I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2352 Multi-party balance, Her Majesty Queen Natasha

Duke James and others initially thought that Rex would be inclined towards his nephew, Alex, who had just inspired the bloodline of the Sword of Truth. When the time comes, no matter the strength of the knight or the distance of the blood relationship, David will succeed to the throne without any suspense. Who knows that Gordon will actually run back, which completely disrupts their plan.

Rex knocked on the gavel in front of him, the sound was clear and low, and everyone in the hall of the House of Nobles fell silent.

Rex made the sign of the cross on his chest, his face was sad, his eyes were filled with tears, and his eyes were shining brightly. His deep voice echoed in the hall of the House of Representatives.

"Our great King Feltis and His Majesty Crown Prince Patrick were called by the Lord one hour ago. Let us observe silence for them and wish them the Lord's care in Paradise Mountain."

James and others all stood up and made the sign of the cross. While lowering his head, the atmosphere was quiet and sad. Five minutes later, Rex, the Speaker of the House of Nobles, motioned for everyone to sit down. His eyes hardened, he looked around at everyone and spoke.

“Since His Royal Highness Crown Prince Patrick is the first in line of succession of the Kingdom and has been called by the Lord. He has left no heirs, so according to the law, our House of Nobles will elect a crown prince, and the selection criteria are based on the order of succession and can Be blessed by the Lord.”

The so-called blessing of the Lord means that a cardinal will preside over the succession ceremony. Rex did not let the nobles speak, but pointed directly at Gordon next to him and continued.

"The Holm royal family suffered such a blow. At this time of crisis, Earl Gordon was determined to put his family first, quit the Knights Templar, and returned through the church's teleportation array. He is an eighth-level knight in the prime of life. And he is of pure Sword of Truth bloodline. Therefore, I propose that he inherit the throne, and I ask everyone here to vote by a show of hands."

"Wait a moment."

Duke James stood up quickly, interrupted Duke Rex, and asked in a loud voice.

"In this case, according to the law, more than two-thirds of the members must agree, and there must be no objection from the nine dukes before the elected person can inherit the throne. Speaker Rex, is this true?"

Rex stared at James gloomily, with an unkind look on his face. He had long known that the liberal party would not agree so easily, so he opened his mouth to explain.

"Yes, that's not right. If all the candidates cannot get more than one-fifth of the votes, there is no need to meet this condition. In an emergency, those who get more than half of the votes can directly obtain the inheritance rights. I believe that is the case now. In an emergency, the throne cannot remain vacant for a long time.”

"Whether it's an emergency or not, you don't have the final say. Everyone needs to vote."

"Now, I recommend an heir, Earl David. He is closer to His Majesty the King. According to the order of succession, he is far ahead of Earl Gordon. Moreover, he is also a great knight and inspired the bloodline. strength."

Duke James did not go on stage to speak, but stood directly on the spot, looked around the other nobles, and spoke loudly.

"I don't think any member of parliament will object to the succession, right? Whoever sets an example first, then when his son or grandson inherits the title, can other more powerful candidates in the family use this as an example? Stealing the title?"

The order of succession is the basis for ensuring the orderly inheritance of the noble class. All nobles want to leave the title to their direct heirs! If you are strong enough to rob, wouldn't it mean that there would be crazy internal strife within the family and kill each other? The family would soon decline and die! This is also one of the reasons why nobles are attached to the church. An independent and powerful church can ensure that no one relies on strength and ignores the law to snatch the title of the family.

A conservative noble stood up at this time, saluted everyone in a gentlemanly manner, glanced at Duke Rex and Duke James, and said.

"The inheritance part of the "Code" clearly stipulates that bloodline ability is the basis of noble status, and strong strength can be used as a reference for succession. I will not go into the specific calculation method. Earl Gordon has the strength of the Sky Knight. , can be in the same position as Earl David, so the selection of Earl Gordon does not violate the "Code" and will not cause the collapse of the aristocratic order."

