I have a big sailing game

Chapter 9: Outer Islanders

This gold coin is equivalent to his fishing for dozens of days, not bad.

Rogge was very satisfied.

After searching around the reef island, Rogge did not find any other surprises.

Then he started fishing.

Then he released his clone. After thinking for a while, he took out an octopus, controlled it with his ability, and put it into the sea.

Generally speaking, the movement speed of an octopus is not fast, but its burst speed is strong, and it can also absorb some small things.

It is very suitable for carpet searching the seabed.

It is just a little slower, but it doesn't matter.

Rogge has a lot of time.

He is ready to stay on the Sea Snake Island for a while.

The octopus entered the sea and swam slowly towards the deep sea.

Before taking the potion, Rogge's game character stayed underwater for a short time, and there was no suitable creature to possess him, so he did not explore the deep sea.

But after becoming a superhuman, his physical fitness has been greatly improved, both the breath holding time and the diving depth have been greatly improved.

Although the octopus moves slowly, it is fast enough to escape, and it is no problem to carry some small objects.

So, Rogge can now explore deeper waters.

I hope this exploration will yield good results.

It would be best to find a sunken ship full of gold coins.

For example, the Black Brick Pirates.

Yes, he has always been thinking about the disappeared Black Brick Pirates.

After all, in a normal game, hearing this gossip must be a side quest.

I just don't know if it will be the same in the mysterious sea.

Rogge took out the new fishing rod bought in town, put the bait on the hook, and looked forward to it.

After a while.

Rogge's expectations gradually died out.

He had been fishing for two or three hours, but what he caught were still some ordinary marine creatures, and there was not even a valuable fish.

But Rogge was not too disappointed.

Not long after, Rogge ended his morning fishing exploration time and drove the boat back to Sea Snake Island.

When passing the dock, Rogge saw a larger ship.

Although the ship was large, it was somewhat damaged, and some parts were even charred, as if it had been bombarded.

It seemed that someone from the outer island had come.

Rogge walked towards the town, thinking.

[A total of 2 silver coins and 36 copper coins. ]

After counting Rogge's harvest, the grocery store owner handed the money to Rogge.

Rogge frowned slightly. He had more fish than yesterday, but the price was much lower. Then he argued with the grocery store owner.

However, the grocery store owner spread his hands and expressed his helplessness.

Sea Snake Island is an island with very little arable land. Many townspeople make a living by fishing at sea, so there is no shortage of seafood on the island.

The grocery store owner couldn't eat too many fish, so he could only buy them at a lower price. He even said that if Rogge sold fish again in the future, he might not buy them.

Rogge was a little depressed when he heard this.

What the grocery store owner said made sense.

This made Rogge feel the reality of this world even more.

[You can wait for the merchant ships from the outer islands to come and sell them to them. Their purchase price is higher. ]

[Maybe there will be merchant ships tomorrow afternoon. ]

The grocery store owner kindly reminded.

Rogge nodded and thanked him, and left the grocery store.

Although the grocery store owner is also a businessman, he is better than the tavern owner.

But this is not good news for Rogge after all.

Although the caravan's price is higher, they can't be there every day.

Although Rogge has an inventory, the number is limited and can't store too many sea fish.

Therefore, Rogge feels that he needs to find a new way to make money.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to raise the funds needed to build a large ship.

After leaving the grocery store, Rogge did not go to Felix's shipyard immediately, but came to the clinic in the town.

Although the blood volume consumed by his poisoning state was slowly recovering, the problem was that it was recovering too slowly.

So Rogge decided to go to the clinic to find Lina to add blood and keep in touch with her.

Of course, he didn't know whether the clinic had the function of adding blood.

But when Roger arrived in front of the clinic, he found a group of injured people from the outer islands leaving in a hurry.

Why do you say they are from the outer islands?

Logically, Roger had not been to the Sea Snake Island for long, and he could not recognize all the residents on the island.

But the clothes these people wore were too distinctive.

Ragged and damaged clothes, crippled hands and legs, blood on the body, and a lot of bandages.

It was obvious that they had just experienced a battle not long ago.

It seemed that they were the owners of the damaged ship.

Roger thought about it and decided to go up and say hello and see if there was a chance to eavesdrop.

However, when he approached this group of people, they became alert instantly.

One of them directly touched the flintlock rifle at his waist.

[Boy, what do you want to do? ]

He should be the only one in the group who was not injured, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife under his dirty long hair.

[Don't be nervous, I have no ill intentions. ]

[Are you from outside the Sea Snake Island? ]

Roger tried to ask.

Then he used the game function to check some of these people's information.


[Type: Biological]

[Quality: Elite]

[Level: 2]

[Rank: Ordinary]

[Description: Adult human with certain combat power. ]

After a quick look, he found that there were no extraordinary people among them, and they all looked like ordinary people.

And they were very wary of him and had a bad attitude.

But this was also normal, and Rogge didn't care.

Even in the game world, he always abided by his principles of being a person, and I would not offend others if they didn't offend me.

Therefore, he would not get angry because of the other party's unfriendly attitude.

Even if he could read the file, it was the same.

Whether playing games or not, Rogge would not do things that violated his inner principles, even if it would be profitable.

While thinking, Rogge silently saved a file.

[Madu. ]

The middle-aged bearded man with an injured left hand stretched out his hand to stop the long-haired man's action, and then took a deep look at Rogge.

Without saying much, the middle-aged bearded man turned around and left with a group of people.

Rogge was confused and walked into the clinic.

Lina was tidying up the things on the table at this time. Seeing Rogge coming, she was a little surprised, and then smiled.

[Rogge, is it you? What's up?]

Rogge didn't say anything, but showed Lina the wound.

After seeing the wound, Lina's face froze, and she breathed a sigh of relief after a careful inspection.

[It seems you are lucky, this snake is non-venomous.]

Then Lina began to disinfect and bandage Rogge.

Rogge didn't explain that he was no longer poisoned, which was probably quite shocking.

[Who were those people who just went out?]

Lina shook her head when she heard that.

[Not sure.]

[But their injuries were all serious, as if they had just experienced a big battle.]

[Maybe they were pirates or bounty hunters.]

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