I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 2137 The gangster eats the gangster, God of Gamblers Li Daoqing

Chen Aiyang didn't care about the curious, surprised and shocked gazes of everyone. He was calm and unhurried, with a faint smile on his lips. He lowered his head to look at the sword in his hand. He did not respond or deny Zhu Zhihong's speculation, and just let it go. Everyone was thinking wildly there.

The Turtle Snake Sword has a cold edge, and there are gorgeous cloud patterns on the blade. These are the marks of the swordsmith's beating. It took a lot of strength and thousands of hammers to forge such an extremely sharp sword.

Chen Aiyang flicked his fingers, and the sword god trembled slightly, making a clanging sword sound. It was crisp and sweet, like the music of silk and bamboo, the sound of morning bells and evening drums, washing away distracting thoughts and eliminating worries, allowing everyone to be baptized from the inside out, from top to bottom. I felt extremely relaxed.

"A good sword, no wonder it can become the inherited treasure of the Jiugong Sect!"

"If I accept this sword, I will send it back to the Jiugong Sect!"

Chen Aiyang raised his head and glanced at Wang Chao, whose face was ashen, and shook his head secretly. This kind of measure is too narrow. Although he snatched the turtle and snake sword from his hand, he also showed a powerful Danjin Kung Fu, and even more so, Why would he be so spiteful if his reputation and prestige were not ruined?

The resentment in Wang Chao's eyes was not concealed, his face drooped, and he no longer had the high-spirited and unruly look he had just now. He stared at Chen Aiyang, his eyes as sharp as swords. If eyes could kill, at this time Chen Aiyang must have died in a miserable state, as if he had been tortured.

Chen Aiyang sighed. He finally understood why his master Li Daoqing didn't like this disciple of his master Tang Zichen. He was narrow-minded, selfish and ruthless. No matter how advanced his kung fu was, he was just a villain. .

What kind of person is Li Daoqing? He has a magnificent spirit, a free and easy mind, a moonlit wind, and a great talent. He is a real immortal, extraordinary and unparalleled in his grace. How could he look at such a tacky Wang Chao? He has a small structure and a poor personality. In addition to his good martial arts qualifications , there is nothing else worth liking.

Chen Aiyang was too lazy to pay attention to Wang Chao, and moved his eyes to Huo Ling'er. This little girl, with her pretty face drooped, her eyes wide open, full of loss, and her mouth bulging with anger, looked at Chen Aiyang, this snatch The big bad guy who accepted her apprenticeship ceremony was constantly cursing in her heart, but Huo Ling'er was a wealthy daughter after all, and she had never heard any dirty words. The only thing that ran over and over in her heart was the sentence "big bad guy, stinky man, no lethality."

Chen Aiyang looked at the dissatisfied little girl and liked it very much. This girl was innocent and innocent, making no secret of her likes and dislikes. She was genuine and unpretentious. Her innocent heart made it impossible for people to feel disgust. She couldn't help but chuckle and said.

"Little girl, you don't have to be angry, I will naturally make up for it!"

"You are Master's disciple, and you are not an outsider. Master has allowed me to teach you a set of Taoist nine-character mantras, Mahamudra!"

As soon as Chen Aiyang said these words, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly relaxed. Chen Aiyang was willing to make compensation, which gave everyone a step down. The faces of the Huo family and Wang Chao were saved, and other people would not laugh at it. It would be a good story.

Huo Ling'er's face suddenly brightened, and she smiled extremely brightly and youthfully. She really loves Kung Fu. She just saw Chen Aiyang snatch the Turtle Snake Sword from Zhu Zhihong and Wang Chao with one move. She was shocked to know that this man was so skilled in Kung Fu that he had even surpassed her master Wang Chao. .

In Huo Ling'er's heart, Wang Chao was already as powerful as a god, able to dodge bullets, and had magical powers, but Chen Aiyang was even better, shocking him to the gods.

Wang Chao's expression changed drastically, and he took a step forward. He was both happy and surprised. What was happy was that from Chen Aiyang's words, he realized that the other party knew Tang Zichen. This was the person he wanted to see the most, and he was also the one he wanted to see. The person he misses the most is the person who throbbed in his heart when he was young and youthful.

