I have a big sailing game

Chapter 287 Awakening, the end of the war (two in one, please subscribe!)


The black snake pupils glowed with strange light, eliminating the spiritual impact.

Although Heigu was a spirit of faith, his rank was only that of an agent.

And the man named Kget in the Church of Kiz was also a believer of the agent rank.

Therefore, the battlefield here became evenly matched for a while.

"If I am not mistaken, you should be the rumored creature near Magrela, the faith of that group of pirates, right?"

"Tsk... I didn't expect you to join this emerging church. What's the difference between this and seeking death?"

"Well, I'll give you a rare opportunity. Why don't you join my Church of Kiz... After all, you are quite strong, and you must have the possibility of becoming my god's follower. What do you think? Do you need to consider it?"

After a battle with Heigu, Kget was unable to do anything to Heigu, but recognized it at this time, and couldn't help but issue a recruitment speech with a hint of threat.

Heigu sneered in his heart.

As the backbone of the three heads, it is also the most silent one. It often thinks about many things in its heart, and has many things that it has not said to the other two heads.

When the Kiz Church first came to Magrela, it naturally sent people to contact it, and not only the Kiz Church, but many churches have come, but they cannot solve their needs.

And their attitude is actually quite serious. Heigu has seen more than one vassal and bishop.

After all, they were in an important battle for Magrela at that time.

But Heigu is not interested.

Like the Kiz Church and the Natural Church, they are already formed and have a large scale. Their gods, that is, the spirits of faith, generally have their own vassals.

At this point, their attitude towards vassals is generally inclined to cultivate themselves, and they will not easily accept foreign spirits of faith as vassals.

This can be seen from their contact with Heigu. Although the bishops and vassals sent can also show their importance... But Heigu understands that even if he agrees, his future is limited.

The second and most important reason is that Heigu himself has a special ability similar to "seeking benefits and avoiding harm". Although it is relatively vague, Heigu himself can feel it.

However, the other two heads don't know, and it didn't tell them.

This ability gave it some premonitions when it saw the Lord of Black Tide.

This made Heigu vaguely have the idea of ​​worshipping the mountain.

So when it asked the Lord of Black Tide, it was also thinking of testing the other party's ability.

Facts have proved that He is indeed a mysterious existence, and he easily told the abnormality and solution of himself...

The key is... He seems to have the idea of ​​recruiting himself.

And He is an emerging spirit of faith.

This is very important to Heigu.

According to the premonition of his own ability and the current situation of the Lord of Black Tide... He seems to be very likely to rise!

However, this is just a guess. In fact, Heigu still doesn't believe that the Lord of Black Tide can really rise.

After all, the current pattern of the Sea of ​​Confession has not changed for a long time.

Those spirits of faith that control the majority of the population islands have already built high walls to strangle the emerging spirits of faith one by one in the cradle...

But Black Bone still decided to believe in his ability, and he never missed it.

After all, if the Black Tide Secret Society really rises, he may be able to find hope of being promoted to a demigod from it!

"You talk too much nonsense."

Black Bone responded, and the hard bone on one side also sneered, and then urged the power, its whole body began to swell and emit a dark curse power.

The cartilage also began to move, and the surrounding black bone monuments exerted force again.

Correspondingly, Kget's power was squeezed, and some believers who could not be blessed began to scream and suffered casualties.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this, Kget couldn't help but curse in his heart.

He wanted to persuade Black Bone to surrender, but it was fake, and he wanted to delay time.

At present, he was the only one who came to support the fastest.

But there are three agents near Scott Island.

One of them is him, the believer.

The other person was Knight Captain Giz, who hadn't arrived yet.

Finally, there was the ritual master on Scott, who must be preparing the ritual array at this time.

So what he had to do now was to delay time. When the ritual array was completed, the balance of victory would tilt towards them.

However, just as he was struggling to hold on, a huge change suddenly occurred on the battlefield of Scott Port.

