I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 1548 Enemies traveling together

Ma Hua took out the boiled fish fillets in the pot and used a frying spoon to scoop out water to wash the pot. Without looking back, he heard Liu Yong asking the apprentice on the side for a plate and preparing to take the mapo tofu out of the pot. He immediately opened his mouth and turned to the side behind him. Liu Yong scolded

"Liu Yong, the heat of your Mapo Tofu is still a little off. Let it cook for another half minute. Don't rush to start the pot. Although there are many customers, we cannot relax the quality of our dishes. The reason why customers come to our Yipin Restaurant is Well, just to taste the delicious food. The quality of the dishes is the signature of our Yipin Restaurant, so no matter what time, we must not relax our standards and ruin our signature!"

Liu Yong was a little anxious just now because he saw that Ma Suqin, the boss's wife, was waiting in the back kitchen to order the food. He didn't notice that his own food was still a little short of heat. Hearing Ma Hua's instructions, he immediately He nodded and apologized.

"Chef, I understand. I will cook strictly according to your requirements. It was my fault this time!"

Liu Yong is also in his forties, and he did not complain at all when faced with Ma Hua's reprimand. In this industry, age is not considered, but cooking is based on craftsmanship. Although Ma Hua is younger than him, his cooking skills are superb, which makes him admire him very much, and makes him even more proud. What he admired was that as long as it was a dish ordered by the guests, no matter whether they knew how to cook it or not, MCA never hesitated to give guidance to others, did not hide anything, and did not avoid others, so that their skills improved a lot and they benefited a lot.

Ma Hua nodded, did not continue to reprimand Liu Yong, and continued to serve the guests' dishes. He still reminded each of the kitchen masters from time to time what was wrong. He was methodical and unhurried, but the speed of serving the dishes was indeed faster. Three points, Ma Suqin breathed a sigh of relief, and looked proudly at her husband who was busy in front of the stove. The firelight shone on his face, illuminating his handsome and three-dimensional facial features, which made Ma Suqin crazy.

Several apprentices on the side were preparing dishes for the cooking masters, while also looking at Ma Suhua with admiration. They were all still young, only in their early twenties, and they had not been exposed to cooking for a long time, but they all regarded carelessness as a sign. My idol, I aspire to become a chef with superb cooking skills like Ma Hua.

Time gradually passed, and the busy people were sweating profusely, but they didn't know that the restaurants around them were all gloomy and business was deserted. I don't know what happened today. All the customers went to Yipin Restaurant, but there were only a few customers in their store. , even the own chef was so bored that he walked out of the store and stood outside the store with the waiter and boss, looking at the long queue at Yipin Restaurant, with sour and jealous words coming out of his mouth from time to time.

People in the same industry are all enemies. The business of Yipin Restaurant is booming, which will naturally lead to jealousy in the surrounding restaurants. There is a restaurant three stores away from Yipin Restaurant, which also specializes in Sichuan cuisine. Its name is Sichuan Restaurant. The owner’s name is Wang Li, because Yipin Restaurant is popular The impact was the greatest, so I felt jealous. Seeing that there was no customer in the store, I went to the kitchen and a few people in the store, changed their clothes, and lined up in front of Yipin Restaurant, waiting for a full hour. After a while, I entered the first-class restaurant, looking at the crowd of customers, my eyes full of jealousy and envy.

Wang Li and several chefs in the restaurant, led by Yipin Restaurant, came to a table in the center of the lobby of the restaurant and sat down. The guests at this table had just finished eating, and the plates on the table were already empty. There was a waiter on the side. Put away the dishes.

Wang Li looked at the CD with a hint of surprise in his eyes. They thought that the guests loved the dishes at Yipin Restaurant so much that they ate them all without leaving any.

After Wang Li sat down, he looked around and found that the guests at the tables around him were also enjoying their food very well. Every dish was praised by the diners, and his face suddenly darkened. If this continues, their Sichuan Restaurant will be It's really about to close. It seems that I have to cause some trouble for the other party today and show them how awesome I am.

"Hello, guests, what would you like to eat?"

Wang Li and his chef Li Ji looked at each other. They had already discussed the countermeasures before coming. Wang Li looked up at the young waitress, pretending to be a stranger who came here for the first time, and asked in confusion.

"We heard from our friends that you are a good restaurant. It's our first time to come to Youren Yipin Restaurant and we don't know the characteristics of your restaurant. Can you help introduce your restaurant's specialty dishes?"

The waiter's name is Liu Jing, who is a distant relative of Ma Suqin's mother's family. She is not surprised to see that the guests don't know much about the restaurant. After all, many of the guests at Yipin Restaurant come here because of its reputation, and she said with a smile.

"Our restaurant specializes in Sichuan cuisine, but we can also cook dishes from other cuisines. You just need to check if the kitchen has prepared the ingredients, so I suggest you order some of your favorite Sichuan dishes!"

Yipin Restaurant indeed specializes in Sichuan cuisine. Ma Hua studied under Sha Zhu and is proficient in Tan cuisine and Sichuan cuisine. However, as his cooking skills have improved, he has long surpassed these two cuisines and has dabbled in many of the eight major cuisines. Even if it is other cuisines, Yipin Restaurants can also cook it, but sometimes the kitchen doesn't have these ingredients, so they won't accept orders and can only ask customers to change dishes.

Wang Li nodded with a smile on his face and acted very kindly. After hearing this, he just lowered his head and thought for a moment before saying to Liu Jing.

"Since Yipin Restaurant is so powerful, we have to make things difficult for the chef. Let's start with a dish of boiled cabbage!"

Wang Li ordered the dishes in a loud voice, which was heard by the surrounding guests. They couldn't help but look at the table curiously. Some people had never heard of this boiled cabbage dish and looked at their companions in confusion. Most of their companions were also confused. Never heard of this dish either.

However, in Sijiu City, Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons, there are many capable people. Not far from Wang Li, there is an old man, about seventy or eighty years old. He is wearing a Chinese tunic suit, his hair is gray, his face is pale, his eyes are Bright, but not as he should be at his age. He has an imposing manner, and it can be seen that this is also a person with a good background.

The old man looked at the somewhat confused juniors at the table, glanced at Wang Li's table with a deep look, and said.

"This boiled cabbage dish is a Sichuan palace dish. It was created by Huang Jinglin, a famous Sichuan chef, when he was working in the imperial dining room of the Qing Palace. Now it has become a delicacy at the state banquet. Generally, Sichuan chefs cannot make this dish well, which is a great test of the chef's skills. , if you are not careful, you will fail.”

Boiled cabbage sounds simple and unpretentious, but it shows excellent soup-making skills. Boiling water is actually the clearest chicken soup. For this soup, ingredients such as old hen, old hen duck, ham trotters, ribs, scallops, etc. must be mixed into a boiling pot. Add cooking wine, onion, garlic and other condiments to prepare for at least 4 hours. Then mince the chicken breast meat until soft and fill it with water. Stir the fresh soup into a slurry and pour it into the pot to absorb impurities. After repeated adsorption for two or three times, the originally slightly turbid chicken soup in the pot is now as clear and clear as boiling water, with a rich and mellow aroma, not greasy or greasy, and refreshing.

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