I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2344 Nuclear peace of the world? Natasha in desperate situation

Ivan Vincent looked at this magic mystery lock. It should have been arranged by a legendary astrological magician. It was a long time ago. It was recently activated and the entrance was opened, which caused such great changes.

"There is something wrong with the arrangement of this magic lock. It is not like the way the locks are used in protective magic towers. It seems that most of the power is concentrated on sealing something. If you guessed it correctly, those people were sealed because of this thing. It’s coming!”

"This magical mystery lock exudes the aura of a prophet. It should be related to the ancient magicians Sun King, Prophet and others. It is this group of madman-like magicians who want to study the world of the dead. In the end, he played himself to death and made Viken, a coward, the final winner. He was promoted to a god, established the Cult of Truth, and became the current Lord of Truth, the strongest person in the continent."

Around the town of Bonn and Lake Elsinore, there are six priests standing in the air, and twelve priests and dark knights standing on the ground. This is the total strength of the Silver Horn in the entire Principality of Violet, among which It also includes several strong men from other countries and the Dark Mountains who came to follow the oracle of the Silver Lord.

Ilya, the priest of the Silver Horn, flew over Lake Elsinore and saw that the sparkling, quiet and beautiful lake water suddenly collapsed after completely solidifying, turning into pieces of illusory light, reflecting the bright starlight cross below. and a red liquid that squirms like life.

Surrounding the strange Lake Elsinore, many ghosts with skulls and pale tails, wraiths, dark and ferocious shadows, and various other ghostly undead creatures all raised their heads. Screams and invisible fluctuations were superimposed together to form an illusory and huge monster. It wore a black robe, held a long scythe, stepped in the red liquid with its feet, and had a pair of pale and hollow eyes on its skull-like face. Eye.

Just by simply seeing this illusory monster, you can't help but shudder, as if your life force is passing away quickly and is being swallowed by this illusory monster.

The Grand Cross is slowly disintegrating, and the black and white gray world overlaps with the main world, making this place dyed with dreamy starlight.

Ilya, the Priest of the Silver Horn, watched all of this calmly. He took out a huge pale palm from nowhere, and each of its fingers was bent to reveal sharp, non-human bone spurs, shining with a quiet, cold light. He raised his palm high and recited a spell that could make people irritated and crazy. Silvery lines converged from the priests in the sky, the priests on the ground and the dark knights around his body, forming a complex Magic circle.

After reciting the incantation, in the silent world of black and white, there was a layer of creeping silver, cold and evil. Ilya quickly threw his pale palm into the center of the magic circle, and the silver immediately rolled down, wrapping it and pulling it to deform.

A silver-white door painted with countless strange and evil runes slowly appeared, and the large cross below almost completely disappeared.

Suddenly, a terrifying pillar of scorching light, illuminating the monotonous black, white and gray, struck down from high in the sky, hitting the silver-white door in the middle. The black disappeared, the gray disappeared, and the whole world was filled only with the endless holy light.

The black-robed monster above Lake Elsinore directly vaporized, and all the various ghost-like undead creatures around it disappeared with silent screams. Even the undead creatures produced in the town of Bonn were wiped out by the light. This is the Eight Ring Divine Art of the Church of Truth, Yang Yan Explosion!

"Amorton, Gosset! Didn't you go to the border and guard Alto?"

Ilya, the priest of the Silver Horn, looked at the two cardinal figures suddenly appearing in the sky in surprise, and asked in astonishment.

The long-black-haired, handsome Bishop Amorton slowly approached holding a cross badge with the sun in his hand.

Gossette, who has short flaxen hair, has a serious and indifferent face. Standing next to him are Count Hart Lafati, the ninth-level golden knight Count Hayward, deputy leader of the Violet Knights, and two other heavenly knights.

