I have a big sailing game

Chapter 382: Apply potion! (Two in one, please subscribe!)

With some questions in his mind, Ferner set off under Rogge's arrangement.

Rogge set his sights on the current Black Tide Secret Society territory.

After several years, coupled with the rapid development, the entire Black Tide Secret Society territory has naturally undergone earth-shaking changes.

The most notable is the architectural style on this island, which has changed from the original medieval stone architectural style to wooden buildings lined up in rows, and the black smoke from the factory slowly rises and merges into the sky.

Due to the relatively rich and satisfying life, most people's clothing style and life have also changed accordingly, and there are more and more gentlemen and ladies dressed in luxurious and elegant clothes.

Among them are local wealthy businessmen, and adventurers who make a fortune by going out to sea.

Although Rogge has things to do, he is not in a hurry. After all, it would be too hasty to leave without stopping just after waking up from a deep sleep.

He took Lina shopping and chatting while looking at this island that is constantly developing.

In the past few years, although Rogge could accompany Lina through his descended body, this kind of companionship without a physical body was still missing something.

Well... Rogge has almost made up for the lack in the past two days...

"Mira's library is just ahead." Lina blinked, her face rosy and radiant, pointing to a large building in front.

After entering the building, the two soon saw an acquaintance at the front desk.

"Captain Rogge? Are you awake?" Kadi said with some surprise.

Rogge shrugged: "There are many things to do next. If I don't wake up, I'm afraid there will be a risk of dying in a dream... How is the construction of the big library going?"

Kadi scratched his head: "The construction is naturally very smooth, and the collection of books is not bad, but... Mira seems to be still not satisfied with it, and she is not on the island now, she has gone out."

At this point, he spread his hands helplessly.

Speaking of which, his original plan was not to help Mira guard this big library.

But there was no way out. This girl actually threatened King Taradi's fame and forced him to help.

There was no way out. Kadi could only stay in the library for the time being and planned to leave after his biography was completed.

Hearing that Mira was not in the library, Rogge closed his eyes directly, and his huge mental power carefully scanned every corner and every book.

Not long after, all the information about the books in the library was integrated into his mind.

Of course, it was just the memory part, and he had a rough understanding of the classification and content of these books.

If Rogge wanted to understand the contents of all the books, he might have to spend some time.

After all, this is probably the largest library in the entire Sea of ​​Confession.

After chatting with Kadi for a while.

Rogge took Lina away.

Mira and Nomi are not on Scott Island now. The former went out because of something, and the latter because of the food party held by Sfentos...

While strolling on the street.

Rogge was actually observing the appearance of the entire Scott city area.

Well, thanks to the relative popularity of magic potion technology, at least the food is enough to supply the population of the island.


Rogge suddenly frowned and looked at a small alley in front.

In this alley, a group of ragged and skinny children huddled up.

Their eye sockets were deep, and their expressions were tired and numb.

However, in front of them was a middle-aged beggar who was equally thin but had a very fierce look in his eyes, and he was constantly scolding them.

"What are you hesitating about? Just because the girl is nice to you, you dare not do it? Then have you ever thought about what your sister should eat tonight?"

"These damn rich people, even if they throw the extra food on the ground, crush it and throw it into the stinky ditch, they will not give us even a little bit. If we want to survive, we must be cruel!"

"But... when we beg, there are still many people who will give us food..." The scolded boy whispered aggrievedly.

The middle-aged beggar heard this, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, but he still acted very angry: "You stinky boy, how dare you refute?"

"Can you ensure that everyone will give you food?"

"Putting the hope of survival on others is the beginning of death!"

Seeing this scene, Rogge was silent.

From the expressions of this middle-aged beggar and these children, they seemed to have been beggars for a long time.

And this middle-aged beggar was undoubtedly trying to teach these children how to survive with all their strength.

"What's wrong with you?" Lina looked at his expression and asked with some doubts.

Rogge shook his head slightly.

He didn't regret and blame himself for not doing anything well after seeing this scene, but he felt a little emotional in his heart.

It seems that no matter what kind of world it is, as long as there are people and society, there will be exploitation and oppression.

Of course, Rogge was also quite relieved, because he had been wandering for so long and only saw a scene in this alley.

In addition, there are a few lazy people and vagrants, but they are reduced to this state because of their own reasons.

What Rogge wants to solve are some external reasons.

Even if these external reasons are still few and only thoughts, he will strangle them to death.

Just as he was thinking.

A little beggar just walked out of the alley. After taking a vague look at Rogge and Lina's clothes, he quietly approached them.

