I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2276 Zhong Shenxiu: As long as the blame is dumped quickly, it has nothing to do with me!

The center of Zhong Shenxiu's eyebrows shone slightly, and the light bloomed. A sword light shot out from his eyes, which was extremely bright. The sword energy spanned thirty thousand miles, and the light of the sword chilled nineteen continents. The sword energy was condensed and extremely pure, soaring straight into the sky, towards the sky. Flying above the nine heavens, with the artistic conception of cutting off everything.

The sword energy penetrates the world, and the pure and condensed sword energy contains countless densely packed talismans. These talismans are all great curses for inner demons. They can directly strike people's hearts, trigger inner demons, and make the enemy restless and full of distracting thoughts. With one sword strike, first Cut off the soul, then cut off the body, a two-pronged approach, there is no disadvantage.

"The Great Cursed Sword of the Inner Demon!"

This inner demon spell sword is the highest secret of the devil's way, and it is also the most mysterious and subtle swordsmanship. It is the ability of Jiao Fei, the first true disciple of the Tongtian Sword Sect, to see and control the sword with the five realms of heart, spirit, mind, void, and emptiness. , which is very different from the general sword sects that use Qi to control swords. It is magical, exquisite in swordsmanship, and profound in swordsmanship. It is not under the two ancient giant sword cultivating sects of the Invisible Sword Sect and the Wusheng Sword Sect.

Jiao Fei used this inner demon cursed sword to put Fang Han into a desperate situation and almost triggered the wind and fire disaster, but unfortunately it was wiped out by Zhong Shenxiu's yin and yang divine light.

It was at that time that Zhong Shenxiu got a glimpse of the mystery of the Heart Demon Great Curse Sword, deduced it, and easily cultivated the Heart Demon Great Curse Sword to a perfect state.

The bright sword light split the Supreme Elder of the Taiyi Sect into two, first cutting off the soul, and then the physical body, killing him with one blow and extinguishing any chance of life.

The Supreme Elder of the Zhouguang Realm of Taiyi Sect had a horrified look on his face, and a line of blood appeared. His body suddenly fell to the ground, just not far from the fortune-telling stall, stirring up dust on the ground. A mess.

Zhong Shenxiu glanced at the corpse, his eyes were indifferent and cold, and he looked away, as if the other person was just an ant, not worthy of Zhong Shenxiu's gaze.

Zhong Shenxiu had a half-smile on her face, her eyes narrowed slightly, showing a bit of pride, she raised her eyebrows and spoke.

"I said that I am not doomed. Look, am I right?"

The inner demon old man's expression changed, and he looked at Zhong Shenxiu in confusion, a little surprised.

On the one hand, he was surprised that Zhong Shenxiu actually knew the swordsmanship of the Heart Demon Great Curse Sword. This was his unique skill and was only taught to Jiao Fei of the Tongtian Sword Sect. He also came to meet him for a while because of Jiao Fei's matter. Zhongshenxiu.

On the other hand, he was surprised that Zhong Shenxiu's cultivation strength was much stronger than he expected. He thought that Zhong Shenxiu could only achieve the secret realm of immortality at most, and would definitely not be a match for Taiyi Sect, a powerful person in the Eternal Light Realm. That's why I wanted to use this incident to form a good relationship with Zhong Shenxiu.

But the development of the matter was beyond his expectation. Zhong Shenxiu killed the Supreme Elder of Taiyi Sect with one sword, without giving him a chance to take action, and this good relationship could not continue.

"When one wave fails, another wave arises!"

"You have survived this wave of calamity, but this is a Supreme Elder of the Zhouguang Realm, who is the foundation of Taiyi Sect. If he was killed by you, don't you worry about Taiyi Sect's anger? The next time the calamity occurs again, you will He is no longer a master of the Zhouguang Realm!"

"I'm afraid that Tai Huntian will activate the immortal weapon, ask the Yuhua Sect to accuse him, and ask the Yuhua Sect to hand over the murderer. What will you do then?"

When Zhong Shenxiu heard this, he curled his lips indifferently, with a bit of laziness and carefree expression on his face, looking up at the clouds separated by his sword, leisurely and contentedly.

Even if Taihuntian activates the immortal weapon, he is not afraid of anything and can kill it easily without any need to worry. The words of the inner demon old man have no effect at all and cannot cause the slightest fluctuation in Zhong Shenxiu's peaceful mind.

"The murderer, how can there be any murderer in the Yuhua Sect?"

"I saw with my own eyes the supreme elder of the Taiyi Sect being killed by the inner demon's cursed sword. What does it have to do with me?"

"Shouldn't the Taiyi Sect take revenge on you, the inner demon old man? So this is not my fate, but your fate, senior!"

