I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2380 Ivan Vincent is cheating, Vicente bows his head

Chapter 2380 Ivan Vincent is cheating, Vicente bows his head

Ivan Vincent stood up, bowed slightly to everyone, expressed his gratitude, and made a speech of thanks.

"Thank you for your support and approval. I believe that the establishment of the Arcane Research Institute will definitely open a new chapter in the research and development of arcane magic and promote the development of the Magic Council. It is an important symbol!"

Vicente's pale, bloodless face showed a look of sarcasm, and he let out a sneer, obviously full of disdain for what Ivan Vincent said.

Ivan Vincent's expression instantly dropped, and a vast expanse of starry sky appeared in his blue eyes. It was mysterious, magnificent, and dazzling. His gaze was directed at Ivecent, full of oppression, and he said coldly.

"Sir Vicente, do you have any different opinions on what you said to me?"

Vicente was not afraid of Ivan Vincent at all. He stood up suddenly and faced each other head-on. A powerful aura rose from his body. His eyes were sharp and full of contempt, and he said angrily.

"Ivan Vincent, don't you know what you want to do? The establishment of the Arcane Research Institute has no meaning. There is not even a specific research project. It is empty and exaggerated. It is impossible to produce any arcane research. Results!"

Ivan Vincent smiled angrily, his eyes full of danger, staring at Vicente's pale cheek, his eyes were like a sharp knife, making people feel the endless edge.

Ivan Vinson directly took out a stack of paper and threw it on the conference table. It read clearly on it: "Relativistic Interpretation and Geometric Form Description of Gravity and the Relativistic System under a More Universal Reference System."

Ivan Vincent looked at Vicente proudly and said shamelessly.

"Who said that the Arcane Research Institute has no research results? Although the Arcane Research Institute has just been established, I am filled with inspiration. This paper is the first research result of the Arcane Research Institute!"

After hearing this, everyone looked at the rogue Ivan Vincent in shock. How is this possible? The Arcane Research Institute has just voted and you have come up with new research results. Even if it does not require research, it is just writing a paper. Time. That's enough. Sure enough, he was still defrauding research funds.

Vicente was defeated by Ivan Vincent's shameless behavior. He stared at the paper on the conference table with his mouth open, feeling that his IQ had been insulted. Even if he waited until we ended the meeting and took out this research paper, it would be regarded as It's deceptive.

"Ivan Vincent, you are cheating, you are so shameless!"

Ivan Vincent looked at the angry Vincent, but he was no longer angry and said proudly.

"Why did I cheat? Was this paper published after the Arcane Research Institute was established? Am I the person in charge of the Arcane Research Institute? I took out this paper as the research result of the Arcane Research Institute. What’s the problem?”

Everyone looked at Ivan Vincent's strong words and couldn't laugh or cry. They understood Ivan Vincent's character a little better. He was an unreasonable man who could not afford to offend.

Lord Hathaway ignored the argument between Ivan Vincent and Vicente. He glanced at the thesis title and remembered Arlinge's vision yesterday. With a thought in his heart, he looked at Douglas and asked for confirmation.

"Douglas, your cognitive world made perfect adjustments yesterday. Is it because of this paper?!"

Hathaway's words attracted everyone's attention. They recalled seeing the essence of gravity yesterday, their eyes were burning, waiting for Douglas's response.

Douglas nodded slightly without saying a word, with wonder in his eyes as he looked at the paper lying quietly on the conference table. Everyone understood.

It suddenly dawned on me that no wonder Douglas would sign the application report. Ivan Vincent’s epoch-making research results were just a way to defraud some research funds. It was nothing. As long as Ivan Vincent produced some research results every year, the Magic Council was willing. Spending this money every year is just some money, nothing compared to the reality of the world.

Fernando Ru has the most fiery personality and can be called the number one hair dryer in the Magic Council. He once sprayed the famous hair dryer Laventi with bloody hair. His fighting power is amazing. He grabbed the paper first and flipped through it. When he got up, there was silence in the conference room. Everyone looked at Fernando. His cognitive world opened, and the electromagnetic world set off a real thunderstorm, shaking endlessly. The air was completely solidified and filled with heavy pressure.