As the two sides passed each other, Rogge grabbed his hand with the blade.

"There's no money in my pocket, the money is here."

Having said that, Rogge slapped the gold coin into the little beggar's palm with a look of horror on his face, making him feel invincible astonishment.

"Answer some of my questions and these gold coins will be yours, how about that?"

Rogge knelt down and looked at him with a smile.

The little beggar looked at the mysterious young man in front of him, and a sense of trust and hope arose in his heart. After hesitating for a moment, he slowly spoke...


With a loud noise, the door of the Chamber of Commerce was violently kicked open, and the Kuroshio Knights holding big swords and wearing black knight armor filed in one after another, and soon blocked the entire Chamber of Commerce.

Several Chamber of Commerce guards armed with weapons were knocked unconscious and thrown aside before they even had time to resist.

Jim, the brightly dressed Chamber of Commerce owner, was a little stunned at first, then angry and angry.

Who is so blind as to dare to find fault with me?

But when he saw the visitor's uniform black armor and knight's sword, the anger that had just been ignited in his heart was instantly extinguished by a basin of cold water, replaced by endless panic and terror.

This, this, this... this is the fucking Black Tide Knights of the secret society!

Why did you come to our chamber of commerce?

Is someone colluding with the heretical church behind my back, or is someone performing some shady evil ritual? !

A few drops of cold sweat rolled down Jim's round face, racking his brains to think of all the possibilities.

Click... click...

Just as his brain was running wildly, there was a sound of iron boots hitting the ground, and several tall black tide knights surrounded a young man in black robes and slowly walked into the Chamber of Commerce.

Black tide believer! People from the secret society!

Seeing the young man, Jim felt relieved.

Because in his opinion, since the followers of the Black Tide Secret Society are here, there is a high probability that there are some matters related to extraordinary power that need to be dealt with.

And he asked himself that he had never done anything wrong.

Firstly, I have not colluded with other churches, and secondly, I have not engaged in any evil rituals. I have a clear conscience!

"Your Excellency, Lord of the Black Tide, Mr. Believer, I don't know why you come to this chamber of commerce. I will definitely cooperate with you to the best of my ability..."

Jim, who looked extremely flattering, was interrupted by Roger's calm eyes before he could finish his words.

"Are you Jim, the boss of Jim Chamber of Commerce?"

Hearing his words, Jim didn't think much, and still smiled very flatteringly: "Yes, I am the one running this place..."

"take away."

After Rogge said two words calmly, he turned his head directly.

The Black Tide Knight behind him directly picked him up with a look of astonishment in his eyes and escorted him outside.

This made Jim dumbfounded. He was so confused that he didn't understand what was happening.

Even after his brain shut down for a while, he came back to his senses and yelled: "Sir! Sir! There must be some misunderstanding. I am a law-abiding citizen! Why are you arresting me?"

"I have neither colluded with other churches nor participated in any evil rituals. You have arrested the wrong person. I can help you find him..."

Jim struggled and yelled.

But Rogge and a group of Black Tide Knights ignored him at all.

His shouting attracted the attention of a bunch of passers-by.

"What's going on? Who's yelling?"

"Isn't this Jim, the boss of the Jim Chamber of Commerce? This fat leech seems to have broken the law and was caught. Hum... he deserves it!"

"Hmm... Just Jim, this guy, can actually make the Black Tide Knight take action himself?"

"There seems to be some craftsmen repairing something in front. Let's go for a walk and watch the excitement..."

It has to be said that it is human nature to watch the excitement.

Although most people did not feel that Jim was wronged even if they did not know the situation due to their trust in the Black Tide Secret Society, they did not object to joining in the fun.

Jim's shout soon attracted a large crowd of curious people watching.

Jim Chamber of Commerce is quite famous in the East City District of Scott, and many people know him.

However, although this man has a smooth personality, he is extremely stingy when it comes to money, and everyone who has worked with him has a bad opinion of him.

"Let me tell you, this guy Jim used to be as skinny as a bamboo pole, never had enough to eat, and was often hungry and dizzy. But since the Secret Society came, he first started trading with merchant ships and later saved money. I opened my own chamber of commerce, and my business is getting bigger and bigger... Haha, I am gaining more and more fat. "

Someone started chatting and talked about Jim's past.

Obviously, this is a wealthy businessman who has made his fortune from an ordinary civilian to where he is today.

At this time, Roger and others took Jim to their destination.

"I have taken care of your request, sir."

An old craftsman took off his gloves, patted the dust on his hands, and smiled at Rogge.

