Back kitchen.

Sanji suddenly started to cook as if he had taken stimulants.

This immediately attracted the attention of others.

"Hey, Sanji, did you take the wrong medicine today? Why are you so excited?"

A chef put down his work and looked over.

However, Sanji didn't hear what the man was saying at all, but was concentrating on cooking.

Soon, this situation attracted more and more people's attention.

"Huh? Why do we do this here? Sanji, this is obviously not our recipe, right? Are you crazy?"

"If the food is not delicious, the reputation of our sea restaurant will be greatly reduced. When the old man gets angry, he will definitely beat you to death!"

"Hey, it seems that you put a little too much salt. Will this ruin the taste?"

"Wait, why put so little soup? Won't the meat taste dry?"

"Damn, this kid doesn't seem to be listening to what we are saying at all."

The chefs in the entire kitchen were attracted by Sanji's abnormal behavior.

However, when they saw the way he cooked, they shook their heads.

With their chefs' intuition, they determined that it would not taste good if it was cooked this way.

But Sanji was like a demon today.

He did not listen to them at all.

He insisted on doing it his own way.

"It's over. The reputation of our restaurant is going to be ruined by this kid."

"I don't know what's wrong with him today."

"We know you want to innovate the recipe, but a rash attempt like this will not only waste ingredients, but also drive away customers."

Finally, Sanji finished the last dish.

He served it on a plate.

He didn't even look at the other chefs and rushed out of the kitchen.

"Damn, this kid..."

The chefs were all angry.

One person curiously scooped a little soup base from the pot with a fork and tasted it.

"Oh my god! This taste!"

The person next to him glanced at him, "Is it so disgusting?"

"No! This taste is absolutely amazing!"

"What? Impossible!"

Hearing this, the other chefs tasted the soup base one after another.


"Tsk! This taste is soft in the mouth, and the umami taste and the original taste of the sea king have reached a perfect balance. The two complement each other, it's like being in heaven!"

"Wow... I originally thought that such a perfect dish could not exist in this world, but I didn't expect... I didn't expect... I was so lucky to taste it!"

"Ah! This probably requires a perfect balance between the heat, the proportion of spices, and the taste of the ingredients themselves to make such a delicious dish?"

"How did Sanji do it?"

"He didn't seem to do it casually, but he seemed to be confident, as if he had known that this would produce such a taste!"

"Damn, there were several dishes just now, I'm so curious about their taste!"

"Let's go out and take a look, maybe we can taste the bottom of the plate."

So, a group of people walked out of the kitchen in a mighty manner, and they didn't cook anymore.

They just wanted to taste the dishes made by Sanji.

Soon, the consequence of this behavior was that most of the dishes ordered by the customers were not served.

Someone quickly found Redfoot Zhefu to complain.

"What? The chefs are on strike?"

Zhefu's face turned cold.

This restaurant is his dream, his career, and everything to him.

It must not be ruined by lazy chefs.

"Let's go! I'll make the decision for you! If the chefs really don't want to work anymore and leave, then I'll cook for you myself!"

"And all the dishes today are free for you!"

Just as Zhefu and a group of indignant guests rushed to the restaurant.

But suddenly they saw a group of people gathered at a table, not knowing what they were doing.

And among this group of people, in addition to the "striking" chefs, there were actually guests.

Seeing this scene.

Zhefu's face moved slightly, and he hurried over.

Just as he approached, a voice of comments came from the middle of the circle of people.

"Well... But you've improved a lot with this stir-fried shredded sea bream."

"The previous recipe inventor obviously had a light taste and too little salt. You put a little more salt this time, and the freshness came out."

Hearing this, Zhefu's face froze.

Because this dish was invented by him!

It's even one of his most proud dishes.

He often stir-fries it for Sanji and others.

"Is my taste really that light?"

Zhefu began to reflect on himself at this time. This is aThe qualities that an excellent chef should have.

Only by constantly reflecting on oneself and improving recipes and cooking skills can one make truly delicious food.

At this time, Zhefu recalled the evaluation of Sanji when he drank his seafood soup.

"Old man, you put too little salt."

"Stupid, what do you know? The essence of seafood soup is the word fresh. If you put too much salt, it will cover the freshness!"

"But... can't salt enhance the freshness?"

"What? You kid, you can't even cut potato shreds properly, and you dare to question me?"


At this time, Zhefu's face changed suddenly.

Pushing through the crowd.

Suddenly saw a young man sitting at the table, tasting the dishes.

And next to him was Sanji, who was holding a notebook and a pencil, and was recording something quite seriously.

"Well... this seafood fried rice..."

At this time, Luo Feng scooped a spoonful of fried rice into his mouth and tasted it carefully.

"Too much oil can make fried rice more fragrant, but too much oil will make it greasy. You know, many people eat light food..."

Luo Feng talked freely and tasted each dish.

Sanji was taking notes very seriously.

The chefs beside him nodded or shook their heads silently.

They looked like they were learning.


Zhefu was speechless. These guys were usually very arrogant.

I didn't expect them to become so studious now.

But he himself was soon immersed in Luo Feng's lecture.

Suddenly, Luo Feng stopped.

Everyone looked unsatisfied and looked at him curiously, wondering why he stopped.

"Uh... burp~"

Luo Feng burped very uncivilizedly, "I'm full."


I'm dizzy!!!

Good guy, he ate all the dishes on the table by himself!

How could he not be full!

Moreover, before that, he had already finished a table!

This appetite is already amazing, probably equivalent to the appetite of seven or eight ordinary people!

He can eat a lot!

"Young man, I think you have a talent to be a chef, no! I should say that you have the best understanding of food that I have ever seen in my life!"

At this time, Zhefu said to Luo Feng with a heart of love for talent.

"Great, with this young man as a chef, we can all eat delicious food in the future."

Everyone around was excited.

How can life be without delicious food?


"Sorry, I'm just an adventurer," Luo Feng refused directly.

"Besides, I'm not a gourmet, I just know a little bit, and I made a slight improvement to the recipe based on my own understanding."

What do you mean by knowing a little bit!

Everyone was dizzy.

If this is still called knowing a little bit, then the food they make is simply garbage!

Some people who had eaten the food on Luo Feng's table turned back to eat the food made by other chefs.

It was simply tasteless!

"No! Young man, you can't leave!"

"Yes, stay and be a chef!"

"The East Sea cannot live without you, just like the West cannot live without Jerusalem!"

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