The other members looked at Fernando cautiously, not daring to breathe, for fear that his cognitive world would be severely damaged, collapse, and die from a headshot.

After a long time, Fernando raised his head. His perception of the world had undergone some changes, and he had made some adjustments. It was more perfect and closer to the real world. There was a bit of wonder and fear on his face. He had also been impacted by the general theory of relativity just now. If it hadn't been for him, The concept was not conservative and I made adjustments quickly, fearing that I would suffer a big loss.

"Your Excellency Ivan Vincent, you are indeed a headshot maniac. Every research you do is extremely shocking and subverts our understanding of the real world!"

Seeing that Fernando had finished reading the paper, Mr. Hathaway quickly snatched it away and looked down. For a moment, the cognitive world shook again in the conference room. Everyone watched in silence, not daring to make a sound.

One after another, members of the Supreme Council read Ivan Vincent's research papers. They were inexplicably shocked, and their cognitive worlds made adjustments one after another. They looked at Ivan Vincent, the great arcanist, with admiration. Although he is suspected of defrauding research funds, his research results are astonishing and amazing.

Vicente looked solemn as he watched everyone circulate the paper one by one. Finally, it reached his hand and looked down.

"It can be seen from the previous geometric model that space is like an elastic net, and the object in it is like a ball falling on the elastic net. Its mass will cause the net to dent and shrink, causing the surrounding space and time to The bending of the elastic net will cause other smaller-mass spheres on the elastic net to roll towards the larger-mass sphere. This is the essence of gravity - curved space-time!"

"So, we can see that the space-time we are in is not the straight space-time described by the intuitive tower geometry, but a curved space-time with a curvature greater than zero!"

Vicente studied Ivan Vincent's paper with resistance and doubt. The further he read, the redder his face became. Countless undead creatures in his eyes let out miserable roars. His body trembled slightly and his face became extremely expressionless. It was ugly. At the end, Vicente's face turned red, the blood in his body surged up, and he let out a low groan. His face changed instantly, turning pale to the point of being transparent, and his body was flickering slightly, as if he was about to turn into nothingness. film.

Vicente's cognitive world has been affected to a certain extent. It's not that he is not as smart as other members, but because he contradicted Ivan Vincent's research paper from the beginning with personal hatred, so he was a little injured. When necessary, wait until he eliminates his resistance and regains his composure before he can make adjustments and improve his cognitive world.

Ivan Vincent watched Vicente suffer a big loss, with a bright smile on his face. The villain was successful and said extremely arrogantly.

"How about it? Did the research results of the Arcane Research Institute have a huge impact on the development of arcane magic? It promoted the development of arcane research and allowed us to see the reality of the world more clearly!"

As a Grand Arcanist, His Excellency Vicente would not deny the importance and subversiveness of Ivan Vincent's research findings. He snorted coldly and remained silent. Although he was acting rogue, he had come up with such research results. Not much to say!

"Sir Vincent, are you unconvinced?"

Ivan Vincent took advantage of the victory and continued to attack Vicente, asking provocatively.

Vicente's face was extremely ugly, and he was so gloomy that he seemed to be dripping with water. Black mist came out of his body in a terrifying and gloomy manner. It was obvious that Ivan Vincent had made him unable to get off the stage.

"Vicente, do you believe it or not, I have published a large number of research papers, subverting all your necromancy magicians' perceptions, causing people to die from headshots every day in the Pale Hand?"

As soon as these words came out, the black energy that filled Vicente's body instantly stopped and shrank back into his body. Vicente finally lowered his noble head. He did not dare to bet with Ivan Vincent. Ivan Vincent If he really does this, his pale hands will inevitably suffer heavy damage, which is not what he wants to see.

Ivan Vincent watched Vicent lower his head, then smiled contemptuously, sat down, and stopped angrily blaming Vincent, the master of the dead souls.

