I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 218 Zhuang Mohan

The sun always rises in the morning. Only sunshine can make people forget darkness and regret, and bring new hope and light.

Guo Baokun came out of his house and looked at the neighbors on the street. He instantly felt that he was back in the world again. All the regrets and sentiments left in his heart yesterday were cleared out of his mind, and his spirit was shaken.

Guo Baokun walked in the direction of the Imperial Academy and was about to leave this world. At this time, Guo Baokun chose to walk instead of riding a horse or sitting in a sedan chair. He wanted to feel the world again in his last period of time.

Looking at the people of Kyoto on the street, Guo Baokun felt the aura of the world that he had not seen for a long time. Life is the life of ordinary people, and cannot be affected by the so-called great masters and powerful people. Looking at the cries of small vendors all over the street, there is breakfast. , snacks, rouge, gouache, jewelry, etc. Guo Baokun knew that these were their means of survival, and they faced various hardships.

"Boss, how do you sell candied haws on a stick?" Guo Baokun walked to a stall and looked at the filled candied haws on a stick. His childhood memories came back to him and he asked the boss about the price.

"This young man, two pennies per string, how many strings do you want?" As a person who earns a living for many years, the vendor naturally has a sharp eye, and he can tell at a glance that Guo Baokun has a noble status and is not someone he can offend. , the clothes on his body were obviously made of high-quality silk. Even if he sold everything he could not afford to buy such a piece of clothes, so he carefully put on a smile on his face, and his body was slightly bent, humble and humble.

Guo Baokun knew that this was a means of survival for small people, and was afraid of offending the powerful, but Guo Baokun did not look down on this hawker. This hawker's humility was for the family behind him, not for being humble, "Let's have a couple of skewers!"

Guo Baokun opened his wallet, took out four cents and handed it to the vendor. He took two candied haws himself and took a bite directly at one of them. The crispy sugar coating was sweet and delicious, and then the sourness of the hawthorn, a combination of sweet and sour. The taste is irresistible. Guo Baokun raised his thumb to the vendor, expressed his praise, and then turned to leave.

A smile appeared on the hawker's face again, but this time the smile was not humble or inferior, but full of confidence and pride. The praise of his customers for his craftsmanship was his greatest pride. This smile came from the heart. , so brilliant.

Guo Baokun held two bunches of candied haws in his hand and walked forward while eating. His footsteps were random and without any purpose or direction. Following the flow of people, he suddenly heard a noise coming from the front. A group of Tai students kept moving in that direction. As they gathered together, Guo Baokun became curious. The excitement among scholars was not that common. It seemed that something big was happening ahead.

Guo Baokun moved quickly towards the direction where the Tai students gathered, preparing to go and watch the excitement together. This kind of occasion was really the best way to relieve boredom for Guo Baokun, who was feeling a little lonely now.

Guo Baokun was chewing candied haws while following the Tai students into the crowd. The students around him did not feel strange or repelled by Guo Baokun. After all, Guo Baokun had not read books in vain for so many years. Although his current appearance is not very elegant, but There is still a bookish air about him, and at most I think Guo Baokun is a little ungrateful.

"Mr. Zhuang, this visit to our Qing Dynasty with the Northern Qi envoy is really a grand event in our literary world. It gives us the opportunity to listen to Mr. Zhuang's eloquent speech. It is simply a blessing!" The two Tai students were discussing enthusiastically. , the excitement on his face infected the surrounding students, and everyone nodded in agreement. It seemed that the other party, Mr. Zhuang, had an unparalleled status among this group of young students. He was at least a great scholar and a leading figure in the literary world.

"Mr. Zhuang, Zhuang Mohan?" Guo Baokun murmured to himself thoughtfully after hearing the discussion among the students.

As a great figure in the literary world, Zhuang Mohan is the idol in the hearts of countless literati. As a recognized great figure at that time, Zhuang Mohan studied knowledge all his life and made great contributions to the literary world. He made detailed annotations on ancient books, which can be regarded as He was a truly down-to-earth scholar. Unfortunately, his reputation was ruined by falsely accusing Fan Xian. However, in the end, Zhuang Mohan still did not forget to explain the ancient poems copied by Fan Xian, and he could be regarded as a gentleman. In fact, just think about the name Zhuang Mohan and you will know that the author in the original work has a different kind of respect for him. Zhuang Nai is Zhuang Zhou's Zhuang, Mo Nai is Mo Zhai's Mo, and Han Nai is Han Fei's Han. Look at it this way You know that this is a real thinker and writer. It is the author who combined three sons from hundreds of scholars into one to create Zhuang Mohan. This shows that the author has high hopes for Zhuang Mohan, which can also be reflected from the side. This shows the depth of Zhuang Mohan's knowledge.

When Guo Baokun heard this, he did not continue to follow the imperial student to visit Zhuang Mohan, but turned around and left here. As Zhuang Mohan's senior, Guo Baokun still maintained due respect for him. Before Guo Baokun When I was studying, I still read a lot of books annotated by Zhuang Mohan, which can be regarded as a kind of teaching to Guo Baokun. Guo Baokun couldn't regard it as fun, so he could only turn around and leave.

If he hadn't encountered this incident today, Guo Baokun would have forgotten that the war between Northern Qi and Nanqing was over. Northern Qi had lost. In order to seek peace, he could only send a mission to peace talks. As for Zhuang Mohan, he should not have participated. However, in order to save his younger brother, Zhuang Mohan could only put his reputation behind him.

I'm afraid everyone in the world can't imagine that the murderer Sean is actually Zhuang Mohan's biological brother. Because Zhuang Mohan was famous back then, Sean was under too much pressure as his younger brother, so he changed his name, and Joined the Jinyi Guards, cut off contact with Zhuang Mohan, transformed into the King of Dark Night, and created a great reputation in the world, until he was captured by Chen Pingping and imprisoned in the dark dungeon of the Jiancha Institute for twenty years. It wasn't because Sean held the secrets about the temple that Emperor Qing wanted to know, and he had already turned into bones.

Zhuang Mohan has dedicated his life to learning and has not married or had children, so he is alone until now. In order to prevent the Zhuang family from being cut off, after hearing the news about Xiao En, he wanted to rescue Xiao Xiao and continue the Zhuang family. The incense must be provided so that in the future, there will not even be a single person offering incense in the ancestral hall, and they will all become lonely ghosts.

Guo Baokun couldn't bear to think about Zhuang Mohan's slightly bleak ending in the future. Thinking about the night banquet at the Hall of Prayer in a few days, it seemed that he needed to stop Fan Xian and not let him be unreasonable. At least he couldn't let Zhuang Mohan do it. Vomiting blood at the night banquet will shorten your life expectancy.

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