I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2275 All living beings suffer, the old fortune teller

A city in the world is extremely prosperous and bustling with people. Although it is not as good as the Daxuan Empire, it is comparable to the Longyuan Province of the Dali Dynasty. Guangyu Buildings are everywhere, and people from all walks of life gather here, beggars, businessmen, scholars, warriors, vendors, entertainers, storytellers. There are also some gorgeously decorated carriages walking on the extremely wide road, and there are many people sitting inside. Some rich ladies from powerful families, with maids and maids waiting beside the carriage, walked towards the Taoist temple outside the city, praying to the immortal statue in the temple for safety and success.

Zhong Shenxiu now changed into a white Confucian shirt, with a wooden hairpin engraved with plum blossoms on his head. This wooden hairpin had not been sacrificed, but it was valuable. It was a branch of the World Tree used by Zhong Shenxiu. It is made of green and warm jade. From a distance, it looks like a jade hairpin. Holding a folding fan in his hand, he walked on a street in this city, and a strong worldly atmosphere hit his face. With a little movement of his ears, all kinds of noisy sounds came into his mind. In an instant, he understood where this place was.

"Stinky tofu, sell stinky tofu... My ancestors served as royal chefs in the palace. Before my great grandfather became successful, he just wanted us to eat stinky tofu."

No matter which world it is in, people who deal in snacks and gourmet food like to raise their prices and associate their products with emperors and generals. These powerful and famous people themselves don’t know why they have come into contact with so many snacks. They are all over the world. Full of his footsteps of eating all over the world.

"As mentioned last time, Immortal Liu spit out a flying sword. The white light was so vast that it covered up the light of the sun and the moon. The evil dragon in the old dragon pool was immediately frightened out of his mind..."

This is a teahouse. The storyteller is standing behind the table, holding a folding fan in his hand and a piece of gavel in front of him. He is eloquently telling the ups and downs of the legendary story vividly. There are people sitting messily in the teahouse. Some guests were enjoying tea and listening to books, feeling very comfortable and leisurely.

"Brother Wang, what questions do you think will be asked in this scientific examination? Which examiner will preside over the scientific examination? When we write an article, we must figure out the examiner's preferences, otherwise even if the article is colorful, it will be of no use. . The examiner will still reject you because he doesn’t like your writing style.”

At the entrance of an academy, several scholars wearing Confucian robes and blue shirts came out, talking as they walked, with nervousness and anticipation on their faces. They were expectations and longing for the future, high-spirited, young and frivolous.

"It's pity that we have been living in poverty for ten years. We have devoted ourselves to reading the books of saints and sages. Our future future depends on this scientific examination. After I pass the examination, I must go to Chunfeng Tower to call the two girls and have fun."

"Yes, we have studied hard for many years. Once we become rich, life is short. If we don't enjoy it in time, we will be old and powerless. That would be sad."

"It's better to have fun after passing the exam than to have fun now. Let's go to Chunfeng Tower now. My family just sent me a hundred taels of silver, so I can have some fun."

Most of the scholars cannot lift it with their hands or carry it on their shoulders, but they pride themselves on being romantic and forget about their parents, wives and children, and focus on having fun. They never think that this one hundred taels of silver is the result of frugal living and hard work of the family members. Those who came down may have suffered a lot of humiliation and may have been physically exhausted, but it was just a one-night stand in a brothel.

Such people are common among scholars. Even if they are named on the gold medal list, they are not upright and famous officials. They have been mediocre worms for many generations, rats in the barn, and the common people. There are a few officials who really care about the people and ask for their orders. , the world has long been black and white, and it’s hard to tell the difference.

"Sir, wake up. Give us poor people a bite to eat and do good deeds."

A middle-aged woman was carrying a child on her back. Both of their clothes were in tatters, especially the child, who had a dirty face and was sucking his fingers. He kowtowed in front of several scholars.

"In this scientific examination, Young Master will definitely be the top scorer in high school."

Several scholars glanced at the mother and son with disgust, with a bit of alienation and arrogance. They raised their chins high, looked down, frowned slightly, and scolded.

"Get away, don't stain our eyes!"

There was also a scholar with a bad temper. He was so angry that he raised his foot and kicked the mother and son to the ground. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of phlegm, which landed on the woman's body and warned them.

