I have a big sailing game

Chapter 290 Fair Exchange (Two in one, please subscribe!)

Scott area, Scott Island, Grand Square.

After several days, the Black Tide Conclave had wiped out all the remaining Kiz Church in the Scott area, leaving only some remaining Kiz believers fleeing.

The Black Tide Conclave did not continue to pursue the fleeing Kiz Church remnants.

They had more important things to do.


A spacious execution platform had been built on the Grand Square, and those holding execution axes were all Black Tide Knights, standing solemnly like iron towers.

Some of the brave residents of Scott Island began to discuss in a low voice.

"Is the Black Tide Society going to punish the believers of the Church of Kizz? So many people?"

"This Black Tide Society is really cruel..."

"Anyway, they are not good people. Those believers are accomplices of the evil all day long, and they have to pretend to be pious. It's better to kill them."

"Well, it's okay to be cruel to them, but I don't know what kind of church this Black Tide Society is. Don't collect some kind of "clothing tax" like the Church of Kizz..."

"I don't think it's easy. The people of this Black Tide Society don't look like good people. Instead, they look a bit like... the devil..."

"Shh! Keep your voice down! Do you want to die?"

Most of the people who come to the square are relatively young people. Women and children are very rare. It can even be said that most of them are street urchins...

Most of them come to watch the fun, but it can be seen from this that they are vigilant about this newly emerged Black Tide Society, and even have a little fear of the style of the Black Tide Society...

More civilians are secretly watching from afar in the houses, balconies, and corners in the distance.

Kgett silently glanced at everyone present, and walked slowly towards the execution platform with heavy steps.

Behind him was a tattered ritualist and a seductively dressed female knight.

They were the highest fighting force of the Kiz Church guarding Scott Island.

In the past, civilians would not dare to look up at them at all, and their attitude was always high and mighty.

But now, they were taken to death like dogs that had lost their homes.

Faced with such a situation, the three people who had prominent identities in the past had different attitudes.

"Let me go, let me go! I am a ritualist, the ritualist of Scott Island! The highest power owner of this city! You can't do this to me!"

"You witches, demons, termites, and delusional heretics, if you dare to kill me, the Kiz Church will never let you go, and God Kiz will let you feel the most severe torture to apologize..."

"... Ugh!"

The ritualist screamed and yelled wildly.

However, the iron chain on his body spread here, strangling his throat, making him like a duck with its throat strangled, and his voice stopped abruptly.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, please let me go, I was forced to work for the Church of Kitz, as long as you are willing to let me go, I will definitely serve your god... the Lord of the Black Tide, I will offer my loyalty to the Lord of the Black Tide!"

"Don't kill me!"

The female knight's eyes were filled with deep fear. She had a beautiful face and a hot body. The ability she unconsciously exuded made the men present salivate and their throats dry.

However, no matter how much she begged for mercy, it was difficult to prevent her body from being pushed onto the execution platform step by step.

And Kget was the quietest one among them.

He neither roared in anger nor cried bitterly. Before he was about to die, he seemed to have some insights, which calmed his heart.

He just stared at the two people on the execution platform quietly.

A man and a woman.

He was very familiar with the woman, named Sha Luo, who seemed to be the bishop of this emerging church.

But what made him feel strange was that man.

Kget was a stranger to him, but he could stand beside Sha Luo and stand side by side with him.

At the same time...

Kget looked down at the iron chains on his body.

The surging power of confinement seemed to come from that man...

But Kget didn't have time to think more, he was taken to the execution platform and knelt in front of a group of civilians and black-robed believers.

Soon, a group of remnants of the Church of Kitz were neatly pressed on the execution platform, with their backs to the people of the Black Tide Conclave.

Just when everyone thought the execution was ready, they saw another group of Black Tide believers escorting a group of people in gorgeous clothes and terrified faces.

"No, no, no, you can't kill me! I am the lord of this island, my status is innate, I am supreme!"

"Let me go, I have never done anything bad..."

"I give you money! Give you land! I can give you everything, please let me go!"

The group of people cried and begged for mercy, with a unified fear and disbelief in their eyes.

Seeing them, the crowd was in an uproar.

