenched the platinum scepter in his hand, and veins popped up on the back of his hand. Although he was unwilling to accept it, he had to accept the reality. He had only become the pope for too short a time, and he did not have enough control over the platinum scepter. His understanding of the divine art is shallow, and he is unable to perform the divine art again unless he is dead.

"Let you be arrogant for a while. After I am completely familiar with the platinum scepter and stabilize my strength in the god-like realm, I will then have a battle with evil magicians like you!"

Unfortunately, Benedict III didn't know that the deeper he mastered the platinum scepter, the closer he would be to death, and the sooner he would be devoured by Viken and become a puppet.

Ivan Vincent stood in the starry sky and waited for a moment. Seeing that the Church of Truth did not respond, knowing that they had admitted defeat, he sighed boringly and said somewhat depressedly.

"It's so weak. I've built seven artificial planets, and I just took out the second one. Benedict III just gave in. It's not challenging at all!"

After Ivan Vincent said that, he took out the artificial planets one by one from the space storage bag and hung them on the orbit of the starry sky. Each artificial star emitted a bright and dazzling light, like a star. The little sun shines in the starry sky, making countless people open their mouths and lose the ability to speak. It is extremely shocking.

After a long time, the legendary magicians above Arlinge came to their senses one after another and sighed in great surprise.

"Your Excellency Ivan Vincent, your behavior is really unique!"

"He actually built seven artificial planets. It seems that we misunderstood him. This is not about obtaining funds, it is simply paying for it out of our own pockets!"

"With seven man-made planets, even if Benedict III tried his best to use the divine art, it would still be of no avail!"

"That's right, if you want to destroy this artificial planet, at least three popes will need to sacrifice themselves to do it. The Church of Truth simply cannot afford such a huge price!"

Great Hall of Light, Pope's Study Room, Benedict III was sitting in front of the window, his eyes wide open, fierce burning flames flashing in his eyes, his hair and beard standing, holding the platinum scepter tightly in his hand, a suppressed and hoarse voice The voice sounded.

"What a magic council! What a man-made planet!"

The voice was cold, without a trace of warmth, and full of naked murderous intent. It was cold yet terrifying.

A deep door painted with countless constellation symbols suddenly appeared in front of the members of the Supreme Council. Ivan Vincent, wearing a gray magic robe, walked out calmly and calmly, with a hint of anger on his handsome face. He complained with disdain.

"Benedict III is really boring. He only used the Divine Conqueror once. I prepared seven artificial planets, but there are still six left. It's so unchallenging!"

Ivan Vincent sat in his seat, looked at everyone, calmed down his emotions, and said seriously.

"Now that the artificial planet has been launched, we can start the following plans!"

"The first is about satellite communications. I used data to calculate that if you want to establish a communications field covering the entire continent and ocean, there are two options. One is that the orbital plane includes the sky above the Northland and the endless ocean and the South Ice Sea. An artificial planet in the sky, another option is a planet in geostationary orbit above the right ascension.”

"At the same time, we'd better set up a company to charge a certain fee from every magician who uses the communication planet to make up for the cost of refining and launching. For specific communication alchemy items, either buy them manufactured by the company, or pay the patent to the company You can refine it yourself after paying the royalties.”

"When this type of artificial planet carries out communications covering the entire continent, it requires complete or even higher standards of electromagnetic communication technology to make the signal clear. As a result, the users are limited to magicians with five rings and above, and the number only accounts for the entire After all, there are very few middle- and low-level magicians who have the financial resources to use it. Therefore, the plan to establish a signal base station also needs to be put on the agenda. Only in this way can this convenient communication be promoted to ordinary families. Become something they see and use every day!”

"Set up a wide variety of electromagnetic program institutions to transmit signals at specific frequencies to countries across the Storm Strait. The programs can be about playing symphonies, piano music, operas, telling legends and stories, and even more about basic knowledge of arcana and magic. Popularization, and the exposure of the church’s dark history!”

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