"Moreover, Earl David's father is a magician. We have to consider whether he can receive the Lord's blessing."

The speech of this conservative nobleman was concise and to the point, completely disrupting Duke James's offensive.

Earl Haisong stood up with his quill in his hand, saluted gracefully first, and retorted.

"The fact that his father is a magician does not mean that his son is not a devout believer. Earl David has never missed a service and often donates to the church. Everyone knows his piety. I believe that the Lord can see and be tolerant. In the night watchman team There are many magicians who have repented and converted, aren’t they?”

"And Earl Gordon once joined the Knights Templar. When it comes to handling matters in the future, I find it difficult to believe that he will put the interests of the Kingdom of Holm and the interests of the nobles first. This is not blasphemy to the Lord. Divine authority and royal authority need to be separated and not mixed together.”

"About this, you don't have to worry. I will definitely look at the nobles' issues from the perspective of King Holm. I will never handle matters as a Templar."

Earl Gordon raised his hand, looked at all the nobles, and said very sincerely.

The liberal nobles and conservative nobles stood up one after another, arguing and expressing their opinions. Finally, Rex banged the gavel again and spoke.

"The discussion has ended. Now everyone is invited to vote. If you agree with Earl David, please raise your hands."

The nobles raised their arms sparsely, with more than one-third of the votes cast. The liberals and conservatives were smaller in number, but more united.

This result made Duke Rex frown. If it exceeded one-fifth, he would not be able to use the first special clause. He had no choice but to continue speaking.

"Please approve Lord Gordon's show of hands."

Arms stretched out one by one, and seeing that more than half of them were no longer a problem, Rex began to think about how to pass the emergency discussion. Suddenly, the raising of the arm stopped, stopping nearly halfway.

Duke Rex was anxious and looked at Duke Sollenfen. He shook his head and said that he would not support a candidate with too clear a church color. As a leader of the conservatives, Duke Sollenfen’s statement Directly affected a large portion of the nobility.

Duke James smiled proudly, looked at Duke Rex with penetrating eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"Speaker Rex, it seems we are going to have a long discussion and negotiation."

When Duke Thorenfen hesitated, he was sure to eliminate Earl Gordon from the candidates by passing behind him.

Rex fell silent and looked at the gavel in his hand. Suddenly, he raised his head suddenly, broke the boat and said desperately.

"I propose one more candidate."

"Who? Who is higher in the line of succession than Earl David and Earl Gordon?"

Duke Russell expressed his objection and frowned. He couldn't figure out what Rex was thinking at this time and asked quickly.

Rex took his time and looked around the crowd, attracting everyone's attention, and then spoke slowly.

"Countess Violet Natasha Violet, who also inspired the Sword of Truth bloodline, is closer to His Majesty the King and His Royal Highness the Prince than Earl David, and she is also a powerful Sky Knight, a devout Believers can receive the blessings of the church.”

"In terms of blood inheritance, Countess Natasha of Violet is the second in line of succession after His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. She is also a Heavenly Knight and a devout believer, so she is the most reasonable heir to the throne."

Rex's face had hard lines and sharp eyes, looking at all the nobles. Of course, his eyes stayed on the enlightened nobles most of the time.

Duke Russell stood up and shook his head, and they again expressed their objection.

"Speaker Rex, we all know very well about Natasha Violet, but why are we still discussing it?"

"Countess Natasha's mother, Princess Meredith, became a magician and voluntarily gave up her right to inherit the throne, which means her children no longer have this right."

Earl Seapine and Viscount Harrison looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They and others, who were clearly leaning towards the Magic Council, actually used magicians as an excuse to object.

At this time, Duke Sollenfen spoke seriously, looking at the enlightened nobles and reminding them.

"If this logic is established, then for example, David will not have the right to inherit. The inheritance rights of the nobility come from the nobility of blood, and they can all enjoy it unless they are expressly deprived of it by the "Code". What Countess Natasha inspired is The purest Sword of Truth bloodline can directly obtain inheritance rights from His Majesty the King and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Duke Rex breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Duke Sollenfen, who had remained neutral, had leaned towards Natasha. This result was what he wanted to see, and he quickly followed up.

