I have a big sailing game

Chapter 383: Flowery Lake (two in one, please subscribe!)

After punishing the termites on the archipelago, Rogge asked Sha Luo to increase the intensity of supervision in this regard.

It must be said that no matter where, as long as there are people, there will be oppression and exploitation.

But Rogge feels that in a world with strong personal power, this situation will go to two extremes.

Oppression and exploitation will either go to the lowest level under the will of the dominant person, or go to a terrible level.

Rogge will of course do the former...

He also feels a little emotional.

Whether it is Jim, the boss of the Chamber of Commerce, or Parick, a member of the secret society, both of them were once civilians in Scott, and they were oppressed before the Church of Kitz left.

However, after the arrival of the Black Tide Secret Society, they took advantage of the situation and accumulated wealth and status. They completely forgot how they were oppressed in the past, and instead became exploiters who oppressed others.

The dragon slayer eventually becomes the dragon... Although the words are old, they have never been out of date.

Thinking of this, Rogge shook his head and looked forward.

At this time, he had left the Scott Sea.

The purpose of this time is to find the demigod creatures of the path of disaster and destruction.

After receiving the gift from Mopros, Lord Rogge's rank was promoted from angel to demigod.

But his demigod rank is very special.

Strictly speaking, he cannot be regarded as the kind of demigod who is promoted to the path of authority normally.

Because before this, the source of knowledge and wisdom had told him that there are already three demigods in the path of [disaster and destruction] in this world.

So under normal circumstances, he cannot be promoted to demigod.

But the gift brought by the Whisperer's Monument is obviously not a normal path.

This is just like Doyle's rank suddenly stepped into the demigod after Agongos's plan, which is an extremely special situation.

But his rank is still genuine.

It's just that the power of authority is missing a part, only the power of disaster.

Therefore, the purpose of Rogge's trip is not only to make a demigod of this path fall, but also to complete the power of "destruction" authority through this point.

However, after deducing the power of faith, Rogge found that the three existing demigods of the "disaster and destruction" power path seemed to be very special.

"One has a strong aura, and the power of faith consumed for deduction is amazing..."

"One has a weak aura, and the power of faith consumed for deduction is not much, but he seems to be blocked by a more powerful existence..."

"The last one, the deduction does not consume much power, and there is no interference from other forces, but the only problem is that his position is erratic..."

"It seems to be in the border fog..."

After learning the whereabouts of the three demigods through deduction, Rogge thought secretly in his heart.

The easiest one to find among them is the first one, but its aura seems to be particularly strong, even higher than Heisatan, and it is an extremely difficult opponent.

The second one is not difficult, but the problem is that his whereabouts are blocked by a stronger force, which is not only difficult to find but also has potential risks.

As for the third one...

"How many times do I have to brush it out..."

Rogge rubbed his eyebrows and felt a little headache.

Although the target is determined to be in the border fog, the strong randomness of the border fog and the area as sandy as the sand sea really make people feel a headache...

"Since it is in the border fog... let's go to the Holy Scale Sea first."

Rogge thought to himself.

Before looking for the demigod with the corresponding authority, he needs to go to Uweyemuzer.


"Oh? You woke up? So soon?" Uweyemuzer looked at Rogge in surprise and rolled his eyes: "You only slept for such a short time, what kind of sleep is this? You are too embarrassed as a demigod."

Rogge: "..."

In your opinion, demigods must sleep for hundreds or thousands of years?

He laughed and shook his head.

It must be said that for the giant dragon Uweyemuzer, this is really the truth.

The dragon has a long lifespan, which does not need to be mentioned again. For them, once they need to sleep, they often count for decades, hundreds of years, or even thousands of years.

Compared with this, Rogge's sleep lasted only a few years, which was indeed a bit insignificant.

So, in Wuweiyemuze's view, it only took care of the child for a while, and then Rogge woke up.

Thinking of this, Rogge also took a look at the little dragon cub.

Well... it has grown a lot, and its body length is about five or six meters, but it is only a young dragon.

