I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1306: Centaur

After leaving the dragon bone wilderness, Song Jian flew in the direction of the city of hope. Yujian's flight speed was faster than that of the black dragon, but the comfort level could not be compared with riding the black dragon.

Although I don't know the way back, Song Jian still remembers the general direction, and may fly in the wrong direction, but now I can only wait until the black dragon Kamata is awake and then correct the direction.

"At most there will be a long time, should you wake up?" Song Jian glanced at the black dragon who was sleeping in the war pet space, and secretly said.

But apparently, Song Jian overestimated the volume of Black Dragon. Ten hours later, Black Dragon Kamata woke up from a sound sleep. After receiving a system prompt, Song Jian quickly summoned her from the war pet space, a black-haired girl Sitting on the ground, rubbing his eyes, he looked at Song Jian blankly, seeming to be thinking who this human is!

"Are you awake?" Song Jian spread his hand, shaking it in front of her eyes, and was opened by a waking black dragon.

Because of the Jade Liquor, the intimacy of Heilong and Song Jian has risen to 80 o'clock, and the hand that was in front of him is opened. Heilong also recognized Song Jian, rolled his eyes at him, stood up, and started Measure their location.

At this time, they were standing in a vast prairie. The green grass was already waist-high, and the black dragon Kamata showed a surprised look: "How did you come here?"

Song Jian also remembered that he did not pass through a prairie when he came. It seems that he should have gone the wrong way. His face was embarrassed and said: "My test task is completed, so I am ready to return to the city of hope, but I do not Remember the road too..."

"Is there a lot of bias?" Song Jian looked around and asked.

"Not a lot, just over a hundred kilometers. This is the Saqin Grassland, ruled by a group of centaurs, and their ruler is King Saqin, with the power of legendary realm..." Black Dragon said blankly. .

"King-level BOSS..." Song Jian frowned slightly. With his current strength, he was able to play with the king-level BOSS for a few rounds, but it is impossible to say that he will win steadily, although he has hurt the other side. Maybe, but the other party also has the ability to kill Song Jian.

"The main reason is that my level is too weak. If I can pass the third-level combat power assessment, I will not be afraid of the general king-level strength..." Song Jian secretly said: "If you can reach the peak of the third-level combat power, one hundred and two At level 10, I will be able to put on the swordsman suit. At that time, with my strength, I am afraid I can defeat most king-level BOSS."

"Shall we leave here quickly and return to the city of hope?" Song Jian said.

"I'm afraid I can't go, we seem to be surrounded!" Black Dragon looked around, a smile appeared on his face.

At this time, a crowd of centaur figures appeared less than a hundred meters away from them.

These centaurs have the upper body of a human, and from the waist down, they look like horses. These centaurs are all around a hundred levels, and they look very strong. They are only wearing very simple leather armor and their faces are fierce. Look.

They walked in the grassland, even quietly. If it was not the Black Dragon who found them, I am afraid that Song Jian could not notice them until they were within 50 meters.

At this time, the Black Dragon already had the strength of the boss-level boss, and the level soared to the ninety-ninth level. No matter how many of these centaurs are, they are not her opponents. The most important thing is that the black dragon can fly, and these half The man and the horse just run faster and do not have the ability to fly.

"Forget it, let's go, don't shoot outside the festival!" Song Jian looked at the surrounding one hundred ordinary monsters, shook his head slightly, and said.

These centaurs seem to be just a large number, but they are just ordinary monsters. For Song Jian, such monsters will not pose a threat to him.

It's just that Song Jian now feels like an arrow, and wants to quickly return to the city of hope and has no intention of fighting.

"Okay, fly in that direction, for a maximum of five or six days, we should be able to enter the city of hope..." Black Dragon pointed to the left.

After the promotion, all attributes of the Black Dragon have been greatly improved. It took about ten days to come here before, but now it takes only a week at most to return.

The Centaurs surrounding them seemed to find out that the other party was aware of them, so they were not covering their bodies, they shouted loudly, and ran towards them quickly.

These centaurs are extremely fast, and within a few seconds, they ran tens of meters, and each of them had several spears hung on them. After running to a suitable distance, they took off one spear and headed towards Song. Jianhe Kamata cast.

Swish swish~

Hundreds of spears were thrown over and over towards Song Jian and Kamata, almost covering a large area around them. If ordinary people encounter such an attack, there is no chance of running away.

Song Jian summoned the Broken Sky Sword and chopped towards a spear that shot at him. The sound of "clang" even made a sound of gold and iron fighting, which made Song Jian unable to hold back.

You know, these spears seem to be made of wood. With the sharpness of the Skybreaker, they should be able to be split easily, but I didn’t expect that the Skybreaker was like being cut on alloy steel, only A slight mark was left on the spear.

If it wasn't for too many attacks, Song Jian would like to pick up a spear and take a closer look.


With a roar, the Camata next to him suddenly changed his shape, regained the appearance of a dragon, a pair of wings, a strong airflow rushed out, and his spears shot at them were all flew out by fans.

Even if a few shots hit the black dragon, there was no way to break the black dragon's defense. The hard dragon scales blocked all the spears.

Song Jian took the opportunity to pick up a spear and took it in his hand. He suddenly felt a heavy feeling. You should know that Song Jian's power attribute is now close to 300 points. There will be no items with hundreds of pounds in his hand. This feeling.

"At least three hundred catties, and, this material looks like wood..." Song Jian looked at the spear in his hand in amazement. After thinking about it, he directly picked up all seven or eight spears around him and put them in. In the parcel bar.

At this point, the Black Dragon had spit out a scorching dragon breath towards the Centaur rushing over, Song Jian frowned, rolled over and mounted on the Black Dragon's back, patted and shouted loudly: "Don't care about them, we leave Here. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Once these common centurians are contaminated by the dragon breath, even if they do not die immediately, these hot dragon breath flames, like the tarsal maggots, will continue to burn with their flesh and blood until they are burned. Into a pile of ashes.

Soon, more than a dozen centaurs turned into moving torches, screaming and running around, and a dark **** look flashed in the dark golden eyes of the black dragon Kamata, but he ignored the roar of Song Jian and waved instead Wings, strode toward the centaur with great strides.

For a time, like a tiger entering the flock, the black dragon slays in the centaur, its wings, claws, fangs, and any part of the black dragon's body can be turned into weapons, plus the breath of the dragon breathing at any time, these The Centaur had no power to fight back at all, and soon it was more than half dead and wounded. The remaining Centaur fled with fear.


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