I have a big sailing game

Chapter 291 Execution! (Two in one, please subscribe!)

In the past, civilians could only look at the believers who controlled extraordinary powers from afar.

Most of this world is vast oceans.

But the ocean does not mean barrenness. On the contrary, if there is enough extraordinary power as a foundation, the ocean will bring huge wealth.

Unfortunately, the extraordinary power of the Sea of ​​Confession has long been controlled by the nobles, the church, and the big families. This is the basis for them to maintain their status.

Therefore, most civilians can only live an ordinary life, looking at the so-called believers or the former extraordinary masters with hope and awe.

But now, the times have changed.

Or, Rogge wants to change such an era.

Believers and extraordinary people are opposed to each other because of the existence of the church, and they are incompatible.

"God" cannot allow a group of people who are not controlled by themselves and can threaten their rule to exist.

Because the basis of their long-term rule is to enslave believers spiritually, so that they provide faith for themselves, and only give believers some leftovers after they are full.

But after experiencing the events of Magrela and the Black Tide City, Rogge got new inspiration.

Turning a high god into a mysterious and powerful "trader".

The Lord of the Black Tide gives believers the power of prayer, and believers give back to the Lord of the Black Tide faith.

In this way, the magic potion extraordinary can also exist at the same time, after all, the extraordinary also have needs, and prayer and magic can coexist.

Under the coexistence of the two power systems, it will be promoted on a large scale, no longer limited to the great nobles and lords, and will be pushed to more civilians.

"The Lord of the Black Tide" will gain huge benefits from it!

This will be a mutually beneficial and win-win situation.

However, to maintain this situation, a major premise is required.

That is the Black Tide Secret Society, which can continue to exist...

After putting away his thoughts, Rogge set his sights on the present.

Coincidentally, at this time, a young man waved his arms.

"This bishop... I want to be a member of the Black Tide Secret Society!"

His voice was loud, and he mustered great courage.

Rogge looked at the source of the voice.

This is a young man with a rather thin figure, but his eyes and expression reveal determination and courage.

Others also looked at him, and they fell silent, as if they were curious about whether this young man could really gain extraordinary power.

Under the expectant eyes of the crowd, Rogge spoke calmly.

"You are very brave, young man."

"Come on stage."

As he said, Rogge raised his hand, and the black airflow in his hand surged, spreading from the execution platform to the bottom, slowly forming a step.

The people spontaneously made way for the young man.

Such an eye-catching scene seemed to be the first time in the young man's life.

However, he had taken the first step that required the most courage, and next, there was no need to be afraid.

After taking several deep breaths, he silently cheered himself up in his heart, and then walked towards the step firmly.

Not long after, he stepped on the steps formed by the black airflow, walked onto the execution platform, and came to Rogge.

"What's your name?"

Rogge smiled slightly, revealing a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

It is not easy for people who can break the heavy ideological shackles.

"Ferner, my name is Ferner, Bishop."

The young man named Ferner was very nervous.

"Don't be nervous, Ferner."

Roger nodded, then stretched out his two hands, with a bottle of magic potion filled with magic liquid and a black tide mark in his left and right hands respectively.

"This is a black tide mark, which is a necessary item for releasing prayers, just like those believers who have mastered mysterious powers in your impression."

"But the premise is that you need to take time out of your daily life to pray and accumulate the power necessary for releasing prayers."

Looking at this mark, Ferner was so excited that he wanted to accept the black tide mark right now.

But he knew that the bishop in front of him obviously had something else to say, so he suppressed his urgency and waited patiently.

Sure enough, Roger soon spoke again, and this time, he introduced the bottle in his hand.

"And this is a bottle of extraordinary potion."

"After drinking it, you can gain all kinds of extraordinary powers. Of course, you have to know what kind of potion it is first."

"The potion in my hand is called 'Sailor'. After drinking it, you can gain the ability to breathe underwater for a long time and the ability to tame some ordinary marine creatures."

