I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2351 Nuclear peace is coming, and the battle for the throne

Ivan Vincent took a deep breath, and his soul went directly into the material of the surrounding world. He stretched out his left hand, and the stars shone, drawing inexplicable trajectories in the air, as if he was controlling each particle and the entire world!

Ivan Vincent has a pair of deep and dark eyes, full of endless mysteries. These monster eyes seemed to exude unimaginable charm, making Tiftididis, the Duke of Hell, unable to move his eyes when he saw them.

Ivan Vincent opened his mouth, his expression was cold, and his voice was as cold as ice, and he shouted to Tiftidis.

"Duke of Frost, Lord of Silver, I am bringing you warmth. I hope you will like this gift!"

"Ivan's big fireball!"

Following this incantation, bright and gorgeous light burst out from Ivan Vincent's body, terrifying and majestic power surged out from in front of Ivan Vincent, and the endless light surged like the scorching sun in the sky. Come.

In the bright red pupils of Tiftidis, the blazing light became brighter and brighter, occupying all the sight and swallowing up everything in the eighth level of hell!

Boom! The terrifying explosion sounded violently at this time, deafening! A sun rises in hell. It is so blazing and terrifying. It drives away all darkness and evil and heralds new life!

An old era has ended, and a new era has begun. A nuclear-peaceful world is worth having. I believe everyone can feel the preciousness of peace in this meeting.

"Hell's Frost! Death Barrier! Wall of Sighs!"

Tiftidis shouted crazily, and a series of legendary magics were cast. They were all of the necromantic system, the most powerful defensive magic of the dark system. But facing Ivan Vincent's fireball, this sky-destroying magic The legendary spell of destroying the earth is useless.

The bright and scorching sun shattered the eighth level of hell with its extremely violent and terrifying energy. Under the scorching temperature, sunlight-like rays, and energy impact, rocks were shattered and barriers were shattered. Melting, layers of barriers collapsed.

Tiftidis wanted to activate magic teleportation to leave, but found that Ivan Vincent had blocked the entire space just now, and there was no possibility of him escaping.


The bright and scorching light shone on Tiftidis, causing his pale and cold skin to burst open, leaving him bloody and miserable. Huge energy poured in endlessly, allowing the Duke of Hell to gain power in the brightest light. Purified, the struggling and painful tall figure gradually disappeared into the sun.

The sun quickly disappeared, and a huge mushroom cloud of rolling flames emerged, covering the entire eighth level of hell. The other levels of hell also experienced violent tremors. The hell lords showed shocked expressions one after another, looking at the eighth level of hell. Endless bright light shined from the eighth level of hell, illuminating the entire hell plane. It's like the Lord of Truth's heaven has come to hell.

Since the birth of the Hell Abyss, it has never been as bright as it is today. The bright light makes the hell no longer dark. Countless devils were illuminated by this light and made miserable sounds. Their flesh and blood burst open, and their bodies were burned out by the extreme heat. There were blood blisters one after another, and the flesh and blood were blurred, which was very scary.

After Ivan Vincent released this legendary magic, he quickly escaped from the hell plane. He was in a good mood across the hell projection, humming a beautiful tune and singing in a low voice.

"The east is red, the sun is rising"

In this battle, the eighth level of hell was reduced to ruins. The Duke of Frost, the Lord of Silver, and Tiftidis fell, which shocked the entire continent. Countless forces began to enter the eighth level of hell to explore. The Church of Truth, The Dark Parliament, the Continental Magic Council, the Lord of Silver Moon and other divine beings all swarmed towards hell. They saw the eighth level of hell that had become ruins. It was messy and dilapidated, and everywhere was filled with radiation of magical energy, enough to When a magician below the fifth ring dies, all the lines of cause and effect are twisted and shattered. Even the legendary magician of the star system or the prophet cannot get any useful information.

Everyone is curious about the origin and identity of this great arcanist and legendary magician who suddenly appeared. This legendary profession is a tyrannical existence that controls matter. He shocked the world as soon as he made a move and killed a The Duke of Hell at the pinnacle of legend.

