I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 691: I will build a space channel!

"I will talk about something later, your body is very weak!"

Jiang Ao spoke in a deep voice, preventing Qing Hexian from speaking.

Qing Hexian thought that Lan'er and Zi Yan might have encountered an accident, and it was not too late to say it, so he simply closed his eyes and slowly let Jiang Ao repair his injury.

Because of the forced opening of the secret realm entrance, he suffered serious internal injuries.

Being able to support here is actually a sigh of relief, asking Jiang Ao to forgive him.

If she can't tell Jiang Ao this information alive, I'm afraid no one knows where Lan'er and Ziyan will be.

Not long.

The Raiden Karmapa also arrived here.

In terms of speed, he is not a bit arrogant than Jiang.

"what happened?"

After landing, Raiden Karmapa also looked gloomy.

"It's still unclear, Qinghexian was seriously injured, wait until I heal him."

Jiang Ao said without looking back.

"Okay, I will protect you!"

The Thunder Lord directly took out the Lei Lingzhu, and after using a small amount of celestial power, he threw the Lei Lingzhu towards the sky.

I saw that with the Thunder Spirit Orb as the center, an electric arc net was spread out, covering all three of them in it.

He didn't know what happened, but seeing Jiang Ao's expression serious, presumably things were not small.

at last.

It took a full day.

Qinghexian woke up leisurely.

"Is it all right?"

Jiang Ao took back his palm, and the Thunder Lord also took back the Lei Lingzhu.

"It's okay, I won't die for a while."

Qing Hexian smiled bitterly, not knowing how to tell Jiang Ao.

"Let's talk about it, what happened to the fairy world?"

Jiang Ao thought to himself, it only took a few days to come in by himself.

Presumably, even if the immortal world is chaotic, it will not go anywhere.

"Zi Yan and Lan'er escaped from Dian Prison Mountain. I don't know when they escaped to Zhong Fang Xing, and then they were taken hostage by Zhong Fang Xing's original empress. I dare not act rashly!"


Jiang Ao's expression changed when he heard Qing Hexian's words.

Lan'er and Ziyan are his counter-scales, how dare an emperor move?

Is it possible that he wanted revenge for Zhong Jin?

"I only found out when I went to receive the Immortal Emperor's palace. The handover could have been smooth. Suddenly I didn't know what the emperor had gone mad and held the two of them. Then I was forced out of the palace."

"By the way, during this time, the palace was set up by the king of the formation. The empress threatened that if someone moved the formation, he would kill one person, and if it broke the formation, he would kill two people. I am anxious to come and find you. To help, I was afraid that someone would disturb the formation, so besides the formation of the formation king, a large formation was laid. However, three days ago, the formation that I laid was destroyed in one fell swoop... Since even my formation was destroyed. Now, I am afraid that the formation under the formation king will also be attacked, at least... it is very likely that Lan'er and Zi Yan have already died..."

Speaking of the last, Qing Hexian couldn't help lowering his head, afraid to face Jiang Ao.

"Unexpectedly... it will happen!"

Jiang Ao was shocked, and a murderous aura poured out in all directions!

"Jiang Ao, calm down!"

The Thunder King quickly grabbed Jiang Ao.

"How can you calm me down? Lan'er and Ziyan can't have an accident!"

Lei Ao roared, his eyes splitting.

"No, I didn't let you go! How long will it take for you to pass the Chinese Star? Rather than rushing over by yourself, it is better to let the Clan of Kong Kong open a space channel for you, which can shorten a lot of time!"

The words of the Lei Dian Karmapa made Jiang Aofan wake up!

Yeah, it will take me at least several days, right?

It just so happens that the strength of the space monster races has soared, but I don't know if they have the strength to directly open a channel to the Chinese star!

If so, it couldn't be better!

He held Qinghexian with one hand and Jin Wang with the other.


It turned out that the immortal power he was reluctant to use, at this time, did not save a little, and after a few breaths, he had already appeared in front of the prison!

"Empty, come out, empty!"

Jiang Ao shouted loudly, and Kong quickly woke up from his concentration.

His demon veins have been rebuilt, and as long as it takes a few more days, it will be fully restored.

The difference between monsters and humans is that no matter what monsters they are, their physical fitness is many times better than humans.

If the human race had broken a few meridians, it would be impossible to recover within ten and a half months.

"Master, what happened, what happened?"

Hearing Jiang Ao's stern shout, Kong rushed out from inside.

"Empty, is there any way, immediately build a channel to China Star! I need to go to China Star now!"

Jiang Ao said coldly.

"Chinese star..."

Kong frowned and said, "Master, I have never been to Zhongfang Star, so I can't locate it accurately...at most, I can only reach Dianhe Mountain!"

"Dian Prison Mountain... OK! Can it be opened?"

Jiang Ao retreated and came second, which was already the best result.

"It can be opened, but... with our current strength, I am afraid it is a bit difficult."

He looked at his people and said, "The main thing is, I can only drive with memory, and I'm not sure about it."

Kong didn't know why Jiang Ao was so anxious.

Opening a channel from the Demon Realm can be completed by one person only because of precise positioning, but despite this, because of crossing the boundary, the spatial channel has opened to the chaotic world.

At this time, the situation is the same.

He could not be sure.

"Damn it!"

Jiang Ao was furious and felt annoyed.

It was just that this word passed into Kong's ears, and Kong knelt down in fright.

The demons did not know why, and followed Kong to kneel down.

Jiang Ao glanced at them and said, "I didn't scold you! There is no time. How sure are you telling me?"

He couldn't wait to open a space channel by himself, and there was no way at the moment, he could only ask for nothing.

If the confidence is too low, it will send him to a farther place instead, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

If the chances are good, then you can fight it.

Otherwise, it's better to try it yourself!

Thinking of this, Jiang Ao suddenly brightened his eyes.

Don’t I have one hundred thousand heavenly Taoism?

I can also swallow the heavenly Dao of space myself, and then learn all kinds of space immortal methods on the One Hundred Thousand Heavenly Dao Sutra!

"Empty, you don't need to open a space channel, hurry up, give me a space blade!"


Everyone is dumbfounded!

Kong's strongest means of attack is Space Blade.

The demon king's attack power is comparable to that of a fairy king!

And Jiang Ao is just...the big Luo Jinxian!

How is this going?

"Hurry up, this is when I order you as a master to use Space Blade on me!"

As Jiang Ao shouted, Kong also had nothing to say, so he had to gather his demon power.

Space heaven is different from other heavens.

It belongs to the highest level of heaven along with time.

No matter which interface, it is actually the same.

When Space Blade appeared beside Jiang Ao, the system immediately reacted!

"The system detects the phagocytic space heaven. Does the system swallow it?"

"Swallow, swallow for Laozi!"

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