"Thank you, this is your reward."

After handing the money to the old craftsman, Rogge looked at the row of street lights in front of him and nodded slightly. He was indeed an old craftsman who drank magic potion and worked very fast.

At this time, Jim looked at the strong rope hanging under the street lamp and had a bad feeling in his heart.

After a moment of pause, he began to cry out for injustice.

Well... He is indeed unjust, because he still doesn't know why he was arrested.

He couldn't think of any reason that could make the Black Tide Society go out of its way to arrest him, except that his subordinates were colluding with some evil gods...

"It's unfair!"

"I'm a law-abiding citizen and have never done anything against the law. Why are they arresting me? Is it because I'm a commoner and have no background?"

Jim attributed the reason to his background and began to look at the crowd watching around him.

"Everyone says that the Black Tide Society is fair and just and never wrongly accuses anyone, but in my opinion... hum!"

Jim snorted coldly. He actually wanted to say something more heartbreaking, but he was also afraid of directly angering the people of the Black Tide Society, so he restrained himself a little.

But the sarcasm in his words still did not decrease.

"The reason?" Rogge looked at him and smiled: "You will know soon."

Not long after, Lina also came over with a group of Black Tide Knights.

In addition, there were several people, most of whom were gorgeously dressed business owners who controlled most of the trade on the island.

However, one of them was relatively young, and even wore the clothes of a member of the Black Tide Secret Society.

Jim was stunned when he saw these people.

But then, his face turned pale instantly, as if he remembered something, his lips moved, and he wanted to say something but couldn't say it.

"Do you know why I want to arrest you now?"

Roger stared at him.

"You bastards, you don't do good overseas trade, you don't make a lot of gold coins, you team up to monopolize, lower the after-sales cost, drive up the price of food, and oppress the civilians..."

Rogge walked up, stretched out his hand and pulled the fat meat on his face, and said coldly: "It is said that businessmen are profit-driven, and they will even ignore the risks and do everything..."

"But why don't you guys dare to go out to sea for trade?"

"Haha, I know, because your worth has become delicate, and there are risks in sailing. Although you don't make much money by bullying the weak on the island, you don't have to take too much risk, right?"

Jim's face was pale, and he didn't dare to speak at all. The fear in his heart was almost overflowing, and his body couldn't stop shaking.

"And you..." Rogge turned his eyes to the youngest person in the group wearing the robe of the Black Tide believer: "If I remember correctly, you are one of the young people who volunteered at the time, your name is Parik, am I right?"

"Well, good, it's great that you forget that you were once a civilian when you became a believer master."

Rogge nodded as if to encourage.

The young man was struck by lightning when he heard "Parik" blurted out from Rogge's mouth.

I didn't expect...the archbishop still remembered his name clearly!

This made Parik, who was already ashamed, feel even more regretful and endless bitterness wrapped around him.

As one of the young people who were favored at the time, he used the trust of the secret society in him as a tool to help the tiger and shelter these termites.

"I, I...I'm sorry...I'm sorry for you...I'm sorry for everyone..."

Parik seemed to have his soul taken away in an instant, his body became weak, and his voice trembled extremely.

For his reaction.

Rogge just silently retracted his gaze and glanced at the guys in front of him.

"If you think there is no risk in doing this, then I want to tell you..."

"You are totally wrong!"

After saying that, Rogge looked at the Black Tide Knights standing in a row in the back, waiting for battle, and issued a cold order.

"Write all their crimes and evidence on this notice board for me and make it public for everyone."

"Then hang these dirty termites on the street lights and whip them hard!"


The well-trained Black Tide Knights quickly took action and quickly hung up the bosses of the Chamber of Commerce one after another.

Afterwards, under Rogge's order, a group of knights took out whips and began to whip these guys like spinning tops.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Damn it!" "It hurts!"

The whipping sound and the screams that came one after another were endless.


The people around were overwhelmed by the surge of emotions and felt extremely relieved.

Accompanied by a shrill scream, Jim, the guy with the most fat, was the first to faint from the pain.

"Wait a minute." Seeing this, Rogge suddenly called a halt, and then said calmly: "Apply potion."

"Apply the quick-healing potion to your whips before hitting them."

The Black Tide Knights are quite strong. If they accidentally beat these guys to death, it would be a bargain for them.

Apply the quick-healing potion and heal while hitting!

When Rogge said this, a group of Chamber of Commerce bosses suddenly widened their eyes in horror.

Heal while hitting? ! What kind of devil are you? Just kill me! !

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