Zhong Shenxiu made a clean and neat push. With his hands spread out and a serious look on his face, he threw the blame on the old man's head.

The death of Taiyi Sect's Supreme Elder has nothing to do with Zhong Shenxiu, and Taiyi Sect will not doubt him. After all, he doesn't understand the path of inner demons, and he doesn't know how to use the Great Curse Sword of Inner Demons. If there is a master, Taiyi Sect should look for troubles with Jiao Fei and the inner demon old man, but Zhong Mou knows nothing about it.

The demon old man was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Zhong Shenxiu with a dull expression. After a long time, he finally regained his composure, frowned, raised his eyebrows so high that he could trap a fly, and said with a wry smile.

"What a tired boy, what a stunningly talented boy, what a scheming boy!"

"I don't have any ill intentions, I just wanted to have a good relationship with you. I didn't expect it to end up like this. I was tricked by your kid. I took a big blame. I have been playing hawk all my life. Today, my little house bird pecked my eyes. Oh, it’s a big fall!”

"It's amazing. A new generation replaces the old ones. You can't accept the old ones!"

The heart-demon old man had a little bit of loss on his face, his eyes were dim, and he said words of resignation, but his hands were not idle. With a flick of his finger, a talisman flew into the air, the color of the sky and the earth changed, the wind and clouds gathered, and the day suddenly changed. It turned into a dark night, with raging winds, low dark clouds, flying sand and stones, and there was chaos between heaven and earth. It was so gray that you couldn't see your fingers. People on the street suddenly panicked and ran frantically towards their homes. The originally crowded roads were empty. Yes, only the two people in front of the fortune-telling stall remained where they were. They were all alone and looked very desolate.

This talisman exploded in the void, turning into a rain of flowers all over the sky, gorgeous and colorful. A stream of colored light like glass appeared in the void, and then rainbows appeared across the sky from east to west, north to south, and became the only color in the world. and light.

Zhong Shenxiu's expression moved slightly, and he relaxed his mind. In a trance, he seemed to be in a dream world.

"Is this the avenue of inner demons!"

Zhong Shenxiu was still awake and felt his heart beating, as if it was about to explode. I seem to have fallen into a virtual world, unable to extricate myself. I have fallen into an endless nightmare. Countless fantasies are generated, which directly attack the weakness of people's hearts. They want people to be addicted here forever and never want to wake up. It seems like something like this A situation where one becomes obsessed and the inner demons cannot be suppressed at all.

As long as ordinary magical monks have passed through the eighth level of magical power and the wind and fire catastrophe, they can basically suppress their inner demons. From then on, there was no danger of going crazy, Yang was rising and Yin was declining, and the body, spirit, and the whole person gradually began to transform into the realm of pure Yang.

Especially the masters of the eternal giants, whose inner demons have been completely suppressed, can refine the vitality of the immortal world into pure Yang energy.

As long as you don't encounter a tragic change and lose your mind, inner demons will generally not appear. The eternal giant in the secret realm of immortality has an extraordinary level of strength. How can the inner demons cause trouble? Their physical bodies have long been transformed into pure Yang bodies due to the tempering, tempering and transformation of a large amount of immortal energy. Their flesh bodies are like pure Yang magic weapons, and it is impossible for the dark inner demons to win.

But now, under the influence of the talisman, Zhong Shenxiu's inner demon was actually aroused. Of course, this was also because he deliberately relaxed his mind and wanted to understand the old man's inner demon path.

There were many hallucinations before Zhong Shenxiu's eyes, and he deliberately fell into a nightmare and couldn't extricate himself. This was beyond the means of ordinary people, and also violated the understanding of practitioners. There are actually inner demons in the body of pure Yang.

Although Zhong Shenxiu deliberately fell into the illusion, he was still able to maintain a sense of consciousness and did not sink completely. He tried various means to resist the intrusion of his inner demons.

Zhong Shenxiu activated the magic power stored in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and streams of pure Yang energy emerged from the body, trying to drive away the inner demons, but it was of no use. In the fantasy world, these inner demons became stronger and stronger. In the end, layers of flames began to burst out from Zhong Shenxiu's body. The flames bloomed into lotus flowers, which were extremely red. It was the Red Lotus Tribulation Fire, which appeared in the void. There are also black storms blowing up, turning into black evil dragons, ferocious and ferocious, with amazing evil aura, it is the Black Nightmare Dragon Wind.

Zhong Shenxiu was actually triggered by the demon in his heart to trigger the catastrophe again. This method was truly astonishing and exquisite, beyond imagination.

"Ordinary monks' methods cannot break the demonic illusion in my heart. I must make you suffer a little today, otherwise. I can't vent the bad breath in my heart. It's so unpleasant!"

