I have a portable farm

Chapter 627: Tofu Workshop Opens

Within three days, news came that excited the entire people of Pengcheng. The tofu workshop built in Xihanling began to grind tofu in Xihanling.

Although it is just a tofu workshop, it also sells a moderate amount of wild boar, yellow mutton, pheasant, poultry and unborn bean sprouts.

Less than half an hour after the news spread, a long queue formed outside the tofu workshop. In an open wound, several villagers brought a wild boar, two yellow sheep, fifty pheasants and hundreds of molted chickens. The chickens, ducks and geese are arranged.

Wu Guocheng, who was cleanly dressed, stood at the door of the tofu shop and looked at the long queue of people. "Everyone, we all know that wild boars, yellow sheep, and pheasants are protected animals. Although the country allows the village to do so on its own within the allowed range, Deal with it, but we can’t do anything to make the country look bad. We sell one wild boar, two yellow sheep, fifty pheasants, and a hundred chickens, ducks, and geese every day. They are all on a first-come, first-served basis. Yellow sheep and wild boar meat Purchase limit is three kilograms per person.”

When the people at the back of the queue heard what Wu Guocheng said, their eyes were full of helplessness. They could only hope that the people in front came here to buy tofu instead of buying the wild boar meat, yellow mutton, etc. they wanted to buy. Pheasant.

"Is there any tofu today?" A person at the back of the queue thought he couldn't buy the game he wanted to buy, so he could only place his hope on tofu.

Wu Guocheng laughed, "From now on, we will sell 240 pieces of tofu at 9:30 every morning. Each person is limited to one piece, 600 pieces of dried tofu, and 300 catties of tofu skin. Each person is limited to 2 pieces of dried tofu and 1 piece of tofu skin. Jin. Each person can only buy one of the three soy products." While speaking, Wu Guocheng pointed to a window dedicated to selling tofu, dried tofu, and tofu skin.

As soon as he finished speaking, the people behind him rushed towards the window. Within a few breaths, a long queue formed at the window selling tofu.

"Are tofu, tofu skin, and tofu skin made from green beans?"

"I guarantee here that the tofu, tofu skin, dried tofu and the bean sprouts that will be launched soon are all made from Cuiyun beans."

"How to sell."

"One piece of tofu costs 4.5 yuan per kilo, tofu skin costs 12 yuan per kilo, dried tofu costs 3.5 yuan per kilo, and bean sprouts that will be launched soon will cost 7.2 yuan per catty."

"It's so cheap." People queuing up were stunned.

One pound of Cuiyun beans is expensive. The price of tofu, tofu skin, and dried tofu made with Cuiyun beans is now about one dollar more than those made with ordinary beans on the market. This is for anyone. All prices are acceptable.

However, limited purchases make many people helpless. However, considering how many people want to buy, Xihanling has always wanted more people to eat their products, and these people were quickly relieved.

After people buy the meat they want, they immediately line up at the tofu sales window and wait for 9:30. They want to see what is so special about the tofu made with Cuiyun beans.

At nine twenty-five, the window selling tofu opened. The staff inside were all clean, and the floor was spotless.

The staff cleaned the window again and put on masks and gloves. At this time, when the door inside opened, a wave of heat hit, and buckets of tofu, basins of tofu skin, and dried tofu were brought to the counter.

Then people smelled a strange fragrance, which they had never smelled before. Although the fragrance was not strong, they suddenly had the urge to eat.

The first person stood at the window, his eyes full of embarrassment. He wanted tofu, dried tofu, and tofu skin, but the problem was that he could only choose one, and he didn't know which one to choose.

But thinking about what people were talking about on the Internet about mutton stewed with tofu, he gritted his teeth and bought a piece of tofu. When he took a step outside, he had an impulse. He took the bag and took a small corner of the tofu and tasted it.

The tofu is light, clean, tender, and almost melts in your mouth. Immediately, a light fragrance fills your mouth, and an indescribable feeling of comfort.

This time he couldn't bear it any longer, so he was right there. In less than five minutes, he had eaten up a pound of tofu, and even drank the liquid left behind.

When the people at the back saw this scene, they took pictures of the middle-aged people eating tofu one by one, and when uploading them, they were even more teasing.

But then they saw that people who bought tofu, dried tofu, or tofu skin immediately tasted it, and they couldn't stop tasting it.

When they reacted, the tofu they purchased was. They had eaten all the dried tofu and tofu skin. Everyone's face was full of enjoyment, and they immediately lined up again. . . . . .

If we talk about a person. People don't think it's abnormal when two people are in such a situation. Almost everyone can't help themselves. This is too abnormal.