Surprisingly, when he heard the meaning of Chen Aiyang's words, Tang Zichen was already married, and she was his master's wife. That didn't mean that Li Daoqing from the Wudang Golden Toad Sect was Tang Zichen's husband. This made him crazy with jealousy. He was devoted to practicing martial arts, just for the sake of it. Seeing my sister Chen again, do you want to get close to her and tell her your feelings?

"Who did you say is your mistress?"

Wang Chao's words were a bit anxious and his tone was very harsh. Fortunately, Chen Aiyang was gentle and understood Wang Chao's character, so he was not at ease. The smile on his lips subsided and he looked solemnly at Wang Chao, who had an anxious look on his face. Chao, said lightly.

"Of course it's Tang Zichen, the head of the Tang Sect. She and her master are in love, admiring each other, and they are a couple of gods!"

Wang Chao's face turned pale for an instant, without any color. His thoughts were mixed, his tastes were mixed, and complex emotions and emotions came to his mind one after another, making him lost his mind. He couldn't care about what happened before, and he hung his head. He remained silent for a long time, his eyes full of bitterness and loss.

Chen Aiyang didn't know Wang Chao's admiration for Tang Zichen, otherwise he would definitely be furious, and it was possible to kill Wang Chao.

The apprenticeship banquet and celebration banquet continued, but Wang Chao was absent-minded and hurriedly went through the process and it was over. Afterwards, Chen Aiyang did not leave the Huo family, but found a quiet place and taught the nine-character mantra Mahamudra to Huo. Ling'er demonstrated it carefully to her twice.

Huo Ling'er's martial arts qualifications are indeed good, her understanding is good, and she is very talented. She just read it once or twice and remembered it all in her heart, and understood one or two points of the mystery. Don't underestimate the mystery of these two points. , even Chen Aiyang, the great master of Gangjin, has only comprehended four or five points of this set of nine-character mantra Mahamudra.

Chen Aiyang admired Li Daoqing's realm even more. The more he understood this set of nine-character mantras, the more mysterious, endless and unfathomable he felt. Even if he stepped into the realm of seeing God and being indestructible in the future, he would not dare to say that he could Understand sixty-seven out of ten of them.

Huo Ling'er was even more curious about Li Daoqing, who created this set of nine-character mantra hand seals. This set of hand seal skills was too profound. It was more exquisite than any other skills she had heard of before. The more she studied, the more she felt that her knowledge was shallow. Without wisdom, it is true that the high mountains stand still and the scenery stops.

Of course, Huo Ling'er was more interested in the love story between her master Tang Zichen and Li Daoqing, and she pestered Chen Aiyang to ask many questions.

Unfortunately, Chen Aiyang knew very little about these things. He only told her some stories about Li Daoqing and Tang Zichen, which made Huo Ling'er admire Tang Zichen. She couldn't help but sigh, a real man should be like this, but he has the same feelings as the ancients. Feeling.

The next day, Li Daoqing went to Macau. He needed to go to Macau to collect the huge sum of money gained from this gambling, because the handicap he bet on was opened by the He family.

Speaking of the largest casino in Macau, it has to be the Grand Lisboa Hotel. This is a gold-selling cave built at a huge cost. It is also the most famous local landmark building. It is 228 meters high and has a unique appearance that looks like a lotus flower. Shape, the crystal wall is brilliant and dazzling.

There is even a dragon boat made of gold weighing more than 100 kilograms in the Grand Lisboa Hotel, which is full of majesty and makes people sigh.

Li Daoqing stepped into the Grand Lisboa Hotel, his eyes wandered, and he nodded secretly. This hotel and casino was designed by experts. According to Feng Shui, a Feng Shui array was set up. The lotus flowers on the outer wall of the low seat turned into sharp blades, making It forms a dragon's tooth water-absorbing pattern, continuously sucking in the sea water, and the water generates gold. This is a great formation that gathers wealth, and it is very powerful.

The feng shui meaning of the oval-shaped design is that the casino is so prosperous that eggs will hatch, so a color-changing giant egg decoration is also placed in the venue, giving people the feeling of walking into a cozy nest and not wanting to leave. In addition, some gaming tables have a The claw-shaped design is called the 'Tian Luo Umbrella' in Feng Shui, which can dig out the money from gamblers' pockets.