This incident made Maldemus, the Lord of Hell and the leader of the devil, furious. He believed that the Magic Council had taken action against Hell. He wanted the Magic Council to give an explanation. Douglas, the Grand Arcanist, felt very wronged. If the Magic Council really had Such a powerful great arcanist, how can he argue with hell? He has already done it. The sun rises in hell every day, so that these devils who live in the darkness can all go to see the truth. host!

"Damn it, Maldemus, don't make me anxious, otherwise I will take all the great arcanists and legendary powerhouses of the Magic Council to visit hell every day!"

Douglas, the great arcanist, couldn't explain it to the Lord of Hell. He rolled up his sleeves, blushed, glared at the Lord of Hell, and threatened loudly.

"Douglas, you'd better pray to that despicable truth, don't let me catch the tail of this great arcanist in your Magic Council, otherwise I won't give up!"

Douglas's strength is not weaker than that of the Lord of Hell, Mardymus, so this powerful devil does not dare to force himself, and can only threaten Douglas with harsh words.

"Mardimos, use your immature cerebellum and think about it carefully. If that mysterious great arcanist was really a member of my continent's Magic Council, would I still be arguing with you here? Damn it! Grow mushrooms all over hell!”

"Besides, if that mysterious Excellency is really a member of my Magic Council, you don't dare to argue with me, so you are just trying to show off to other demons in hell, that's about it, otherwise I will be really angry!"

Douglas knew that devils were cunning and insidious, and they cherished their lives the most. Maldemus must have confirmed that the mysterious Lord was not a member of the Magic Council, so he dared to ask the Magic Council for an explanation, just to appease the other lords of hell. , to maintain the majesty of his Lord of Hell.

Douglas frowned as he looked at the disappearing projection, thinking about the identity of the mysterious great arcanist. The legendary magic that destroyed the world was as powerful as the divine descending spell that the Pope used his life to cast.

"That magic is full of the mystery of the sun. There is someone in this world who has such a profound understanding of the sun. I really want to meet him and exchange knowledge about the nature of the world. We will definitely benefit a lot!"

Rentat, the capital of the Kingdom of Holm, Nexor Palace. A white candle burned in the silver candlestick, and the dim light gave off a sense of sadness and loneliness against the backdrop of the heavy rain and lightning outside.

Bishop Sard, wearing a white soft hat and white beard and hair, looked at King Feltis lying on the bed with a solemn expression and comforted him.

"Your Majesty the King, your life has come to an end a few months ago. You have been relying on divine magic to maintain your life. But now, even divine magic can no longer extend your life. However, everything is ready. , you can also return to the embrace of the Lord with peace of mind. Don’t worry, death is not the end, and you will find eternal happiness in Heaven Mountain.”

Feltis' cloudy eyes regained their clarity at this time, revealing a bit of self-blame, but they were replaced by more responsibility and determination. His voice was intermittent and seemed extremely weak, and he spoke as thin as a mosquito.

"Dear Saint Salde, Ray, Rex, the rest will be left to you. The Kingdom of Holm has always been and will always be the kingdom of God's favor."

The Speaker of the House of Nobles, Duke Rex of Fremburg, faced the king who had been loyal to him for many years. His expression was full of sorrow. He knelt down on one knee, held Feltis's right hand, and swore the oath of nobility with great firmness.

"Your Majesty the King, I swear on the honor of the Fremburg family that I will live up to your entrustment."

"It is my mission to bring glory to the Lord. Your Majesty, please rest assured that His Highness the Prince will not fall into hell."

Salde drew a cross on his chest, extremely pious, and his cloudy eyes were filled with bright and warm light, which soothed the king's heart.

Snap, a huge bolt of lightning flashed across, illuminating the entire room. With a smile on his face, the old King Feltis slowly closed his eyes, and his right hand slipped down weakly.

In the residence of the Minister of Finance of the Kingdom of Holm, Earl Haisong was awakened from his sleep. He looked flustered and couldn't believe that he had heard the bad news, and exclaimed loudly.