In addition to the strong men stationed in the northern fortress and the fortress near the Dark Mountains, nearly half of the strong men in the Principality of Violet gathered here. In the sky and on the ground behind them, the church's code holders Salvador, Joker and other night watch captains also approached with their respective team members and blocked all roads.

Amorton, a seventh-level cardinal, put away his eighth-level magical badge and answered coldly.

"We are here to completely eliminate the Silver Horn!"

Priest Ilya didn't seem to have thought that he was being plotted by the Church of Truth. They had known about the Silver Horn's plan for a long time, and they were waiting for it, setting up a dragnet and preparing to catch all the Silver Horn.

"Who betrayed us?"

Ilya made a desperate and angry question, with a cold and vicious look on his face, a ferocious smile, and extremely crazy.

"Although the true god cannot be summoned, the one who is sealed in the magic mystery is not something you can deal with. Do you want to become an undead creature with me? Is that old guy Salde here too?"

Ivan Vincent looked at the people not far away coldly, his expression was extremely cold, his blue eyes were as deep as the vast ocean, there were faint turbulent waves rising, murderous intent was brewing in his heart, it was like the tranquility before the collapse of the sky, He murmured in a low voice with great repression.

"Silver Horn, Church of Truth, good, good, good!"

"You all have good calculations, but you haven't considered that the town of Bonn is my territory, Ivan Vincent, and I don't allow you to be arrogant. Today I said I won't go on a killing spree and let you do it for the town of Bonn. Residents were buried with them!”

Ivan Vincent was still late. The residents of the entire town of Bonn were swallowed up by the breath seeping from the cracks in the undead world and transformed into undead creatures. At this time, the anger continued to impact Ivan Vincent's soul. , the murderous intention became more and more fierce, his eyes narrowed slightly, he stepped forward, and was about to take action, powerful mental power was released, covering the extremely wide world, silently, the magic elements in the void began to faintly stir, Ivan. Vincent wants the world to see his original legendary magic, which can bring true peace and nuclear peace to the world. Ivan's fireball is about to launch. He wants to bury all these people and disappear from this world together with the town of Bourne. Bar!

As for Count Hart Lafati, Count Hayward, the deputy leader of Violet, and the other two Sky Knights, Ivan Vincent did not care about them. Although they were from the Grand Duke, who asked them to get involved? Come in.

Ivan Vincent's mental power vibrated slightly, and the material synthesis magic was activated. At this time, Ivan Vincent was like a creator, controlling the changes in the smallest structure of matter, the atomic structure constantly changing, and the energy changing and jumping. , actually synthesized uranium, plutonium, deuterium, and tritium out of thin air, which are the most important materials for fission and fusion.

Ivan Vincent relied on his profound understanding of the world to create magic that controlled the synthesis of matter. It was comparable to the Creator. This is a legendary spell. Although it does not have powerful spell power, it can help Ivan Vincent synthesize it. Various materials and substances are the core magic of Ivan Vincent, which is more important than Ivan's big fireball. With this magic, Ivan Vincent does not need to search all over the world to use Ivan's big fireball. The required materials saved him a lot of energy.

Ivan Vincent was about to use legendary magic to send all the guys who destroyed his territory to hell, but suddenly his expression changed slightly, all his mental power converged, and he returned to his own mind, and glared hatefully not far away. The crowd snorted coldly and said unwillingly.

"You're lucky, I'll let you go this time!"

Before he finished speaking, Ivan Vincent's figure had already disappeared, heading towards the Dark Mountains and entering the Melzer Black Forest.

In the wilderness where the Melzer Black Forest and the Dark Mountains meet, Natasha is riding a black dragon scale horse. She is wearing a milky white but severely damaged blood dragon armor. She looks heroic. Behind her are some tired and messy people. The knights and soldiers were all wounded and looked solemn.

Suddenly, a burst of rapid horse hoofbeats sounded, and a dark group of cavalry drove up in a semicircle behind Natasha and others. They slowly dispersed, leading to the Black Forest of Melzer, Alto, and the small town of Bonn. The direction was blocked, leaving only a dead end path to the steep mountain for Natasha.

