I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2379 Collaboration, vote passed

Ivan Vincent felt a little embarrassed when Douglas saw him. He coughed, looked away, and sat opposite Douglas again.

"Ahem! Let's not talk about the past. After all, it was all in the past and has nothing to do with the Magic Council!"

"Your Excellency, Speaker of the Parliament, just tell me whether my method is feasible or not?"

"Would you like to support me in establishing the Arcane Research Institute and apply for this research funding!"

Douglas put down the research project application in his hand, lowered his head, his deep blue eyes were full of thoughts. After a while, he looked up at Ivan Vincent, his eyes were clear, his brows were slightly furrowed, and he said hesitantly.

"Theoretically, it's possible. Just show me the research paper you want to present first. As long as it's substantial enough, it should be able to stop other people's mouths!"

With a satisfied smile on his face, Ivan Vincent used previous research results to pass off as the research institute's project results. This was too simple for him. He opened his demiplane and took out a research paper. , placed in front of Douglas with great confidence.

Douglas looked down and saw a title clearly written on the cover of the document: "Relativistic Interpretation and Geometric Form Description of Gravity and the Relativistic System under a More Universal Reference System."

Douglas read the paper in a low voice, his expression gradually becoming serious.


Suddenly there was lightning and thunder near Alinge, heavy rain fell, and the roaring sound was endless.

Winston, the Night Walker, looked into the distance, watching the changes in the celestial phenomena that were limited to Arlinge, and said with slight astonishment.

"Is there a legendary magician whose knowledge of the world has been shaken?"

Snap, a flash of silvery lightning illuminates the dark night! boom! boom! boom!

The roar of three huge thunders shook the Arlinge Magic Tower. On the 33rd floor, Hathaway and Fernando stopped their discussion about arcane research, turned to look out the window, and saw the streak. Lightning that breaks the sky and illuminates an area.

"Who knows that the world is shaken?"

Your Excellency Hathaway's skin was like ice and snow, and now it was so pale that there was no trace of blood. She frowned slightly and looked at the changes in the sky outside, and said in disbelief.

"Judging from the scope and such a real feeling, it is indeed a reflection of the cognitive world on the real world, and it is a Grand Arcanist level existence! "

Fernando's expression was extremely solemn, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were a bit worried. The Grand Arcanist was the cornerstone of the Magic Council, and every one of them was extremely important and could not be missed.

"No matter what, let's open the Arlinge Defense Mystery Lock first to avoid causing devastating damage and to prevent the enemy from sneaking in during the chaos."

Mr. Hathaway made a prompt decision, woke up from his doubts, and responded immediately to ensure that Arlinge's safety was the top priority.

"This paper starts from two basic premises. The first is the principle of equivalence."

"Through the above experiments and arguments, we can see that all objects in the gravitational field have the same acceleration, which can be expressed as the inertial mass and gravitational mass are equal!"

"It can be seen from the previous geometric model that space is like an elastic net, and the object in it is like a ball falling on the elastic net. Its mass will cause the net to dent and shrink, causing the surrounding space and time to The bending of the elastic net will cause other smaller-mass spheres on the elastic net to roll towards the larger-mass sphere. This is the essence of gravity - curved space-time!"

"So, we can see that the space-time we are in is not the straight space-time described by the intuitive tower geometry, but a curved space-time with a curvature greater than zero!"

As he watched, Douglas realized that the stars in the world were changing, the gravity was changing, and the light and darkness of the Destiny Star were also changing rapidly!

Gradually, Douglas seemed to see a phantom, which was a vast starry sky, a starry sky watching everything from above. And this starry sky is projected into the world of his own perception, producing countless special and complex model symbols. The cognitive world flows faster, the interaction with the soul speeds up, and a spell model in the soul naturally begins to be sketched. Although this magic is not legendary, it involves the field of time, nine-ring magic, and time stops!


The thunder outside the window stopped suddenly, the lightning became distorted, and the heavy rain seemed to be blown by strong winds from countless different directions, drifting in all directions. A layer of deep black enveloped Arlinge, bending the storm and bending the starlight shining in from the outside. Let space and night bend together. Such a scene is extremely weird and terrifying!

Douglas did not stop, while reading and thinking, and finally looked at the Ivan Vinson gravitational field equation, which is the core of the entire general theory of relativity.

Looking out the window at the horrifying scene where everything seemed to be twisting and bending, Lord Hathaway's eyes widened. Incredibly:

"This is a reflection of gravity! Could it be that Douglas's cognitive world is undergoing adjustment and reshaping!"

Fernando's solemn face looked more relaxed, he slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and spoke.

"It is true that Douglas's cognitive world is adjusting. He may have made new discoveries and is undergoing transformation. We have stepped up our vigilance and must not let anyone disturb Douglas's transformation!"

The gravitational field equations were completely presented in front of Douglas, which brought him unparalleled impact and shock.