"What? Has His Majesty the King been called by the Lord? Hurry, prepare the carriage!"

Earl Haison suddenly stood up from the bed and walked outside in his pajamas. The countess quickly followed, put a black gown on him and handed him his cane. Earl Haisong, who had lost his usual elegance and calmness, almost ran to the carriage at the door of the villa, and then shouted in an extremely sharp voice.

"Quickly, go to Nexor Palace!"

The Earl of Haisong was also a knight, but his bloodline was not activated at this time. His running speed was far less fast than the dragon-scaled horse dragging the carriage, and it also revealed his inner panic. Therefore, even if he was anxious, he could only sit in the car and arrange his clothes to make himself look very calm and calm, so as to give other nobles confidence.

Boom, lightning flashed across, and a huge roar sounded. This seemed to be a reflection of Earl Haisong's uneasy heart. Driven by the driver desperately, the carriage ran very fast, splashing high mud. The four wheels spun sharply and almost threw the whole car out when it turned into a dark street. As a result, the car windows were opened, strong winds blew in, and raindrops as big as beans poured in. The night outside was as dark as ink, and seemed to contain endless fear.

The carriage stopped outside Nexor Palace, and Earl Haisong rushed into the palace despite the heavy rain. At this time, Earl Haisong saw Duke James and Duke Russell standing at the door.

"How is it? Where is His Highness the Prince?"

Earl Haisong was breathing heavily. He was already old and his physical strength was almost exhausted. He ran to the two dukes and asked solemnly.

Duke James' face was extremely dark, his voice was hoarse, and he said with a hint of despair.

"Your Highness, the prince, was too sad because of the king's death, and he was called by the Lord."


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Earl Haisong's startled voice was covered in a series of earth-shattering thunders. He just stood in the rain, letting the heavy rain pour down. His vision was blurry, sometimes bright and sometimes dark.

Nexel Palace, inside the House of Nobles.

It was raining heavily outside, thunder was roaring, and lightning was dazzling, giving a scene of doomsday. However, all the members of the Noble House in Rentat had gathered in the semi-circular hall, wearing white hairbands and black cloaks.

If it weren't for the extreme power of natural lightning, the powerful men below the Golden Knight would not dare to fly in quickly in the lightning and thunder weather. I am afraid that there will be a rare scene of all members of the Noble House being present, and at this time, it is only a few kilometers away from Ferti. It had only been an hour since King Sri Lanka and Prince Patrick were called by the Lord.

Of course, those nobles who could not come also learned what happened through remote communication from their spokespersons and allies in Rentat, and conveyed their opinions.

"How could His Highness be called by the Lord?"

Earl Haisong took a hot bath in the lounge of the House of Nobles, changed his clothes and hair cover, and then got out of the state of being shocked and unable to think. He put a white paper flower on his chest and sat in the first row. , questioning James, Duke of Pephos, Russell, Duke of Wolfburg, and Viscount Harrison, who hurried over after notifying the Parliament. There was a hint of suspicion in his tone, and his heart was extremely heavy. With his keen political sense, he smelled a conspiracy. the taste of.

The four of them are the leaders of the liberal faction after Prince Patrick. At this time, they must communicate well in advance and avoid internal strife, otherwise it will be easy for the nobles on their side to lose confidence.

Duke James also wore a white hair cover in the House of Nobles to cover up his bald head. His face was extremely gloomy and he whispered.

"I don't know either. It was already like this when Russell and I rushed to the Nexor Palace. We checked the body of His Royal Highness and found no abnormalities. On the surface, it did appear to be excessive grief, which caused the body to be weak. Collapse, I don’t think anyone will be able to assassinate him under the protection of His Excellency Ketonia.”

Ketonia, the Heart of Time, is one of the two epic knights in the Kingdom of Holm. Among the knights in the entire world, there are no more than five people who can reach the third level of legend. He and Rudolf II belong to this rank.

As for the epic knights at the pinnacle of legend, apart from Prince Dracula, the Prince of the Abyss, the Lord of the First Level of Hell and other monsters, there is only one among humans, the leader of the Knights Templar and a member of the College of Cardinals, St. Melmoth .