The inner demon old man had an indignant look on his face, with a bit of irritation in his eyes. Looking at Zhong Shenxiu who was attracted by the Wind and Fire Tribulation, he finally showed a bit of a smile, with the corners of his mouth raised.

"Senior, you are too stingy. It was just a joke for you. Why are you getting so angry? It's out of character!"

Zhong Shenxiu seemed to have heard the words of the inner demon old man. Although his mind was still immersed in the world of inner demons, he actually still spoke, with a bit of a smile on his face, and the yin and yang energy in his eyes rose up and turned into a divine light. The divine light crossed the void and penetrated into the world of inner demons. A golden bridge fixed the heaven and the earth. Flowers fell from the sky and fell into the void, sweeping away all the inner demons and dissipating illusions.

Zhong Shenxiu glanced at the Red Lotus Tribulation Fire and the Black Nightmare Dragon Wind, and his mind moved slightly. The golden light suddenly appeared, the wind and fire dissipated, the dark clouds dispersed, the bright sun reappeared, and the heaven and earth were brilliant, turning into daylight again.

"Huh? Why did the dark clouds disperse? It looked like it was going to rain heavily just now."

"Could it be that a monster passed by?"

"Yao Feng, Yao Yun, this is too strange. We have to go to the Taoist temple and ask the host."

On the street, all the people who were running in a hurry stopped their panic steps, and they all made sounds of surprise. They talked endlessly, and the changes in the situation were so bizarre that they felt a bit strange, uneasy, and wanted to go to the Taoist temple. Say a prayer to calm your mind.

Zhong Shenxiu realized the mystery of the Heart Demon Avenue, and there was a hint of joy in the depths of his eyes. He looked at the Heart Demon Old Man calmly, grinned, and said suddenly.

"It's not polite to come back without reciprocating. Senior, I also ask you to taste the world of inner demons!"

Before he finished speaking, two gleams of light appeared in Zhong Shenxiu's eyes. The inner demon curses turned into talismans, gradually faded and merged into the endless time and space. The talisman spread out and turned into a big world. The old man who was caught off guard was enveloped in the inner demon, and the gray mist rose up, covering this corner.

The old man's eyes were dull, and the expression on his old face was unpredictable. Various emotional fluctuations spread from his body, including eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind, joy, anger, worry, fear, love, Hatred, desire, seven emotions and six desires appear one by one, and you are addicted to them, unable to extricate yourself.

Zhong Shenxiu stood up, chuckled, looked around, his eyes stayed on the fortune-telling stall, and looked at the hanging cloth banner with the words "Immortal Guiding the Way" written on it. It was ordinary, without any fluctuations in mana, but it could not be hidden from Zhong. Brilliant clairvoyance.

The precious light is vast, hidden in the void. This is actually a low-grade Taoist artifact. Its name is the Heart Demon Seven Emotions Banner. Then he turns his eyes and looks at the tablecloth spread on the stall. It is another Taoist artifact. This is the Heart Demon Flag. The Magic Seven Emotions Handkerchief happened to be a pair of combined magic weapons, and its power was comparable to that of a mid-grade Taoist weapon. With a wave of his hand, he put away the two Taoist tools.

After Zhong Shenxiu finished doing this, he looked at the table and bench again. Ordinary objects had little value. His eyes continued to move and stopped on the old man's black robe. This was a robe with deep power and hidden power. In the void, immeasurable vitality is swallowed up, and its power is huge and cannot be underestimated.

Zhong Shenxiu's fingers were about to move, but he just looked at the old man who was still addicted to the inner demon. After all, he was too embarrassed to take off the old man's clothes. He was afraid of being misunderstood, so he could only extinguish the thoughts in his heart, step out, and merge into the endless void, so close to the end of the world. Disappeared without a trace.

I don’t know how long it took, but the old man with inner demons slowly opened his old eyes. A dark light lit up in his eyes, and a vast world emerged, with endless inner demons flying around. This is the world of inner demons, and there are things that everyone in the world can do here. All the beautiful things in our imagination, the sky is as blue as water, the white clouds are clear, the mountains are green, there is no birth, old age, illness or death, everyone is selfless, and all living beings are equal, this is the true world of great harmony.

"What a powerful magical power, what a subtle secret of demons. It has benefited me a lot. If I go further on the path of inner demons, I owe you a favor!"

The heart-demon old man gradually came back to his senses. His face was filled with emotion and a bit of joy. He looked around and was stunned. Only the bare table, tablecloth, cloth streamers, and Zhong Shenxiu were missing.

"Damn you little bastard, you are a man who has been stabbed a thousand times. You actually took away my inner demon's Seven Emotions Banner and my inner demon's Six Desires Handkerchief. Yan Guo plucked my hair. Why didn't you also remove this robe from me?" Take it off!"