"You are a worthless idiot, but you are worthy of being close to us scholars. People like you are just wasting food while you are alive in this world, and you will be clean only after you die!"

The middle-aged woman had a look of fear on her face. She protected her little child tightly and kept kowtowing to apologize. She did not dare to offend these scholars. In the future, officials would recommend noble people, pitifully, like grass and grass in the world. He trampled on his dignity at will, suffered humiliation in order to survive, and had no dignity for a long time, so he was just living.

Zhong Shenxiu stood in a shadowed corner, watching this scene quietly. A long river of destiny appeared in his eyes. It has a long history, no starting point, no focus. All living beings are ups and downs in it, involuntarily, drifting with the flow, and the lines of destiny are clear. It can be heard that there was a cold light in Zhong Shenxiu's eyes, and with a slight movement of his fingers, the fate of several scholars quietly changed. This small change did not cause ripples in the river of fate, and they were nothing. He is an ant-like existence, not as noble as he thinks.

Maybe not long after, a few scholars will be named on the gold medal list, and they will be proud of themselves, prosperous and wealthy, and enjoy endless enjoyment. However, the good times do not last long and the officialdom is turbulent. They become the victims, go to jail, torture, and suffer terribly. Being beheaded in front of the public at Na Cai Shi Kou was considered a well-deserved punishment.

Zhong Shenxiu has long understood the realm of creation, turning stone into gold and turning water into oil. It is not difficult for him. The creation of the void, a piece of broken silver, appeared in front of him. After the few scholars left, He helped up the frightened mother and son. The child behind him was very well-behaved. Although he was young, he seemed to understand the difficulty of the world. Even when faced with such a situation, he still neither cried nor fussed. His eyes were full of smart light and clear. Brightly watches the chaos of the troubled times.

"Take this little bit of silver, it's enough for you to live and work!"

Zhong Shenxiu didn't give much, just a few pieces of silver, so that the mother and son could have a place to live, and eat a mouthful of porridge, so that they would not starve to death on the streets and become withered bones.

Zhong Shenxiu also slightly changed the fate of the mother and son. Not much, just that they could live hand to mouth. What happens in the future depends entirely on them.

"Ah, princes and princes for all generations!"

The middle-aged women's eyes were full of gratitude, excitement and joy, and they kowtowed repeatedly. Their black hands were as dry as skin and bones, tightly holding this small amount of silver. This was their hope for survival, and they relied on it to survive. They could not throw it away no matter what. , knelt down and kowtowed to Zhong Shenxiu repeatedly. The woman did not notice that as she continued to kowtow, a stream of peaceful luck converged on the child behind her. This was a sign of worshiping the true Buddha, meeting the true immortal, and gaining the Qi. Luck and shelter.

Who knows the fate of good fortune? The child behind the woman, with such luck, may seek immortality in the future, join the Immortal Sect, become a true disciple, and leave behind a legendary story of an ant's counterattack.

"Life is short. Even if emperors and generals enjoy timely enjoyment in a few decades, it will be fleeting, like a dream. And the poor who have no food and clothing throughout their lives are even more impoverished. Where is the freedom of immortality! Suffering, suffering, Suffering, all living beings suffer!”

This is the first time Zhong Shenxiu has stepped into the secular world since he practiced immortality. Feeling the various conditions of the mortal world in the secular world, he couldn't help but feel a trace of compassion for the mortal beings in the mortal world. In his opinion, in a short period of time, birth, old age, illness, death, wealth and prosperity are all suffering.

Suddenly, Zhong Shenxiu remembered the Hongmeng Great Wish, the Forty-eight Great Wish Technique, and the Great Wish of Linglong Immortal Lord.

"When I gain eternal life, all living beings in all time and space, in the past and in the future, and all kinds of stars shattered into dust, who chant my name in their hearts, will gain eternal life. Otherwise, I will not live forever!"

Those great ambitions, to save the world, to save thousands of sentient beings from suffering, and to cultivate immortality, are so grand and unrealistic. All kinds of injustices in the world are extremely unfair. If everyone could have eternal life, what would the world be like? That picture, that scene, Zhong Shenxiu couldn't imagine.

The equality of all living beings and treating them equally are just some unrealistic fantasies. They are a means used by some people to deceive people's hearts in order to become masters of others and be able to dominate the fate of those who believe in them, dominate and fool the people.

