I have a big sailing game

Chapter 274 Is this remembered? (Two in one, please subscribe!)

[In the long river of history, strong men of various races have left their own marks in it, but most of them disappeared with the passage of time. ]

[But the source of the two spirits is completely different. Its only characteristic is its tenacious vitality. ]

[Even the legendary gods find it difficult to completely erase it. ]


After seeing the information given by the secret, Rogge frowned.

Even the power of God cannot erase it. What a terrible evaluation?

I didn't expect that there is such an ancient and mysterious existence in the swamp of corruption...

Thinking of this, Rogge shook his head.

The matter of sacrifice...

Rogge felt that the response of the residents living here was very pertinent, but also bloody and cruel.

"Where there are no dark twin spirits, there are very dangerous monsters lurking, and there are strange fogs from time to time..."

"But in the Black Peanut Valley where the Dark Twin Spirits exist, the monsters are all dispersed. We only need to offer the twins to Him to live a stable life..."

A resident in the Black Peanut Valley answered Mira and others.

"But... those two children are innocent. How old are they?"

Nomi's heart suddenly blocked after hearing this.

Before the resident they were talking to replied, a voice came from the side.

"This has nothing to do with you, outsider."

"What these two children did is glorious, for the peace and happiness of all people."

"Even if they die, they will feel honored."

This is another middle-aged man in the Black Peanut Valley, but his outfit is a bit special, as if he is a priest. When he said this, there was even a hint of pride on his face.

Nomi was furious when he heard this: "What are you talking about, you are not the one who died, how can you say such a thing!"

The two children on the altar looked at the townspeople below timidly, with confusion and fear in their eyes.

They didn't know what they would encounter next.

The man who answered the call turned his head and looked at Nomi with a bad face: "I am their uncle, the priest of the entire Black Peanut Valley, why am I not qualified?"


Nomi was a little angry and shocked when he heard this. Why would the uncle of the child have such an attitude towards sacrificing the child?

"Okay, Nomi, come back."

At this time, Rogge suddenly spoke.

Seeing this, Nomi had to suppress his anger and returned to Rogge's side.


Nomi was a little hesitant to speak.

Rogge shook his head gently and remained silent when he heard this.

Of course he knew what Nomi was thinking.

At this time, the ceremony had reached a critical moment.

Accompanied by a strange cry.

A dark figure with two heads appeared on the altar.

Its power extended out and gradually enveloped the twins and the cattle and sheep...

Rogge closed his eyes, and what happened on another line of the save file appeared in front of him.

[After hesitating, you made a decision that the two children should not be sacrificed. You want to stop the ceremony. ]

[After making up your mind, the dark twin spirits soon appeared at the ceremony. ]

[With your strength and the powerful clone, you quickly eliminated the dark twin spirits. ]

[But its source, the source of the twin spirits, was not destroyed. ]

[You found it and tried to destroy it, but you were powerless. ]

[You and your crew were spurned and accused by everyone in the Black Peanut Valley, including the two children who survived the ceremony. ]

[You stayed in the Black Peanut Valley, unwillingly looking for a solution. ]

[But a few days later, you heard a bad news. ]

[One of the twins was drowned in a well, and no one knows who did it. ]

[You quickly found the murderer, the child's uncle. ]

[This made you and your crew members feel very complicated. ]

[But after the festival was destroyed, there were more bad things than just this one. ]

[The monsters around the Black Peanut Sump began to stir and constantly attacked the residents in the sump. For a time, the entire sump suffered casualties. ]

[In addition, the farmers' crops seemed to be cursed and died overnight, but you know that this is the power of the source of the twin spirits. Without its supply, the entire sump will find it difficult to grow crops. ]

[But the most deadly thing is the arrival of the strange fog. ]

[The wandering fog enveloped the entire sump, which was filled with terror. With your strength, you can only be forced to leave with your crew. 】

【After you left, the Black Peanut Depression almost lost all its vitality, and the people living on it no longer exist...】


Rogge exhaled and opened his eyes.

The Source of the Twin Spirits is a special existence, and its intelligence is not high.

It needs to obtain the special "twin" connection between creatures to maintain its existence.

This is just like an ordinary cat eating a mouse in nature.

And after it was attacked, it was not releasing a disaster.

