I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1559: Stealing chicken but losing rice

Li Ji was a little surprised when he heard Ma Suqin's invitation. He looked at the pretty proprietress in front of him in surprise. They had just come to Yipin Restaurant to cause trouble. Although they said a few fair words in the end, they had formed a grudge after all. How could she It's really surprising that he would come out of nowhere and try to recruit them into the store.

Li Ji and the others looked at each other, but felt a little moved. It's hard to find jobs these days, and there are only these restaurants on this street. Yipin Restaurant has the most prosperous business and is also famous. After tonight's experience, They were afraid that they would go to a higher level and be called number one, but they had some scruples in their hearts. After all, they had made trouble again, and they were afraid of being settled by Qiu Hou and causing trouble, so they were very hesitant.

In the past two years, Ma Suqin has been welcoming people to the hospital, and she has gotten to know people a little better. She could see the hesitation of Li Ji and others at a glance, and knew what they were worried about, so she spoke frankly.

"Several chefs and Wang Li came to Yipin Restaurant to cause trouble on purpose. This is also a common method used by peers to compete. It's nothing. What's more, after this incident, it actually made my Yipin Restaurant's reputation even higher. It was an accident, and I didn’t have time to thank them. In the end, some chefs spoke up and said some fair words for me at Yipin Restaurant, so I lost my job, and I feel really bad about it!”

Ma Suqin's words were very appropriate. It not only solved the grievances between several people and Yipin Restaurant, but also gave Li Ji and the others enough face, making them feel more comfortable. She couldn't help but feel even more moved. Li Ji and the others looked at each other. After getting together and discussing in a low voice, it was still a little difficult to make a decision, which made Ma Suqin a little anxious.

Ma Suqin glanced at Ma Hua next to her, winked, and motioned for him to help say a few words and persuade a few people to stay.

Ma Hua thought for a moment. After this incident, Yipin Restaurant will definitely become even busier if it becomes famous. The kitchen will definitely be overwhelmed and needs more manpower. From the level of Wang Li's ordering today, it can be seen that Li Jiji He also has some level of knowledge, and he should have studied under famous teachers. Li Ji is even a first-class chef, on par with his own chef Li Hu, but he is a talent worth retaining, and then he said lazily.

"Master Li, I really hope that you can stay at Yipin Restaurant so that we can exchange cooking skills, learn from each other and make progress together in the future!"

As soon as Ma Hua said this, Li Ji and others suddenly changed their expressions, and their brows were filled with joy. Why? What kind of person is Ma Hua? He is a master of cooking and his cooking skills are amazing. If you can work with him, you can learn something, and you can learn something from him. The improvement of his cooking skills is a huge temptation for Li Jijia and others. It is like being a martial artist who encounters the opportunity to follow a top master. The other person's realm is advanced and a few casual suggestions are enough. It will benefit them for life, how can they not be moved?

Li Ji and others had surprise in their eyes. They looked at each other and nodded at the same time. They were obviously tempted by Ma Hua's words. When Li Ji saw that everyone had the same idea, he clasped his fists and said.

"In this case, I will stay here shamelessly, and treat you and your wife to a meal in the future!"

Ma Suqin was immediately overjoyed and walked to a quiet place with Li Ji and others to discuss issues such as wages and remuneration. Wang Li's trip could be said to be a waste of money.

Seeing this, Ma Hua did not interfere, and went directly back to the kitchen. He once again directed the chef in the kitchen to prepare the dishes, and he was busy for a while.

At eleven o'clock, all the kitchen staff and waiters had already got off work. Ma Hua stretched and breathed a sigh of relief, watching his wife Ma Suqin locking the door and pushing her bicycle to wait for her.

Ma Suqin checked the door and window one last time and locked the door. Then she walked up to Ma Hua and looked at Ma Hua, feeling very peaceful. Ma Hua looked at the pretty face with a hint of exhaustion and sighed. Catering was so exhausting, which made him feel distressed. He reached out and touched Ma Suqin's face and said.

"I'm tired of you today, go back and have a good rest!"

Although Ma Suqin is a little tired physically, her heart is sweet and exciting. Their family's business is booming, so she is naturally looking forward to more in life. People in this era are not afraid of being tired, as long as they can make money and be busy Some make people more at ease and happy.

Ma Suqin's heart was full of hope and affection, and she reached out and took Ma Hua's hand in hers. Ma Hua pushed the cart with his right hand. Under the moonlight, the couple walked toward the courtyard. The shadows on the ground grew longer and longer, and gradually Fusing together, holding hands and growing old together, maybe this is the happiest and ordinary life.

It was too late tonight, and the couple did not go to take their daughter Xiaoying home. This was not the first time this happened to them. On weekdays, if the store was busy and work was late, Xiaoying would be there. Ma Jianjun and his wife slept somewhere, and they had long been used to it.

When the Mahua couple returned to the courtyard, it was already close to twelve o'clock at night. The two simply washed up and took a rest. After all, there were too many things to do today, and the business was really booming, making them very tired.

Early the next morning, because their daughter Xiaoying was not at home, they did not get up early. They slept until after eight o'clock and then got up. Catering is usually open in the afternoon, so it was not too late, but simple cooking at home. After having breakfast, the couple was about to go out, but they happened to meet Lou Xiao'e. The MCA and Chinese stopped and said hello.

"Sister Xiao'e!"

Lou Xiao'e looked at Ma Hua and his wife with a smile on her face. The relationship between their two families was very close. Unlike others, Lou Xiao'e was Ma Hua's real mistress. She looked at the two going out at this time and asked.

"Why did you go out so late today?"

With a smile on her face, Ma Suqin walked up to Lou Xiao'e, took her arm and spoke affectionately.

"Last night, the restaurant business was so busy that we finished work late. It was already midnight when we got home, so we got up a little late! Sister Xiao'e, where are you going?"

Lou Xiao'e reached out and patted Ma Suqin on the shoulder. Although the two were separated by a generation due to the relationship between Ma Hua and Sha Zhu, they got along like sisters. Lou Xiao'e loved and doted on Ma Suqin very much and said softly. .

"I have nothing to do. I'm going to go shopping in the mall to buy some clothes for Shazhu and He Xiao! I don't want you to have a busy day and night every day!"

Lou Xiao'e didn't have a job originally, and after having He Xiao, in order to take care of the family, she never went to work. Now that He Xiao has started to go to elementary school, she is free and at a loss what to do for a while.

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