Douglas was completely immersed in the transcendent phantom of the starry sky. His perception of the world changed drastically, and the special and complex model symbols began to connect into a whole!

boom! In the curved black storm, an illusory blackness suddenly appeared. It sucked in the falling rainstorm, the strong wind, the falling lightning, and the starlight projected in. In the past, it sucked in all the changes in the celestial phenomena and the curved ball, and collapsed into a super terrifying black mass that exuded the meaning of swallowing up everything and destroying everything!

"This is very different from Douglas's previous gravity theory! Is this the essential manifestation of gravity?"

Fernando and Hathaway looked at this scene in astonishment and exclaimed.

Douglas's cognitive world is still changing drastically. The most obvious thing is that the straight edge of space begins to bend. It is no longer boxy, but like an elliptical sphere, as if there is a twisted space barrier on the edge.

In the starry sky, whether it is the Destiny Star or other illusory stars, their downward gravity causes the light around them to begin to bend. The surrounding space appears faintly and transparently, and is also shrinking rapidly. At a glance, it will definitely give people hallucinations. . The black hole-like main star of destiny became more and more terrifying. When it rotated to the front, the symbols of wind, fire, water, elements, electrons and other symbols of the entire cognitive world rushed towards it uncontrollably, and the chaos reached the extreme.

"From the perspective of the curvature of space caused by the mass of the sun, the excess precession of the morning star's perihelion can be calculated, which is basically consistent with the observed values..."

"Starting from the time dilation effect caused by the gravitational field and subtracting the slowdown in time caused by the speed of the artificial planet, we can get that the artificial planet is faster than the time on the ground. This is consistent with the actual adjustment value!"

"Light will be deflected in the gravitational field. When it is near the sun, the deflection angle is... the gravitational redshift of the spectral line..."

Douglas stared blankly at the several predictions and empirical evidence given at the end of the paper based on the previous discussion and the gravitational field equation.

The vast starry sky that could not be touched and transcended the world came to Douglas's senses, and began to interact with the cognitive world. The illusory, terrifying black that seemed to be able to swallow everything slowly dissipated, the strong wind slowly converged, and the rainstorm became smaller and smaller. , the changes in the celestial phenomena tend to stop, Douglas's cognitive world has been adjusted, and is closer to the real world, which makes his understanding of the opponent's world a step further, and the realm has taken a small step forward again, and it is even rarer to sweep away Doug The many doubts in Rice's mind reaffirmed his confidence in his research field.

Douglas came back to his senses and sensed his cognitive world. The changes in the cognitive world stopped. Except for the extra special spell models and symbols, at first glance, it seemed that there was not much difference from the past, but If you distinguish carefully, you can find that the edges of the world are curved, there are also faint curves around the stars, and the elemental light spots filling the space are clearer. The fire, wind, and water as the basic background also have slight changes. The electromagnetic waves, light and wind were connected together, and little water lights appeared, reflecting each other.

"Your Excellency Ivan Vincent! Thank you for helping me stabilize my beliefs and strengthen my confidence in my own research!"

Douglas knew that this paper must have been carefully selected by Ivan Vincent. It could explain some of his doubts and be of great benefit to his understanding of the world. It cleared some of the fog about stargazing and made his The realm has taken a step further, and is only one step away from impacting the gods.

Ivan Vincent waved his hand, with a look of expectation on his face, looked at Douglas, and asked softly.

"Your Excellency, Speaker of the Parliament, you have read your paper. How about it? Is it feasible for me to defraud research funds?"

Ivan Vincent At this time, Ivan was too lazy to hide his purpose. After all, Douglas accepted his benefits and was one of his own, so there was no need to talk nonsense.

"Look at this application report, do you need to modify it? After all, I also think the content is a bit too high-sounding, large and empty!"

Douglas looked solemn, looked at the application report on the table very seriously, spoke righteously, and retorted loudly.

"Why change it?"

"This report has far-reaching vision and profound intentions. It makes up for some shortcomings in the Magic Council's arcane research projects and opens up new research forms!"

Ivan Vincent looked at Douglas in stunned silence. He really didn't realize that this honest and kind-hearted Speaker of the Parliament was so shameless after being complicit in it. It was really great.

"Your Majesty, what you said is absolutely true, and I think so too. The establishment of the Arcane Research Institute will definitely improve the theoretical system of arcane research, make up for the shortcomings of arcane research in the Magic Council, and become the history of the development of the Magic Council. The last big moment!”

Ivan Vincent was no less shameless. He colluded with Douglas and opened a new chapter for the Magic Council's arcanists to obtain research funds, which was a heavy blow!

Douglas and Ivan Vinson smiled at each other and reached a shameful deal with a tacit understanding.

"This application report has the signatures of our two great arcane masters. I believe that other people will not have much objection! Even if some people still have doubts, as long as you publish this research paper in the future, it will definitely be Shut everyone’s mouths!”

Arlinge, the highest level, members of the Supreme Council of the Magic Council gathered together. The twenty-five seats were filled with the top arcanists and legendary magicians in the continent today. They gathered together to discuss the development of the Magic Council. situation, some matters are voted on.

Ivan Vincent lowered his raised arm and looked down at the meeting agenda. All the issues had been dealt with. Then he coughed, attracted everyone's attention, pondered for a moment, and then spoke.