On the contrary, it is precisely because of the existence of the Source of the Twin Spirits that the land can grow black peanuts, monsters dare not attack, and the strange fog that should pass regularly outside is isolated.

This depression relies on it to exist.

However, if the dark twin spirits at the festival are attacked, the source of the twin spirits will shrink into a ball and withdraw all its power to protect itself.

Its influence naturally disappeared.

Without its existence, the original harsh environment would naturally emerge.


Rogge rubbed the center of his eyebrows, showing some mental fatigue.

Although he tried, the outcome was as expected.

The miracle did not happen, only the bloody reality ushered in.

Since there is no way to find a better way, let's keep this place as it is...


The two dark spirits on the ceremony stage made a hoarse sound of joy.

After a while, it turned into a wisp of smoke and slowly dissipated.

Only a few black shriveled corpses were left...

The supplies for the Green are almost finished.

Before leaving, Rogge found the previous priest and asked some questions.

"Get out of here?"

"You are also a person who sails on the sea. You should know how dangerous migration is. Besides, if you leave here, it may be difficult to find such a good place again."

The priest smiled bitterly. It was impossible for him not to be sad after the death of the two children, but there was nothing he could do about it. Once the children in the Black Peanut Depression were born, they had to endure such a fate. He was also the same at the beginning, but he had better luck.

"You may not believe it. It is precisely because of the existence of the Source of Two Spirits that there are not many extraordinary families in the Black Peanut Depression."

"The sacrifices of the Source of Two Spirits are designated by it itself, so no matter what identity it is, it is possible to be selected."

"Although the Source of Two Spirits is not a benevolent existence, it can keep most people here alive..."

More than a month has passed by in a blink of an eye.

The construction of Margarella is completely on track.

Sharo is dealing with things on the island in her room.

One of the men knocked on the door.

Soon, at her signal, her subordinates handed over a report.

Sarao just glanced at it, frowned, and then read it seriously.

After a while, she handed the report in her hand to Tariq, and rubbed her temples, thinking about countermeasures.

After watching it for a while, Tarik couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly: "The operation jointly planned by the Kiz Church and several other churches failed. It is really unexpected."

"It's normal. After all, it is a very ancient church with a strong foundation... But they themselves also suffered a lot. This war broke out in their most important hinterland, the land of the Mother Goddess..."

Sarao's eyes narrowed.

"But the strange thing is that this war does not seem to have broken out into a large-scale divine war. The Mother Goddess Church seems to have only used some special means to repel the various churches..."

Tariq heard this and said calmly: "This is the best. The harder they fight, both sides will suffer losses and consume their own strength, and the safer our situation will be."

"However, it is said that the Mother Goddess seems to have fallen into a deep sleep and has no longer responded to her followers..."

"This church war is most likely just a trial by many churches. If things go on like this, when they see the weakness of the Church of the Mother Goddess, they will most likely swarm in and completely carve up the land of the Mother Goddess..."

Sharo listened silently to Tariq's analysis.

After a moment, she spoke: "We don't care about that much for now."

"The only effect that the general trend in the Sea of ​​Penitence has on us is that Magrella's security form will change."

"Now that Magrella is gradually on the right track, the Church of Kiz probably doesn't have the energy to focus on us for the time being."


Sara stood up and looked at the chart behind her.

Next to Magrela Island, there is another island, but it is smaller than Magrela Island.

Tarik was quite surprised: "Actively explore? Isn't that what you said before, that you don't intend to continue to observe his situation?"

"Aren't you worried about His fall?"

As a rebel.

Naturally, it is impossible for Sharo and Tarik to become loyal and fanatical believers immediately after surrendering to the Lord of the Black Tide.

After Sara heard what he said, she was not embarrassed, but turned to look at him with a very serious expression.

"Tariq, you know, I am really afraid that He will change and become like other gods, with countless blood stained under the radiant God's throne."

"But now, what I'm more afraid of is that this Black Tide Secret Society, which can make most people happy, will be crushed into dust in the next general trend..."

"Tariq, as believers, we have no choice."

"But if there's a glimmer of hope, we should all grab it, right?"

After listening, Tariq also understood what Sharo meant.

After he nodded, he said, "Then go and ask Him for instructions."