Seeing this, Douglas felt relieved and announced directly.

"If you have no other questions at this meeting, let's adjourn the meeting!"

All the members of the Supreme Council stood up and walked towards the gate. They were talking in twos and threes. Most of them were discussing the content of the general theory of relativity just now. They were in a hurry, wanting to go back and verify Ivan Vinson's theory. Thesis content.

The next day, Ivan Vinson's paper was published in the journal "Arcana", which contained Douglas's evaluation of the paper.

"This is a genius achievement that surpasses the entire era and exceeds the current arcane theory by decades! I seem to have seen the great development of the star system!"

"If I can see such a day in my lifetime, I will die with no regrets!"

Your Excellency Helen also rated this article very highly, the highest rating.

"This is definitely an epoch-making paper, no, it transcends the times!"

"The only thing I want to say about Mr. Ivan Vincent is that I seem to have seen another Mr. Speaker!"

Ivan Vinson also knew that he was a bit rogue in presenting the general theory of relativity as the research results of the Arcane Research Institute, so he published another experimental paper in the name of the research results of the Arcane Research Institute. This article confirmed the neutron The presence.

The discovery of neutrons means the advent of an era of great development of the element system!

Lavindi controlled his body, looked attentively at the experimental procedures of Ivan Vincent published in "Arcane", and then rushed into his laboratory like crazy, preparing to verify the existence of neutrons.

Discovering neutrons from the conservation of energy and momentum after collisions has always been his idea, but what materials to use need to be experimented again and again, and anomalies need to be found from a lot of complex data that distracts attention, so he estimates that it will take about two years. It took three years to complete this experiment, but now, everything is different. With Ivan Vinson's experimental description, he directly touched the edge of neutrons.

Laventi found the material and made a plate-shaped thing. Laventi turned on the electromagnetic cyclotron, allowing helium nuclei to bombard the metal plate again and again. When he captured the trajectory of the proton being punched out, he felt like his hands were shaking uncontrollably. When the data was recorded, he felt that his vision became a little blurry. When it was calculated that the rays that ejected protons were neutron flows, two small suns seemed to rise in his gray eyes.


Suddenly dark clouds came over Rentat and thunder boomed!

"Is there anyone whose understanding of the world is semi-solidified?"

"Judging from the abnormal phenomena of elemental disorder and atomic nucleus phantom, it was the discovery of neutrons that transformed the cognitive world of this nine-ring magician!"

In the Great Hall of Light in the Holy City of Reims, Pope Benedict III received the relevant news. He looked at Melmoth with a deep expression and sighed.

"Whether it is general relativity or neutron experiments, their value far exceeds five legends!"

Benedict III's face was extremely cold. Ivan Vincent's research results had improved the strength of many magicians in the Magic Council, which made him very angry.

"Ivan Vincent was not paid enough attention to in the past. I will raise his purification sequence ranking to second place, ahead of Douglas!"

Since then, the top thirteen legendary peak powerhouses in the Purification Sequence have been ranked as follows: Northern Heretic Pope, "Controller of Materials" Ivan Vincent, "Arcane Emperor" Douglas, Ancient Vampire Dracula, and Ancient Time Dragon Danissus, Queen of the Elves, Iron Duke of the First Level of Hell, Prince of the Abyss, "King of Control" Brooke, "Storm Master" Fernando, "Lord of the Endless Ocean", "Elemental Dominator" Hathaway, and the third The thirteenth one is "Silver-Eyed Earl" Rhine, who can borrow the power of Silver Moon and is equivalent to the peak of the legend in a short period of time.

In the eyes of Pope Benedict III, the danger level of Ivan Vincent has surpassed that of Douglas, the president of the Magic Council, and ranks only behind the Pope of the Northern Church.

For the Southern Church, the heresy of the Northern Church is far more evil than the pagans. It involves the struggle for faith and is the most hated existence of the Southern Church. Therefore, the Northern Pope is ranked ahead of Ivan Vincent, not because of his strength. Ivan Vincent is even more powerful.

