I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2138 Wang Chao defected

On a green hillside, there are several villas located on the mountainside. They are extremely luxurious. The surrounding two kilometers are heavily guarded and the defense force is extremely tight.

In the living room of the villa, Chen Huaqing was hunched over, with his head lowered, sweat dripping from his forehead. Occasionally, sweat flowed into his eyes. It was very uncomfortable, but he didn't dare to wipe it, or even blink his eyes. He just endured it. With.

Sitting on the sofa was an old man, who looked to be in his seventies, with gray and sparse hair. He looked like he was of mixed race. His eyes were calm and not angry, and he looked quietly at Chen Huaqing, who was standing in front of him.

"You don't even know the origin of the other party, but you dare to swallow his hundreds of millions in gambling money. Are you crazy?"

"More than thirty of us, all masters, died quietly in an alley. Do you know what this means?"

Chen Huaqing's forehead was sweating more, his head was lower, and his whole body was even shaking. Of course he knew that he had hit an iron plate this time, but he didn't expect that the opponent turned out to be a dragon crossing the river. It was extremely ferocious and was not something he could deal with. .

"This means that if the other party is willing, he may take off our heads at any time. You dare to mess with such a person!"

"Transfer his money to his bank card immediately!"

The big boss felt chills in his heart. He was worth tens of billions, but he was not willing to offend such a person just for a few small goals. It was not worth it.

"But he still took one billion from us, is it so easy to give the money to him?"

Chen Huaqing was still a little unwilling. This was too advantageous to the other party. Now the other party had almost received nearly 2 billion, and opening a casino was not so profitable.


The hot tea cup on the boss's table hit Chen Huaqing hard, and he scolded angrily.

"If you hadn't acted arbitrarily, how could you have caused such a big trouble? It's only one billion, so just treat it as an apology to the other party!"

Chen Huaqing grinned because he was burned by the hot tea, but he did not dare to move. His body was in a mess and wet. He lowered his head and did not dare to breathe.

"Why don't you go and remit the money to the other party!"

The boss looked at Chen Huaqing and became more and more angry. He was so angry that he shouted angrily.

Chen Huaqing nodded repeatedly, groveling like a dog. He lost his previous arrogance and left the villa in a state of embarrassment.

The big boss pinched his brows. He also had a headache about this matter. He still needed to think about it carefully. After sending the money, he would see the other party's reaction before he could deal with it.

"That man behaves in a grand manner. Since he is different from Chen Huaqing, Li Daoqing will be ashamed to receive the billion!"

Suddenly, a clear figure rang out from the living room. Li Daoqing had already sat on the sofa at some unknown time, with a slight smile on his face. He looked at King He Du's expression with great interest, revealing that he had changed drastically. A bit playful.

The boss's heart suddenly rose and his hair stood on end. The other party actually sneaked in quietly. His heart was worried and his whole body was extremely stiff.

Li Daoqing let out a sneer, stood up, and took a step forward, which was a few tens of meters away. He shrunk to an inch and disappeared from the boss's sight in the blink of an eye, leaving only a lingering sound that dispersed into the air.

"The gambling king turns out to be just an ordinary person, just as afraid of death. How boring!"

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he covered his violently beating heart with his left hand. He took out the medicine bottle he carried with him with his right hand, opened it, poured out a few pills, and swallowed it.

After a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief, his expression changed, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, his expression was solemn and somewhat respectful.

"Mr. Li, I want you to ask someone, Li Daoqing!"

"How do you know this name?"

A low and majestic voice came from the phone, with a bit of surprise.

He told the whole story with a respectful expression, not daring to hide anything or add any jealousy. The person he was talking to was of high authority and distinguished status.

"You are so courageous, you actually dared to swallow his money, and you didn't know whether to live or die!"

His face was pale, his body was hunched, his head was lowered, and he was talking quietly, hoping that the other party could help make peace.

"Don't worry. He didn't take action just now, which means he doesn't intend to go into details. You handled it in time, otherwise I wouldn't be able to protect you!"

