I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2345 Determined Natasha, tragic charge

Bohit, who had just been promoted to knight and was a young model, scratched his black hair and showed a determined expression.

"I don't want to surrender in my first official battle after becoming a knight. I don't want to be laughed at by my little Yawei."

Yawei is Bohit's lover, and Bohit's face shows tenderness and affection.

Natasha looked at the two knight attendants again. She clearly remembered the names of everyone in her team and asked in a deep voice.

"Bright, Tildo, all the attendants and soldiers have fled, why did you choose to stay?"

The half-elf Tildo had a delicate and beautiful appearance, showing a bit of cowardice, and answered hesitantly.

"Actually, actually, I just don't believe it, because only the dead can keep secrets."

"Your Highness, you actually remember my name."

Brett's expression was extremely excited, his blood surged in his body, and he showed a hint of determination.

"I originally had the same worries as Tildo, but now, I just want to fight for you!"

Verdi did not take the opportunity to attack, but looked at Natasha quietly and asked, not knowing what he was thinking.

Natasha looked at the six real knights beside her, her expression became resolute, she pressed her right hand on her left chest, and shouted impassionedly with a loud voice.

"My knights, they have more knights than us and are stronger than us, but in order to prevent us from escaping, they are scattered around. As long as we attack head-on, we will only face more enemies than us."

"As long as we defeat the enemies blocking us before other knights surround us, we will win!"

The six brave men who practiced the way of knights, with firm expressions and sharp eyes, stared at the powerful enemy, with high morale and awe-inspiring fighting spirit, and shouted in unison.






Seeing this, the Earl of Wales finally took action. With a wave of his hand, the knights behind him began to activate and prepare for battle. A strong sense of oppression filled the world.

Natasha faced Verdi directly. There were two fifth-level knights and four knights there. They were the strongest link in the encirclement! She raised the three-meter-long lance, Slaughterer, between her arms in her right hand, and held her knight's sword in her left hand. Natasha thundered and shouted loudly.

"The knights of the Violet family are known for their bravery and always defeat the enemy head-on!"

Natasha's voice was firm and high-pitched, full of passion and excitement. It seemed that she had been looking forward to such an occasion for a long time. In such a desperate situation, she actually wanted to charge forward and defeat Verdi!

The six knights behind Natasha also became excited. Charge head-on and defeat the enemy in desperate situations. This is the spirit of chivalry.

"My knight's creed is to move forward, move forward, always move forward, and defeat all obstacles head-on!"

"If they are men, defeat them head-on!"

"For the glory of Violet!"

Natasa was completely excited. She spurred her black dragon scale horse to take the lead and launched a charge. Although there were only six people, she had the momentum of thousands of troops. She marched forward bravely, fearless of life and death, and killed the enemy with a tragic and heroic tone. go.

"For the glory of Violet!"

Akasha and Wynn in the second row, and Daniel, Tildo, Brett, and Bohit in the third row echoed loudly, with resolute expressions, bright eyes, fierce fighting spirit, and fearlessness.

The black dragon-scaled horse spurted two thick streams of white air from its nose, and all the dragon scales on its body bulged out. The four horse hooves trampled the ground heavily, and rushed forward crazily. Natasha raised the spear in her hand. , moving forward inexorably, streams of black gas, like a cocoon, enveloped Natasha and the people behind her, rushing towards Verdi's knights as if they could pierce the void.

Verdi waved his right hand, and the team behind him surged. Rows of knights and attendants neatly took out the standard demon-breaking longbows and shot nearly a hundred arrows at Natasha and others. After each long arrow flies out, you can still see their flashing cold light, which is particularly dazzling and fierce in the dark night.

But these arrows shattered and fell as soon as they hit the black line of gas, without causing any harm to the charging knights.

Verdi was not disappointed. With a wave of his hand, the knights' attendants separated from the knights in an orderly manner, flanking the knights following Natasha from both sides.

To the left, behind, and to the right of Natasha, there were big knights approaching quickly, ready to surround her and strangle this small team of knights.

Count Verdi told Sylvia to step back first, while he held up a giant iron-black shield and charged towards Natasha waving a long sword flowing with flames. Beside him, another fifth-level knight, Todd of "Steel Bloodline", also charged with his silver-white lance. As long as he blocked Natasha for ten seconds, the other knights around him could Encircle and completely trap Natasha to death, they can win the final victory!

Natasha's purple eyes turned silver-gray at some point, empty and without any emotion. She looked coldly at Verdi and Todd who were getting closer and closer, and the knights outflanking them on both sides were also holding lances. , long swords and other weapons blocked the charging people from the waist.

Todd's silver-white lance, with a sharp metallic taste, brushed against Natasha's Slayer's black spear. With the speed and weight of a dragon-scaled horse, it stabbed straight at Natasha without any defense at all. Sha, a life-threatening style of play.

Count Verdi erected a giant iron-black shield in front of Todd, blocking Natasha's spear. Layers of transparent walls appeared inexplicably around the giant black shield, protecting Todd and Verdi from behind.

Verdi fully mobilized the flame power in his body and used the Shield of Truth of the Violet family. The defense was invincible, like an indestructible city, firmly blocking Natasha, allowing The Slaughterer's lance plodded forward.