The casino is surrounded by sea water that symbolizes all directions. The water pattern of the Six Evils pours into the urn, and hundreds of rivers flow into the urn. The gamblers' money changes from running water to catching turtles in the urn.

The casino is being "decorated" 365 days a year, whether it's installing toilets or repairing elevators. Anyway, it never stops, because "decoration" in Cantonese, the homophone of "decoration" means "village collection", and it is also to win praise.

Li Daoqing secretly shook his head. These casino operators really took great pains to drain the money out of the gamblers' pockets.

Li Daoqing didn't stay at the casino outside for long. He directly found the person in charge of the casino and came to collect his gambling money.

There are very few good people in the casino, and most of them are ruthless people, otherwise they will not be able to control the situation. Li Daoqing spent hundreds of millions of funds this time, betting all on Wang Chao to win, and suddenly won several hundred million from the banker. , which naturally made the dealer very unhappy.

The person in charge of the operation of the Grand Lisboa Casino is naturally not me, but he is also his most valued confidant, Chen Huaqing. This man is known as the King of Gamblers. He has amazing gambling skills, is proficient in dice and cards, is cruel and ruthless, and is deeply trusted. .

Chen Huaqing is already an old man in his sixties. He is wearing a gray Tang suit. He is only over 1.6 meters tall. His appearance is ordinary and unremarkable. He holds a pipe in his hand. He puts it into his mouth and takes a puff. He was puffing out smoke, his whole body was dry, not much flesh, his hair was gray, and his stature was stooped. If it weren't for the dozen or so burly men following him, at first glance, they were all elite trainers, Chen Huaqing and ordinary rural men. Not much difference.

Sitting opposite Chen Huaqing, Li Daoqing felt the tough aura exuding from the tough men around him. He was unmoved and very calm. He calmly stared at Chen Huaqing's cloudy old eyes and said in a deep voice.

"I'm here to get my money back!"

Chen Huaqing's eyes flashed, and he took a closer look at Li Daoqing. He was handsome, with a pretty face, tall, thin, and baggy. He didn't look like he was a member of the Lian family. He immediately felt certain in his heart, and said with a bright and treacherous smile on his face.

"That's a huge sum of money, and you came alone?"

Li Daoqing heard great malice from Chen Huaqing's words. The skilled man was bold and remained unmoved. He nodded and said it as a matter of course.

“Can’t one person get the money?”

Chen Huaqing's expression suddenly turned cold, with a dangerous light shining in his eyes. He opened his mouth, revealing a set of old yellow teeth, and a thick stream of smoke spurted out from the air. Li Daoqing couldn't help but frown, showing disgust, and tilted his head back. Liang Yang.

"Do you know how much a huge sum of hundreds of millions of dollars weighs? I'm worried that you are too thin to carry it!"

Li Daoqing immediately understood that this was a gangster attack. He did not expect to encounter such a thing at the Grand Lisboa Casino. Interestingly, Chen Huaqing actually wanted to swallow his own money. I don’t know what happened. It was ordered by the gambling king.

Li Daoqing's thoughts were spinning in his mind, but he still looked calm, his eyes were steady, and his breathing did not change at all, and he chuckled softly.

"As the largest casino in Asia, the Grand Lisboa Casino doesn't even recognize bank cards, so all the guests who have won money have to carry it back?"

A fierce look flashed in Chen Huaqing's eyes, and his face suddenly darkened. He put his arms on the big mahogany table, leaned forward, and put his head in front of Li Daoqing. He looked at Li Daoqing fiercely and coldly, and said sinisterly.

"Young man, you must know that this is a huge sum of money. It is too heavy. I'm afraid you will be crushed to death by this money!"

"I'm doing this for your own good, so don't be ungrateful!"

Li Daoqing had a bright smile on his face, without any loss or fear. He stood up and walked out of the office, speaking very freely.

"Since I can't take away the money, I'll leave it to you!"

Li Daoqing opened the door, his steps firm, without any nostalgia, as if the money was a drop in the bucket to him and he didn't care.

Chen Huaqing frowned slightly, looking at Li Daoqing who was about to leave, with a somewhat surprised look on his face. The strong man on the side looked at Chen Huaqing, and touched his neck with his palm, indicating that he was asking for instructions.

Chen Huaqing shook his head. The other party had already given up this huge sum of money, so they had better not cause trouble.