He hung up the phone, with a bit of fear in his expression. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, then exhaled, and leaned back limply, feeling very lucky that he didn't mess around.

He has been running the Grand Lisboa Hotel for many years, so he has naturally seen a lot of the cruelty of the underground world. For many powerful martial arts practitioners, even rich people worth tens of billions are just mortals, and they are not at ease at all, so When facing this matter, I will be so cautious, wanting to value harmony and make money with harmony.

Li Daoqing returned to China with nearly 2 billion in funds. With this money, he finally no longer had to worry about the development of the Jin Chan Sect. For the long-term development of the sect, he used this money to invest in some industries. It can be regarded as sectarian communism, and the water flows smoothly.

Time flies. In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed. Chen Aiyang is still staying in Singapore to ensure logistics and transportation for the Tang Sect. The war between the Nanyang Tang Sect and the local rulers of Nanyang has come to an end. The Nanyang Tang Sect has occupied Absolute advantage, a new order of the country is about to be established, a country ruled by the Chinese.

During this period of time, Chen Aiyang also entered the realm of seeing God and not breaking, and attained the Heavenly Supreme Dao Fruit, which is a great joy. However, there are three masters of seeing God and not breaking in the world, and it is difficult for him to dominate, let alone What's more, there is the unfathomable existence of Li Daoqing.

Wang Chao also succeeded in holding the elixir during this period and became a grand master in the elixir realm. His situation became even more arrogant and domineering. He had conflicts with many boxing practitioners. He often beat them to death with his hands. His methods were violent and vicious, and he made enemies. none.

The biggest conflict between Wang Chao and the Shaolin Temple was that he not only killed all the great arhats of the Xiangtong Boxing generation, but also madly suppressed the Shaolin Temple's industry, causing the Shaolin Temple to shrink a lot and its strength shrunk, which can be regarded as reaching the top. the goal of.

Among them, Monk Yongse of Shaolin Temple became a great master of Danjin, but was beaten into a cripple by Wang Chao and could only lie in bed for the rest of his life.

Since Wang Chao learned about Tang Zichen's identity, he had the idea of ​​​​leaving the military. He did not want to be restrained by the superiors. After planning for a long time, he finally found an opportunity to get rid of the military's surveillance. He completely lost contact and went abroad. After defecting, even his parents no longer care.

In a conference room at a military base, Wu Wenhui looked stern, his face was ashen, and his eyes exuded a frightening cold light, as if he wanted to devour people. He was so frightened and furious that he slammed his palm on the conference table, causing the tea cup to be knocked over. , the tea was flowing, along the edge of the table, and dripping on the ground.

"Wang Chao, this white-eyed wolf, if we hadn't trained him, how could he have become a rich man? He also has a star on his shoulders and is only one level below me. He is not satisfied with this and dares to betray the country and flee. What does he want? What are you doing, defecting to those European and American countries!"

Wu Wenhui stamped his feet angrily, exuding a terrifying aura. The entire conference room was immersed in extremely low air pressure. The influence of Wang Chao's treason was really too bad. The influence was so bad that it even alarmed Zhongnanhai. Everyone above him was worried. This person was so furious that he personally gave instructions and issued a death order. Wang Chao must be arrested and brought to trial. This kind of person must not be allowed to go unpunished.

As Wang Chao's trainee, Wu Wenhui was naturally greatly affected. He lost his reputation all his life. He thought that he would sacrifice his life for the country, but he would actually train a treasonous person, making him unable to look up to him in front of his old comrades. To begin with, it’s embarrassing! If Wang Chao hadn't been found yet and wanted to arrest Wang Chao personally, Wu Wenhui would have even planned to resign directly. He really had no shame in staying in this position.

Everyone looked at the furious Wu Wenhui and lowered their heads. This time they were humiliated. What was even more shameful was that they had not found any trace of Wang Chao until now. They had no idea what route Wang Chao would take. , where to leave the country.

After all, Wu Wenhui was not young. After a burst of unknown anger, he gradually calmed down. His breathing was a little rapid. He sat on the chair, looked at everyone with lightning eyes, and asked in a cold voice.