The angry curses of the inner demon old man spread throughout the city. Zhong Shenxiu could feel the anger across the endless void. The resentment was so high that it was extremely frightening.

In the depths of endless time and space, Zhong Shenxiu, who was not far from the Yuhua Gate, stagnated slightly, looked back, and sighed with a bit of helplessness on his face.

"I also want to take off your robe. It is a high-grade Taoist weapon, hundreds of times better than the two I got!"

"It's a pity that you are a bad old man. I, Zhong Shenxiu, never take off a man's clothes! If that robe is worn by Linglong Immortal, I will definitely not be merciful!"

Deep in the Yuhua Heavenly Palace, in the Tianxing Hall, dark black blood stains are printed on the square outside the palace. They are the traces left by the blood of disciples who have violated the sect rules in the past decades. They demonstrate the majesty and weight of the sect's rules. The entire Tianxing There was no one on the stage, it was extremely depressing and bloody.

In the main hall, a strong and handsome young man sat cross-legged on the futon. His eyes were old and majestic. He looked at Zhong Shenxiu sitting opposite and said helplessly.

"You are so brave and have no scruples. You actually took the smoke and water as a birthday gift and gave it to Linglong Immortal Lord as a disciple. This incident made everyone in the Taiyi Sect furious. They vowed to kill you when you come back. , haven’t you encountered difficulties and obstacles from the Taiyi Sect?”

Zhong Shenxiu sat on the futon boredly, slumped down and extremely lazy. He raised his eyes slightly and glanced at Elder Tianxing who cared about him. A sly smile appeared on his face and he said innocently.

"I have never encountered any obstruction from the Taiyi Sect, nor have I seen the Taishang Elder, a disciple of the Taiyi Sect, beheaded by the Inner Demon Curse Sword. It has nothing to do with me!"

Elder Tianxing rolled his eyes speechlessly. This little fox has still not changed. He pushed two, five, and six. He is a loach. His whole body is slippery. He does not get into any trouble. He throws the blame to others. , it’s really damaging.

"The inner demon old man is not easy to mess with. His cultivation is extremely terrifying and mysterious. He is not much easier to deal with than the Taiyi Sect!"

"You put the blame for this matter on the inner demon old man, aren't you afraid that he will come back to trouble you?"

When Zhong Shenxiu heard this, he immediately quit. He held his head and yelled stubbornly, refuting Elder Tianxing's words.

"Elder Tianxing, please don't say this nonsense. I have nothing to do with the killing of the Supreme Elder of the Taiyi Sect. What does it mean to frame the blame?"

"This is what the old man is doing. If the Taiyi Sect is dissatisfied, go find the old man!"

A thought flashed through Zhong Shen Xiuxing's mind. He knew that the old man with the inner demon would carry this blame firmly on his back and would not come forward to expose him.

The old man with the demon in his heart is alone and his whereabouts are uncertain. Shenlong has never seen the end of his family, so he is not afraid of Tai Yimen's troubles at all.

"Besides, I gave you all the hush money. The secrets of magic contained in that world of inner demons are enough to make the old man go one step further. He shouldn't take advantage of it and do nothing!"

Zhong Shenxiu suddenly remembered the two Taoist tools on his body, and felt guilty for some reason. He took away the two Taoist tools. The old man in the inner demon shouldn't care. After all, cultivation is the foundation. These Taoist tools They are all foreign objects, not worth mentioning.

"As long as the blame is thrown away quickly, it has nothing to do with me!"

In an extremely distant place, the inner demon old man cursed and escaped from a terrifying spiritual search, stepped into the depths of the endless void, and walked towards the outside of the Xuanhuang World.

"His grandma, the Taiyi Sect is really crazy. He actually used an immortal weapon to deal with me. Isn't he just a Supreme Elder of the Zhouguang Realm? As for mobilizing troops and mobilizing a crowd in such a big way to cause trouble for me, besides, I'm not the one who killed him. Yes, I just wanted to have a good relationship, so I took such a big blame!"

"I can't stay in the big world of Xuanhuang anymore. I'd better go to other big worlds to avoid the limelight!"

The inner demon old man stopped, looked back in the direction of the Yuhua Gate, and said angrily with a bit of anger and annoyance.

"I really want to tell the truth about the matter. That little bastard who suffered a thousand blows didn't just blame him, but he actually took away two of my Taoist weapons. I want to take the blame for him willingly. It's really disgusting. Don't do it. Let me meet him again, otherwise I will definitely compete with him!"

"Is Taiyimen born in the year of dog? He has a really good nose. He's catching up with me again. I'd better leave first!"

The inner demon old man sensed the aura coming after him again, and stamped his foot angrily. He turned into the invisible inner demon, broke through the boundary wall of the black and yellow world, and went to no one knows where.

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