I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1312: town

The weapon in the hands of this abyssal human race is obviously self-made and looks quite crude, but its power is three points more powerful than ordinary golden quality weapons.

Especially the spear blade of the war spear in his hand, the whole body is polished from a dark purple crystal. It is extremely sharp and can damage the soul. This feature makes it even more powerful than ordinary epic weapons. .

"What kind of weapon are you?" Song Jian asked, staring at the abyss human being headed by him.

The middle-aged man named the first, with a look of grief and indignation, with blood constantly pouring out of his chest, raised his hand spear, pointed at Song Jian and shouted: "The favored one, the golden royal family will not let you go... …"

With that, the middle-aged man waved his spear again and rushed towards Song Jian. Because one person had already been killed, the battle of the three was broken, and the strength of the injured middle-aged man was even worse.

Song Jian didn't even use his skills. He just fought with the opponent with the Heaven Breaking Sword in his hand. After three or five moves, Song Jian slashed forward and cut him directly to the ground. He went forward one after another. , Pierce the opponent's throat directly.

"Cough, cough, cough..." The abyss humans were spitting blood out of their mouths, struggling, and the expression in their eyes disappeared a little bit. After a while, their heads crooked and fell softly.

Several objects rolled out from under his body, one of which was the weapon he used before, the war spear.

"Soul Chasing Spear? It's just an eighty-level gold-rank weapon that has the ability to damage souls..." Song Jian picked up the war spear and carefully observed its attributes.

After a long time, Song Jian suddenly discovered that the spear shaft of this war spear was nothing special. It was just a kind of extremely tough wood, and the spear blade was actually ground amethyst.

"Amethyst, it turned out to be amethyst, and it's still a high-quality amethyst!" Song Jian showed a surprised look on his face. You must know that the color of this spear blade is already dark purple, while the color of ordinary amethyst is different. It is much shallower than it, which is why Song Jian did not recognize it at first.

The better the quality of the amethyst, the higher the grade, the darker the color. The darker color like this spear blade is definitely the highest-quality amethyst that Song Jian has seen.

"To use amethyst to make weapons is simply a violent thing!" Song Jian held the war spear in his hand and looked at it for a long time before putting it into the parcel compartment.

The amethyst that has been made into a weapon can't extract the energy in it to increase its level, and it must be broken down into materials by a special forge.

As a life professional blacksmith, after being promoted to the master level, he can learn the decomposition technique. He can decompose broken equipment into materials for recycling. Although Song Jian has also learned some forging techniques, his forging level is still low and he has not yet learned to decompose. Surgery.

"It's so extravagant to make weapons with amethyst, then these abyssal humans must have discovered an amethyst mine..." Song Jian secretly said in his heart, raising his head and looking at the abyssal humans that were escaping in the distance.

When Song Jian was fighting with the middle-aged man before, the remaining Abyssal Man had already turned around and ran away. Song Jian did not put this person in his eyes, but now he has obtained clues to the amethyst mine. The abyss mankind also has value.

"Kamarta, go, keep up with the person in front of you!" Song Jian beckoned behind him and shouted in a low voice.

The black dragon Kamata has been standing in front of the bonfire, staring at the beast meat that is about to be cooked on the fire. For the previous battle, she did not even turn her head to look at it. It seems that the barbecue in front of her is more attractive to her than Song Jian’s battle. Even more force.

Hearing Song Jian's shout, Kamata took the barbecue and took a bite carefully, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Putting out the bonfire easily, Kamata held the barbecue and continued to bite, while quickly following Song Jian.

The abyss human race was constantly looking backwards while running. He was the lowest among the three. After Song Jian directly beheaded one person, it already had the mind to escape. Wait until Song Jian and the name. When the middle-aged man fought, the fear in his heart could no longer be added. Seeing that the middle-aged man was about to lose, he immediately turned around and fled.

After walking through the jungle, he looked back, and did not see Song Jian's figure. His tight nerves finally relaxed slightly. However, what he didn't know was that Song Jian stayed at 20 to 30 meters with him. Within the range of spiritual perception, he couldn't get rid of Song Jian's tracking at all. If he didn't want to find clues to the amethyst mine, he would never live now.

Gubotu stumbled through the jungle and continued to run forward. After crossing a hill, he saw the town being built ahead and the dense abyss of humans around the town, finally showing a relaxed smile on his face.

Seeing Gu Botu, several abyssal humans carrying a log shouted in doubt: "Gu Botu, what's wrong, why didn't Gu Jiao and Suta come back together?"

"Enemy attack, there are enemies!" Gu Botu shouted loudly: "There are two celestial beings in Xuejing Lake. He killed Gu Jiao and Suta. I rushed back to report..."

Several people from the abyss, carrying logs, were shocked when they heard it. One of them ran over to help Gubotu, while the other two quickly ran towards the town under construction.

In a short while, a rush of alarm bells sounded from the center of the town. The surrounding abyssal humans also stopped their work and began to gather towards the town.

Song Jian stood on a hill in the distance and looked out. The town under construction in front of him is not big, and it can only accommodate two or three thousand people at most, but the abyssal humans in the town are not as much as Song Jian imagined. weak.

"There are strong people in the town..." Song Jian frowned slightly, and his mental power was heading toward the town. At this time, the abyssal humans in the town seemed to be small flames in Song Jian's mind, but in the town , But the breath radiating from the three people is like three small suns.

"Three legendary powerhouses..." Song Jian said to himself.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly snorted, blood gushing out of his mouth and nose, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com also seemed to have been pricked by a needle.

"A strong man who is good at mental power has discovered my prying..." Song Jian wiped off the blood oozing from his mouth and nose, rubbed his eyebrows vigorously, and said to himself.

The three legendary realm powerhouses made Song Jian hesitate. If only one, Song Jian might be able to kill the opponent unexpectedly with his delusional eyes, but the three legendary realm powerhouses are not the current Song Jian can handle it.

But if he doesn't capture this unbuilt town, how can he find out where the amethyst mine is?

"Well, I have some headaches. Let me take a sneak peek and see if I can find the specific location of the amethyst mine!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart, glanced at the black dragon next to him, and took her into the pet space, and he The function of concealing the necklace was turned on, and the figure slowly disappeared in place.


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