"Are there any clues about Wang Chao's parents?"

After hearing this, Lin Yanan stood up and replied with a serious expression.

"Wang Chao has not had any contact with his parents. His parents had no idea about this. After Wang Chao defected, his father was so angry that he was hospitalized. Now he has just been rescued and is still under observation in the intensive care unit!"

Wang Chao's father had been doing odd jobs, which were all heavy manual labor. In the past two years, Wang Chao had made a fortune, received key training from the military, and was awarded a military rank. He had to bear a star on his shoulder. I have enjoyed some blessings and am proud of my son. Unexpectedly, Wang Chao actually committed such a scandal that brought shame to his ancestors and defected. In a fit of rage, he fell ill and almost failed to be rescued.

When Wu Wenhui heard this, his anger soared again. What happened to Wang Chao this time fully demonstrated that he had no country, no family, no father and no mother, and was extremely selfish. He did not care at all about the pressure of public opinion that his parents would suffer in the country. Even if Even if they go out on the street, they will be stabbed in the back. Who let them have a treasonous son?

"I don't care what methods you use, I want to know Wang Chao's whereabouts before tonight, and I will never let him leave the country and defect!"

"Did you hear that clearly?"

Wu Wenhui's face was full of non-negotiable expressions, his eyes were staring at everyone, and there was a faint anger burning in his eyes, which was very strong.

"Yes, we will definitely confirm Wang Chao's whereabouts before tonight, and we will never let him escape the country easily!"

Everyone stood up one after another and issued military orders with very solemn expressions. This incident was their common shame and must be washed away. Wang Chao could not be allowed to leave easily.

Wu Wenhui rubbed his brows a little tiredly, full of vicissitudes of life, and his cloudy eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. He had not slept all day and night since he got the news that Wang Chao had lost contact. Not only did he have to report to the superiors, but he also had to make a decision. Related arrangements were made to withdraw all foreign agents who had been in contact with Wang Chao. Their identity information was most likely exposed, and they were no longer safe and could not take risks. More importantly, Wu Wenhui still needs to find and arrest Wang Chao, and he cannot be allowed to escape so easily.

Wu Wenhui waved his hand, closed his eyes, and signaled everyone to go down and do their work, perform their duties, and stop staying here.

Then everyone left one after another, their footsteps hurried, their hearts filled with energy, their faces ferocious, and they secretly vowed to find Wang Chao's traces as quickly as possible.

Wu Wenhui closed his eyes and rested for a moment, relieving the headache that was about to split his head. This iron-blooded general, the famous beheading king, showed a rare look of weakness, and lost the coldness and toughness of the past.

Wu Wenhui took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number. If it hadn't been for this incident, it was really shocking. He really didn't want to trouble the other party, so now he could only place his hope on him.

"I need you to help me out once!"

Wu Wenhui's voice was extremely low and full of firmness.

In a small courtyard on the outskirts of Beijing, Li Daoqing answered the phone. Hearing Wu Wenhui's words, he was slightly startled. The sun really came out from the west. Wu Wenhui, an old stubborn man, actually asked for help on his head. It seemed like something big had happened. , but he felt powerless.

"What's up?"

"Wang Chao has defected and cannot be contacted. We don't even know his whereabouts. I want to ask you to take action and capture him!"

Deep in Li Daoqing's mind, he suddenly sensed that a figure was running wildly in the dense forest, as fast as a cheetah, agile and fast, and the dense branches could not affect his footsteps at all.

Li Daoqing's expression moved slightly, with a slight sneer on his lips, and he said softly.

"I won't take action, but I can tell you Wang Chao's traces. As for whether you can catch him, it depends on your ability!"

"Why, hasn't Wang Chao's approach already exceeded your bottom line?"

Li Daoqing's eyes fluctuated slightly, and there was a faint murderous intention in his heart, but he still shook his head and refused.

"Wang Chao's actions have indeed exceeded my bottom line. I should have taken action, but he is Zichen's disciple after all. Let's spare him for once. If he dares to do anything that is unworthy of the country in the future, I will definitely kill him with my own hands. Kill him, don’t worry about that!”

