Sea restaurant, back kitchen.

"I wonder if all the ingredients here are complete."

Redfoot Zhefu tried his best to have a meal with Luo Feng.

He even asked him to come to the back kitchen, select ingredients and cook them himself.

Since Luo Feng couldn't stay, he should at least try his dishes.

After all, Luo Feng just casually gave Sanji a few pointers, and then he innovated on some of his most proud dishes.

The taste was further sublimated!

So, what about the dishes made by Luo Feng himself?

"All of them... but..."

Luo Feng frowned as he looked at the dazzling array of ingredients in the back kitchen.

"But what?" Zhefu's heart tightened.

"But, in order to make the 'holy product' in my mind, there is still a main ingredient missing."

Holy product? !

It was the first time that Zhefu heard someone use this word to describe food.


As a gourmet, he believes that this is the goal a chef should have.

Treat cooking as a great cause!

"So, where can we find this ingredient? Will it be in the legendary Great Route?"

A chef next to him couldn't help asking.

Everyone was speechless after hearing this.

The Great Route is the most dangerous place in the world!

If you go there alone just to find ingredients...

It's not worth it!

"Well... But there should be substitute ingredients in the East China Sea."

Luo Feng said, and walked out of the cabin directly.

Came outside.

He took off his coat, and then jumped into the sea in the surprised eyes of everyone!

"What is he going to do?"

"It seems he wants to swim."

"Swimming at this time? Does it mean that if you want to make top-notch dishes, you need to swim first?"

"'s possible. You need to go into the sea to calm your heart. I once read in a book that only by uniting your mind and spirit can you reach a certain state."

"No, you are all wrong. He seems to want to catch fish!"

At this moment, the sharp-eyed people have seen a huge black shadow swimming in the sea.

Sea King!

Seeing this scene.

Everyone's face changed!

"Not good! He is in danger!"

Sanji shouted and was about to jump in.

But at this moment.


There was a muffled sound in the water.

Then, the originally blue sea slowly turned into a bloody red.

And then, a sea king floated on the sea!

However, a hideous huge wound appeared on the body of this sea king!


Luo Feng came out of the water.

In the shocked eyes of the crowd, he dragged the body of the sea king to the side of the boat.

"Start the dissection, remove the most delicious parts of the body, remember, take a few fish bones, I have great use for them!"

Luo Feng commanded while wringing out the water on his body.

However, the onlookers were all stunned.

He casually and easily killed a sea king in seconds, and in the sea!

What kind of strength is this!

The key is that Luo Feng did not carry any weapons on his body, but the wound of the sea king looked like it was cut by a giant with a sharp blade!

The gap was huge!

"Oh, oh, okay!"

It took a long time for the chefs to react.

They rubbed their hands quickly, sharpened their knives and dismembered the body of the sea king.

These are all precious ingredients that are rarely seen on weekdays.

Where in the world would someone hunt down a terrifying sea overlord just to cook?

This is simply a luxury!

"However, although the meat of sea kings is special, it is also difficult to chew. Although it can fill the stomach, it is impossible to make the holy product he mentioned."

At this time, Zhefu was thinking.

How exactly does Luo Feng want to cook this dish, cooking the sea king with such strong muscle fibers into a holy delicacy!


In the back kitchen.

A group of people are watching Luo Feng cooking.

He lit the fire and heated the pot, and his technique was quite skillful.

Then, he cooked the processed sea king meat.

Added various seasonings.

Soon, a tempting aroma wafted out of the back kitchen.

"No way, the meat of sea kings can actually produce this kind of fragrance?"

"I have eaten sea king steaks made by this restaurant before, but the sea kings of that kind are smaller and more tender."

"But this sea king is so big, the meat should have been old and hard to chew."

"Hiss... something is wrong, very wrong, why do I smell this smell, I feel my heartbeat speed up? "

"Yes, I feel that the muscles of my body are suddenly full of strength."

"I have an illusion that I can kill a cow with one punch!"

[You observe the ingredients, thinking, and have a series of sudden insights, and comprehend "offensive cuisine"]

At this time, Luo Feng's mind burst into inspiration.

Offensive cuisine!

A dish unique to the pirate world.

In the original work, Sanji went to the kingdom of demons.

Discovered this local specialty.

Even if ordinary people eat this kind of food without any exercise, their physical fitness will improve rapidly!

Even to a terrifying level!

In short: eating can make you stronger!

"Humph! Not enough, not enough!"

"The so-called offensive cuisine is nothing more than activating the special substances in the meat of sea kings, making it easier for people's digestive tract to digest and absorb."

"But it takes a long time to eat to achieve the effect!"

"And, according to my guess, eating once can only increase the body's strength by one or two. "

"The effect is too poor!"

"If I want to do it, I must do it to the best of my ability!"

"Activate all the energy factors in the ingredients!"

"It can make ordinary people instantly have superhuman physiques after eating my food!"

At this time, various thoughts kept pouring out of Luo Feng's mind.

Start thinking.

He served a dish and tasted it himself.

I suddenly felt that his taste buds were activated and his saliva was secreted crazily.

A gentle and mellow aroma flowed into his body through his stomach, nourishing his body.

"That's the feeling, attack the food!"

"Well...but it's still a little bit off. "

Thinking of this, Luo Feng continued to fire.

Make the second dish!

This time, he changed the recipe.

[You changed the original recipe and successfully created a unique recipe "Holy Product God of War Cuisine"!!!]

Soon after.

In the room, a more intense fragrance floated!

Ordinary diners, just smell it.

They feel their muscles bulging!

A slim lady, after a scream, actually broke a spoon made of fine iron with her bare hands.

A group of burly chefs nearby were stunned!

What's going on!

Can the body become so strong just by smelling the fragrance?

What if this dish... is eaten directly...

What should we do?

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