I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1560 Lou Xiaoe joins

When Ma Suqin heard this, her heart moved. She looked at Lou Xiao'e with clear eyes and asked tentatively.

"Sister Xiao'e, you haven't thought about finding a job. Now that He Xiao has gone to school, he doesn't need you to take care of him all day long. Aren't you bored at home?"

Lou Xiao'e seemed to have found a soulmate and complained again and again. If a person is always busy, although the body is tired, the heart is still motivated. The most feared thing is to be idle and have nothing to do. The mind will be thinking randomly, which will make the heart even more tired. , after a long time, it is easy to be anxious and depressed, have a bad temper, feel that there is no hope in life, and it is easy to have accidents! Lou Xiao'e also looked distressed and complained.

"That's not so good. If in the past, when the steel rolling mill was still profitable, Silly Zhu could have found someone to work in the factory and arranged for me to work in the factory. But now, the steel rolling mill has gone into sunset and is about to go bankrupt. The factory The workers here don’t know where to go, so I naturally have no suitable job to do, so I can only stay at home. My whole body feels like rust, and I feel very uncomfortable!”

When Ma Suqin heard this, she couldn't help but feel happy. She stared at Lou Xiao'e playfully, looking at her confused, and asked in confusion.

"Su Qin, why are you looking at me like this? It makes me uncomfortable!"

Ma Suqin looked back at Ma Hua with a hint of inquiry. Ma Hua and his wife had the same mind. They understood his wife's plan with just one look. He nodded and spoke first.

"Sister Xiao'e, it's like this. Our Yipin Restaurant is very popular now. Sister Qin is too busy every day. I want to find someone to help share the burden. I wonder if you are willing to come to Yipin Restaurant to help Sister Qin in charge of the lobby. Just treat it as feeling sorry for Sister Qin!"

When Lou Xiao'e heard this, she was a little surprised. She did not expect that the Mahua couple would actually invite her to work at Yipin Restaurant. She lowered her head slightly, frowned slightly, thought for a moment, felt a little moved, and looked at Ma Suqin who was full of expectation. He reached out and tapped her smooth forehead, and asked with some uncertainty.

"Can I?"

Lou Xiao'e has not worked for many years, and she is a little worried about whether she can do the job. After all, she does not understand these things, so she is inevitably worried that she will cause trouble to the MCA couple.

Ma Hua was not worried at all. After all, Lou Xiaoe had a different background and had been exposed to it since childhood. Even if he didn't know the details at first, with Lou Xiaoe's character and knowledge, he would be able to do these jobs very quickly, so he said quickly.

"Sister Xiao'e, why can't this work? Working and studying at the same time is more comfortable than staying at home. You can also realize your own value and impress the master!"

Lou Xiao'e is not a shy person. When she heard this, she felt certain in her heart and made up her mind. She nodded solemnly and said seriously.

"In that case, I'll give it a try. If I don't do it right, please give me some pointers!"

Ma Suqin was overjoyed and hugged Lou Xiao'e tightly, as happy as a little girl, cheering.

"Great, with Sister Xiao'e's help, I can finally rely on you!"

Lou Xiao'e looked at Ma Suqin, who was so close to her, and gave her a loving look. Lou Xiao'e was also very emotional in her heart. She was betrayed by Xu Damao and divorced, and her family was undergoing great changes. She was helpless. If it hadn't been for MCA. Lou's family was afraid that they would have been living abroad for a long time. How could they survive those difficult days safely? Now the Lou family has begun to wait and see the situation and prepare to make a comeback. After she got married to Sha Zhu, they also had a happy marriage and a happy family of three. Sha Zhu also obeyed her words and took great care of her. This kind of life was something she could not even imagine back then.

A trace of memories of the past flashed through Lou Xiao'e's eyes, and she was filled with gratitude to MCA and the deaf old lady. If the deaf old lady hadn't arranged the match, she and Silly Zhu wouldn't have been able to get along. It's a pity that the deaf old lady is old. She left a few years ago, and Lou Xiao'e and Sha Zhu personally handled her funeral arrangements. The old lady also left her two courtyards to Sha Zhu, which fulfilled this friendship.

Ma Hua wholeheartedly wants Lou Xiaoe to work at Yipin Restaurant. Another purpose is to let Sha Zhu come to Yipin Restaurant to work together, so that Lou Xiaoe can see the current scene and persuade the stubborn Sha Zhu.

Lou Xiao'e also has a fiery temperament, very similar to Ma Suqin. She just does what she says and no longer goes to the mall. She goes directly to Yipin Restaurant with the Ma Hua couple. Ma Suqin originally wanted to appoint Lou Xiao'e as the lobby manager on the spot, responsible for serving guests. thing, but Lou Xiao'e refused. She is a strong person. How could she be willing to get this position through connections? She decided to start as a waiter and studied while working. She made rapid progress and became familiar with it in just a few months. Every aspect of working in the restaurant's lobby aroused everyone's admiration, and he quickly stood out. Only then did he take over all the work in the lobby and became the lobby manager. Ma Suqin finally stepped away, relaxed a lot, and focused on the operation of the restaurant. administrative.

Since Yipin Restaurant came out of the limelight, it has been in full swing and has become famous far and wide. Countless customers have flocked to it. Yipin Restaurant can only expand again. Fortunately, the surrounding restaurants know that they can't compete. They had no choice but to leave this street and move to other places to operate. They then sold the store to a Mahua couple, which solved their expansion problem. Now the Yipin Restaurant has doubled in size again, and the money originally planned to buy a house has been invested. After entering, Ma Hua and Ma Suqin felt sorry for Ma Jianjun and his wife and violated their original promise.

Ma Jianjun and his wife understood very well that their children are now struggling and their careers have reached a higher level, which is a good thing. Instead, they turned around to comfort the young couple, which made Ma Hua feel even more guilty, so he had to find Shazhu and his wife and tell them Ask for help.

"Master, this is what happened. My father-in-law and mother-in-law are getting older, and there is no one to take care of them. We are so busy every day and can't spare time to visit, so I want to ask for your help!"

Silly Zhu and Lou Xiao'e regarded Ma Hua as their biological brothers and cared about Ma Hua very much. After hearing his words, they immediately understood what he meant. Silly Zhu glanced at Lou Xiao'e, who nodded without any objection, and he immediately said .

"It's a simple matter. When the deaf old lady left, she left two houses for me, which have always been empty. Now it's just right for your father-in-law and mother-in-law to live in. It's also convenient for you to be filial to your elders, and they can also help you take care of them. Xiaoying, the best of both worlds!”

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