The strong man then put away his murderous aura and stood quietly, watching Li Daoqing walk out of the office.

The door gradually closed. Li Daoqing looked back, as if he could see through it. He saw the proud Chen Huaqing and others in the office. He smiled sneer, took out a hundred Hong Kong dollars from his pocket, and turned around to exchange for a chip. Went into the casino.

Li Daoqing casually threw the chip in his hand onto the turntable, bet on a number, and quietly waited for the final result.

The loading stopped at the number seventeen, which happened to be where Li Daoqing's chips were.

Li Daoqing was not surprised. He picked up the winning chips and bet again. He waited for the opening of the game and won again. Li Daoqing hit the board in a row. The chips in his hand had already doubled countless times. Only then did he exchange a pile of chips for a large sum of money. Amount of chips went to other tables.

But in just two hours, the entire casino was in a sensation. Li Daoqing went on a killing spree at the Grand Lisboa Casino and won hundreds of millions in gambling money. The entire casino staff was trembling and did not dare to gamble with Li Daoqing. Yes, but couldn't refuse.

Li Daoqing was like a god of gambling. He always won no matter what he gambled on. Chen Huaqing's face was ashen. Seeing Li Daoqing being surrounded by gamblers, he knew in his heart that things were getting serious. The other party was obviously taking revenge on him. He won in the casino. His funds have exceeded the gambling money he swallowed, which is simply a slap in his face.

Li Daoqing looked calm and quietly watched the dealer open the dice cup and win again. He glanced at Chen Huaqing who was watching him upstairs and showed a bright smile, not caring about the other person's livid face.

If Chen Huaqing had paid Li Daoqing's bet honestly, Li Daoqing would have been embarrassed to make trouble in the Grand Lisboa, but now it gave him an excuse to kill everyone in the casino and win nearly one billion in bets. Although It broke the rules of the casino, but who asked them to do the first grade of junior high school first? Don't blame him for doing the fifteenth grade.

The cold light in Chen Huaqing's eyes was like a sword, constantly slashing at Li Daoqing's body. If he hadn't been afraid of the crowd watching, Li Daoqing would have been killed long ago. How could he be allowed to win money so unscrupulously.

Li Daoqing looked at the croupier who was lying limply on the ground. He knew that the croupier had a mental breakdown. He glanced around the casino for a week and frowned slightly. All the croupiers were like this, which made him feel bored.

Li Daoqing stood up and walked to the window for exchanging chips. He wrote down a string of numbers. This is the bank card number and said coolly.

"Convert the chips to me into cash and transfer it to this account!"

The casino staff looked at Li Daoqing in embarrassment. This was a huge sum of billions, and he didn't dare to do it. He was helpless and pitiful.

Li Daoqing smiled, looked up at Chen Huaqing who was looking down from upstairs, and mocked.

"Why, the Grand Lisboa Casino doesn't even know how to make bank card transfers?"

All the gamblers knew this and turned their attention to Chen Huaqing, wanting to see how the Grand Lisboa Casino would respond. If gamblers won money and couldn't take it away, why would they come here? There was no guarantee of credibility.

"Exchange it for him and transfer it to his bank card!"

Chen Huaqing gritted his teeth and showed an extremely ugly smile. His voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth and was very low.

Li Daoqing waved his hand, as if saying goodbye to Chen Huaqing, and left the casino very gracefully.

Chen Huaqing's face was extremely gloomy. He turned around and winked at the strong man behind him. The group of people disappeared behind him and hurriedly chased after Li Daoqing.

Li Daoqing walked slowly and leisurely towards a remote corner, as if he didn't know that a group of people with malicious intentions were following him, leisurely and comfortable.

In a small alley, Li Daoqing looked at the dozens of burly men surrounding him. They were all trainers, retired special forces, Muay Thai masters, karate masters, and mercenaries. Their strength was enough to defeat Grandmaster Hua Jin. .

Li Daoqing didn't care. He stepped out and walked through the crowd like a ghost. He punched out with fists and feet. His figure was strange. Wherever he passed, figures fell to the ground one after another. Everyone had a look of horror on their face. With a look of fear, he lay quietly on the ground, his eyes widened, and there was no breath between his mouth and nose.

Li Daoqing walked out of the alley without breathing or blushing. He calmly blended into the crowd and left here.

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