The black tentacles dragged the thigh of a Giz knight, making it difficult for him to move.


Accompanied by a roar, Wei Bu, wearing the Black Tide Knight Armor, chopped hard, and the knight's sword wrapped in black liquid cut iron like mud, directly cutting the knight in front of him in half.

The sound of artillery and gunfire continued, and some ships began to burn.

The battle was very fierce.

But in general, the Black Tide Secret Society firmly held the upper hand.

Because in the Black Tide Secret Society, whether it was the knight of faith or the believers, they all mastered a prayer given by the Lord of the Black Tide - "Black Tide Annihilation".

This is a kind of prayer that can be used for both offense and defense. Its biggest feature is that it absorbs the opponent's attack and destroys its power.

And most importantly... for some reason, they consume very little faith power when using prayer.

The believers of the Giz Church on the opposite side are much more "stretched".


Angry roars roared out from the countless mouths of the Kizushi beast, and its pupils stared at the figure in black robes in front of it.

She was motionless, even her hands were hidden under her long black robe.

However, countless black tentacles appeared on her shoulders, and the tide dripped from them and firmly grasped it.

"Dirty polymers."

There was a trace of disgust in Sharo's eyes, and then she had an idea, tightened her tentacles, and crushed it with a bang.

Blood, water and pieces of flesh splashed into the sea.

After killing the Gizzard Beast, Sharo stared at the battlefield.

But at this moment, a familiar aura emerged from the black tide mark in her hand.

At the same time, the Black Tide believers and knights on the battlefield suddenly discovered that a terrifying aura began to emerge from the marks on their hands.


A Kuroshio believer was shocked to see that the Jizi believer who had been fighting with him knelt down in an instant and was firmly suppressed.

This made him suddenly confused.

"What... happened?!"

He was confused, then looked around, and suddenly found that the battlefield almost stopped. All the Giz believers were suppressed in an instant and lost their ability to resist.

At the same time, on the ship where Sharo was.

A black mist emerged from the mark, slowly forming an image of Rogge.

"Sharo, you are making a mistake."

Rogge said calmly.

"Why didn't you wait for a response before starting the war?"

Before the war with Scott Island, Sharo informed Rogge, but at that time Rogge was at the critical moment of lifting the curse and had no time to pay attention.

But instead of waiting for a response, she started the war.

Facing Rogge's inquiry, Sharo was silent for a moment.

"The opportunity is fleeting."

"Grosje, this is the right given to me by the Lord of the Black Tide. I know this war well."

Rogge heard this and narrowed his eyes. After a moment, he spoke.

"What's wrong with you?"

Sara was stunned by these words.

But before she could recover, Rogge spoke again, showing no mercy.

"With the help of my Lord's power, we will use the power of thunder to wipe out the power of the Kitz Church on Scott Island. You must be able to guess a little about this arrangement."

"This is the safest and easiest way."

"But after guessing this, you chose a stupid and useless way, which caused the church to suffer unnecessary casualties."

"What are you thinking about? Is your brain flooded?"

After hearing this.

Sharo ignored Rogge's friendly greetings to her, but looked at him in disbelief.

"With the help of the Lord of Black Tide?!"

"Will He take action? In a battle between churches?!"

She couldn't believe it.

A mysterious and powerful religious existence actually plans to take action directly on such a battlefield?

If she had known that Grosje had arranged it this way, why would she go to all the trouble?

"Otherwise?" Rogge frowned, "You didn't guess this? Then what did you plan?"

Only then did Sara realize that she was at odds, and couldn't help but sigh: "...I have deployed people on Scott Island, ready to wait for the ceremony bearer on the island to activate the ritual formation, so that we can coordinate inside and outside..."

"I thought the Lord of the Black Tide would only provide some help..."

"I didn't expect that He would actually come in person..."

At this point, she smiled bitterly.

It's really not her fault.