Natasha didn't dodge Todd's lance at all, she just turned slightly sideways and still charged forward. The Slaughterer's spear stabbed Verdi's shield with strange black lines, and the surrounding time and space seemed to freeze. Small gaps appeared inside the shield, spreading like a spider web, filled with the truth. The wall began to slowly break apart.

The blood power of the Holm royal family is the Sword of Truth, which has the ability to cut off everything. It is the top blood power. Natasha herself is a fusion of two top noble bloods, but after stimulating the power, it becomes obvious that With the characteristic of cutting off everything, it is the Sword of Truth bloodline of the Holm royal family that awakens.

This is the battle of the Shield of Truth against the Sword of Truth. Verdi fully stimulates the power of blood, and the shield and the Wall of Truth begin to stabilize.

Todd's lance pierced Natasha's abdomen without any obstruction, piercing directly through her! After a charge, Natasha was severely injured, and drops of blood began to drip. Natasha did not frown, her face was expressionless, as if she had not been seriously injured, showing a steel-like tenacity, strong and And firm.

Todd himself was also very surprised. He did not expect to succeed with one blow. According to his expectation, Natasha would use the thundering sword to slash the lance defense, and also dodge to the side, so that Natasha would not have the momentum to charge. , the accumulated power will also dissipate, and the power of the spear stabbing Verdi will naturally be greatly weakened.

But who would have thought that this pampered princess, Natasha Vaorit, would not dodge or dodge, showing a determination far beyond that of an ordinary knight. Even in the face of death, she was unwilling to evade, and moved forward bravely, determined to lead the way. With the six real knights following behind her to break out of the encirclement, she could not let down the followers who chose her, nor was she willing to let them fall into this conspiracy. They all had their own concerns and people they should protect. The fight between her family and the innocent death here was Natasha's strongest belief at this time, and this was her most sincere inner thought.

When Todd's spear pierced Natasha's abdomen, countless substantial silver-white metal spikes swished through Natasha's back. The severely damaged blood dragon armor had no effect, and Natasha's body suddenly became... The body was riddled with holes, and silver-gray blood splashed onto the six real knights behind them, shocking them greatly. Their fighting spirit became stronger, and their beliefs became more fervent. The monarch they followed was willing to fight for themselves and others. As a knight, there are also Nothing to regret.

Natasha's silver-gray pupils showed no emotion at all, as if she couldn't feel any pain. At this moment, Natasha's strong will and belief had transcended the physical existence. Her left hand did not draw the sword, but stretched it out directly and held it. She stopped Todd's lance, and then used her body as a shield to push Todd and his horse back continuously, and continued to charge forward crazily. There was obviously abnormal excitement and blush on her face, Natasha He knew very well that he didn't have much time. Only by defeating Verdi head-on in this charge could he gain a chance to break through. He couldn't afford to waste a second.


With a crisp sound, the killer spear held by Natasha, contrary to everyone's expectations, directly penetrated Verdi's stabilized shield and wall of truth.

Deep cracks appeared, the shield turned into countless fragments, and the wall of truth completely collapsed. Verdi looked at this scene in disbelief, with only one thought in his heart.

"After she merged the two top bloodlines, in addition to awakening the power of the Sword of Truth, it seems that she also developed other mutant abilities. The more injured she is, the stronger she becomes!"

Verdi was not a dandy nobleman who had never been on the battlefield. When he was the commander of the Alto City Guards, he also led troops in many battles. When faced with Natasha's lance that was about to stab him, he calmly aroused the excitement in his body. The magic item disappeared in a flash and then appeared twenty meters away.

"Can she really defeat us head-on?"

A ridiculous idea emerged in Verdi's heart. He looked at his carefree cousin for the first time. Natasha's performance shocked him. This is the momentum and belief of the knight. A strong will can create incredible miracles. , in legendary heroic stories, there is always such a kind of person who leads his followers to overcome difficulties one after another and defeats invincible enemies one after another. It is this incredible performance that makes them become A legend spread across the continent and will be remembered by everyone.

Natasha did not stop charging, holding a long gun, holding Todd's lance between her belly and left hand, pushing him and rushing towards Verdi. However, Akasha, Wynn and others who followed her charge were embarrassed by the attack from both sides.

Wynn is a fourth-level knight. The ordinary knights and knight attendants were swept away by his two-handed giant sword, and they were unable to threaten anyone else. On the right, Akasha faced a knight of the same level. He was entangled tightly and was repeatedly stabbed by the knight's attendants with longbows and lances.

Bright and Tildo behind them let out short screams. They were just knight attendants and weak. Faced with this desperate situation, they suffered heavy losses almost instantly. Their will was incomparable to that of the knights, and they suddenly lost all power. combat effectiveness.

Bohit's breathing was very heavy and clearly audible, and he kept moaning in pain. He didn't know if he could hold on to the end and see his little Yawei alive.

Daniel was extremely silent and suffered heavy injuries, but did not make a sound. He seemed to be using physical pain to atone for his past actions.

