I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1305: satisfaction

"How do you still need to consume skill points?" Song Jian froze. After a skill point disappears, the experience value of insight is quickly increased again. This time it is very fast, and in a blink of an eye, it has been upgraded by another level.

Level 13, Level 14,...

At the fifteenth level, the speed of the promotion slowed down again. Song Jian's face collapsed suddenly. As expected, another skill point disappeared, and the speed of the promotion increased again.

You should know that although Song Jian does not have many skills, because of proficiency, many skill points have been saved, but these skills always have a full value of proficiency, and skill points, as the level becomes more and more difficult to upgrade, The corresponding will become more cherished.

It should have been a consumption-free promotion, but now it is obvious that Song Jian's contribution has increased again.

Soon, the seven skill points that were accumulated were used up, and the insight technique was also upgraded to the 21st level, reaching the full level.

For a time, Song Jian suddenly felt that he could see everything in his heart within a 100-meter radius. Even if he closed his eyes, everything around him was reflected in his heart, as if he had a pair of eyes and observed from the perspective of God. Everything around.

In the midst, Song Jian seemed to hear a sigh, but soon, this sense of insight suddenly disappeared, and Song Jian opened his eyes. Sure enough, the skill of the Insight Eye disappeared in the skill bar and replaced it. There is a fiery glow in the middle of the eyebrows.

The eyebrows are getting hotter and hotter, as if there is endless energy, which is constantly being embraced in it.

Click, click~

Song Jian could feel that the eyebrows' vertical eyes could no longer bear such terrible energy, and began to break apart a little bit. Song Jian could even see the dense cracks on the surface of the vertical eyes. Thousands of pieces of debris are forced and bonded by external forces.


A breath of terror suddenly filled the dragon altar, and several dragon sacrifices immediately fell to their knees on the ground, lowered their noble heads, and chanted dragon hymns in their mouths.

The strong breath that filled the altar, only for a short period of time, all rushed to Song Jian's eyebrows. This time, Song Jian no longer felt the heat, but the pain, a heartbreaking heart. The pain began to spread from the heart of the eyebrows to the body, as if there was a red iron rod, which pierced into the head of Song Jian from the heart of the eyebrows.


The sudden pain caused Song Jian couldn't help but uttered a scream, trying to cover his eyebrows with his hands, but the whole body lost control in an instant, like a puppet, dragging off the ground and slowly floating up.

At this time, Song Jian was floating in the air, his body leaned back, only his head was stretched forward, and a bright purple gold beam bloomed on his eyebrows.

The pain quickly spread from the eyebrows to the entire body. This kind of pain has never been tried by Song Jian. Song Jian wants to faint, but as time goes on, the consciousness becomes clearer and clearer, and Song Jian can even Feeling the pain from every muscle and every bone, it made him feel as if he had fallen into purgatory.

In the pain, Song Jian has lost his sense of time. I don't know how long it has passed. Song Jian felt a heavy body and fell heavily towards the Dragon God Altar.

Fortunately, Song Jian didn't fly high, only two or three meters at most. Although he was completely unconscious, he didn't fall multiple times.

Song Jian, who was lying on the altar of the Dragon God, had no energy at all, and there was a sore all over his body, but this pain had been relieved a lot compared with before, as if it had been a whole day of work. Get up early, the muscles feel a little strained.

Several dragon sacrifices looked at Song Jian lying on the altar, and there was no way to do it. Normally, they were not qualified to climb on the altar. They could only wait for Song Jian to wake up under the altar.

It took a long time for Song Jian to regain consciousness. He took out a bottle of health-recovering potion from the parcel bar and poured it into his mouth. After resting on the altar for a while, Song Jian turned over and stood up.


It was at this time that Song Jian discovered that his body had become light and fluttering, just a simple rollover, even allowing him to vacate the height of two or three meters, as if the gravity had restrained him, it became a lot smaller.

Surprised, Song Jian quickly opened the property bar and looked closely. Sure enough, his physical fitness has improved a lot. Almost every item has been improved from 20 to 30. After calculation, it is equivalent to an improvement. The attribute of more than one hundred points is clicked, which is simply a surprise.

At the same time, the vertical eyes at the eyebrows are like a group of energy light beams. Although there is no change in appearance, Song Jian can feel that the eyebrows are constantly providing energy, flowing through the body and limbs. In every corner, this energy seems to be changing his physical qualities. Although it is slow, it is better than long-term.

At this time, the eyebrows and vertical eyes seem to have been completely integrated into their own bodies, and are no longer an exogenous equipment, but the eyebrows and vertical eyes at this time seem to be still in the making, and have not completely evolved into a broken delusion. At first glance, it takes about twelve hours to see the evolution time.

Although I can’t wait to experience the effects of the broken eyes, but for twelve hours, Song Jian can still wait.

Slowly walking down, the Dragon God Altar, Song Jian suddenly found that the attitude of several dragon sacrifices to him seemed to be respectful. The attitude of the previous dragon sacrifices to him was just kind, just like treating other people. Generally, but now, the attitude of several dragon sacrifices to him is completely respectful. Standing beside him, they have bowed their heads and folded their hands on the abdomen without any extra movement.

"Several, you are..." Song Jian was puzzled.

"Adult, you have now been recognized by the Dragon God. It can be said that it is equivalent to the Dragon God's spokesperson in this world. It is not an exaggeration to call it the Son of God. Respecting you and serving you is what we should do." Bai The gigantic dragon sacrificed Geer's respectful explanation.

Song Jian was shocked: "Oh, even the word "serving" is used. It seems that the Dragon God blessings I accepted are the highest standard blessings?"

What Song Jian didn’t know was that there was a breath of dragon **** in the eyes of the broken god. This breath of breath was too great for the dragon family. Several dragon sacrifices were served in the dragon temple all the year round. UU Reading Book www.uukanshu.com is very familiar with the Dragon God breath, and is very puzzled about why the Dragon God gave Song Jian a breath of Dragon God. Several sacrifices are also inexplicable. Naturally is 100% compliance.

In their eyes, Song Jian is now equivalent to being the spokesperson of the Dragon God in this world. This identity is much more noble than that of the ordinary Divine Son.

From the attitude of several dragon **** sacrifices to himself, Song Jian can also guess that he chose the third option, although he paid a lot, but it can also be said to be a big profit. The first two options allow Song Jian to obtain at most A trace of dragon blood, but the third option gave him a touch of dragon spirit, and the gap between them is simply the difference between heaven and earth.

Thinking of this, Song Jian couldn't help but a smile appeared, more satisfied with his choice.


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