"The reason why I just held a meeting to discuss candidates instead of directly letting Her Royal Highness Princess Natasha inherit the throne is because she is currently the sole heir of the Principality of Violet. According to Article 5, Paragraph 3 of the Succession Part of the Code, If the successor also has inheritance rights from other countries and families and cannot merge them, then his or her inheritance order will be lowered by one level, and will happen to be in the same sequence as David and Gordon."

The Principality of Vaorit is the center of the church's northwest defense system, and the church cannot agree to its merger with the Kingdom of Holm.

"If the first two candidates fail to gain unanimous approval, then there is no problem if I propose Her Royal Highness Princess Natasha."

"Duke James, Duke Russell, what other reasons do you have to object? If not. We are going to vote."

For a while, the enlightened nobles could not find a good reason to object. Women's inheritance rights were clearly written into the "Code". Moreover, Natasha became a Sky Knight in her twenties and was expected to be a genius in the future. , so it seems that there is no problem for Natasha to become a candidate for the throne.

Suddenly, Earl Haisong had an idea and remembered something. His face became more confident and he spoke again.

"I heard that Her Royal Highness Princess Natasha likes women. Same-sex love goes against the teachings of the Lord and cannot produce offspring. Such inheritance is meaningless."

"That's nonsense. All the nobles of the Principality of Violet know that Her Royal Highness Princess Natasha likes the legendary epic knight Ivan Viscount Vincent. This relationship was approved by both families. If it weren't for their They have just come of age and are still unwilling to get married, so Grand Duke Violet is going to get them engaged!"

"If there is no further doubt, let's take a vote."

Duke Thorenfen was the first to raise his hand. He was not as extreme as Rex. He preferred a candidate that could be accepted by the church, parliament and nobles, so as not to cause a split among the nobles, a civil war in the kingdom or a major conflict in the church parliament. That would cause the entire Kingdom of Holm to decline, many cities to be in ruins, and the victorious nobles would not receive much benefit, and Natasha was undoubtedly a suitable candidate.

The father of Duke Thorenfen is Winston the Night Walker. His appeal among conservative nobles is no less than that of Rex. His raising of hands immediately caused a group of arms to stand up, and then the nobles who supported Rex They also raised their hands one by one, and soon reached two-thirds of the total number of people.

Duke James and Duke Russell looked gloomy, and were about to use the Duke's right of veto to change the issue to whether it is a state of emergency. This state will involve a series of issues, and the conservatives may not be monolithic.

Suddenly, Viscount Harrison remembered something, picked up a quill, wrote a sentence on the paper, crumpled it into a ball, and quietly passed it to Duke James.

He was worried about being overheard by Duke Rex and other golden knights. Duke James carefully unfolded the ball of paper and saw what was written on it.

"The relationship between Her Royal Highness Princess Natasha and Her Excellency Hathaway is closer than we imagined."

Duke James's expression became complicated. After discussing with Duke Russell, he suddenly raised his arms and expressed his agreement. This shocked most of the enlightened nobles, but they still chose to believe them and follow them. , raised their hands one after another.

A smile appeared on Rex's face, he banged the gavel hard and said happily.

"Very good, the House of Nobles has unanimously approved it. Violet Countess Natasha Vaorit will become the King of the Kingdom of Holm."

"This meeting is over."

On the thirty-fifth floor of the Arlinge Magic Tower, in the meeting room of the Supreme Council, twenty-four powerful magicians were standing in a circle.

In the Magic Council, seven great arcanists, eleven legendary magicians, and six nine-ring great mages with very high arcane levels and the strongest strength form the Supreme Council of the Magic Council, which determines all major matters in the council. .

