I have a portable farm

Chapter 3179: Paradise on Earth?

The drizzle moistened everything. I don’t know how many people rushed to Hongshiya all night long. How many people were waiting for the arrival of dawn. There were also people who went up the mountain yesterday but they didn’t see the mushrooms. They wanted to see the first one. Will mushrooms appear in the next day?

Countless people are looking forward to the fact that the area of ​​​​Hongshiya has also undergone silent changes due to the successive appearances of soil sources and wood sources, but no one will squat in a certain place on a rainy night.

There was light again in the sky, and the drizzle seemed to have weakened. This caused large clouds and mist to appear over the entire Liulang Mountain. The treetops of the fruit trees on the mountain seemed to be surrounded by clouds and mist. Cangshan, clouds, streams, and birds and animals were singing together. Any area will make the parties feel like they are in a fairyland.

In Liuling Mountain, the buildings hidden under the cliffs are surrounded by clouds and mist, and they look like beautiful buildings and jade buildings. This also makes tourists staying in the mountains think that every place is like a fairyland with different styles as soon as they notice it. of buildings are sent to the network.

When people woke up from their sleep, countless people who paid attention to Hongshiya Mushrooms immediately turned on the Internet. However, they did not see the scene of picking mushrooms, but saw the stunningly beautiful Liulang Mountain of Liulang Mountain. A group of nine buildings that look like a fairyland.

After seeing the panoramic videos captured by people, countless people felt incredible in addition to the visual impact of the beautiful scenery of Liuling Mountain.

There is abundant precipitation in the south, which also gives the south a lot of beautiful scenery. However, even if there are primitive jungles in the north, they are often not as good as the mountains and rivers in the south due to precipitation.

It has not yet entered summer here in Liuling Mountain, but because of a continuous drizzle, Liuling Mountain presents such beautiful scenery, and these beautiful scenery are still accessible to everyone. How can people not be surprised? .

The beautiful scenery of Liuling Mountain made the Internet very lively in the early morning. While people were admiring the dreamlike scenery of Liuling Mountain, groups of videos and photos also appeared on the official website of Dijun Group.

In addition to the beautiful scenery of Liuling Mountain, the videos and photos also include the mushrooms that people are most looking forward to. Just like in previous years after the rain, people can see dense mushrooms in the fruit trees where the flowers are still falling, and in a mountain forest dedicated to growing matsutake mushrooms , the density of the matsutake mushrooms was so dense that everyone who saw it was speechless.

Just as people poured into Hongshiya in large numbers, the drizzle also stopped, and the entire Liuling Mountain was shrouded in thick fog. People did not feel any discomfort at all when walking in such thick fog. On the contrary, they felt even more uncomfortable. If there is a drawback to the fresh air, it is that the line of sight is blocked.

While people go up the mountain to pick mushrooms, the nine buildings in Liuling Mountain are also attracting a large number of media, self-media, and tourists. They find that the nine buildings at this moment are more beautiful and spectacular than what people first reported.

Summer has not yet begun, and Hongshiya has been hit by a mushroom fire. This time, even the nine buildings that have been open for more than two years have once again become a place that people yearn for.

At the foot of Liuling Mountain, countless people going up and down the mountain would drink a bowl of free ginger soup, and they could even use the heating equipment in the tent to keep warm. Everyone's body was covered with mud and water, but their expressions were extremely excited.

In Hongshiya Courtyard, Zhao Xinyu put down his mobile phone. His expression was a bit serious. This made Heifeng and Jinhen who were chatting in the living room realize that the call just now from their boss was probably not a good thing.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath, "Members of the organization took Shahu's people for training in the Middle East. They encountered trouble and are now trapped in Crescent City."

"Dark World?"

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "They received news that a mercenary team was performing a mission in Xingyue City. They massacred at least dozens of innocent people just to find out about a member of the resistance organization who secretly sneaked back to Xingyue City. When they went over to kill the small group of mercenaries, they unexpectedly encountered an ambush. They were surrounded by hundreds of rebels and more than a hundred mercenaries. "

"So, they were tricked by people from the Middle East."

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath, "In order to bring trouble to the Middle East, they have fostered many rebel armies. These people are all their pawns, and many of them are hidden among the people. A lot of the information about the organization comes from the people. This It’s very normal. Clean up and we’ll go there right away.”

"Ke Muyuan..."

"It's okay, we'll talk about it when we get back."

On the first day of mushroom picking, Hongshiya was full of media and crowds, so the news of Zhao Xinyu’s departure quickly spread throughout the Internet.

Countless people saw the news of Zhao Xinyu leaving Hongshiya, and they were not surprised. After all, everyone knew that Zhao Xinyu could continue to create miracles, and he could make an event attract the attention of countless people, but he was not very good at it. I like lively places.

Originally, people thought that Zhao Xinyu's next stop should be Xihanling. After all, Xihanling has also started planting this year, and Xihanling is located in the south. At this time, some vegetable gardens are about to open. It is reasonable for Zhao Xinyu to go to Xihanling at this time.

