I have a big sailing game

Chapter 288: Cleaning up the insects and taking over Scott (two in one, please subscribe!)

Scott Island.

This is a large island with abundant resources and a large population. It is surrounded by many affiliated islands and its geographical location is also very important.

A day ago, this was the religious territory of the Kiz Church.

One of the most important propositions in the dogma of the Kizi Church is that people release their inner desires.

However, desires that are not restrained can easily become a terrifying scourge that swallows everything like a tsunami...


Tall knights wearing black knight armor lined up in a neat queue, and their iron boots made a neat sound when they stepped on the stone road.

Behind them, believers dressed in black robes of faith, like the knights in front, each of their faces are covered by mysterious black robes.

On both sides of the street, civilians huddled in corners, carefully observing their arrival with their peripheral vision.

"Mom...who are they? They look so scary..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" The mother was shocked when she heard this. She quickly covered her child's mouth and looked at the group of believers with fear on her face.

On the Isle of Scots, this sentence alone was enough to be found guilty of "slandering the faithful" and then to be burned at the stake.

Therefore, the mother clearly understood the crisis she might face.

However, in her expression of fear and anxiety, she only saw these believers glance at her, then paused awkwardly, and then continued to move forward as if nothing had happened.

The mother immediately breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her silly child tightly as if she had survived the disaster.

However, the two Kuroshio believers in front couldn't help but discuss in a low voice.

"Damn it, this Church of Kyrgyzstan is really a beast, letting a mother with children dress like this..."

They all saw the scantily clad mother just now, and this was relatively normal civilian clothing...

"You don't understand this. The Church of Kiz is such a bastard. They often use their doctrines to intimidate the islanders, and they do it in a semi-inducing and semi-coercive way... Anyway, you know it!"

Hearing this, the Kuroshio believers could not help but curse in a low voice in disgust.

Sharo and Webb walked side by side at the front of the team.

Beside her, several richly dressed nobles and officials from the island were smiling and flattering her with gorgeous words.

"Bishop Sharo, we have been waiting here for a long time. The islanders of Scott Island are all eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Lord of the Black Tide, so that His glory can envelope the entire Scott..."

"Our Sado family will definitely be the most loyal supporters of the Black Tide Secret Society..."

Sara ignored this and observed her surroundings.

But the more she looked at it, the deeper her frown deepened.

Under the rule of the Kiz Church, the trend here has become extremely open, and it can even be said that it has been open to a quite abnormal level.

This is reflected in every aspect of Scott Island.

The flyers on the streets, notice boards, people's clothes, architectural styles... all reveal an excessive carnival-style sexual indulgence.

What makes Sharo find it most intolerable is that the Kiz Church is trying to pour its twisted doctrines and creeds into the minds of the children on the island.

"Bishop Sharo."


Just as Sarao was thinking, a man wearing the robe of a member of the Kiz Church came forward. Weibu next to him immediately raised his sword to block the man and shouted harshly.

"Weib, put down the sword."

Sara raised her hand to stop.

The person in front of her was the person she sent to Scott Island as a secret undercover agent.

"Su Sen, thank you for your hard work."

Sara nodded slightly towards him.

"You are joking, Bishop Sharo..." Su Sen couldn't help but smile bitterly, but soon he spoke seriously and said: "I have to report something very important to you..."

However, when the nobles on the side saw this believer named Su Sen, their hearts suddenly skipped a beat.

The meeting place of Kuroshio.

The figures of Sharo, Black Bone, and Rogge were all under the figure that was so huge that the boundaries could not be seen clearly.

"Inflict capital punishment."

The voice of the Lord of the Black Tide was still calm and low, echoing in Sharo's mind.

After saying these words, His body disappeared and he stopped speaking.

Rogge looked at Sharo and calmly described the relatively specific arrangements.

"All Scott believers involved in this matter will be executed in public. The most cruel punishment will be given one by one. Don't let them die too easily."

"It's best if this punishment lasts for a few more days."