"Oh my God, it's Pietro, Lord Scott, the old shark who eats people!"

"God, can you be a little quieter? Don't let anyone hear it!"

"And Lady Ellie, the gang leader Saidia... all of them are respectable nobles with a good reputation!"

"The Black Tide Society is going to execute them?!"

Some young people were surprised and happy, and some even shouted out with joy.

In fact, whether it was the Black Tide Society taking over Scott Island or executing the followers of the Church of Gizz, it was just expected for them.

After all, Scott Island has not always been ruled by the Kiz Church. Before the Kiz Church came, there were other churches on the island.

Therefore, the execution of the believers of the former church is something that even children can guess.

But they didn't expect one thing - the Black Tide Secret Society actually planned to execute these nobles and upper-class people!

This made the civilians feel ecstatic.

You know, for ordinary people, what they hate most is not the church, but these so-called "upper-class people", "nobles", "ladies", "young masters", and even some lords' officials.


Because the reason why their lives have become so difficult is half due to the church and half due to these nobles.

These lords, vassals, and nobles are mostly seen and oppressed by the people.

Although the believers also oppress and look down on them, their sense of existence is much less than these people.

After all, it is mostly these guys who collect taxes, collect grain, and oppress others.

Although the Church of Kiz also levied some outrageous taxes, they were more often in a high-handed manner, preaching some profound doctrines that the common people could not understand, and even the "clothing tax" they wanted was collected by these people.

In the past, when the Church of Kiz came here, not only did they not punish them, but they took them as minions.

Many people took it for granted that these nobles would escape like when the Church of Kiz first arrived, and then help the Black Tide Secret Society to continue to oppress them.

Now the Black Tide Secret Society has sent them to the execution platform, how can people not be excited? !

"Kill them!"

"Execute these worms!"

"They should be burned to ashes!"

Many people were indignant and extremely happy.

These nobles were sent to the execution platform in fear and knelt in front of all the people.

"Bishop Sha Luo... and this... lord, they are all ready."

A Black Tide Knight stepped forward to report, but he obviously did not know the man next to Sha Luo, and could not help but paused awkwardly.

"He is Bishop Grosje, sent by the Lord of the Black Tide to help us."

Sha Luo said calmly.

Hearing this, a trace of awe flashed in the eyes of the Black Tide Knight, and he saluted respectfully to Rogge, and then left.

Rogge also slowly took off the hood on his head at this time, revealing his true face.

He originally planned to leave these things to Sha Luo.

But after talking with Luther, he felt that he had to come in person.

Of course, he couldn't send his real body over, as that would consume too much faith power and was not cost-effective.

It would be enough to use the power of faith to make a temporary body, which would not cost much.

He also sent [Nuduri's Prison Lock] over, and with the power of Heisatan's rank, it was enough to deal with it.

After all, there are still three believers of the agent rank among the prisoners, so it's better to be careful.

"Who is that? I haven't seen it..."

"It should be the bishop of the Black Tide Secret Society?"

"Why have I never seen it..."

Some believers couldn't help but discuss.

After Sha Luo nodded slightly to Rogge, he stepped back slightly and waited for his speech.

Rogge did not hesitate, but took a step forward and glanced at everyone present calmly.

"Hello, fellow countrymen, my name is Grosye, and I am the bishop of the Black Tide Secret Society."

His first sentence shocked everyone present.

Fellow countrymen? What is this name? No one has ever called them that before.

This made many people involuntarily prick up their ears and listen.

In fact, many of them were indifferent to the church's speeches. After all, they had heard the Kitz Church speak before, and their ears were calloused.

If they didn't want to see the execution of the nobles, they would have left long ago.

But now, Rogge has aroused the desire of some people to listen.

In their eyes, Rogge spoke again.

"Some people may wonder why I call you fellow countrymen, and why I exclude the identity of bishop..."

At this point, he paused.

"...Because I am first a human being, an ordinary person, and secondly a bishop of the Black Tide Conclave, a follower of the Lord of the Black Tide."

The crowd below was in disbelief.

But the believers and knights of the Black Tide Conclave and some of the accompanying extraordinary people were not very surprised.

