I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1417: Fate's guide

Scorched Wood Ripper, a lord-level BOSS with more than 100 levels, has extremely high defense and resistance, and good attacks. If you encounter ordinary players, you must at least be a team of ten people of the same level to deal with it.

Song Jian snorted coldly, preparing to draw his sword to fight, but suddenly felt that the surrounding earth was shaking one after another. The old trees that had been burnt to coke seemed to be all resurrected at once. Looking around, whether it is burned Only one or two meters high was left, and there was still a seven-eight-meter-tall body of dry and withered wood. The surrounding ground was shaking. Numerous tree roots were pulled out of the soil and condensed into thick thighs. A monster like a scorched wood tearer.

"This, so much..." Song Jian opened his eyes wide and looked around. Thousands of dead trees began to shake, turning into burnt wood tearers, some of which were seven or eight meters high. One hundred and twentieth level commander-level BOSS, the irritable Jiao Mu leader.

The densely packed monsters slowly walked towards Song Jian. With so many monsters, it is impossible for Song Jian to kill them all by himself.

"Damn it!" Song Jian's face suddenly became difficult to look. Even if he wanted to escape, he couldn't just escape like this. With a thought, countless flames of spirit swords floated in the air, and the charred wood monsters flew like a rainstorm. past.


Numerous explosions sounded, and the ground seemed to be washed by missiles. Large pits were broken, and the ground dropped three feet.

Originally thought that such a powerful Ten Thousand Sword Art, even if these scorched wood monsters were all bosses, they would kill hundreds of them, but unexpectedly, after a bombardment, Song Jian didn't receive a kill message.

"The defensive and fire-kang attributes of these monsters are beyond imagination..." Song Jian looked forward in surprise, and found that the most loss of vitality was only half of the vitality loss. Most monsters lost only three points. One of the qi and blood values, it seemed that the power of Wan Jian Jue was suppressed to the lowest level in front of them.


The golden sacred lion beside him uttered an angry roar at the scorched wood monster that was surrounding him, with an eager appearance, Song Jian slowly backed away, behind him, there was a large area of ​​vibrant life forest.

Song Jian has discovered that these burnt wood monsters seem to be very afraid of the forest of life and dare not take a step. There is a clear dividing line between the forest of life and the scorched earth!

Seeing Song Jian preparing to escape, several tall scorched wood leaders roared, and their sturdy arms plunged into the scorched earth. The earth rolled on the ground, like a giant python tumbling and swimming under the ground, towards Song Jian's location rushed past, extremely fast.


Song Jian's foot was a little bit, and the figure retreated sharply. In an instant, he retreated five or six meters away. At this moment, the place where he was standing before suddenly pierced countless branches with the thickness of arms from the scorched earth. These branches were like spears on the surface. Shining with a metallic luster.

This move is like a replica of the earth magic thorn.

However, at the speed of Song Jian and the Golden Sacred Lion, this trick has no effect on them. However, as more and more Jiaomu leaders perform this trick, the space for Song Jian and Huang Jing Sacred Lion to dodge becomes more and more. The less came, and in the end, Song Jian was finally forced to hide in the broken kingdom of God. After a moment, he came out, and the Huang Jing holy lion had disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

And on this piece of scorched earth, the densely packed "spears" protruding from the soil are like woods, covering an area with a radius of hundreds of meters.

"No matter how fast the golden holy lion is, it is impossible to completely dodge it under such a wide range of attacks!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart. At this time, he has lost contact with the golden holy lion bound demon seal, that trace of chaos. The sword energy also dissipated in the air.

However, taking this opportunity, Song Jian also retreated into the forest of life. Across a row of ancient trees, Song Jian saw that these ferocious scorched wood monsters seemed to have lost their target, and the speed of their surroundings became slower and slower. Stopped and turned into a scorched old tree again.

"What is going on here, how can there be so many burnt old trees..." Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

At this time, you can’t retreat, because there are three legendary monsters in the forest of life, and some cannot enter. There are so many burnt wood monsters in front of him. With his strength, it is impossible to make a **** way to leave. For a time, Song Jian was trapped in the same place and didn't know what to do.

Standing on the spot and resting for a while, Song Jian began to slowly explore along the dividing line between the forest of life and the scorched earth. This is the only thing he can do now.

Where Song Jian couldn't see, a pair of purple eyes were staring at his every move.

"Slytherin, the way you are very interested in this human..." A fist-sized spider, always following the emerald python Slytherin, made the sound of the spider-man Kathrollo. sound.

"You don't understand, he has a taste that is incompatible with us, he is not from our world..." Slytherin whispered.

"Not from our world? A traveler from a different plane?" Cassrollo asked in surprise.

"Yes, maybe from him, we can find a way to restore the forest of life. I have a hunch that he will definitely surprise us!" Slytherin said with a long snake core.

"Slytherin, you are too naive. These alien travelers are extremely indifferent. Coupled with the previous battles with us, even if he has a way, he cannot help us. More importantly, He is a human who has not even reached the legendary realm, how can he help us..." Kaslowro said disdainfully: "It is better to drive it to the magic cave and let him bring us some useful supplies from the magic cave. , To delay the decline of the forest, so that we can live two more days!"

"We don't need to do anything, destiny's guidance will naturally allow him to do what he should do..." the emerald python whispered.

"But depending on the direction he is walking, UU reading www.uukanshu.com should be going to the Silent Stone Forest. I heard that the whirling fruit trees there are about to bear fruit. The group of monitor lizards and dragons are so nervous at this time that they will meet him. , Ha ha..." Kasi Luoluo let out a strange laugh.

"If he is killed by the dragon lizard, it means that he is not a person guided by fate, and we don't need to pay attention to him anymore..." The emerald python whispered, "But if he can survive, It shows that the brilliance of destiny has begun to shine on him, and the hope of the forest of life is pinned on him!"

"God stick..." Kasiloro muttered a little dissatisfiedly, and began to control the spider to retreat. The emerald python slowly swam around, and followed Song Jian unhurriedly. In the forest of life, if it is unwilling to be discovered by others, no one will notice it even if it walks around. Song Jian at this time did not even notice that there was a huge line less than ten meters behind him. The python is following him closely.


First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju


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