I have a portable farm

Chapter 3180: Besiege and attack reinforcements?

"Dad, why didn't anyone collect the body of that man?"

Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly, "You used to stay in Shiwandashan. You didn't know the pain of war at all. The wars in the past were for the struggle for power, but the wars now are because some people don't want peace in this area. Those innocent people Most of the people who died in vain were killed by mercenaries and rebels. The reason why they caused mass killings was to panic the people so that they could have an excuse to stay in this area and continue to plunder. "

"They deserve to die. If I had known they were this kind of thing, I would have wiped out their corpses the last time I came here."

Zhao Xinyu raised his hand and stroked Taohua's hair, "Don't worry, good and evil will be rewarded. They will not end well. Now let's go find our people first. They are now surrounded by hundreds of people, including There are dozens of people in the dark world, and their lives are in danger at any time."

"They're in that direction."

"Brother Fei should have sent the location of Lu Mingfei and the others."

The sun rises from the east, and the people hiding in the ruins who are struggling to survive walk out of the ruins one by one and start looking for things that can make them hungry. For a time, among the newly collapsed ruins, there are people in ragged clothes looking for food. Shuttle, among them there are many children who are only five or six years old. Whenever they see the unrecognizable corpses under the ruins, their eyes are full of panic.

But this only happened in a moment. Many times after they were frightened, the survival crisis still took over the panic. They would even go to the corpse and rub the corpse in search of food or money.

Every survivor left in the ruins of Crescent City is running for life. No matter how hungry, panicked or exhausted they are, they must speed up because only by acting quickly can they have a chance to obtain more. food.

No one would notice that there was a figure among the rushing crowd. He was also moving quickly, and seemed to move faster than others, but he did not seem to be looking for food or other supplies.

Near a group of buildings that were riddled with bullet holes but did not collapse, armed vehicles blocked the road. Behind the armored vehicles were squatting armed men with live ammunition.

As rapid gunshots rang out, those who were looking for supplies in the ruins looked in one direction in horror.

At a crossroads, more than a dozen ragged young men fell in a pool of blood. The few who survived wailed. They kept looking at the crowds not far away from them, but those crowds looked at the armed men in the distance. Instead of going to rescue them, they turned around and ran away.

On the other side of the area, at the same time as the sound of gunshots, a figure had passed through an area surrounded by armed men from an area that ordinary people could not cross at all.

"Dad, those bastards shot more than a dozen innocent people, do you want me to go back and kill them?"

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "They are just ordinary people. Their target is the besieged people. Once you kill them, those hidden dark worlds will immediately be alert, Taohua, looking for cultivators and armed forces hidden in the surrounding ruins." personnel."

At the same time that Taohua disappeared, Zhao Xinyu brought Yingzi and Keiko out of the space, and the three of them quickly disappeared into the ruins.

A building that looks like a warehouse is hidden in the collapsed ruins. There are collapsed cement boards everywhere outside the building. The only door has disappeared, but at this moment, there is an extra door in the dark door made of collapsed construction waste. Up the fortifications.

Behind the fortifications, two people wearing unique Arab clothes stared outside through the holes. On the left and right walls of them, figures were leaning against the walls. There were nineteen people in total. Although everyone had a veil. Their faces were covered by their connections, but it could be seen from their figures that thirteen of them did not look like adults.

A rapid cough sounded, and a figure trembled violently, followed by a large mouthful of blood spurting out. The person beside him reached out to grab him, but maybe it was too hard. As he grabbed it, his body followed. Fall to the ground.

"No. 2, No. 3, how are you doing?"

As low voices sounded, the remaining people all stood up. As they stood up, each of them had aura fluctuations. The thirteen with lower stature were better, and the four with taller stature were better. People, the aura on each of them is very disordered.

"No. 4, No. 6, please be alert, we are fine." The figure who spurted blood first said hoarsely, his voice was not high, and he was still extremely weak.

No. 3 helped No. 2 struggle to sit up. They all looked at the two figures on the other side of the door, "No. 1, while we still have some strength, you can take them away later and we will create some noise here. , cover you to leave."

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are all brought out by me. You have to go together. Besides, I have asked the organization for help. I think the organization has sent people over. As long as they come over, we can get out of trouble."

