I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 219 Night Banquet at the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest

Guo Baokun sat in his seat, looking at the crowds in the hall, a little lost in thought. Although this night banquet in the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest seemed ordinary, Guo Baokun knew that the eldest princess Li Yunrui had already set up a trap for Zhuang Mohan to use his lifetime reputation. He came to slander Fan Xian, hoping to ruin Fan Xian's reputation and never recover. However, Li Yunrui didn't know that Fan Xian was a cheater who carried five thousand years of civilization in the previous world. He hoped to use Zhuang Mohan to frame him. What's the use of Fan Xian plagiarizing a poem? Fan Xian has countless poems and articles in his mind, and just one poem can turn the tables. Therefore, it is destined that the eldest princess Li Yunrui's plan this time is to draw water from a bamboo basket. It was all in vain, but it was a pity that Zhuang Mohan's lifelong reputation was lost that night, and all of it was given to Fan Xian as a stepping stone.

"Mr. Zhuang!" Fan Xian looked at Zhuang Mohan, who was holding a painting in his hand and with a silent and serious face. Fan Xian quickly bowed in greeting. After all, this is a leading figure in the literary world today, a great literary master of the world, and a common scholar. As an idol, Fan Xian felt that he couldn't afford to offend him, so he had to bow obediently and be extremely respectful.

However, Zhuang Mohan lost his previous etiquette and ignored Fan Xian. He pretended to turn a blind eye and passed by Fan Xian. Without the slightest pause, he sat down directly towards his seat without any expression.

Fan Xian couldn't help but touch the tip of his nose, thinking about who Fan Xian is. He hates people who salute the most. Even when he meets Emperor Qing, he always saves the day. Today, he took the initiative to salute but was ignored by Zhuang Mohan. Fan Xian was somewhat disappointed. Xian felt a little unhappy.

Fan Xian looked at Zhuang Mohan's white hair and thought about the tradition of respecting the elderly and loving the young. He could only comfort himself in embarrassment. He was not as knowledgeable as the old man, but he felt faintly in his heart that Zhuang Mohan seemed to be hostile to him. Otherwise, A literary giant would not do such a disrespectful thing.

Fan Xian turned his head, thinking about Zhuang Mohan's attitude towards him. He had a hunch that tonight's banquet might not be as peaceful as he imagined, and he couldn't help but cheer up. Fan Xian was extremely cautious, then sat down and looked at Guo Baokun, who had already arrived, and saw that he had been looking at him and Zhuang Mohan.

Fan Xian opened his mouth slightly and said something to Guo Baokun silently.

Guo Baokun looked at Fan Xian's spoken words and knew that Fan Xian was asking him if he knew why Zhuang Mohan had such a cold attitude towards him. Guo Baokun nodded and indicated that he knew, but did not use the sound transmission method to Fan Xian. technical explanation.

Guo Baokun stretched out his right hand and pressed it down slightly, signaling Fan Xian to calm down and wait for things to develop. There was no need to be impatient.

Fan Xian knew what Guo Baokun meant and didn't make any expression. He could only sit there calmly and wait for the banquet to start.

After a while, the entire night banquet was filled with guests. Emperor Qing also appeared, sat on the main seat, and spoke to everyone about the opening remarks. This may really be a common rule in every world. The host holds a banquet. , there must be an opening statement, but in fact it is all nonsense.

Fan Xian paid no attention to Emperor Qing's speech and concentrated on the food in front of him. He ate to his heart's content and didn't care at all about the disdainful looks cast on him by the people around him.

Emperor Qing looked at Fan Xian's actions below and frowned slightly. Although the banquet was an event where the host and guest had fun together, but when the host and guests were talking, Fan Xian's behavior was really rude. Although Emperor Qing felt that Although he was unhappy, he still kept his face straight and continued chatting with the ministers, especially Zhuang Mohan and Yun Zhilan.

Zhuang Mohan and Yun Zhilan are the most noble people in the Northern Qi and Dongyi missions. Yun Zhilan even carries his own weapons around his waist. You must know that there are rules for meeting the emperor. No one can bring weapons with them. The palace, but Emperor Qing relaxed to Yun Zhilan and broke the rules. Just because Yun Zhilan is the first disciple of Grand Master Sigu Jian and represents Sigu Jian's face, no one can let Yun Zhilan unblock the sword. Everyone in the inspection institute cheered up and stared at Yun Zhilan, fearing that he would do something outrageous at the night banquet, especially worried that Yun Zhilan would assassinate Emperor Qing, even outside the palace. With Hong Sixiang, the great master that everyone speculated, guarding him, he still felt somewhat uneasy. Zhuang Mohan's status as a literary figure was even higher than that of Yun Zhilan. Although the Qing Kingdom was founded by martial arts and had a strong martial arts style, it was a little worse in terms of literary governance. Emperor Qing naturally knew that he would conquer the world immediately and rule with his horse. The principles of the world, so his enthusiasm for Zhuang Mohan is higher than that of Yun Zhilan.

Emperor Qing endured Fan Xian's rudeness for a long time, lowered his eyes, and suddenly an idea flashed through his mind, and he stretched out his hand to signal Fan Xian to come forward.

Fan Xian was eating to his heart's content and didn't notice the movement in the palace at all. It wasn't until Xin Qiwu next to him tugged on Fan Xian's sleeves with his hands that Fan Xian raised his head and looked at Xin Qiwu in confusion, with a still expression in his eyes. There was a hint of doubt, as if asking Xin Qiwu what he wanted to do.

"Your Majesty invites you to come forward and reply. I have been waiting for a long time. Don't be too rude!" If Xin Qiwu could help it, he would not want to pull Fan Xian's clothes on such an occasion, but the big shots above him were all watching him and Fan Xian was unaware of Fan Xian's direction, but Xin Qiwu was not Fan Xian. He had long been unable to stand the gaze of everyone. The pressure was too great, and he could only disturb Fan Xian's enjoyment, so he whispered Fan Xian.

Fan Xian raised his head and looked up after hearing this. Sure enough, everyone was looking at him. Emperor Qing, the prince, the second prince and the eldest princess, Zhuang Mohan and Yun Zhilan, and even Guo Baokun were staring at Fan Xian. It can be seen that at this time , Fan Xian is so eye-catching, he is simply the centerpiece of a normal banquet. Everyone is looking at him in surprise. They really didn't expect that Fan Xian would be so bold, which even embarrassed the aloof Emperor Qing.

Everyone at the banquet looked gloating, some were worried about Fan Xian, but there were also people who were unfazed. However, Fan Xian was not nervous at all. He took out a handkerchief from his sleeve, wiped the corners of his mouth and hands carefully, and then Stuffing the handkerchief back into his sleeve, he slowly stood up and walked towards where Emperor Qing and others were.

Fan Xian came to the middle and stopped, bowed and saluted Emperor Qing, "Your Majesty, what do you want from me?"

"Yun Zhilan, do you know who he is?" Emperor Qing pointed at Fan Xian and asked Yun Zhilan.

"I don't know, this is the first time I've met this gentleman! He seems to be young. I wonder which hero from your country he is?" Yun Zhilan took a careful look at Fan Xian, but he really didn't have much impression. He turned to Emperor Qing. Confirm Fan Xian's identity.

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