"But it has certain dangers and may turn people into monsters."

Hearing this, Fellner couldn't help but show a look of shock, a little unbelievable, and blurted out involuntarily: "This is not the witch in the church in the past..."

Before he finished speaking, Fellner realized that he might not be right to say this, and quickly closed his mouth, looking nervous, and didn't dare to look at Rogge.

But Rogge smiled without caring at all, and looked at all the people present.

"Yes, this is the power that the 'witch and devil' in your previous impression would use..."

Then, he restrained his smile.

"But its real name is the extraordinary potion."

"It is dangerous, but has infinite possibilities."

"The Black Tide Secret Society will not prohibit the existence of potions, and will teach knowledge related to potions in future gatherings."

"Drinking the magic potion and becoming a transcendent can still make 'trades' with the Lord of the Black Tide."

Rogge once again used his mental power to spread his voice into everyone's ears.

In an instant, everyone and every party had different expressions.

The followers of the Black Tide Secret Society are relatively calm. Most of them come from Magrela. Although extraordinary potions like 'Sailor' are not widely promoted on the island, there is no ban on them. There are also a few extraordinary people on the island.

But because of the dangers of potions, most people still choose the Black Tide Secret Society.

After all, there once appeared on Magrela Island a believer who drank magic potion but unfortunately became alienated.

And compared to that.

The people and the prisoners on the execution platform were not so calm.

The common people were talking a lot. Because of the church's indoctrination, in their eyes, extraordinary people were demons with an evil nature who committed murder and arson.

But since Rogge said this, they couldn't help but feel a little shaken.

The prisoners had different expressions.

Among them, the one who had the biggest reaction was the celebrant of Kiz Church.

He first looked up at Rogge in disbelief, and then laughed crazily.


"It is indeed a whimsical and low-level grassroots church. It is just a poor thing who gained power by chance. You have no idea what you are talking about. You are destroying yourself..."


"Shut up!"

Before the ceremony bearer could finish his words, he was kicked over by the Black Tide Knight who came up from behind, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Damn it, you damn bastard, how dare you offend me like this. I am the ceremonial bearer, the most respected person on this island..."

But even so, he still spoke harshly, and even wanted to fight back at one point. Unfortunately, under the suppression of Nudu Rui's prison lock, he had no chance to fight back.

The Black Tide Knight behind was very angry. If his superiors had not required him to be awake during the execution, he would have been brutally beaten.

So he simply asked someone to hand over a smelly rag and roughly stuffed it into his mouth.

The person holding the ceremony looked at the foul-smelling rag in his mouth in horror, and struggled violently.

Different from the ceremony bearer.

'What exactly does this Black Tide Secret Society want to do...'

A turmoil arose in Kogut's heart.

The church is based on faith, and although extraordinary beings can also provide faith, they ultimately possess powers other than those given by gods, and are unstable factors.

This is why the Church cannot coexist with the Supernatural in the Sea of ​​Penance.

But the Kuroshio Secret Society... doesn't seem to care about this?

Roger ignored these voices.

He looked at Felner in front of him.

"This is a gift for your courage, Ferner, which one do you want?"

He looked at the young man in front of him with interest, wondering what choice he would make.

However, Fellner's reaction was somewhat surprising.

After taking a deep breath, he did not answer Rogge's question immediately.

"Bishop Grosje, can I ask you one more question?"

"Okay." Rogge nodded slightly.

"If I choose the Kuroshio Mark, can I still freely explore the sea?"

Fellner's biggest wish is not to master extraordinary power, but to explore the sea.

But this world is too dangerous, and without extraordinary power, there is almost a narrow escape from death at sea.

Therefore, he spent almost the first half of his life on this small island, mediocre.

"Of course, you can choose to follow the call of the secret society, which has rich rewards, but the secret society also appreciates adventurous believers."

Roger nodded.

