East China Sea, Windmill Village.

"Hiss... It hurts... My head hurts..."

Luo Feng opened his eyes and felt that his head was about to split.

Just now, a strange memory flooded into his mind, letting him know what was happening now.

Crossing over!

He came to a comic he had read before, the world of One Piece.

[Due to crossing over, you have awakened your heaven-defying enlightenment, and from then on your mind is clear and your inspiration is unlimited. ]

A thought sounded from the depths of his mind.

In an instant, Luo Feng felt as if his soul had been sublimated, and he was blessed.

"Is this... a golden finger? Bullshit!"

Luo Feng was a little excited.

As a crossover, he naturally understood how dangerous the world of pirates was.

The strong who destroyed the world, the sea monster that could swallow the island, and the terrifying ancient weapons...

If ordinary people want to survive in this world, they can only rely on their tough life!

And according to Luo Feng's memory, his body has no talent.

There is no special bloodline or deep background of the protagonists.

If you want to grow into a strong man through training, you may have no hope in this life.

However, now that he has this plug-in, Luo Feng's ambitions emerge in his heart.

"The world is so big, the stage is so big, how can there be no place for me, Luo Feng?"

"When I read comics before, there were many regrets and regrets. Now, all of these must be made up!"


At this moment, Luo Feng felt someone knocking on his head.

Then he saw a woman with green hair and still charming, holding a spoon and looking at him.

"Luo Feng, don't be distracted, hurry up and serve the guests."

"Oh, okay, Makino boss lady!" Luo Feng responded.

He was originally an orphan boy in Windmill Village.

Because the bar owner kindly took him in, he worked here as a handyman and had a meal.

In the past few days, a group of pirates came to the village and often went to the bar to eat and drink.

Business was very good, so the kitchen was very busy.


Although they were pirates, they did not burn, kill or plunder the village.

Instead, they paid for drinks and bought various materials in the village, bringing prosperity to the village.

Luo Feng walked out of the kitchen and came to the bar, and heard all kinds of noisy and laughing sounds coming over.

"Lachi, you are really good at eating. You ate such a big piece of meat in two bites. If you keep eating like this, you will eat up all the money of our pirate group!"

"Jesus Bu heard that you have a son in the East China Sea. Should we go see him next?"

"Boss, I think this boss lady is very good. Why don't you marry her to the ship? Hahaha..."

Luo Feng held the plate and shouted at the counter.

"Yes, Shanks, your fried rice is here!"

That's right, this group of pirates is the Red Hair Pirates who will become the Four Emperors in the future!

"Ah, as expected, your cooking skills are better, Luo Feng."

Red Hair took the fried rice and started eating with a spoon.

However, he choked after a few bites because he ate too fast.

His face turned purple, and he patted his chest desperately, and cast a look at Luo Feng for help.

Luo Feng was speechless.

Red Hair, one of the Four Emperors, was almost choked to death by fried rice.

Who would believe this?

He immediately poured a glass of wheat juice and saved Red Hair.

"Ah, I almost died~ Luo Feng, you saved my life."

Red Hair looked like he had survived a disaster.

At this moment.

A ray of imperial pressure was inadvertently released from Red Hair's body!

You know, Red Hair's domineering aura can actually shatter wood.

Although it was just a ray, it was enough to make ordinary people with weak will faint on the spot.

Luo Feng's face turned pale immediately.

He felt that his soul was like a newborn baby, exposed to the ice and snow without any clothes.

The biting cold wind pierced his spirit like a knife.

However, it was at this time.

Luo Feng subtly realized what the so-called domineering in this world was.

At the same time, in this extreme pain, he clearly felt that in the depths of his soul.

It seemed that some kind of power was sealed.

After being stimulated by the red-haired domineering, he immediately had the idea of ​​budding.

[You observe the pressure emitted by the red-haired man and accidentally awaken the domineering color. ]

At this time, outside.

The red-haired man who was drinking wheat juice was startled and quickly put down the cup.

He realized that he might have made a mistake.

Just now, he was a little careless, and the pressure he released inadvertently actually hurt Luo Feng.

"Are you okay? Luo Feng?"

He was a littleHe looked over with worry, and quickly restrained his domineering aura, regretting it so much that his intestines turned green.

He knew that for adults, the harm of domineering aura might not be a big deal.

Because their spirits have become numb after being ravaged by life.

At most, they will just need to sleep for a while, and there will be no hidden dangers.

However, for a teenager, his body has not grown up yet.

He is still very immature.

His mind is more sensitive.

He has almost no resistance to domineering aura.

Seeing Luo Feng's pale face and his eyes closed.

Red Hair was a little panicked.

At this moment, other pirates who were drinking and playing in the bar noticed the situation here.

They all stopped.

He came over with concern.

"What's going on? Captain, why is your domineering aura overflowing?"

"It should be because the captain has just made a breakthrough in strength recently, so the domineering color has improved again? After all, the domineering color cannot be improved by training, it can only be stronger with stronger strength."

"Oh no, this kid's spirit will not be damaged, will he become demented?"

Everyone surrounded Luo Feng and observed his condition with concern.

In the kitchen, Makino, who was cooking for everyone, heard that it suddenly became quiet outside and realized that something was wrong.

He hurriedly walked out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on his apron and asked:

"What's wrong? What happened?"

The red-haired man said a little ashamedly: "Makino, I..."

"Where is the ship's doctor? Where is the ship's doctor?"

Ben Beckman said hurriedly.

Soon, the ship's doctor squeezed over.

After learning about the situation, he shook his head a little.

"Alas, this is mental damage, and ordinary medicines cannot cure it."

"Now we can only pray, hoping that Luo Feng's mental strength is naturally different from ordinary people and his will is firm."

"This may keep him sane, but his body may be very weak in the future."

However, just at this time.

Luo Feng, who had been closing his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes.

Just now, with the help of the domineering aura of red hair and his own extraordinary understanding.

He successfully comprehended the essence of domineering!

The so-called domineering, in fact, everyone has it.

It's just that it is buried in the spiritual world.

Some people bury it deeper, and some people bury it shallower.

The three colors of domineering, different people bury it to different depths, and the impact on each person's personality is also very different.

Some people are born with the qualifications of a king.

It is because their domineering color is revealed, which deeply affects their personality, and the resulting personality charm affects the people around them.

Make people want to follow them.

Originally, Luo Feng's body had the three colors of domineering aura buried deep inside.

If nothing unexpected happened, he would probably never be able to awaken it in his lifetime!

But now, with the help of the red-haired domineering aura.

He broke through the barrier in one go.

He instantly awakened the domineering aura!

When he opened his eyes, a domineering aura that belonged only to him burst out!

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