In the realm of the Sea of ​​Repentance, there are basically no examples of church wars or gods’ consequences for warming up.

Even if there is, not many people will know about it.

For most "gods", their "person" is very important.

To put it bluntly, it means having dignity, face, and the attitude of being a god and being aloof.

This is something they attach great importance to.

And it’s not groundless or that they are born to pretend.

From a certain perspective, "person" is the foundation of their ruling method. If the "person" is unstable, the rule may also be unstable.

Therefore, in ordinary church wars, "God" will not personally take action. At most, His followers will come.

Therefore, even some fledgling and weak spirits of faith will subconsciously maintain this "person".

Therefore, in Sharo's eyes, she did not think that the Lord of the Black Tide would personally take action. After all, she had been a member of the church before, and the impression of "god" had been deeply ingrained in her mind.

"I said, the Lord of the Black Tide is not one of those corrupt gods. Change your old stereotypes, Sharo."

Roger said.

He has no such worries.

What he took from the beginning was not a purely traditional "god" route.

In the past, "gods" existed in a high, mysterious, powerful and awe-inspiring image, and the extraordinary power they gave to believers was "bestowed" or "blessed."

But the route he took at the beginning was a consensual "equal transaction". Believers generated faith for him, and he gave believers strength.

If you believe deeply, you can change more; if you believe less, you can change less.

Although he is also building the mysterious and powerful persona of the Lord of the Dark Tide.

But he did it more for this image to be convincing.

Otherwise, if you are a "god" who seems unreliable, who will trade with you?

Therefore, Rogge is not afraid of losing his "status", and he has no burden to go down in person.

Believers can believe or not, change or not, if they like to be dogs for those "gods", then he has nothing to say.


"I understand, thank you for your reminder, Grosye."

Sharo took a deep breath and smiled with relief.

"After the war, I will apologize to the Lord of the Black Tide."

[Your believer Sharo has been promoted to a devout believer. ]

[Your believer Sharo has been promoted to a fanatic believer. ]

[Your believer Sharo has met all the conditions of a follower and can be developed into a follower. ]

When Sharo said this, two prompts popped up on Rogge's faith interface.

This surprised him a little.

'Is this girl's head stuck in the door? '

'Why do you scold her and call her pious...'

Although he already knew the reason, Rogge still felt a little funny.

As a rebel, Sharo is someone who dares to question the laws of God.

She was constantly thinking about the purpose of the Lord of the Black Tide, worrying that He would repeat the same mistakes, and even reveal His true colors soon, becoming the same as those "gods".

Therefore, she had always stayed at the stage of [believer].

But today, after listening to Rogge's words and thinking it through, those concerns in her heart disappeared.

A pragmatic god who never looked down on others and cherished the lives of believers.

Such a god... is exactly what she expected.

As long as His ideas did not change, then Sha Luo would never become a rebel again.

On the contrary, she would be the sharpest blade in the Black Tide!

"Well... If that's the case, then you can go and apologize right away."

Rogge shrugged, and after saying a word, the black mist merged into her mark.

As his voice fell.

Sha Luo's pupils reflected one Black Tide cave after another.

In the air, on the ship, under the flag, on the sea, in the port of Scott...

Almost every corner is filled with black tide holes one after another.

As black tentacles spread and paved the way one after another, shadow monsters with high-level auras also came one after another, making hungry roars...

The black tide and black fog have descended...

"What the hell... is this... ah!"

When Kget, who was fighting with the black bone, was frowning and surprised at those black tide holes.

A strong breath suddenly pressed it to the ground, like a mountain, making people desperate.

Kget was speechless, clenched his teeth, but his eyes were indescribably terrified.

At the same time, the scene on Scott Island was the same.

All the believers of the Kiz Church were firmly suppressed, unable to move, pale, and full of fear.

Although they didn't know what kind of terrifying existence the Black Tide Secret Society had invited.

But they knew clearly...the Kiz Church had lost!

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