After a pause, he spoke again.

"Find a member of the Kiz Church who is not involved in this matter, set an example, and incorporate some old forces that you can trust."

"Other than that... no one will be spared, including those nobles and their minions, regardless of whether they are willing or not."

Rogge's voice was slightly cold.

Neither Sara nor he had thought of it.

At first I just thought that the Kiz Church was trying to reach out to children.

Unexpectedly, this group of bastards who should be stripped and cramped have already started to implement it.

They built a huge hidden prison called the "Happy Birdcage" to house ignorant children to satisfy the perverted desires of the members of the Kiz Church and the island's nobles.

This changed Rogge's initial intentions and plans.

These insects living in abscesses must be eradicated!

Sara thought for a moment, then raised her concerns with a frown: "Scott covers a large area. If there is no corresponding management system, it may easily cause chaos."

Although Sharo was also furious.

But as a key figure in the Black Tide Secret Society, she had to suppress her anger and face this potential problem that must be faced.

This is why, even if Su Sen reported this matter, some nobles still did not care much.

Because the fact is that this group of insects has long controlled the management system of the entire Scott Island. If they deal with all of them, there will inevitably be huge administrative vacancies.

"Before enough talents are trained, all management will be handed over to the church."

Rogge responded.

After taking over Scott Island, they will not be able to take over more territory in the short term, and in the subsequent plan, they will build Scott Island into a frontier position to deal with the Church of Kitz.

But in order to make Scott Island a qualified territory, these people must be cleared, even if they kill and bleed into rivers, they will not hesitate!

If you don't make a decision, you will suffer from the chaos!

"I understand."

Sharo took a deep breath and nodded.

While the two were discussing, Hei Gu was not idle either, and the two heads began to mutter.

"Oh my... It's really cruel. How many humans will die on Scott Island..."

Soft Bone was amazed. It knew nothing about these things, otherwise it would not have messed up its faith.

"If they die, they die."

Hard Bone seemed to be indifferent.

But after a pause, it suddenly came to Black Bone and whispered: "Black Bone, do you think we should ask the Lord of Black Tide for some rewards?"

"All our believers have been killed, and now we can't even receive the power of faith..."

The corners of Black Bone's mouth twitched, and he squinted at him: "Have you forgotten where we are now? Do you think He can't hear it?"

That's right... I heard it clearly...

Rogge was a little speechless. The loud conspiracy of Hard Bone was no different from whispering in his ear.

But Black Bone was very cautious. It immediately planned to apologize to the Lord of Black Tide.

However, Rogge controlled the Lord of Black Tide to make a move in advance.

A ball of golden light fell in front of it.

"Before you fulfill your promise, I will give you the power you deserve."

If you want a horse to run, you have to let it eat grass. Rogge is not unaware of this truth.

"This... Thank you for your generosity, Lord of the Black Tide."

After hesitating for a moment, Black Bone accepted the ball of faith power.

"Damn, you are so generous. I have never seen so much faith power!"

Cartilage's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed.

On the other side, Sha Luo half-knelt on the ground and bowed his head to the huge figure.

"I made a mistake in this war, which caused unnecessary casualties in the church."

"Lord of the Black Tide, I apologize to you."

Rogge stood aside silently.

After a while, the voice of the Lord of the Black Tide sounded again in the audience place.

"I already know, but you don't need to apologize to me."

After listening.

Sha Luo couldn't help but look confused, and didn't quite understand what the Lord of the Black Tide meant.

Rogge leaned slightly to one side and explained in a low voice: "I will use this trial to apologize to the church."

It must be said that Grosye's vest is still useful.

If the Lord of the Black Tide were to explain everything in detail, it would be a bit embarrassing.

With the growth of the Black Tide Secret Society, there will be more and more people like Sha Luo Hei Gu in the future, and it is still necessary to maintain the image of the Lord of the Black Tide.

Hearing this, Sha Luo suddenly realized, and then saluted seriously.


The Scott area is still very large.