"Then I choose the Black Tide Mark. I want to join the Black Tide Secret Society, Bishop Grosje."

Hearing this, Fellner said without hesitation.

Hearing this, Rogge smiled slightly, put the Black Tide Mark into his palm, and then patted his shoulder.

"I look forward to the day when you go to sea, Felner."

"Yes! Lord Bishop!"

Hearing this, Ferner stood up straight with excitement and responded loudly.

Not long after, Fellner put on a brand new black tide believer's robe in full view of the public and was led away.

Seeing that Ferner had really become a believer, more young people below were secretly upset.

But more people no longer hesitated and started speaking excitedly.

"I also want to join the Black Tide Secret Society!"

"I want it too!"

"And me! I want to become a transcendent!"

They were very excited.

The Kuroshio Secret Society also accepts all comers.

However, Rogge did not let everyone have the treatment of Felner, but told them that if they want to possess magic potions or Black Tide Marks, or learn knowledge, they need to pray devoutly to the Lord of Black Tide for a period of time.

After all, the Lord of the Kuroshio also needs to eat.

Furthermore, the Scott area is relatively large. If everyone continues to give the Kuroshio mark like Magrilla did before, Rogge's faith pool will probably be drained.

Secondly, because Scott was originally the place where the Church of Kizi was located, some people on the island still have the habit of believing in the Church of Kizi.

The Kuroshio Secret Society can take advantage of this arrangement to completely eliminate this habit.

But this does not stop the enthusiasm of young people.

Those who join still come one after another.

Even some people who were at home came to the square, and the number of people in the square began to increase.

With this, Rogge just started his second step.


Just two words, but everyone present fell silent.

"Next, we have one more important thing to do."

"That's...the trial."

When they heard the word 'trial', the prisoners who had lowered their heads like ostriches all trembled and started to tremble.

"The guilty must be punished."

"However, we, the Black Tide Secret Society, are not the only ones judging their crimes."

Rogge slowly raised his head and pointed at the crowd below.

"Everyone present is a judge."

"The Black Tide Secret will provide evidence of their crimes, and you can too, but if you think anyone is innocent, you can choose to defend him."

"Everything, let the evidence speak for itself."

After speaking, Rogge looked at Sharo.

Sharo nodded and motioned to the people on the side to bring in the evidence.

Not long after, a group of frightened and trembling children entered the square under the escort of Black Tide believers.

Their bodies and faces were very clean, but some scars and vague bruises could still be seen, and even some children's bodies were mutilated.


A middle-aged man shouted in surprise, ran up and hugged a child, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Meira, my child... I finally found you... Where have you been..."

Later, some people recognized these children, and they were very excited and burst into tears.

But there are still some children looking around blankly, and they are also longing for the appearance of their families.

After waiting for a long time, children were taken away one after another, but some children were still left standing helplessly, looking around eagerly but timidly, hoping for the appearance of their family members.

Roger sighed and waved his hand.

These children will be raised by the Black Tide Conclave.

Then, he turned around and glanced at every prisoner present with his cold eyes.

"These poor children are being tortured just because of the ugly selfish desires of these scum."

"Everyone with a black cloth tied around their neck is a participant and cannot be defended by anyone."

Roger's cold voice spread throughout the square.

After hearing this, a group of prisoners subconsciously glanced at the cloth around their necks.

And when some people saw that black streak, their eyes suddenly darkened, their heartbeats stagnated, and some timid guys even peed their pants.

The people present also had different expressions.

They are not stupid, and some people have guessed the reason why Rogge did not say more.

Some people remained silent, some were furious, and some knelt down and kowtowed with tears streaming down their faces.

But there was no one who objected.

After Rogge finished speaking, he slowly opened his mouth and uttered two words.


Hearing this, a group of well-trained Kuroshio knights immediately stepped forward carrying heavy and sharp execution axes.


The scorching sun reflected on the sharp ax blade.

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