I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 692: Break the battle!

With an order, the Space Blade disappeared out of thin air.

In an instant, Jiang Ao's ultimate understanding of space and heaven appeared in his mind!

Without saying a word, he took out the chain of the heavenly path, and when his mind moved, the chain of the heavenly path had become a hundred thousand heavenly path!

Regardless of the surprised expressions of both humans and demons, Jiang Ao immediately opened the one hundred thousand heavenly Taoism!

Suddenly, the characters of Xianfa were recorded on it, as if they were alive, flying towards Jiang Ao's eyebrows!

Elementary fairy, space blade!

Intermediate fairy method, space channel!

Jiang Ao immediately mastered the two spatial immortal methods, and then, after a little thought in his mind, he immediately located Dianhe Mountain!

"You stay here for a while, I'll come as soon as I go!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Ao unexpectedly condensed his divine power, stretched out an index finger, and swiped the void!

I saw a wave of fluctuations in the space in front of me, and my fingers opened the space directly, and a passage appeared.

Inside the passage, it was extremely dark.

At the other end of the passage, there was a huge mountain and void.

This is...Dian Hell Mountain!

Whether it was the Thunder King, Kong, or Qinghexian, I was completely stunned!

Jiang Ao actually mastered the space heaven?

Moreover, the space heaven was constructed so easily!

They all saw the Mo just now.

The characters that suddenly appeared on the Taoist Sutra of One Hundred Thousand Heavens, obviously the Lord was letting Jiang Ao understand the secret of this fairy law!

Suddenly, everyone knew what a treasure one hundred thousand heavenly Taoism is!

No wonder, even the gods of the upper realm have to come down and **** them.

The One Hundred Thousand Heavens Taoist Sutra actually allows one person to master the immortal law instantly!


And what Jiang Ao turned over was only one page!

An idea appeared in everyone's hearts.

If you go through the entire Tiandao Sutra, will you... be able to master all the great avenues and fairy laws in the fairy world?

Just when they were shocked, Jiang Ao had already stepped into the passage.

The channel closed instantly.

In the next instant, Jiang Ao had already appeared in the void outside the Dian Prison Mountain.

"Chinese star? Huh, here I am!"

Jiang Ao didn't save divine power, but rushed to the Chinese Xianyu immediately.

Divine consciousness began to spread, and the Chinese star was soon found.

But this time, he was a little more sensible and didn't waste his divine power excessively.

His supernatural power is no longer much.

After reaching the Chinese star, he spread his spiritual knowledge to the Immortal Emperor's Palace.

The Immortal Emperor's Palace is based on formations, so it is quite easy to find.


A few hours later, Jiang Ao had already landed on the Chinese star.

He quickly fell to the ground, not caring about the horrified eyes of others.

He closed his eyes slightly and found the palace.

Then his figure flashed.

After a few breaths, he appeared before the palace.


Outside the palace at this time, there is no formation.

"Is this being attacked? Who is it, I didn't feel the power of the fairy monarch level at all, and the strongest power is the residual power of the formation!"

"Strange, it's all Luo Tianshang inside, I'll take a look!"

Jiang Ao murmured to himself, glanced at the damaged Immortal Emperor's Palace, which looked like an ancient ruin, and he appeared in front of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion.

Under the hall, the empress was angry.

Ziyan and Lan'er had disappeared because of the report.

Coupled with the destruction of the formation outside, she was completely sure that a master rushed in and rescued them.

She kept scolding her subordinates, but suddenly felt a chill in her eyes.

A handsome man appeared in front of her!

"Boy, who are you? Why dare to break into my Immortal Emperor's palace and come to this Emperor?"

The empress was full of anger now, seeing that Jiang Ao was just a big Luo Jinxian, she couldn't help spreading all her anger!

"The Emperor?"

Jiang Ao glanced at her with disdain, and said, "Dare to call yourself the emperor in front of me? You really dare to sit in the position of immortal emperor!"

"Hahaha, a joke! Which kid from here on a wild planet dare to speak out here? Come here, kill him, then chop it into foam and bury it in the soil to plant trees!"

The empress felt that this was simply an idiot, or it was a kid who had never seen the world, and even broke into the imperial palace without speaking, but dared to speak wildly!

With the order, a Luo Tianshang immediately stepped forward, and without a word, he slapped Jiang Ao!

"court death!"

Jiang Ao snorted coldly, that Luo Tianshangxian seemed to have received a heavy blow, and the whole person flew out of thin air!


Jiang Ao didn't make a move, but the opponent hit a huge pillar before falling down.

All bones were broken, lying on the ground wailing!

For a while, the needle fell, and everyone looked at that Luo Tianshang incredibly, and they couldn't help but wonder. We are afraid that we are dreaming. If a big Luo Jinxian did not move his hands, could he seriously hurt a Luo Tianshang?

"Just because of you crooked melons and dates, you are also worthy to do in front of me? Who is not convinced, come up quickly!"

Jiang Ao gave a cold snort and looked around.

As far as they could see, all Luo Tianshang took a step back, and at the same time bowed their heads, not daring to look at Jiang Ao.

"Hahaha," Jiang Ao couldn't help laughing wildly when he saw this scene.

If you are mad, I am mad than you!

I killed only three of the immortal emperor. If you have to be the immortal emperor, why not kill another one?

"If you don't have me, would you dare to sit on the emperor? Now, get me down from above!"

After speaking, Jiang Ao stretched out his right hand, his fingers turned into claws, and tore the empress from the seat.

The empress was caught off guard and rolled down the steps. After she got up, her hair was disheveled and she looked like a shrew who had been defeated in the street!

"You...you! Looking for death!"

The empress was furious, and she thought that although Jiang Ao was unexpectedly strong, she had the key in her hand and was the strongest existence in the Immortal Emperor's Palace!

After speaking, he vomited the control symbol from his mouth!


When the voice fell, I saw the whole hall suddenly shifted!

In the blink of an eye, a starry sky appeared above my head!

Then, a sharp and crazy laugh came over!

"What about a little kid who hurt me a subordinate of Luo Tianshang? This is the strongest formation of the Immortal Emperor's Palace. Even if the immortal comes, you have to give three points! I see how you respond at this time !"

The emperor's eyes sprayed with anger, don't look smiling, she actually hated Jiang Ao half to death.

At the same time, it was strange in my heart. The immortal emperor had been dead for more than half a month, and there has been no change. He hasn't got enough, why suddenly there are so many things!

"The strongest formation?"

There was a disdain from the corner of Jiang Ao's mouth, and a word was lightly spit out.


The sound is not loud.

But I only heard the starry sky suddenly split!

Then, those stars suddenly fell.

What **** super powerful array, under my supernatural power, effortlessly!

The formation is not enough time.

The burst broke in a blink of an eye!

Jiang Ao took a faint step forward, and the entire cracked starry sky collapsed suddenly, revealing the original roof!

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