"I'll go later." Sharo said, and then she seemed to remember something: "What's the current situation of the transcendent? Is there any way to keep him?"

"It's unlikely. He seems to be a stubborn person."

Tariq said.

The swamp of decay, the pirate ship.

Fenmag stood at the edge of the deck, took off his clothes and pants, and threw them to his men.

After confirming the surrounding location, he took a deep breath and jumped down towards the stinky pool below.


Fenmag dived.

He began to look for something he had thrown away in this turbid and smelly water.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But Finmag was at least an apostle-level transcendent and was very good at swimming.

So, he quickly found the dark mark.

He held it in his palm and carefully wiped off the mud on it. Finmag floated to the surface and climbed onto the boat with the help of his men.

"Hey, boss, isn't this the thing you threw away before? How did you find it again?"

A pirate who was close to him was a little surprised when he saw this and couldn't help scratching his head and asking.

Finmag's face suddenly darkened when he heard this.

"Shut up."

Damn, you're talking about something else.

You remember everything so clearly. Do you have a good memory?

And you specifically reminded me, do you want me to bring you a prize?

"Idiot! Idiot!"

Finmag hit him twice on the back of his head, and then took the Black Tide Mark and left.

The pirates next to him couldn't help laughing.

This guy deserved to be beaten.

The boss threw things and picked them up. He looked unhappy. You went up to ask, who would be beaten if not you?

After returning to the room, Finmag looked at the Black Tide Mark on the table with a somewhat unnatural expression.

He was now like spaghetti stirred with a fork, tangled to death.

On the one hand, he was wary of the existence of the Lord of the Black Tide.

Compared to Rogge at that time, he still left a deep impression on him. He probably wouldn't be a good guy.

But on the other hand, he lacked potions!

To be precise, he lacked a potion master who could make potions!

And he initially placed his hopes on the potion master in the Ryan Rondo family.

After all, compared to the dangerous "gods", it is safer to deal with people... Of course, those family members are not good guys either.

But when Finmag went to the city-state of Ryanlando, he was completely silent.

Ryanlando... Where is Ryanlando?

All the extraordinary families and extraordinary people in the entire Ryanlando city-state were completely wiped out in a very short time!

Completely wiped out in the physical sense.

And the entire Ryanlando was renamed the City of Black Tide, and its appearance changed drastically.

Not only did the island no longer have extraordinary families that enslaved civilians, but it even opened up extraordinary knowledge, but it had to pass certain assessments and tests.

This made Finmag completely dumbfounded.

This Lord of the Black Tide is so awesome?

This guy is so powerful, so I am afraid of nothing. He calculated a little pirate like me, what is the purpose?

So Finmag quickly changed his attitude and prepared to pray to the great Lord of the Black Tide.

Then he found an embarrassing thing... He threw away the Black Tide Mark.

But he was embarrassed to go back and pick it up, after all, it was thrown under the eyes of so many men.

So he planned to find a civilian to buy one.

But he never expected it!

None of these civilians would sell him the mark!

From the elderly to the children, they all treasured the Black Tide Mark so much that no one was willing to sell it.

After all, most of them didn't have the Black Tide Mark yet, so how could they sell it?

Their respect for the Lord of the Black Tide was unimaginable to Finmag.

Moreover, the Black Tide Mark seemed to allow the holder to take some tests and become a transcendent.

Before Finmag had time to ask clearly, he was driven out by a team of guards because his younger brother was making trouble in the Black Tide City.

Therefore, Finmag was forced to leave the Black Tide City before he could find out clearly.

So, Finmag had no choice but to resort to this last resort, gritted his teeth and ran back to pick up the Black Tide Mark in the stinky water.

Looking at the Black Tide Mark in his hand, Finmag couldn't help but mutter.

"Such a powerful existence should not care about my little impoliteness..."


After that, Finmag took a deep breath and began to pray.

However, after a long time, the Black Tide Mark did not react at all.

Finmag waited for a long time.

Finally, he could only open his eyes with embarrassment.

Damn it, was he remembered by the Lord of the Black Tide?

Finmag immediately regretted it.

Why am I so stupid? Even if I don't need it, I shouldn't throw it away!

Now, I've been remembered by someone, and I don't care at all...

What should I do...

One ball a day!

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