Countless people saw the protagonists in the videos on the Internet. They felt ridiculous at first, but then they thought of one thing, that is, the tofu, dried tofu, and tofu skin sold in Xihanling must taste tempting. Otherwise, it would be impossible for customers to have such a thing happen.

Knowing that Xihanling’s tofu, tofu skin, and dried tofu are absolutely attractive to people, as soon as it dawned the next day, there was a long queue outside the tofu workshop.

Because after people bought tofu, tofu skin, and dried tofu yesterday, they almost ate them all on the spot.

Today, after people buy tofu, tofu skin, and dried tofu skin, they resist the temptation and take the tofu, dried tofu skin, and tofu skin home.

Subsequently, dishes and tastes of tofu, tofu skin, and dried tofu were uploaded to the Internet. Almost everyone had the best evaluation of tofu, dried tofu, and tofu skin, and the soy products made in the tofu workshop were put on the Internet. Heaven.

In just one afternoon, the tofu workshop became the focus of countless people, because people praised the tofu, tofu skin, and dried tofu to the sky. Many people who could not come to Xihanling because of work paid high prices to buy tofu. Skin, tofu, dried tofu.

For a time, the price of a piece of tofu was as high as 20 yuan. Originally, people thought that Xihanling would definitely take this opportunity to increase the price of tofu, tofu skin, and dried tofu.

However, Xihanling has been sold at the original price and Xihanling has not raised the price, which makes people trust Xihanling even more.

In Wenying Pavilion, Luo Xiao and Meng Lie had expressions of emotion on their faces. Tofu, dried tofu, and tofu skin, which were the most common things in people's eyes, had suddenly become delicacies that everyone was rushing to buy.

Although it was only two days, not only the people of Pengcheng, but also the people in the surrounding areas of Pengcheng drove to Fengjiazhuang and lined up to buy soy products, wild boar, and yellow mutton.

"Xinyu, are the prices of tofu, dried tofu, and tofu skin set too low? Many people on the Internet are talking about our pricing. Many people specialize in purchasing tofu, tofu skin, and dried tofu at Fengjiazhuang. , the purchase price of a piece of tofu has reached 20 yuan."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "Auntie, even if we set the price at 20 yuan, some people will use it to speculate. As a result, only those with better economic conditions can afford tofu, dried tofu, and tofu skin. It’s the people living at the bottom of the family, and we set a low price that they can accept, so that they can have the opportunity to eat tofu.”

Luo Xiao nodded, "Xinyu is right, no matter how high the price is, some people will take the opportunity to hype it up, just like the Black Emperor. Now they have hyped it up to a sky-high price, and ordinary people can't afford it."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "Grandpa Luo, they are not only speculating on prices, they are also waiting for opportunities. They are all speculating with purpose. There may be enemies among the speculators who have always wanted to target me."

"Then after all that, you really have to be careful and don't give them any excuses."

"Wu Guocheng is very strict about management and will personally check the hygiene. As long as the hygiene and safety standards are met, they will not have a chance."

"Zhao Xinyu, the bean sprouts should be almost ready. People on the Internet have started to hype the bean sprouts. A pound of bean sprouts has been sold for 25 yuan."

"Ignore them, Wuyou Restaurant will withdraw from Qingshui Bean Sprout tomorrow. As soon as the reputation of Qingshui Bean Sprout is known, Wu Guocheng will be able to sell bean sprouts to the outside world."

The next day, people moving in the square outside Wuyou Restaurant saw the big screen at the entrance of Wuyou Restaurant light up again, with only one dish on it, boiled bean sprouts.

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw the name boiled bean sprouts. Not many people really knew what boiled bean sprouts were.

When people posted the boiled bean sprouts on the Internet, many diners familiar with Sichuan cuisine ridiculed Wuyou Restaurant for imitating the boiled bean sprouts in Sichuan cuisine.

Many people don't know much about boiled bean sprouts, and then they check online and they know what boiled cabbage is.

Boiled cabbage is a legendary dish in Sichuan cuisine. Despite its simple name, the process of cooking it is extremely complicated. Not only ordinary people, but also the top Sichuan cuisine chef Yue may not be able to make authentic boiled cabbage.

Nowadays, diners who know Sichuan cuisine said that Wuyou Restaurant imitated boiled bean sprouts, which made Wuyou Restaurant fans unhappy, and the two sides started a scolding war on the Internet.

There is no response to these worry-free restaurants, because the scolding war between the two parties on the Internet has made many people pay attention to boiled bean sprouts.

At noon, almost all the diners at Wuyou Restaurant ordered a dish of boiled bean sprouts, but they were all stunned when they saw the price of the boiled bean sprouts.

Every time Wuyou Restaurant launches dishes, the price is not high, and the price of many dishes is a little more expensive than outside hotels.


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