"Natashava Orit's teacher is Beria, the Glory of God, the cardinal of the Church of Truth. I don't think it is a good choice for her to become the queen of Holm. I recommend getting rid of her in advance."

Vicente, the master of dead souls, exuded a cold aura, like a corpse that had just emerged from the coffin in the cemetery. His whole person gave people a terrifying and eerie feeling, he said indifferently.

Several members of the Supreme Council nodded and believed that both Natasha and Gordon should be assassinated to ensure that David ascended to the throne.

Hathaway looked at them coldly, her silver-gray eyes flashing with cold light, her sharp edge revealed, and she spoke with a powerful aura exuding from her body.

"This is a matter of the Hoffenberg family. Anyone who interferes is my mortal enemy. Moreover, I believe Natasha can become a just queen and will not be biased towards the church."

The female Grand Arcanist was not good at words and had poor verbal expression skills, so she simply threatened her directly. The hostility of a Grand Arcanist was not easy to bear.

Fernando, the Storm Lord, glared at the committee members who nodded in agreement with the assassination and roared angrily.

"Assassinate Natasha, assassinate Gordon, are you going to put the nobles of Holm, Brianna, Colette, and Calais in danger? Sard will laugh in his dreams, and then the nobles will They will completely fall to him! The seven epic knights from the four countries, plus the cardinals of the corresponding dioceses, are twelve legends, and the other two are legendary level three, which is enough to curb the development of our Magic Council. !”

The members of the Supreme Council couldn't help turning their faces and avoided Fernando's spit, but most of them nodded secretly. Although Fernando was a little grumpy, difficult to get along with, and a little perverted, he always developed as a parliament. Be serious and won't be too partial in doing things.

Since the Grand Arcanist is willing to support Hathaway, it proves that Hathaway's description of Natasha is true and credible, and that the assassination will indeed cause a backlash from the nobles.

"Fernando, what do you think?"

Douglas asked with a gentle smile on his face, unaffected by Fernando's roar.

Fernando glanced at the others with his bright red eyes and said in a deep voice.

"At least Natasha isn't a bad choice."

"Not a bad choice, well, I agree with this statement."

Douglas was more willing to believe Hathaway and Fernando, and agreed with Hathaway's opinion.

After the dust settled, the Supreme Council quickly made a decision not to prevent Natasha from becoming the queen of the Holm Kingdom, but to closely observe Natasha's tendencies and, if necessary, destroy or control her.

Alto, City of Psalms, Lata Summer Palace.

Natasha listened to the news conveyed by the new Cardinal of Violet Diocese, Philibert, with sadness in her eyes and said with some pain.

“I never expected that my grandfather and uncle would be called by the Lord one after another.”

"Patrick still didn't succeed to the throne."

"Are you willing to go to Rentat to inherit the throne of the Kingdom of Holm?"

Grand Duke Violet sighed softly, but did not say much. Instead, he looked lovingly at Natasha, who was wearing a white palace dress, and asked softly.

Natasha thought of Hathaway, and then looked at her obviously old father in front of her. A figure vaguely emerged deep in her heart, with extremely dazzling golden hair, and she shook her head.

"There are many other heirs in the Kingdom of Holm, but you only have me."

"I have been taught since I was a child to shoulder the responsibilities of the Violet Family and the Duchy of Violet. How can I leave here?"

"What if I said, I want you to go?"

"It doesn't mean you can't come back after you go. Although the church does not allow the merger of the Kingdom of Holm and the Principality of Violet, you can hold the concurrent position and let different heirs inherit it in the future. So you can stay in the Kingdom of Holm for one year. One year in the Principality of Violet.”

"And I'm still in great health. I can still be an archduke for at least twenty years."

The next day, on the lawn of Lata Summer Palace, two figures were lying on the ground, looking up at the blue sky with white clouds, which was particularly relaxing.

"So, pie in the sky, you became the queen of Holm Kingdom?"

Ivan Vincent turned his head to look at Natasha beside him in surprise, somewhat in disbelief.

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