And the little dragon cub is the fastest and most obvious among the group of dragon cubs, and its body size is much larger than other dragon cubs.

It will probably take a long time to wait until it grows up completely.

"By the way, what did you do during your sleep?"

Wuweiyemuze said with some curiosity.

In its view, Rogge only slept for a short while, and he should not have done anything big.

"I have insight into the nature of the world." Rogge smiled mysteriously.

"Well, I also know the ultimate mystery of power." Wuweiyemuze sneered when he heard this: "Just bragging."


Rogge couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

What he said was the truth, but there was nothing he could do if Wuweiyemuze didn't believe him.

"Okay, no more small talk. I came to you for something this time." Rogge restrained his smile and said the purpose of coming to Longxiang this time: "Do you remember the Dream Sea you mentioned to me? Do you have a map and directions? Point it out to me."

Uweiyemuze suddenly realized what he said. He didn't expect Rogge to come for this. Of course, he remembered this incident: "It seems to be in the north... There was a time when the nightmare creatures of the Dream Sea ran to the Holy Scale Sea. At that time, Longxiang also established a crusade to destroy them."

After recalling this incident, Uweiyemuze said: "You should go to the tribe leader. It should know the specific direction and details."

"By the way, this lens is for you."

After that, Uweiyemuze returned the fragment of the Demir Mirror that Rogge gave it, shaking his head: "... I thought I could draw some power from it, but it was useless."

The power of dreams is of course related to the power of illusion, but the problem lies in Uweiyemuze's rank.

If the rank is not high enough, then naturally, he cannot absorb the corresponding power.

After receiving the mirror fragment, Rogge nodded, said goodbye to it, and then found the clan leader Dentmorin.

"Dream Sea? What are you going there for?" Dentmorin frowned slightly and looked at Rogge: "Are you in any trouble? Do you need my help?"

Rogge shook his head naturally when he heard it.

The purpose of his trip was certainly not to have any trouble, but to wonder if this Dream Sea had anything to do with Mopros in the Whisperer's Monument.

If Mopros is still alive today, then Rogge can ask Him some important things.

At the same time, there are also many border fogs near the Holy Scale Sea. After he goes to the Dream Sea, he can start looking for the demigods of the power path, killing two birds with one stone.

As for why he came to ask Dentmorin, it was just to save some faith power...

"Thank you for your concern, but it's just a small matter, so you don't have to do anything." Rogge shook his head, and noticed that Dentmorin seemed a little embarrassed: "What? Is there anything special about the Sea of ​​Dreams?"

"...Yeah." After a moment of silence, Dentmorin nodded: "I don't know if Uweyemuzai has mentioned to you that the creatures of the Sea of ​​Dreams have entered the Sea of ​​Holy Scales."

Rogge nodded.

Dentmorin saw this and explained the reason: "When the Sea of ​​Dreams rioted, the dream creatures fled into the Sea of ​​Holy Scales, causing a lot of turmoil, but it eventually calmed down."

"Before the Starry Sky Dragon City rose in Dragon Township, the Sea of ​​Dreams rioted again. This time, along with the Sea of ​​Dreams, there came the very tricky Nightmare Domain."

"Nightmare Domain?" Rogge asked with some doubts.

Dentmorin nodded and explained in a deep voice: "A mobile zone that can make people indulge in nightmares and strengthen themselves."

"Fortunately, I had not left at that time. After some effort, I barely expelled this thing."

"In order to prevent the troubles of the Sea of ​​Dreams from spreading to the Sea of ​​Holy Scales again, I set up a ban at the border..."

Hearing this, Rogge basically understood what Dentmorin meant.

Dentmorin had set up a ban specifically to prevent the troubles of the Sea of ​​Dreams.

If Rogge wanted to enter it this time, he would need to break the ban. At that time, the creatures in the Sea of ​​Dreams would enter the Sea of ​​Holy Scales again, which would be a big trouble.

"It doesn't matter, I'll just go around it." Rogge thought of a solution after a little hesitation.