Although Natasha and others were determined and strong-willed, their strength was far different from Verdi's team. After just one charge, they all suffered heavy losses and the situation was precarious.

Todd threw away the lance in his hand, condensed an iron shield with his left hand, and rushed towards Natasha with his sword in his right hand. The other three knights had already shortened most of the distance! Todd's long sword glowed with a faint blood, avoiding the frontal impact of Natasha's Slayer's spear, and slashed directly towards Natasha's neck. Even if Natasha became stronger as she was injured, as long as she was still Without becoming a Sky Knight, one cannot completely transform into light, element, immortality, etc. Losing one's head means death, which cannot be compared to using one's abdomen to block spear thrusts due to one's strong vitality and recovery power.

Todd's sword has a special ability. As long as it is cut by it, it will cause continuous massive bleeding and loss of vitality. Even if it has strong self-healing ability, it cannot be avoided unless it is liquid or elemental. Or spiritual creatures can be immune to this negative state.

The skin on Todd's face behind the transparent metal mask quickly turned silver-white, shining with a cold and sharp metallic color, like a real steel golem. This can not only weaken a large part of the slashing and magic and divine damage, but also enhance its own power again. This is why Todd is known as the Iron Bloodline.

Natasha's indifferent silver-gray eyes didn't even glance at Todd. Only the figure of Will was reflected in her pupils. She kept moving forward with the Slayer lance and launched a crazy charge against him.

Natasha pulled out the spear from her abdomen with her left hand, and once again held the shining thunder sword of the silver-white electric snake, completely ignoring the flowing blood. She seemed to be able to slash the sword at any time and resist Todd's attack.

But Natasha did not actually swing the sword, which would reduce the power of the charge. She believed that the knights who followed her charge would block Todd's sword for her. She had only one goal, to defeat Verdi. Leading the five people behind him to break out of the siege, he had no other thoughts.

Knight Wynn behind Natasha burst into milky white light, and four pairs of white wings of light appeared behind him. This made his body suddenly double in size, and he slashed his giant sword with both hands like a giant. He slashed down and struck Todd's bloody sword.

Knight Wynn activated the force angel blood in his body and resisted Todd's attack on Natasha with all his strength.

As a fourth-level knight, Wynn's strength shown at this time is completely comparable to that of Natasha, Verdi and other fifth-level knights. This is the result of squeezing his full potential.

The two big swords collided, causing violent shocks and strong winds. The iron gloves that Wynn and Todd held on to the sword hilts experienced numerous small cracks in the rapid trembling.

The four pairs of angel wings behind Wynn shed many feathers of light, but Todd's steel golem-like rigid face remained unchanged. Obviously, his strength as a fifth-level knight still had the upper hand.

Wynn did not flinch. He clamped the dragon scale horse between his legs and let it charge after Natasha. He kept slashing and hitting hard with the giant sword in both hands, blocking all Todd's attempts to stop Natasha's attacks. The iron gloves were shattered, his hands were cut, blood was flowing, and the angel wings were becoming increasingly rare and dim. Wynn still gritted his teeth and persisted. His mouth was full of the smell of blood, and he clenched his teeth tightly. He guarded Natasha's side and let it go. The other knights attacked him, and instantly his body was bruised and bruised for hundreds of years, which was very tragic.

At this time, Verdi saw that Natasha had charged a few meters in front of him, the long black spear tip shining with bloodthirsty and indifferent light. On both sides of him were a small number of knight attendants protecting Sylvia, and behind him there was only the desolate wilderness and the nearby Black Forest of Melzer. As long as she gets away from him, Natasha can break out!

"If Natasha is allowed to escape into the black forest, it will be very difficult to hunt her down in the complex terrain."

"If Natasha is still alive, I will definitely be executed by the church!"

"As long as I block Natasha for three or four seconds, all my knights will surround her and she will never be able to escape!"

"Dear cousin, let me see if you can defeat me head-on in a few seconds! Break the Shield of Truth!"

Although Verdi is not broad-minded, it does not prevent him from having a strong will and brave style. Without the iron-black shield, he put away his sword and crossed his hands to block his chest.

The ground shook violently, and the black soil suddenly rose up, erecting several thick layers of walls in front of Verdi. At the same time, the few stars in the sky bloomed with dazzling light, making Verdi's body light up with a pale white light, and a transparent and solid force field shield gathered in front of him!

The Shield of Truth was activated again, and the Slayer's black spear pierced the Shield of Truth. The first few layers of the force field disappeared silently, and the later layers also began to collapse and disintegrate, but this also consumed a lot of Natasha's charging power. The tip of the spear sank into the transparent force field wall that condensed like substance, and ripples spread out around it with it as the center.

Verdi only took a step back and stabilized the Shield of Truth. For one second, two seconds, the tip of the spear only penetrated a few centimeters. Verdi suddenly sneered in his heart when he saw that the great knight known for his speed had arrived and was about to slash at Natasha with his giant sword.

"Dear cousin, after all, you have not realized your belief in moving forward and defeating all obstacles."

"Victory is about to be yours."

Suddenly, an extraordinary long sword cut through the void, shining brightly, and stabbed the Shield of Truth in front of Verdi fiercely.

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