Number 2 took a deep breath and swallowed a few pills, "Number 1, haven't you seen that since we were betrayed, although they have been besieging us, there are many of them who are powerful in the divine martial realm. We cannot sense the cultivation level of some of the masters above. If they really want to kill us, we have no means of resisting at all. They are encircling the point for reinforcements. Maybe they have already deployed in the outer area at the moment. We have heavy troops, and now they are blocking all signals in this area. Even satellite phones cannot be used. Someone must leave to report the news. Lao San and I are no longer able to move. You take them away. "

No. 1's eyes narrowed, and No. 4, No. 5, and No. 6 all looked at No. 2 and No. 3, with a hint of sadness in their eyes.

They have been together all these years. Although they are not related by blood, their relationship has become as close as brothers. Of course they can hear the seriousness of the matter from the words of No. 2. Once it is really what No. 2 said, mercenaries and people from the dark world will gather around to call for help and set up a trap outside to ambush the rescuers, unless they are from the organization. If the commander-level leaders come over, everyone else will suffer disaster.

But they also know that once they leave, the chance of survival of the remaining personnel is almost zero, which makes them unable to bear to leave.

"No. 4 and No. 6, you two are in the best situation. You take the children and leave. They have another purpose this time, which is to surround and kill the Shahu members. The four of us will accompany them. If there is a chance, We will evacuate immediately."

"Everyone prepare, they are coming again." No. 4 did not answer, but stared outside and opened the large sniper safety in his hand.

As soon as No. 4 said this, everyone in the warehouse started to move. Thirteen children all stood up. They had large snipers in their hands. Even No. 2 and No. 3, who were unable to move, were heading towards the door. Move.

"No. 4 and No. 6, after repelling them this time, it will take at least six hours for them to take action. You take them out of the warehouse. There has been no movement on the west side. I think there is an ambush from them there. You just head towards the area with the densest firepower on the east side. I think there will be no problem with ordinary mercenaries using your skills to fight their way out."

As the figures flashed out, everyone was on high alert, and the thirteen young Sand Fox members opened their insurance almost at the same time.

"No. 1, something seems wrong. I didn't see any cultivators. Those who came over were just ordinary mercenaries."

"Let me see."

It was only more than ten seconds before No. 1 let out a low cry, "They are really just ordinary mercenaries, those fleas from the dark world."

"They must have another conspiracy. No. 4 and No. 6, please follow the retreating mercenaries later and take advantage of their chaos to carve out a passage. As long as you follow them, we can go to Area A to help you."

Number 4 took a deep breath and looked at the thirteen Sand Fox members behind the wall. Come and snipe them.

Thirteen Sand Fox members are in place, and No. 4, No. 6, No. 1, and No. 5 are under observation.


The heavy sniper was on the shoulders of a group of minors, making constant popping sounds, but the heavy sniper did not move at all, and each shot could kill a mercenary.

As the mercenaries retreated, No. 4 and No. 6 were ready, but just as they stood up, their bodies suddenly stiffened, and they both heard a message.

The two of them made a gesture in an instant, and all thirteen Shahu members squatted down, which made Number 1 and the others stunned.

"No. 4, you guys..."

The next moment, their bodies froze, and they felt a gloomy feeling. When they reacted, they saw two figures appearing in the warehouse.


Although the two of them were all wrapped in black gauze, only a pair of eyes were exposed, but the first few almost exhaled the word "leader" at the same time, because each of them had received special training from Sakurako and Keiko, and they had no control over the two of them. The style was very familiar, and they knew that Sakurako and Keiko practiced dark attribute techniques, so that sinister atmosphere was their trademark.

Sakurako and Keiko waved their hands, their eyes fell on the thirteen little Shahu members whose eyes were full of vigilance, and they nodded, "Don't leave in a hurry."

Number 2 looked at Sakurako and Keiko, "Commander, there are many masters among them, some of whom we can't feel their cultivation. They are fully capable of killing us, but they have been surrounding us these days. Instead of killing, they just send some top cultivators to show up every day and let the mercenaries pretend to attack. Obviously they have a big conspiracy. We guess that they are encircling the spot to call for reinforcements. Their purpose is to wait for the rescuers. "

"We have been here for a few hours. You have already understood their plan, so you can't leave yet. You can recuperate here and use it as bait. Next, we will attack and kill their personnel at night."

"Commander, the head is here too, he..."

"He's right outside."

"But this is a trap set by them."

"Their tactics are nothing more than a child's play for you. Now we know all about their personnel distribution. If they are not waiting for rescuers to join the army, then we can just use their tactics to attack and kill the people in the dark world."

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