Dentmorin subconsciously wanted to say something when he heard it, but he didn't say it when he reached his lips.

The Sea of ​​Dreams is also surrounded by border fog. It is extremely dangerous and easy to get lost for ordinary people, but for Rogge, who is at the demigod level, it is really not a big deal. It is just a little troublesome.

So Dentmorin didn't say anything more.

"Be careful, the Mirror of Demier has been broken, and the Sea of ​​Dreams may be in big trouble."

It could only remind Rogge like this.

Rogge nodded, and then he didn't say anything more, and set off directly to detour to the Sea of ​​Dreams.


[Border fog rules are running. ]

[You have constructed a fog-repelling beacon, immune to the loss of border fog. ]

[There are still twenty-seven seconds before the next fog surge. ]

[Mist surge...]

[The fog surge ends. 】

【You have arrived at: Flower Lake (0.33%)】

【Flower Lake: This is a huge circular island with amber in the center, which is as crystal clear as glass. On the island, flowers are blooming and many beautiful little lives live here. It is a rare place of peace. 】


Rog originally planned to skip this area and enter the Sea of ​​Dreams after the fog tide ended.

But the hint given in the information bar made him interested.

Flower Lake... seems to be an interesting place.

After thinking for a while, Rog decided to see what is special about this place.

After clearing the fog in front of him, what came into view was a dark night.

However, in this dark night, there were some fireflies flickering, shining on the water, reflecting clean and clear light, making the whole island exude a wonderful texture like a dream.

There is no doubt that the island in front of him is the island where the Flower Lake is located.

And around it, there are no other islands or spacious seas, only fog.

It is tightly wrapped in fog and can be said to be completely isolated from the world.

And when Rogge dropped his mental power into the flowery lake, a rare hint of shock appeared on his face, and his pupils shrank.

Then, his face hardened, and he closed his eyes without hesitation, frantically injecting the power of faith.

"Uh huh huh~ huh huh huh~"

In the small wooden cabin of the breeding office of Kuroshio Academy, the leisurely elf was lying on the bed with his legs crossed, humming a melody that only he could understand.

With a wave of her little hand, the strawberry cake in front of the house obediently separated out a small piece and automatically ran into her mouth.

Sleeping when you are full, eating when you are full, occasionally taking a "business trip" to the cultivation center outside the door, and then coming back to enjoy delicious food. This kind of life is not very comfortable.

According to Rogge's original idea, he wanted to let the little guy Eya use his abilities to promote the cultivation of various crops and plants under the control of the Kuroshio Secret Society, so that she could be busy.

And Eya has indeed been busy for a while.

During that period, the little guy had his arms crossed and a frown on his face.

However, since there were more and more people in the cultivation department, Eya's work became easier and easier.

Moreover, one thing I have to mention is that most humans really have little resistance to cute little guys.

A little girl like Iya makes people feel cute just by standing there, so naturally the staff at the breeding department can't stand it.

Besides, she is still a member of the Glynn.

As time went by, the people at the nurturing department became better and better to her, and they would not disturb her unless there were some special circumstances.

And the price is...

"They can give you so much delicious food with just a kiss. They are so much better than the bad guys!"

Iya thought while enjoying the taste of the food.

There are many girls in the breeding department, and Eya receives a lot of feedings every day.

Although the taste is just a bit different, the big advantage is that it’s filling!

"But (Chew Chew)... the taste (Chew Chew)... is not as delicious as (Chew Chew)... Big Bad (Chew Chew)... makes (Chew Chew)..."

Speaking of this, Iya felt like she missed Rogge's... delicious food again.

"Oh, I haven't seen the big bad guy for a long time..."

She suddenly sat up from the bed, a look of worry appeared on her face.

"Is the big bad guy dead?"

When he thought of this, the elf anxiously circled around the cabin.

"If the big bad guy dies, I won't be able to eat delicious food anymore!"

But, just when she was worried.

A dark hand suddenly appeared and reached out to grab her.


The elf only had time to let out a exclamation before his figure suddenly disappeared and disappeared.

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