Wu Wenhui paused slightly, a little caught off guard. He did not expect that Li Daoqing would refuse to take action for this reason. He sighed, settled for the next best thing, and said.

"In that case, tell me his whereabouts and I will arrange for someone to bring him back!"

It's not that Wu Wenhui doesn't have masters in his hands. Yan Yuanyi and Liu Mubai are both great masters of Danjin. They are no weaker than Wang Chao at this time. As long as he knows his traces, there is always a way to take him down.

"Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, he is heading towards Myanmar, and his destination is Nanyang!"

A route emerged in Li Daoqing's mind. Although Wang Chao was still in the dense forest of Yunnan and Guizhou, his escape route was already known to Li Daoqing. This was a prophet of uncertainty.

Li Daoqing hung up the phone, not optimistic that Wu Wenhui could catch Wang Chao.

After all, Wang Chao is a son of luck. He is favored by the will of heaven and earth. It is normal for him to turn bad things into good fortune. He is not caught so easily.

On the border, Wang Chao had just emerged from the deep mountains and old forests. With a bit of joy on his face, he looked at the border just around the corner. He was about to cross the border and sneak across.

Suddenly two figures appeared in front of Wang Chao, Yan Yuanyi and Liu Mubai. Yan Yuanyi was dressed in camouflage uniforms. He was heroic, capable and courageous, with clear eyes. The sacred tree was solemn and looked at Wang Chao quietly.

Liu Mubai was holding a large steel gun, with a barrel as thick as a chicken egg. It was full of weight, and his face was filled with evil aura. He narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Wang Chao. The shocking momentum slowly rose, and murderous intent overflowed. The whole air was filled with dead silence.

Wang Chao took a breath. He didn't expect that he would be intercepted here. A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. After all, his defection route was randomly selected. Even he himself didn't know where he would go in advance. road.

"You guys really have a dog's nose, and you actually found me right after you smelled it!"

When Yan Yuanyi heard Wang Chao's humiliating words, her expression remained motionless, calm and composed, with a cold light in her eyes, and her deep voice was very powerful, ringing out in this quiet place.

"Wang Chao, you don't have to be rude and want to anger us!"

"We have been ordered to bring you back today. Please don't make any unnecessary struggles and just surrender. This will save us the trouble of taking action!"

The evil look in Liu Mubai's eyes was a bit stronger. His spiritual cultivation was not as high as that of Yan Yuanyi and his temper was more violent. He could not stand Wang Chao's sarcasm.

Wang Chao has a frosty look on his face, his mind is alert, his energy and blood are faintly restless, his muscles are tense, his strength is contained but not released, his whole body is mellow, and his energy is ethereal. Naturally, he will not just surrender. If he is captured, he will have to eat at least one It's just peanuts, how can you be willing to do so?

Wang Chao stepped hard, like an arrow from the string, and rushed straight towards Liu Mubai. The opponent was holding a steel gun. It was too threatening and had to be dealt with first. He also learned about Liu Mubai's Yin Rune Spear. It was vicious, vicious and exquisite.

A fierce look flashed in Liu Mubai's eyes, and he stabbed out the big pole in his hand. A sonic boom sounded in the air. It was obvious how fast the speed was. The cold light shimmering gun head trembled slightly, and pear blossoms bloomed, with a total of nine Duo, even Wang Chao can't tell where the opponent's gun head is going to hit him, it's dazzling.

Yan Yuanyi looked at the rebellious Wang Chao, and there was no surprise. The first time she saw Wang Chao, she recognized Wang Chao's character clearly. He was arrogant, domineering, unruly and violent. He was not a good person. The best way to deal with this kind of person was The way is to beat him down with your fists.

Yan Yuanyi stepped on Bagua, with exquisite steps. She moved left and right, and cooperated with Liu Mubai's big gun to block Wang Chao's hiding space. Four fingers of the same length came together and stabbed Wang Chao's ribs at a subtle and tricky angle. Like a sharp Emei thorn, Wang Chao felt a sensation before he even touched it, and his ribs were numb, like a ray on his back.

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