Zhong Shenxiu will never issue such great ambitions. They are just empty promises and drawing big pie. It is unrealistic. He cannot even transcend himself, so how can he have the ability to save all living beings? Even if he is transcendent, he cannot have supreme power. , transcending all living beings.

Have you ever seen an emperor support everyone to become an emperor? Have you ever seen people who got rich first and helped ordinary people become rich? No, after they become developed, not only will they not help all living beings, but they will set up barriers and obstacles to prevent others from becoming themselves, so that they can always be superior to others, and can exploit all living beings and seek benefits for themselves. This is human nature, this is Greed cannot be restrained or corrected.

"I haven't cultivated to the realm of immortality myself, so what qualifications do I have to save others? Linglong Immortal Lord doesn't have that kind of strength or such ambition. After all, it's just a beautiful dream, an illusory dream. One day It will be shattered and will never be realized!”

Zhong Shenxiu was very clear-headed, turned around and left the mother and son, and merged into the worldly world again, turning into a speck of dust, inconspicuous, harmonious with the light, the Taoist realm.

Just when Zhong Shenxiu was comprehending all the worldly things and the world of mortals, he suddenly felt a powerful divine thought coming down from the nine heavens. Invisible divine thoughts enveloped the entire land with a radius of thousands of miles, searching inch by inch. Everyone in the city was shot by divine thoughts.

Zhong Shen Xiufang raised his eyes and glanced up, and saw a Taoist wearing a robe of Taiyi Sect, with white beard and hair, standing in the sky, with an evil aura all over his body, and a murderous intention. It was obvious that he came with bad intentions.

This old man from the Taiyi Sect is an eternal giant in the secret realm of immortality. His cultivation is tyrannical and terrifying to a terrifying degree. With a sweep of his spiritual mind, he can clearly see how many ants there are in this city. , such a powerful spiritual thought even slightly distorted the void, which fully shows the level of strength of this old Taoist.

"The reaction of the Taiyi Sect is very fast. They actually sent another Supreme Elder, a master of the fourth level of the Secret Realm of Immortality and the Zhouguang Realm. I wonder how the Taiyi Sect will react if I kill him?"

Zhong Shenxiu secretly pondered in his heart. After the birthday banquet of Linglong Immortal Lord, the news that he gave Yanshui Yi as a birthday gift also spread. The whole Taiyi Sect was extremely angry. Order, and even sent a supreme elder directly to prepare to directly eliminate Zhong Shenxiu, the instigator, without even issuing a Tiandao kill order. Time is too slow, Taiyi Sect will never allow Zhong Shenxiu to continue to live.

Zhong Shenxiu sensed the astonishing murderous intention and continued to wander in the world of mortals. He was just a strong man in the Zhouguang realm and could be crushed to death easily. He was not in a hurry.

Zhong Shenxiu walked on the street and listened at a corner. A ray of light from the beginning lit up deep in his eyes. Countless worlds were born, dispelling the endless darkness. His eyes were as bright as jade, and he looked at the people on the roadside. There was a fortune-telling stall, and he walked over with a faint smile on his face.

The owner of the fortune-telling stall is an old man, wearing a black robe. He is very old, with white beard and hair. His old face has ridges and ridges, his skin is loose, full of wrinkles, his eyes are dim and dull, and he has no celestial spirit. , it should be because things are not going as planned and business is not doing well.

When the old man saw Zhong Shenxiu approaching, he started shouting hard. His voice was old, a bit deep and weak, and he didn't have the image of a master. There was no one in front of the stall, and the shouts echoed in the street.

"It's a fortune-telling that can predict a person's future. It can calculate everything from the past to the future. It can be known for five hundred years beforehand, and it can be known for five hundred years afterward."

"Fortune telling? Do people in the secular world also know fate? Destiny is empty and endlessly changing. Even a master like Linglong Immortal cannot control the future destiny. He actually dares to pretend to be a ghost in front of me and speak so brazenly. You knew it five hundred years ago, but you know it five hundred years later? I want to see what tricks you are going to do?"

An idea flashed through Zhong Shenxiu, and he walked up, took out a large piece of silver, and threw it on the table with a dull sound.

As if he was surprised by Zhong Shenxiu's generosity, the old man was obviously taken aback and stared blankly at the silver, and then looked at Zhong Shenxiu feebly with his dim old eyes.