The Black Tide Secret Society only cleared the main forces of the Kiz Church, and there is still a large part of the area that needs to be cleared.

Moreover, the trial of the nobles and the remaining forces of the Kiz Church cannot be completed overnight.

It will take some time.

Therefore, the matter of Scott came to an end for the time being.

Rogge turned his attention back to the main body.

During the time he was dealing with things, he was also distracted to ask Luther about some things about the Sea of ​​Confession.

This did indeed allow him to get a lot of very useful information.

"... Although everyone at that time was well aware of the church's threats and ambitions, we were powerless to stop it..."

"The two major churches, led by the Midnight Stars and the Mother Goddess, occupied the central continent hundreds of years ago, and then a war broke out, and finally ended with the victory of the Mother Goddess..."

Luther's face was bitter.

"They started the war without even taking over the Sea of ​​Confession. Do you know what this means?"

"They... those gods..."

"... didn't take our human power seriously at all!"

"In other words, in their eyes, we are just a piece of meat on their lips, which can be eaten at any time. They are more wary of their former allies."

"For such contempt and arrogance..."

Luther couldn't help but clench his fists and grit his teeth.

In the end, he loosened his fists powerlessly.

"But we have no way..."

After listening to Luther's words.

Everyone present fell into silence involuntarily.

Rogge also frowned deeply.

The history and current situation of the Sea of ​​Confession are far worse than he imagined.

"How much do you know about the Mother God Church?"

Rogge asked.

The Mother God Church is his old enemy. Rogge has dealt with them many times in the five seas of the Novice Village.

But what he didn't expect was that it was just a small part, the tip of the iceberg.

The real power of the Mother Goddess Church has been entrenched in the entire Sea of ​​Confession for hundreds of years!

"I don't know the specific situation of the Mother Goddess Church. Doyle must be more experienced, but..."

"I once saw a follower from the Mother Goddess Church. It...it..."

Luther rubbed his eyebrows and was speechless for a long time before he found an adjective: "Very weird."

Then he added: "...the kind of mental state."

After saying that, he sighed and said that he knew very little about it and didn't know more information.

Then, Luther talked to Rogge about some other situations in the Sea of ​​Confession.

Rogge also asked about the situation of the five seas.

However, Luther didn't know much either, but he seemed to have heard of the name Ozurick.

"Ozurick...that seems to be an explorer in the chaotic era?"

Luther said after trying to recall.

"Yes, a great explorer in the chaotic era, who organized a famous fleet, but finally disappeared in the border fog."

"He is a hybrid of a mountain giant and a human..."

At this time, Gasinya next to him added, but as she spoke, she smiled and looked at Luther.

"Have you forgotten the story I told you?"

"Oh, right!" Luther looked at her with sudden realization: "Damn, I remember, this is the story of the mountain giant and the girl you told me... er..."

Before he finished speaking, he looked at Rogge and others with an embarrassed look.

Lina and Mira looked at each other, as if they thought of something, their faces instantly turned red.

Nomi scratched his head, a little puzzled: "What's wrong, why don't you continue?"

I go, mountain giants and girls...

Rogge couldn't help but think of some illegal pictures in his mind.

But he quickly dispelled them from his mind and coughed.

"Mr. Luther, I have another very important question to ask you."

Rogge's face became serious.

Hearing this, Luther nodded and stopped thinking about what happened just now: "Mr. Rogge, you say."


"...Can they be promoted to 'God' through the extraordinary potion?"

Hearing this.

Luther fell silent instantly.

Everyone present also fell silent.

After a while, Luther shook his head with a bitter face.

"...Mr. Rogge, you have to know one thing."

"In this world full of monsters, gods, weirdness and disasters, both doctrines and laws are actually castles in the air."

"Only with strong enough power can we write history."

"If there are strong people among our human extraordinary people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with 'God', we would not have fallen to such a point..."

"Even the 'demigod' who covets the power of God only exists in the long-standing and illusory legends..."

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