It can be said that Prince Patrick will never be assassinated under the protection of Ctonia, but James's face is still full of suspicion.

"Your Excellency Ketonia is a hero in the Dawn War and an epic knight who worked with the late king to defeat the rule of the Magic Empire in the Holm region. But he is very old and is about to reach the end of his life. He needs to consider and make arrangements. He will do more things than ordinary people. He can be easily influenced and won over by others. I don’t trust him!"

"He is not like Lord Winston of the Sollenfen family who can quietly observe the situation and remain neutral!"

Duke Russell's face was expressionless, with a gloomy light flashing in his eyes, and he said to the other three.

Winston the Night Walker is another epic knight of the Kingdom of Holm. Currently, they are taking turns to guard the colonial countries that the Kingdom of Holm has won over in several alien spaces.

"I also don't believe that His Royal Highness the Prince would be so sad because of His Majesty the King's death that he would be directly called by the Lord!"

Viscount Harrison said with great certainty with a sneer on his face and a cold light in his eyes.

Everyone knew that Patrick had been in the position of prince for thirty or forty years and had a power conflict with the king, and the relationship between the two parties had long been unharmonious. Especially after their ideas were so different, they became even strangers. To say that Prince Patrick was so happy that his body collapsed because of the death of the king, they would believe it more.

"Things have reached this point. We need to put aside our sadness and do two things. One is to secretly ask the magicians of the Magic Council to investigate the truth about the prince's death and take the initiative for the future. The other is to start a backup plan and fully support Davidon. Ascend to the throne.”

After Earl Haisong calmed down, his blue eyes became sharp again. Patrick had always been in poor health, and they, the enlightened nobles, had long been prepared for his death before the king, so they were not at a loss after a brief period of shock and panic.

David's father is the cousin of King Feltis and the nephew and student of the Nine-ring Archmage Maurice. Although he has died in a certain adventure, under his influence, the great knight David has been in daily life or In terms of territorial matters, he is completely biased toward the liberal faction. In the eyes of Duke James and others, he is the most suitable member of the royal family. Moreover, he is closely related by blood. According to aristocratic law, he is the fourth in line of succession.

Duke James nodded heavily, agreed to the proposal, and kept conveying this decision to other enlightened nobles. This was their last chance. If they could not push David to the throne, they would be driven out of the center of power by the conservatives. .

After a while, the Speaker of the House of Nobles, the king's griffon Rex, wearing a black cloak and a white hair cap, walked in. Next to him was a black-haired man with a gentle smile and clear silver-gray eyes. He told everyone that he was a member of the Hoffenberg family.


Earl Haisong and other enlightened nobles stared at each other. Duke James' face was ugly and gloomy, and he couldn't help but say.

"Didn't he declare that he would serve the Lord for life, quit the Knights of the Sword of Truth, and go to the holy city of Reims to join the Knights Templar?"

"The eighth-level Heavenly Knight who is less than fifty years old and has the Sword of Tear is in trouble now!"

The expressions of Duke Russell and Viscount Harrison also became extremely solemn, and they looked at the black-haired man with great fear.

The entire hall suddenly became noisy and extremely noisy. Both liberals and conservatives could not help but talk to each other.

This Gordon is a genius and anomaly of the Hoffenberg family. He became a Knight of Heaven at the age of only thirty-five. He was appointed by King Feltis as the deputy leader of the Knights of the Sword of Truth. He had high hopes, but he A devout believer, he went to the holy city of Reims at the age of forty and joined the Knights Templar. His relationship with King Feltis is much more distant than that of David, but the rank of Sky Knight is enough to make his succession soar. He is almost in the first line of succession like David, and Hoffen Although Berg is not a prosperous one, most of them are either alienated by blood and have not stimulated their blood power, making it difficult to compete with these two people, or they have already entered the path of magic and voluntarily gave up on inheriting the throne. Qualifications.

Chapter 26 has been reviewed. Let’s see if it can be released during the day.

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