At the front of this team was Count Verdi, who was riding a strange white horse with long goat horns. Standing next to him was Sylvia, with a look of pain and weakness on her face.

"Dear cousin, stop struggling. The strong men in the church and the Violet Knights who favor you will definitely not be able to come to your aid now."

Verdi wore dark purple full-body armor, sat on a strange horse, looked down at Natasha from a high position, and said majestically with a sure victory.

Natasha ignored Verdi and just looked at Sylvia quietly, her eyes slightly narrowed with a hint of sadness, she bit her lip and asked extremely bitterly.

"Is it really you? Why? Is everything you said to me a lie?"

Natasha's team was ambushed by sky knights and high-level magicians before, and suffered heavy damage. Now there is only one fourth-level knight, two second-level knights, two official knights, and a few others left in the team. The strength of the knight attendants and ordinary soldiers was greatly reduced. They were far less powerful than Verdi's knights and were in a desperate situation.

What saddens Natasha the most is that in order to protect Natasha so that she could break out, Ms. Camille faced a celestial knight and a high-level magician alone, her life or death unknown. And all this damage is due to Sylvia's betrayal.

The travel route and strength information of Natasha's team was betrayed by Sylvia to Count Verdi. This caused Natasha and others to be ambushed without any precautions, resulting in heavy casualties.

Sylvia took two deep breaths, the weak and painful expression on her face gradually dissipated, she calmed down, and looked at Natasha with somewhat complicated eyes.

"I appreciate your love for me, Natasha, but I love my father even more!"

"He finally came into contact with the people of the Magic Council. He has hope of getting rid of the life of depression and fear. I must do something for him. I originally thought that they were asking for your information for the secret of Lata Summer Palace, but I didn't expect that their purpose was actually To assassinate you."

"But things have become like this. My father just died by your spear. I can only forget everything between us and avenge him."

Natasha keenly noticed Sylvia's words and looked at Sylvia with a bit of sadness and anger. She did not regret killing Droni who delivered the news immediately. Otherwise, she and Camille included All of the knights will die in the ambush.

"You are just grateful for my love for you, so you are deceiving me. I have been living in the false lies you weaved, right?"

"Gorgeous and spacious villas, exquisite and delicious food, attentive and professional servants, a promising life as a musician, elegant and pleasant aristocratic salons and banquets, these are the things that others only dream of. To me, they are not as good as studying. The happiness brought by the magic harvest is not as good as the satisfaction when the experiment is successful, and it is not as good as my father's wish!"

"Natasha, our life paths are like two intersecting lines. We have been together before, but we will eventually go further and further apart."

A look of fanaticism appeared on Sylvia's face. She was fed up with her life in Alto City. She was worried and frightened every day, fearing that she would be tied to the stake when she woke up one morning and be tortured by the so-called Holy Light. Purify.

Natasha's lips moved slightly, and just when she was about to speak, Count Verdi grabbed Sylvia's waist and showed off triumphantly, hitting Natasha's mental will.

"Dear cousin, you are indeed strong, determined, brave, fearless, and humorous. But you are still a woman and cannot give Sylvia the love she wants."

Sylvia struggled slightly, seemingly feeling a little uncomfortable with Verdi's approach, but she still endured it. He never broke free from Verdi's arm.

Natasha closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and suddenly opened her purple eyes, with high morale and a bright and bright smile on her perfect cheeks. She, Natasha, is Count Violet, Violet The future grand duke of the principality, a fifth-level knight, is not the time for love between children. All the sadness and loss are suppressed in her heart. She cannot show any weakness at this time. The knights and soldiers behind her are still watching. Where is her master?

"What an admirable magician I have never noticed before. Sylvia, you still have such a persistent pursuit!"