"You should also know that the Church of Kiz has been expelled by us, and the flag of the Black Tide Conclave has been planted in Scott."

"The church is based on faith."

"No church is an exception, and the Black Tide Conclave is the same."

"The Lord of the Black Tide also needs you and your faith."

"But He will not give you anything."

Hearing this, the crowd was silent.

You still say that you need our faith?

...Although the Church of Kiz did not give anything, you are not too lazy to say polite words...

Someone has started to complain in his heart.

However, at this moment, Rogge changed the subject, raised his hand, and slowly opened it.

"In the eyes of the Lord of the Black Tide, there is no gift, only exchange..."

"Fair exchange."

A serious and earnest voice resounded in the square.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but wonder...Exchange? What does this mean?

After waiting for all the people to digest this information, Rogge took a deep breath.

"If you provide faith to the Lord of the Black Tide or sacrifice valuable items, he will exchange them for you with items of equal value."

"For example...supernatural power, or the power of faith."

"Secret techniques, prayers, treasures, extraordinary equipment, extraordinary knowledge..."

"As long as you are pious enough or make enough sacrifices, you can gain the extraordinary power to fight the storm... no matter who you are!"

Rogge’s eyes were determined and his voice was loud, almost reaching the entire Scott Island.

"The purpose of the church god is to enslave mankind and become his loyal dog-like slaves, and occasionally give us a poor rotten bone..."

"They are selfish and narrow-minded and confine themselves to this corner of the ocean."

"And the Lord of the Black Tide has reached out to us at this moment! Inviting us to move towards a wider sea!"

"Humans shouldn't be limited to this!"


It seems to be to verify what Rogge said.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with black tide, countless black tide holes emerged, and a blurry black shadow that was so huge that it almost covered the entire Scott Island suddenly appeared.

【What is said is valid】

Not a sound.

This is will.

The will of the Lord of the Black Tide is revealed in everyone's mind at this moment!

Hearing this, Kgot, who had lowered his head just now, couldn't help but suddenly raised his head and looked at Rogge beside him, with deep horror in his eyes, and he was extremely shocked by the vision just now.

He simply couldn't believe this was true.

The vision soon disappeared.

But its appearance still left almost everyone present in a daze for a long time.

After a while.

People came to their senses belatedly.

Soon, the scene was in an uproar.

They felt even more unbelievable about this.

You must know that in their past lives, those who had power that was unmatched by mortals were all high-ranking believers. Those nobles also occasionally possessed this kind of power.

Ordinary people who want to obtain this kind of power must either go overseas to pursue unlikely opportunities in danger, or they must bite the bullet and move closer to the church at all costs.

What’s more, most people don’t even know these two methods exist.

But Rogge and the Black Tide Church clearly placed the opportunity in front of them and told them - everyone has a chance!

Moreover, the Lord of the Black Tide is the witness!

Fierce discussions soon broke out among the crowd.

Many people's first reaction was disbelief, and they couldn't help but feel excited and hopeful.

But they still had deep hesitation in their hearts and did not dare to respond at all.

The past has made them silent. Even if the extraordinary power is right in front of them, they feel so illusory and unreal.

But there are still some brave and flexible young people who come to the nearest knight or believer and ask cautiously.

"Lord Believer (Knight), is what the man on the execution platform said true?"

The knights and believers who heard this couldn't help but glance at Sharo and Rogge on the stage, and then laughed softly, and young voices came from under the visors and black robe hoods.

"Still asking? Didn't you see that the supreme Lord of the Black Tide appeared?"

"Oh my god, please don't call me sir, you look older than my dad..."

"Of course it's true. Otherwise, why do you think we followed the Secret Society to Scott? Do I think I have a long life? It was the Secret Society that transformed me from an ordinary farmer to a knight with extraordinary power!"

"Why are you lying to me? I'm full of food? Do you think our secret society has bullied anyone since we entered the city? We are all ordinary people..."

"Bishop Sharo never lies to others. This new bishop... I haven't seen him, but he certainly won't lie to others."

With the tacit approval of Sharo and Rogge.

One by one, the young people in the church started chatting with these people.

It seemed that just suddenly, the solid "high wall" that separated civilians from extraordinary people collapsed...

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