I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1418: Silent Stone Forest

Song Jian walked for a day and finally came to the edge of the forest and the scorched earth. Here is a desolate Gobi. The soil is white and mixed with the breath of death. This kind of soil, not to mention planting trees, I am afraid that even soil None of the microorganisms in it can exist.

Looking at the vast white land full of death breath, Song Jian suddenly hesitated. He didn't know whether he should set foot on this land, which was obviously a land with strong malice against living beings.

"Why don't you continue to go forward?" A low voice suddenly came from behind him. Song Jian was startled. He turned to look and saw an emerald python hovering on the canopy of a big tree with purple twins. Hitomi stared at him, less than ten meters away from him.

"How is it possible, why didn't I notice it at such a close distance?" Song Jian was horrified. You must know that with his current perception, flying flowers and fallen leaves within 100 meters can be clearly noticed, let alone able to Let such a huge python close to ten meters around him.

"You, are you following me all the way?" Song Jian asked in surprise.

"Yes, human beings, you are not a creature in this world, you are an outsider, a traveler on a different plane!" Slytherin the emerald python said, "A creature like you came to us, not just to find Treasure? Go ahead and you will find a stone forest on this dead land. It is called the Silent Stone Forest. In the stone forest, there is a whirling fruit tree. The fruit it bears is a treasure!"

"Wishuo fruit tree?" Song Jian raised his eyebrows, and asked with some confusion: "Why tell me this and why help me?"

"How do you know that I'm helping you?" The emerald python opened his mouth and said with a grinning smile: "The whistling fruit tree is guarded by a group of monitor lizards. These guys are violent, not so good. To deal with..."

"Maybe, but I still have to thank you!" Song Jian waved his hand towards the emerald python and stepped onto the deadly land ahead.

Suddenly, a burning sensation rose from the soles of the feet. This feeling did not seem to be acting on the body, but directly on Song Jian's soul.

"This is..." Song Jian frowned slightly, but it was just a moment of stunned effort. The immortal body of the talent skill was touched and the effect was produced. Soon, a cool feeling came in his mind, burning this Feeling driven out.

"This land refuses all living creatures to enter..." Song Jian secretly said in his heart, and continued to walk forward.

Seeing Song Jian walking indifferently on the dead earth, a strange smile appeared on the corner of the emerald python's mouth and whispered to himself: "The creatures that can walk on the dead earth, it looks like that group of monitor lizards The dragon man is in trouble..."

In this small piece of world, there are many different forces, large and small, all of them are trying their best to expand their territory and fighting with each other. The forest of life, can be said to be the fat of many forces, wants to bite off from it. One mouthful, if it were not for the strong guardians in the forest of life, I am afraid that there would be no ancient tree in this world.

This is also why Song Jian will provoke so many powerful men to attack him after entering this world and destroying a dozen old trees.

But anyway, Song Jian is also a creature, and powerful. After learning that Song Jian did not deliberately destroy ancient trees, the emerald python naturally opened his eyes to him. After all, as a creature, he came to this world. , It will naturally become hostile to other forces, which is a good thing for Life Forest!

Song Jian walked on the withered ground, and could not see any living creatures as far as his eyes could reach. As for the monitor lizard dragon people mentioned by the emerald python, there was no trace.

It wasn't until the emerald green sun slowly set above his head and darkness enveloped the earth that Song Jian saw stone pillars rising from the ground in front of him, forming a large stone forest.

"This is the Silent Stone Forest?" Song Jian said in his heart. With a dark vision, he didn't care that there was no light around him, and he walked straight toward the stone forest.

When he came to a stone pillar, Song Jian carefully observed that the surface of these pillars was as smooth as a mirror, and there were countless hair-like black lines inside. These lines combined into a series of patterns, including figures, giants, and Many battle scenes.

"Are these formed naturally, or..." Song Jian walked past the stone pillars and reached out to touch the stone pillars. These stone pillars did not give him a hint of coldness, but a hint of warmth, and even a hint of warmth. Energy, transferred from these stone pillars, entered his body.

This strand of energy is extremely weak, and it would be difficult to detect them if Song Jian had a strong perception ability.

After touching more than a dozen stone pillars, the trace of Chaos Sword Qi in the dantian suddenly jumped slightly, and he spontaneously wandered in the dantian. This made him suddenly feel that bursts of burning came from the dantian. feeling of pain.

Although his strength has increased a lot, he has been able to nurture a trace of Chaos Sword Qi in his body, but the Chaos Sword Tome is still too advanced for Song Jian, and he can only practice officially when he enters the legendary realm.

Usually the Chaos Sword Qi is conceived in the Dantian. Once the touch is stimulated, it must be displayed, otherwise it will still cause harm to the body.

Now, this chaotic sword aura would automatically wander away when it was not aroused. Naturally, Song Jian's body could not bear it, and he suffered a bit.

"Chaotic Sword Qi, come out!" Song Jian's right hand pointed both fingers together and pointed towards the air, trying to shoot out the uncontrolled chaotic sword aura in his body.

This is a skill that Song Jian once mastered before. Although the sword finger has been swallowed as nourishment, Song Jian is still very familiar with the operating route of the sword finger. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is now on display, but the skill consumption is much larger, and the others have no effect.


A sharp neighing sound resounded in the silent stone forest, and a sword aura glowing with gray light shot out from Song Jian’s fingertips. It flew out several tens of meters in an instant. From a distance, it looked like shooting from the stone forest. Like a long sword.

As soon as the Chaos Sword Qi shot out, the entire stone forest suddenly shook, as if an earthquake had occurred, and every stone pillar began to vibrate with exactly the same frequency.

In a short while, a trace of gray mist emanated from the stone pillars, and immediately enveloped the entire stone forest.

Song Jian was surprised to find that these gray mists were all chaos. He was overjoyed, sitting on the ground with his knees crossed, posing a five-hearted posture, and began to practice introductory practice according to the description in the Chaos Sword Classic. stand up.



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