On April 10th, the sky was blue, the breeze was refreshing, and the sun was bright, shining on everyone, brewing a touch of laziness.

The square outside Nexor Palace was surrounded by the Knights of the Sword of Truth wearing silver-gray full-body armor, blocking out the swarming citizens.

"I'm coming!"

Someone shouted loudly, and the crowd suddenly became quiet, all eyes focused on the Central Avenue.

Black carriages engraved with the mysterious fire emblem were pulled by specially selected silver-gray dragon scale horses and slowly drove through the streets and entered the square outside Nexor Palace.

Stepping down from the carriage were tall men and tall ladies. They were respectively wearing the most popular black double-breasted gowns and burgundy cake skirts in the Kingdom of Holm. If it weren’t for the black bottoms pinned to their chests, With the silver star arcane badge and the black ring magic badge on a silver background, it is difficult to believe that they are mysterious and strange magicians. They will only think that they are members of the upper class and are leading the fashion trend.

"It's so beautiful. The witches don't look pale, thin, or suck human blood as the church said in the past. They are no different from ordinary ladies, just like what the mysterious voice said."

A young man's eyes were shining brightly, and his heart was beating wildly. Although Rentat had many magicians and apprentices, they never took the initiative to reveal their identities, so most citizens did not know the true identity of the magicians. The appearance was left with a stereotyped impression due to the infusion of the church, and then gradually reversed under the influence of the mysterious voice.

The pretty girl on the side also exclaimed when she saw the appearance of these magicians, nodding her little head and saying in agreement.

"That's right, I always thought that magicians all look the same. They have pale faces, dry skin, and hands like chicken claws. They like to dissect corpses at night. They are full of stench, but now they look like they are the difference between angels and demons!"

The intelligence officers of the Magic Council mixed in the crowd secretly laughed. This was what they wanted. The high council selected a magician who could represent the image of a new era magician to serve as Ivan Vincent's entourage when he got married. The residents showed off the magician's style, reversing the previous impression of demonization, and even ordered most of the necromancers of the Pale Hand to stay in Arlinge. It is best not to go out casually today, so as to make all ordinary people understand that magicians represent The most powerful power and the most profound knowledge are the general trend of the development of the times and cannot be resisted.

After all the magicians stood on both sides of the red carpet, a huge roar suddenly came from mid-air, and a terrifying aura fell from the sky, making every knight, magician and ordinary person present tremble slightly, as if they were facing Looking at the top creature in the world, I feel fear.

The blue sky suddenly became dark, and the huge wings slightly obscured the top. Then a translucent figure fell from the sky and landed in the middle of the square.


Someone screamed, the dragon has always been a representative of powerful creatures, powerful, terrifying, arrogant and greedy, looking down on any race other than the vampire race.

The giant dragon's ferocious head is raised proudly, and the crystal-like scales reflect the sunlight, intertwining into a clear and pure layer of light. People suddenly feel that in addition to being scary, the giant dragon is also very beautiful!

After a brief period of fright, the onlookers below looked up, pointed at the back of the giant dragon, and exclaimed.

"Is there someone on the dragon's back?"

"Wow! Your Excellency Ivan Vincent actually came here riding a dragon? How cool!"

Amidst the envy and yearning, a girl who heard the dragon's introduction from the Mysterious Voice broadcast said with some confusion.

"The giant dragon is a thoughtful and intelligent creature. It is at the top of the continent's biological chain. If the dragon is used as a mount, will your self-esteem be damaged?"

Crystal Dragon Afris glanced at her. It would be better to do this kind of self-esteem damage more frequently. Just thinking of the generous reward paid by the Magic Council for being Ivan Vincent's mount this time, the golden gold, With crystal clear magic crystals and even two eight-ring magic items, it couldn't help drooling, thinking about whether to develop a dragon knight tourism project in its spare time to fully demonstrate the dragon's greed.

On the back of the crystal dragon, Ivan Vincent was wearing a purple magic robe. He looked handsome and had golden hair. Under the sunlight, it shone brightly and attracted everyone's attention.

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