"Everyone, I have something to bring up, and I would like you to discuss it and study it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ivan Vinson took out the research project application report signed by him and Douglas and handed it to other members of the Supreme Council.

Hathaway sat on the right hand side of Ivan Vinson and was the first to open the document. Looking at the two names signed on the first page, she couldn't help but look up at Ivan Vinson and Douglas. The man looked solemn before he withdrew his gaze and continued to read the contents.

Mr. Hathaway looked at the contents inside and couldn't help but the corners of his eyes twitched slightly. A strange look flashed in his silver-grey eyes. He looked up at Ivan Vincent and handed the document over without saying anything for some reason. Gave it to the next person.

One after another, the members of the Supreme Council looked at this research project application report, with strange expressions on their faces, and stared at Ivan Vinson and Douglas with piercing eyes. They did not understand that it was so empty, and there was no such thing. Actual content report, how the two signed it.

Douglas was somewhat uncomfortable under the gaze of everyone. He smiled awkwardly, lowered his head and remained silent.

Ivan Vincent behaved differently. Unlike novices like Douglas, he often did things to obtain funds. He was very skillful. He seemed unaware of the gazes of everyone. His eyes were like a torch, and he glanced at everyone and talked eloquently. .

"Everyone! In the past, the Magic Council has been short-sighted to a certain extent in approving arcane research projects. Arcane development is changing with each passing day, and many new fields have emerged. They are broad and vague, and it is difficult to propose specific research directions at the beginning. But we can't give up researching them, nor can we just rely on the private research of high-level arcane masters. We need the council to provide resources to allow more arcane masters to invest in these fields. The establishment of the Arcane Research Institute will definitely It has made up for some deficiencies in the Magic Council’s arcane research projects and opened up new research forms!”

Everyone watched the impassioned speech with interest. Every magician here, the lowest one is a nine-ring arcanist. They can be said to be the most intelligent people in the mainland. How could they not see the application report of Ivan Vincent? How fake, big, and empty. It is simply an empty shell. It actually requires the Magic Council to allocate such a large amount of research funds every year. This is simply defrauding arcane research funds. I just don’t know how Ivan Vincent persuaded Douglas to make this fair and honest president of the council ignorant. I conscientiously signed the application report.

Douglas didn't want to bear everyone's playful looks all the time. He coughed to relieve his inner embarrassment, then raised his head and said.

"Everyone, as His Excellency Ivan Vincent said, the establishment of the Arcane Research Institute is of great significance. Now we will vote by a show of hands. If you agree, please raise your hands!"

Having said that, Douglas and Ivan Vinson took the lead in raising their right hands. Lord Hathaway glanced at Ivan Vinson with shining eyes. After all, he is a great arcanist at the peak of the legend, and he is Natasha's fiancé is a family member, so she has no reason not to support it. She slowly raised her hand to express approval!

Fernando, Helen, Brooke and others either looked at Douglas's face or were concerned about Ivan Vincent's face, so they all raised their hands to vote. Only Vicente, the Lord of the Dead, did not raise his hands to vote. He looked hesitant and raised the question. question.

"Your Excellency Ivan Vincent, this application of yours is really too general. It has no specific research project and has no significance to the development of arcana! It is suspected of defrauding the parliamentary research funds. I cannot raise my hand to pass it. I hope all members will also think carefully and vote carefully!”

Ivan Vincent's face turned gloomy instantly. Looking at this legendary undead magician who looked like a corpse, he said with a bit of displeasure.

"Sir Vicente, you'd better have evidence when you speak, don't slander me and slander my reputation!"

Vicente's face froze. Is this still a slander? What evidence is needed? This application report is just a trick. No one can see it.

"Vicente, are you going to exercise your veto power?"

"Have you thought it through?!

Douglas did not want to see the conflict between Ivan Vincent and Vicente, so he suddenly spoke to block Vicente's retort, with a serious expression, sharp eyes, and a sense of oppression.

Vincent felt the majesty and pressure of the two great arcane masters. Although this matter was clearly about Ivan Vincent obtaining research funds, it was not worth offending the two great arcane masters. Everyone else agreed. If he exercised the veto power of his Grand Arcanist, wouldn't he offend all the members of the Supreme Council? He sighed and said helplessly.

"Douglas, I cannot pass this resolution, but I will not exercise the Grand Arcanist's veto power either!"

Although the Grand Arcanist has a veto power, it cannot be used arbitrarily. When his own fundamental interests are not involved, the Grand Arcanist still respects the voting results of the members of the Supreme Council and exercises his rights very seriously. cautious.

"But I still think that this arcane research institute has no meaning, and there will be no important research results. It is just an empty shell!"

Seeing that Vicente did not exercise his veto power, Douglas felt relieved and knew that Vicente still had to give in, so he announced.

"As for the application of His Excellency Ivan Vincent to establish an arcane research institute, twenty-four votes were in favor and one vote was against. The vote was approved!"

Everyone lowered their raised hands and looked a little strange. They all knew that what Ivan Vincent did was to defraud research funds, but they thought of Ivan Vincent's contribution and strength to the Magic Council. , this resolution was passed.

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