I have a big sailing game

Chapter 10 Old Nelson's Request

[Since they might be pirates, why do you still want to help them? ]

Rogge was a little confused.

Logically speaking, the islanders should avoid pirates, so why did Lina have such a calm attitude?

Lina explained to Rogge after hearing this.

It turned out that the five seas belonged to a unified maritime country, the Thousand Islands Kingdom.

In the five seas, pirates who made trouble and robbed the islanders would be wanted by the kingdom fleet, so ordinary pirates would basically not rob the islands at will, and at most they would rest on the islands.

Of course, there are also some vicious pirates who are lawless and fearless of the kingdom fleet, but the probability is relatively small.

In this way, the five seas are still relatively peaceful.

It is indeed a novice village.

Rogge was thoughtful.

[However, if you leave the five seas in the future, you must be careful at all times. Pirates outside the five seas don’t have so many scruples. ]

Lina reminded Rogge after bandaging him.

Roger nodded, and after chatting with Lina again, he left the clinic.

Before leaving, Roger deliberately switched his perspective to take a look at Lina.

Soft blue short hair, intellectual and sweet appearance, and slender legs that could not be covered by a white coat.

This made Roger more determined in his thoughts.

My bed... Bah, I need a ship doctor on my ship!

Roger thought.

After treating the wound, Roger went to Felix's shipyard to continue learning skills.


After a night, the sun rose as usual in the Hefeng Sea, the sun was bright, and the sea breeze was warm.

At the dock, Roger was about to go out to sea, but old Nelson stopped him.

[Rogge, how long can you hold your breath in the water? ]

Roger scratched his head in surprise, wondering why old Nelson suddenly asked this.

After thinking about it, he still gave a conservative number.

[About five minutes. 】

Old Nelson was silent for a moment after hearing this, looked at Roger several times, and then said in a deep voice.

[Can you help me? ]

[Okay. ]

Rogge nodded without asking Old Nelson what he needed him to do.

Old Nelson helped him a lot, and Rogge would do his best to help wherever he could.

Seeing that Rogge agreed so readily, Old Nelson patted him on the shoulder without saying anything, then walked onto his boat and picked up the oars.

[Let's go. ]

Rogge thought about it, took the big orange off the boat, and wanted to leave it in the cabin.

But who knew that as soon as Rogge closed the door, the big orange squeezed out from the window gap and came to Rogge's feet.


The big orange meowed angrily, as if to say, you want to fly solo after your wings are hardened, right?

Then he jumped back onto the boat and found a comfortable place to curl up and sleep peacefully.

Rogge was a little speechless, but he didn't force him to stay, and also boarded the boat.

Seeing this, Old Nelson smoked a cigarette, wondering what he was thinking.

Soon, an old man, a young man and a cat rowed a boat in one direction.

[Aren't you curious about what I asked you to do? ]

Old Nelson turned his back to Roger and puffed out smoke.

[Of course I'm curious, I'm waiting for you to say it. ]

Rogge replied honestly.

Old Nelson was speechless for a moment, but he didn't say much, and slowly spoke.

[There are actually two people guarding the dock on Sea Snake Island. ]

[One is me, and the other is Holly, an old woman who likes to die, and my wife...]

Then, Old Nelson began to tell stories from the past.

He and Holly grew up together, and they can be called childhood sweethearts.

Holly is carefree, sunny and cheerful, and likes adventure, while Old Nelson is shy and kind.

They have been sailors together, gone to sea together, fought pirates, and looked for treasures.

Finally, they returned to the island where they were born and raised, guarding the dock and watching young people like Roger sailing towards the rising sun...

It seemed that because of his wife, the always concise old Nelson became nagging, and from time to time he mentioned some of his own opinions.

[Holly, the old woman, likes to drink. She always makes the house full of alcohol. She is unkempt and careless, and always loses money...]

[But in fact, I always know that she just spends all her money on buying wine or losing it in the tavern...]

[She also likes flowers and sunflowers. I once planted a few for her, but she always poured wine into the flowerbed, and the sunflowers died...]

[And the old woman especially likes to do some dangerous things, such as fishing for sea snakes with bare hands,]

Old Nelson laughed.

Although he had disgust and helplessness on his face when he mentioned Holly, the sadness and love could not be hidden at all.

After a long time, Old Nelson was silent for a moment.

[But, one day five years ago, she excitedly told me that she had found a cave near a small island and she must explore it. ]

[At that time, I was busy taking care of Lina and didn't pay attention to her words. ]

[But the next morning, she left a letter and packed her equipment and set off alone. ]

[Since then, I have never seen her again...]

[A year later, I found her wine bottle on a small island, but I didn't find a cave on the island. ]

Speaking of this, old Nelson lowered his head and looked at the surging sea under the boat.

Hearing this, Roger understood.

No wonder old Nelson asked him how long he could hold his breath.

The purpose was to find the location of the cave mentioned by Holly.

At the same time, a small island slowly appeared in Rogge's sight.

This island is really small, and its diameter seems to be no more than ten meters at most.

However, there are several exposed hard gray reefs on the island, with some algae plants distributed at the bottom, and a few pebbles buried on the outer beach.

The two docked the boat on the shore of the island and packed up their things.

[Rogge, you are a good boy. Although I really want to find Holly, your safety is more important. ]

[If you can't find it, go ashore quickly, understand? ]

Old Nelson looked serious.

Rogge didn't say much after hearing this, but just nodded and said ok.

Then he took a deep breath and then plunged into the sea.

After getting into the water, Rogge took out an octopus from the inventory, controlled it, and then split into two groups to search in the sea.

Soon, Rogge had a general overview of the island below.

In fact, it is not accurate to say that it is an island.

To be precise, it is a stone mountain in the sea.

After going deep into the sea, Rogge saw steep exposed limestone, and in one direction there was an abyss-like underwater cliff, bottomless, dark and cold.

Rogge thought that the cave was most likely under this abyss.

However, he was not in a hurry to go in, and explored around the island.

Not long after, the octopus clone found an extremely hidden dark cave entrance in another dense seaweed.

Found it!

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