
A purple aura instantly enveloped the entire bar, penetrated the house, and rushed to the outside world.

It directly enveloped the entire Windmill Village and some surrounding areas.

At this moment, all the villagers in the Windmill Village felt a sense of dominance.

Everyone felt as if they were facing a king, a god who could not be looked at directly.

In an instant, the bodies of these villagers trembled unconsciously, and their knees became weak.

In the end, they knelt down with a plop.

Just like the subjects bowing to the emperor!

Not only people.

Even the various animals in the village, and even the birds in the sky, fell to the ground one after another.

In front of Luo Feng's awakened special purple domineering aura, he spasmed directly, foamed at the mouth, and lost consciousness!


On the ship of the Red Hair Pirates.


A lookout responsible for staying here noticed something unusual.

He jumped up suddenly and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"What a... big... range!"

I saw a purple domineering aura directly covering the entire village, even including some areas outside, and the sea!

"I have only seen such a large-scale domineering aura on the captain."


Speaking of this, the lookout's forehead dripped a few drops of cold sweat.

"And this domineering aura, why does it feel more amazing than the captain's, it actually makes me want to kneel down and worship!"


Inside the bar.


Accompanied by Luo Feng's instant release of domineering aura.

Everyone in the Red Hair Pirates was stunned.

No matter how hard they thought, they couldn't understand how a young boy could awaken the domineering aura!

And among the crowd, the most surprised one was Red Hair.

"This, this, this aura..."

Red Hair showed a look of shock, muttering to himself in disbelief.

"Even Captain Roger back then didn't have such amazing purity!"

That's right, the red-haired man felt a unique temperament from Luo Feng's domineering aura.

Everyone's domineering aura is different.

And Luo Feng's domineering aura actually gave him a sense of nobility.

If you have to make a metaphor.

That's the king of kings!

To some extent, it's more terrifying than Roger!

At this time, Luo Feng had restrained his breath and returned to normal.

He looks no different from an ordinary boy next door.

However, when he showed his domineering aura just now, it was completely different.

It was like an emperor who ruled the world, looking down on his subjects!

Majesty, contempt, and inviolability!

It really scared everyone present!

"Hey! Boy, what you just released, couldn't it be..."

"Domineering aura!"

Luo Feng looked at the surprised expressions of the people around him and nodded slightly.

"What a joke!"

Seeing that the person involved had confirmed it, the pirates of the Red Hair Group immediately lost their composure and screamed.

The look in Luo Feng's eyes was like looking at a humanoid sea king.

"Even I don't have the Conqueror Haki! You, a young boy, have awakened it!"

"How old are you!"

"Ahhh, damn it, I'm so envious, jealousy has made me unrecognizable!"

"Conqueror Haki is a qualification that only those who want to become kings can awaken. Do you want to be the king, boy?"

"You don't want to be the man who dominates the Windmill Village, do you?"

At this time, the careful Beckman suddenly found something wrong.

"Huh? Miss Makino, you didn't faint?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present changed color.

They all looked towards the counter.

They saw that the proprietress was looking at everyone with an innocent face.

"Uh... what's the matter?"

But it looked intact.

Obviously, he was not affected by the domineering aura.

What's going on?

Everyone was confused.

Could it be that... Miss Makino is also a strong person?

This is bullshit!

Among the people present, the red-haired man has the deepest attainments in domineering aura.

He immediately thought of the only possibility.

But it was this possibility that made him shudder!

"Impossible... Absolutely impossible..."

The red-haired man's pupils shrank slightly, and he muttered to himself.

Beckman was also surprised to see his captain lose his composure, but then he also thought of that possibility.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Luo Feng, his eyes burning.

"Boy... Could it be that you... controlled the domineering aura and didn't hurt Miss Makino?"

Happiness is controllable!

Normal people find it difficult to control it when they first awaken the domineering color, and it is even impossible to release it again!

It takes a long time to comprehend and practice.

However, Luo Feng actually... just awakened, he can do it, control his domineering auraNot hurting the people around him.

This talent...


After everyone present understood, they all gasped.


At this moment.

The door of the bar was suddenly kicked open.

Then a man came in.

"Oh no, Captain, there is an enemy..."

The lookout rushed over, but he saw a room full of people staring at him.

The so-called enemy was not even seen.

Soon, when the lookout learned that Luo Feng was the one who released the domineering power.

His eyes suddenly widened.

As a member of the Four Emperors, he naturally understood the value of this.

A young man awakened the domineering color, and at the moment of awakening, he mastered how to control the domineering power, even to the point of not hurting the people around him.

This talent... It can't be said that it surpasses anyone, it is simply unprecedented and unparalleled!

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something and quickly told the scene he observed on the observation deck.

When everyone present heard that Luo Feng's domineering color actually covered the entire windmill village, and even covered the surrounding sea and wilderness.

Everyone was shocked again.

"The range is so large?"

The red-haired man's face showed an incredible look again.

He looked at Luo Feng as if he was looking at a little monster.

"Not only is he gifted, but his qualifications are also so amazing!"

"And that kind of temperament, in terms of purity, surpasses me, the captain, and Mr. Rayleigh!"

"Luo Feng, this kid, is really amazing! Could he be the person I'm looking for?"

Red Hair's mind was a mess at the moment.

He actually met a domineering kid with both talent and qualifications above him.

Of course, with his broad mind, he would naturally not be jealous of Luo Feng. What he was thinking at the moment was, could Luo Feng be the Nika he was looking for?

At this moment, everyone in the room looked at Luo Feng as if he were a monster.

Luo Feng himself sat in front of the counter, poured himself a glass of wheat juice and drank it.

But he was thinking about the realization just now.

When the red-haired man's domineering aura affected him just now, he had a realization.

And when he released the domineering aura himself, it was another realization.

This double realization was like nectar at this moment, nourishing his soul and spirit, giving him endless inspiration.

"Domineering... So that's what it is..."

Luo Feng drank the wheat juice mouthful by mouthful with his eyes blank, and various realizations collided with each other in his mind, as if some amazing results were about to be born.

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