But what surprised countless people who paid attention to Zhao Xinyu was that Zhao Xinyu did not go to Xihanling, but chose to return to Lop Nur.

In Sixiang Valley, Du Chun and others were surprised when they saw Zhao Xinyu coming back. Zixu chuckled, "Xinyu, Hongshiya is extremely lively now, why are you back all of a sudden?"

"There are members of the organization trapped in the Middle East. I have to go there."

Du Chun, Liu Xiang and others frowned. Although they had never been to the Middle East, they knew the situation there. They also knew who was secretly controlling the situation and making the Middle East become dire.

Although they don't have any good impressions of human beings, they hate practitioners who participate in the secular world and those who do things to ordinary humans.

"Xinyu, when are you leaving?"

"The sooner the better."

"But now..."

Zhao Xinyu looked at Jin Hen, "I can wait, but the trapped people cannot wait. The sand foxes have not appeared in the past few years, and the mercenaries have begun to raise their heads again. The sand foxes cannot disappear. This time, we can take those sand foxes with us. small members, allowing them to grow quickly.”

"Shura, Rakshasa, you have always followed Xinyu on missions, and you are still following him this time."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Wait a moment, Yingzi and Keiko will also come."

"Xinyu, since you want to take action, you must cripple them like a black dragon."

Zhao Xinyu frowned and said, "Sister-in-law, I also understand this truth. However, in recent years, I have continuously taken action against the dark world, causing those surviving forces to hide underground. In recent years, members of the organization have been looking for their whereabouts. But so far, we have just discovered some suspicious things. Many of the mercenary organizations in the Middle East are their minions in the secular world. Even if there are some of their people among the mercenaries, there should not be any of their top mercenaries. exist."

Liu Xiang smiled faintly, "Mercenaries are a tool for them to make money. They will definitely not lose this bargaining chip. The resistance organizations in the Middle East are constantly taking action. They must send people to protect the mercenaries. Then while killing the mercenaries, you only need to keep killing them. Their hidden cultivators kill them, even if they are hiding in the dark and have many top-level beings, how can they survive without the middle-level and bottom-level experts. "

Zhao Xinyu's eyes lit up, "Sister-in-law, this move is really wonderful."

Liu Xiang chuckled, "I just learned this from you. There was a lot of movement in the cultivation world at first, but now there is very little movement from them. You may not feel it yourself, but your old man sees it all. These are what the old man said. Destroy their vitality and make them mere commanders. A tiger without claws is not a big cat. "

Zhao Xinyu nodded. At the beginning, his cultivation level was not high, and the overall strength of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade was not only comparable to that of the Xuanyang Alliance, but it was not even comparable to the third-rate forces in the cultivation world.

Over the years, they have been using their wisdom to continuously kill their effective forces. Now, although Jiao Hongzhuo and the others have entered the secular world, all they can use are some casual cultivators in the secular world.

A few years ago, they attacked the black dragon and crippled it. Zhao Xinyu had always wanted to find the lair of various forces in the dark world, but in the past few years, he had not found any clues.

Now after hearing what Liu Xiang said, Zhao Xinyu realized that he had entered a misunderstanding and wasted several years. If he had dealt with the mercenaries in the Middle East a few years ago according to the method of dealing with the Xuanyang Alliance, maybe the dark world would be better now. Also be honest.

"Taohua, you also come with me this time."

After saying this, Zhao Xinyu looked at Heifeng, Zhaoye, and Lu Chen, "This time we will mainly attack and kill. You guys will stay in Sixiang Valley and walk outside when you have nothing to do. This way you can Let those who monitor me feel at ease.”

The Crescent City in the Middle East has been around since the ancient Babylonian Kingdom. For thousands of years, the Crescent City has become the spiritual support of the Arab nation. In modern times, oil has become a strategic resource, and the Crescent City has developed rapidly and has become one of the world's largest cities. One of the most economically prosperous cities, with a population exceeding ten million.

But under the control of Europe and the United States, the war spread to Crescent City. In just a dozen years, the ancient Crescent City, which had been inherited for thousands of years, almost turned into ruins. In order to avoid the war, the people of Crescent City kept fleeing. Up to now, the population of Crescent City is only one million, and they are struggling for survival every day.

It is full of desolate ruins, with broken walls everywhere. There is no trace of life in a large area. The occasional noise is just the activity of wild dogs and rats. In one area, a group of wild dogs are eating a corpse. .

Behind a broken wall, Zhao Xinyu looked at the corpse eaten by wild dogs and couldn't help but shake his head, "Jinhen, what's going on around here."

"There are some ordinary people in the ruins, but no mercenaries were found."

Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly and looked at a group of vultures circling in the sky. "Transform into a human body and go to the vultures to inquire about it."

After Jin Hen left, Zhao Xinyu took Taohua out of the space. When Taohua saw the surrounding situation, Taohua's eyes shrank.

Peach Blossom King Miasma eats living things to strengthen itself, but in the years following Zhao Xinyu, Peach Blossom has undergone transformation. Many times, she even hates killing. Now seeing such a scene, Peach Blossom can't bear it.

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