I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1314: Crazy Wolf Squad

A frightening breath swept over Song Jian’s head and flew towards the big lake before. It seemed that the people in this town had received the news from Gubotu. One of the legendary experts went to Xue Investigation of Jinghu Lake.

Song Jian was cautious and condensed all the breath of his body. Although the Concealment Necklace is an epic necklace, its level is too low. It can't keep up with Song Jian's current strength improvement. Moreover, it is equipped with the attached skill Abyss Concealment Technique. It is only equivalent to an advanced stealth skill. If one is not careful, it is easy to lose its effect in front of a legendary powerhouse.

However, this legendary abyssal human race powerhouse who passed by at low altitude focused on the fact that "the favored ones appeared in the snow crystal lake", and did not explore the surroundings, otherwise, with the strength of the legendary powerhouse , Even if Song Jian's aura converges no matter how strong he is, there is a risk of being seen through.

Seeing the legendary powerhouse heading for Xuejing Lake quickly move away, Song Jian breathed a sigh of relief and swept towards the town in a sneak state.

Approaching the town, Song Jian saw that many of the abyssal humans inside were already holding weapons, with a vigilant face, patrolling around the unbuilt towns. These abyssal human races are of high level, mostly in the 80s to 90s. In the meantime, there are also some Abyssal human races that look like little bosses. The level has exceeded 100. The abyssal aura on the surface of the body is so strong that it can almost be turned into substance. Such a strong person can even use it in battle. The breath of the abyss attacks the enemy, and the breath of the abyss at this time is no longer a simple enhancement effect.

Song Jian looked around. It seemed that the construction of this town did not take long. The city walls in many places have not been fully built. If Song Jian wants to enter the town, it is really too simple. Just enter where you get up.

"There are two legendary powerhouses in the town. I can't get too close to avoid being discovered by them!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart, not to mention the two legendary powerhouses, even those 100th ranks have reached the third rank. In the early days of the battle, the humans of the abyss also had a certain chance to see Song Jian's hidden state, so Song Jian was unwilling to venture into the town.

After waiting patiently for a while, a loud voice suddenly sounded in the town: "On the order of the Golden Royal Family, the crazy wolf team will go to the Amethyst Mine for reinforcements. If an enemy invades, the bonfire and wolf smoke will be lit for the first time, and the Golden Royal Family will send the Lord Who went to support."

"Yes!" a hundred and twentieth-level abyssal human race roared loudly, and at the same time, the 100 abyssal human races behind him began to rush out of the town.

Song Jian showed a look of surprise on his face. Originally, he came here to explore the traces of the amethyst mine. Unexpectedly, under the grass and scared the snake, these abyssal human races would actually send people to reinforce the amethyst mine. This is simply taking the initiative to lead him. .

Taking a look at the castle in the middle of the town, Song Jian turned and followed behind the crazy wolf squad and ran towards the location of the amethyst mine.

The castle in the middle of the town is the abyss castle evolved from the abyss copy. It is a channel connecting the abyss **** and the game world. However, it seems that the abyss castle here is a bit special. There are not many abyss monsters. Instead, the abyss human race takes it. .

You should know that in the entire abyss hell, among the many races, the human race ranks very low, and it is not the opponent of the eight abyss demon races. If one of the eight demon races appears here, Song Jian will not be surprised, but it actually makes the abyss The human race occupies a demon castle, which makes people feel a little strange.

The most important thing is that Song Jian did not find an abyss player in the town, which is also a very strange thing.

These thoughts flashed through Song Jian's mind, and he didn't delve into it. The main purpose of his coming here was the amethyst mine. These abyssal human races have been extravagant to the extent of using high-quality amethyst mines to polish their weapons. Knowing how rich the amethyst mine they occupied was.

"If I can really plunder an amethyst mine, then I will really get rich!" Song Jian thought of this, and his whole body trembled slightly with excitement.

After the level has been upgraded to more than 80 levels, it is not up to one level. The combat experience required is an astronomical figure. Originally, it would take a month to brush a monster to increase it. Now it takes at least half a year to get one level up. To upgrade the monsters, Song Jian's level will slowly be caught up by the people behind, so he must use Amethyst to upgrade.

Moreover, in the game, the way to upgrade the level is not just the way of amethyst. The most common way is to find those tasks that can reward the upgrade, and the other is to obtain some heavenly materials with similar effects.

In the game, many high-level players have various opportunities to increase their level. Now Song Jian’s level is more than a dozen levels higher than the fastest players. People are also very tight, which makes Song Jian a sense of urgency.

"This time, I have to fall at least your level 20!" Song Jian glanced at the rank honor list, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There are a total of 114 people in the crazy wolf squad. Among them, there is a 120-level captain of the third-tier combat power peak, and there are three deputy captains above the 110th-level, third-tier mid-level combat power and Ten commanders of ten third-tier combat power.

Most of the other players are above level ninety, and their overall strength is among the best in the town, which is why they are asked to go to the Amethyst Mine for reinforcement.

You know, the reason why they built the town here is mainly to mine this amethyst mine.

Climbing a hill, Song Jian saw a five-to-six-meter-high mine at the foot of the mountain ahead. Some creatures that looked like goblins were going in and out of the mine. Every goblin who came out had his hands They all held a large or small amethyst ore, and then handed these fund ore to the abyss human guard guarding the mine entrance.

Feeling someone approaching, these abyssal human races guarding the mine began to shout loudly at the mining goblins, drove them all into the mine, and then lined up with weapons in their hands, looking at the distance with vigilance.

When they saw the mad wolf squad, the abyss human race guarding the mine was relieved and went forward to talk with the mad wolf squad and learned that the mad wolf squad was here to reinforce them, and the group guarded the abyss at the entrance of the mine. Human Race, obviously a little surprised, quickly asked the reason.

"What, I found the Favored nearby, and killed two people?" The face of the abyss human race with a horn on its forehead showed an angry look.

He is the leader of the Anaconda squad of the abyssal human race guarding the mine. His name is Kantar. He is also at the peak of Tier 3 combat power. Hearing the information brought by the mad wolf squad, UU read www. uukanshu.com Kantar waved the long knife in his hand angrily, slashed fiercely on a boulder at the entrance of the mine, and directly split it in half.

"The favored ones don't have a good thing, they are a group of greedy beasts. It was the wisest choice for the king to drive them out!" Kantar said with a look of resentment.

"Kanta, you just need to guard the mine. The goddess, Lord Gale has gone to investigate and will kill him sooner or later. Gubotu escaped under his hands. According to Gubotu, the goddess He has only Tier 2 combat power, but the speed is extremely fast, no big deal, maybe soon we will be news that the Lord will kill him!" The captain of the crazy wolf team patted Kantar on the shoulder. .

"Hmph, I really hope he can come to the amethyst mine. You know, those gods are a group of gophers with the nose of the abyss hyena. Maybe they will come here smelling the amethyst..." Kantar's mouth appeared. With a disdainful smile, his eyes grew sharper.


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