"Hahaha! Cousin Verdi, for the sake of the Grand Duke's title, you dare to collude with the Magic Council and the Silver Horn cult. Do you think Bishop Salde will be willing to crown you? The Inquisition is where you ultimately belong. land!"

"Why can't I inherit the title of Grand Duke? My father died inexplicably back then, and your father ascended to the throne of Grand Duke. Now I'm just retaliating with tooth. As for cooperating with the Magic Council and the Silver Horn, who has any evidence?"

"And who said that I cooperated with the cult believers? I was the biggest contributor to the fight against the Silver Horn. If it weren't for my key intelligence, how could Bishop Salde and Earl Hayward sabotage the Silver Horn's final operation in time? They were all wiped out? How could it be that it was too late to save you, my cousin?"

"As long as you die, who can know the truth? The people from the Magic Association will help me deal with the scene, and they will also announce that they are responsible for the matter afterwards and have nothing to do with me!"

"Cousin Verdi, it seems that you have only used the Silver Horn from the beginning, and now you have betrayed them without hesitation."

Natasha calmed down completely, was not angered by Verdi's words, and her fighting spirit remained undiminished.

For some reason, a figure appeared in Natasha's mind at this time. He was lazy, liked to show off, and complained all day long that he was not a real knight.

She, Natasha, is a true knight, upright, brave, indomitable and never afraid. Even if you die today, you must uphold the honor of the knight, abide by the spirit of the knight, and practice the way of the knight.

Verdi restrained his pride and ignored Natasha. He turned to look seriously at the knights behind Natasha and said in a deep voice.

"Knight Wynn, do you still want to follow Natasha to resist? Your Excellency from the Northern Fortress, the two golden knights from the Dark Mountain Fortress, as well as the Hayne family and the Hill family have all expressed neutrality. As long as I can kill Natasha Shah, they will recognize me as the future Grand Duke."

As soon as these words came out, the knights, knight attendants and soldiers behind Natasha were all in an uproar, and Natasha couldn't believe it.

"The reason why they did this is because they cannot tolerate that the monarch they are loyal to is a female knight with an eccentric personality who likes women. Natasha has insulted the spirit of chivalry, and there is no way to ensure the continuation of the bloodline. You follow Natasha Will Sha feel honored?"

"I have two fifth-level knights, one fourth-level knight, three third-level knights, eight second-level knights, eleven formal knights, and hundreds of knights' attendants. Do you think you can succeed? Breakout?"

The uproar turned into an eerie silence, and everyone seemed to be deep in thought.

"Choose to be loyal to me, and you will live to see the sun rise in the morning, and I will protect you!"

"And if your head is as stubborn as a stone, you're going to hell!"

After a moment of silence, many soldiers and knights' attendants began to flee, running towards Verdi's knights opposite. There was even an official knight among them.

"Have everyone chosen to betray me?"

Natasha was very calm at this time, just looking at this scene with deep eyes, the long lance was placed on the horse without any obstruction.

Natasha looked at the team with less than ten people left and a few empty dragon-scaled horses, and smiled softly, beautifully and resolutely.

"Knight Wynn, why don't you go over?"

The fourth-level knight Wynn has brilliant blond hair and blue lake-like eyes. He answered seriously: "I have chosen the lord I am loyal to, Her Royal Highness, and I will always fight for you! This is my loyal knight's creed!"

Natasha turned to look at the other three and asked seriously.

"Knight Akasha, Knight Daniel, Knight Bohit, why do you stay?"

Akasha pointed to his heart on the left side and replied firmly.

"My heart tells me that its blood is not cold, and it is not for cowards!"

Daniel Knight looked at Natasha with his sinister and cold gray eyes, drew a cross on his chest, and said without fear.

"After I became a knight from a pauper, I was immersed in the privileges and glory of the nobility. I made many mistakes and even ended up on the gallows. But what I have never changed is my belief in fighting evil!"

"Maybe I will reach the end of my life. Please allow me to make a confession to those who have been hurt by me."

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