"Sir, what do you want to do?"

"It's nothing. I'm just taking care of your business and accumulating some merit."

Zhong Shenxiu smiled slightly and looked at the veteran actor in front of him. He had superb acting skills and no flaws. He seemed to be a powerful character, but he didn't know why he came to him.

"As soon as I saw that you are not a fortune teller, I wanted to get some auspicious words from your mouth. Come on, say something nice. I follow the way of the saints and the principles of Confucianism. I don't believe in fate. But before the scientific examination , the pressure is great. You said it well, all this money belongs to you."


This feeble old fortune teller moved his eyes away from the silver and looked at Zhong Shenxiu with lazy eyes. In the depths of his eyes, countless inner demons transformed and changed. All living beings were confused, unable to distinguish between true and false, and indulged in sexual pleasure. , indulged in it, stared at Zhong Shenxiu for a long time, and then spoke.

"Young man, you are not a scholar at all. You are not here to do the math for the scientific examination."

"Oh? What do you say?"

Zhong Shenxiu cooperated with the old fortune teller, wasn't it just a show? He was a great actor, how could he be afraid, so he took advantage of the situation and sat down at a roadside stall.

Some fortune-tellers in the secular world like to take things by surprise, disrupt others' minds, come up with something useful, and then use it at will to scare others, and then obediently take out the money. This old fortune teller is obviously proficient in these methods and words, and he will never stop talking without surprising.

"You have just survived one calamity, but one calamity has just ended, and another calamity has arisen. You are here to avoid the calamity. Your life has many calamities, and this is because you have created too many evil fates in the past."

The lazy old man tapped the table with his fingers. The fingers were thin but extremely long. If this hand held a sword, it would be extremely stable. If he changed his career and learned swordsmanship, he might become an extremely skilled swordsman.

This old man disguised himself extremely well. His face was rough and weathered, and he had withstood the baptism of time. At first glance, he looked like an ordinary old man in this world. There was nothing strange about him, and there was no fluctuation of mana in his body.

"What kind of disaster can I have? It's too mysterious."

Zhong Shenxiu shook his head, not believing the old man's lies at all, and retorted with a bit of misunderstood grievance on his face.

"I am an upright person, honest and honest. I just supported a mother and her son and gave them money to survive. I have such a good character. Where have I committed any sins?"

"Don't make false accusations against good people with your lies!"

Xuanxuanxuan, don’t take the calamity for granted! "

The old man looked at the sky with a sigh and said with a sigh.

"The calamity is the inner demon, and the inner demon is the calamity. In this world, it is all the inner demons that are evolving."

Zhong Shenxiu's expression changed, and a miserable figure appeared in his mind. That figure was none other than Jiao Fei of the Tongtian Sword Sect. Jiao Fei's Heart Demon Curse Sword was very strange. Under the sword cultivator sect, it is amazing.

"Oh it's you!"

Zhong Shenxiu guessed the identity of the old man in front of him, the old man of the heart demon. Back then, he had a discussion with the Seven Meridians of the Demon Dao. The heart demon Dao was extremely mysterious, surpassing the Great Emperor Ying Xiantian. He was unfathomable and mysterious. He was not weaker than the Linglong Immortal. The terrifying existence of Zun.

At this moment, the powerful divine thought from the sky swept across Zhong Shenxiu and the old man Xin Mo, causing their expressions to move slightly and become quiet.

After a while, the inner demon old man tapped his fingers on the table again, with a somewhat incomprehensible expression, his eyes brightened a bit, and said in a deep voice.

"Young man, how are you? You must have been right! Your doom has come!"

The heart demon old man raised his eyes slightly, looked through the void, and saw the Taishang Elder of the Taiyi Sect standing in the sky. Then he withdrew his gaze and locked his eyes on Zhong Shenxiu in front of him.

"Calamity? What calamity? Why didn't I see it?"

Zhong Shenxiu shook his head repeatedly, denying the words of the inner demon old man. He raised his head, his sword eyebrows were inserted diagonally, straight into his temples, revealing a sharp edge, his eyes were like cold stars, bright and divine, the sharp edge was revealed, and the vast and majestic sword intention filled the world, incomparable. Sharp eyes looked at the master of Taiyi Sect above Jiutian.

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