I have a big sailing game

Chapter 273 Blood Exorcist, Dark Twin Spirits (Two in one, please subscribe!)

The vampires, also known as vampires, have ancient origins and a long history.

Before going to the Sea of ​​Blood, Hudson had never known that such a place existed in the world.

A sea area with water as scarlet as blood, a huge empire composed of vampires.

When he was in the Five Seas, Hudson had a sworn enemy with a vampire, and it was that sworn enemy that led him to leave the Five Seas.

As a human exorcist, after entering the sea of ​​​​blood, he was naturally attacked by the vampires.

At that time, he was only in the extraordinary level and almost died.

But fortunately, he was still lucky and survived.

However, his luck did not last long, and he was soon captured and imprisoned in a place in the Blood Empire.

The reason why Hudson changed from an exorcist to what he is now is also due to these vampires.

They were very interested in Hudson's ability and body, so they did not kill him immediately, but chose to experiment on him.

There are some blood secret techniques and other forbidden techniques... For most people, enduring these is definitely no less than being executed by Ling Chi.

Even Hudson can't bear it.

I don’t know if the vampires who imprisoned him thought he was a useful little guinea pig, or if they wanted to test something new. Anyway, they performed a ritual on Hudson.

Blood embrace.

There is no doubt that it is a way for vampires to spread their bloodline.

And Hudson was forced to accept the blood embrace.

In fact, he has an absolute refusal attitude towards blood embrace.

But helplessly, the situation is stronger than the people, and he has no choice.

The power of the Blood Embrace quickly exploded in his body, and violently conflicted with his original extraordinary power.

In this situation, most people would definitely be at a loss and would have no choice at all.

The same is true for Hudson, of course, and there is nothing he can do to stop this.

However, something unexpected happened.

The potion power in Hudson's body actually completely merged with the bloodline brought by Blood Embrace, and raised his strength to that of an apostle!

There is no doubt that this is a miracle.

With his strength greatly increased, Hudson quickly forced his way out of the cage that imprisoned him.

However, this does not mean that he is safe.

Being in the Vampire Sea and having the blood of the Vampires integrated into his body, his value has become increasingly greater in the eyes of some Vampires.

The seemingly endless pursuit began to hunt Hudson crazily.

Since then, Hudson's long escape career began.

During his escape, Hudson met a group of humans who were held captive by the vampires.

They are very weak, and their only role is to provide some delicious blood to the vampires.

This made Hudson angry.

He picked up the exorcism gun and merged it with the vampire's secrets, gaining new powers.

While fleeing, Hudson looked for opportunities to hunt these vampires, and his reputation in the sea of ​​​​blood became bigger and bigger.

Many vampires began to know of his existence.

However, his strength is not enough to attract those terrifying old monsters to appear.

But the vampires who once hunted him still have a great interest in him.

After a long tug-of-war, Hudson was hunted down to a special place.

In the process, a viscount-level vampire sneak attacked him and severely wounded him.

After falling into a coma, when he woke up again, it was already the strange island of Magrela...

After Hudson finished speaking, he looked at Anda in front of him.

"...Mr. Hudson, you are indeed not good at telling stories."

Anda was silent for a moment and then spoke.

Hudson's storytelling is just too dry.

Something that is obviously very interesting can be turned into a boring narrative by him.

For example, "I laid an ambush and killed two vampires", "I couldn't beat him, I ran away and he couldn't be found" etc...

"..." After hearing her words, Hudson naturally did not refute.

"By the way, you just said you are from... the Five Seas? Where is that place? I have never heard of it."

Anda asked curiously.

"My hometown is probably not far from the Sea of ​​Repentance."

Hudson said.

Ever since he inexplicably went to the Sea of ​​Blood, he has never given up on finding his old enemy and a way to return to the Five Seas.

But unfortunately, he never found anything and could only wander around in the sea of ​​blood to escape.

Anda snorted after hearing this, probably thinking that continuing to ask would affect Hudson's mood, so he decisively changed the topic.

"So you are now an extraordinary person with the rank of apostle?"

"Then what should your name be now?"

"Exorcist," Hudson replied.

As the profession he is most recognized for, Hudson has a unique feeling for it.

"Perhaps, it should be called Blood Exorcist?" Anda touched his chin and said with some interest.

"Call it exorcist." Hudson looked serious.

He hates the vampires very much. If he had a choice, he would definitely drive out the vampire blood from himself.

The power of vampires? He doesn't care!

Calling Hudson to look insistent, Anda decisively changed the subject again: "Okay, Mr. Exorcist."

"Then what are you going to do next?"

After hearing Anda's words, Hudson became confused. After hesitating for a while, he shook his head and said, "I don't know."

He should rest here for a while, and then set off at the right time to continue looking for a way to return to the Five Seas.

Hudson didn't know what was happening to the Five Seas at this time.


"I didn't expect it would take so much faith power..."

Rogge said to himself in the room.

He still remembered the mad wizard and Lina clearly.

So, after returning to the Green, he began to use the faith power of Heisatan to investigate the truth.

However, contrary to his wishes, he could not afford the price of knowing this matter with his current faith power.

But this also confirmed Rogge's guess... This matter is of great importance!

But he has no clue now...

Rogge sighed slightly in his heart.

Then, as if he had sensed something, he picked up the Black Tide Mark and closed his eyes.

After a moment, he opened his eyes, a little surprised.

"How did Hudson get to Magrela?"

"Did he follow the Fire Seed Ship into the Strait of Atonement?"

Rogge frowned.

After thinking for a while, he consumed the power of faith and used Heisatan as the ability of the spirit of faith to begin to understand Hudson's experience.

This time, the power of faith required was not much, and Rogge could fully satisfy it.

And he quickly finished reading Hudson's experience.

This surprised him very much.

"There is actually such a way to leave the Five Seas."

Rogge was amazed.

After thinking for a while, he thought for a moment, used the power of faith again, and began to deduce the information he wanted.

Not long after, there was a result.

"The entrance that keeps moving...interesting."

After seeing the information result, Rogge couldn't help but smile.

It seems that it is not easy to go back after leaving the Five Seas.

However, Rogge still has important things to do now.

Even if he knows the specific entrance, he has to wait until he finishes the next thing before he can go there.


In the Swamp of Corruption, on a large pirate ship.

After Finmag came out of the room, he stretched his old waist which was a little sore.

He had been a little overworked recently.

He took the cigar handed over by a pirate.


The pirate next to him was very sensible, struck a match and lit his cigar.

Second-hand smoke rose, and Finmag's face was a little sad under the smoke.

He rubbed his eyebrows and felt a little headache.

Damn it.

He got a potion formula of the agent level from the Lord of the Black Tide, which made him ecstatic, and threw the Black Tide mark into the Swamp of Corruption.

But now he realized a very realistic and cruel problem.

How to make potions?

He is not a potion master, and there is no way to find a potion master!

This made Finmag a little numb.

At that time, he was so happy that he forgot about it.

If I had known, I would not have thrown away the Black Tide Mark!

Finmag regretted it a little. He now had the urge to get the Black Tide Mark back.

He was clearly about to be promoted, but he was stuck at this step.

It was uncomfortable.

But Finmag still wanted to find other ways.

He would definitely not go back to look for the Black Tide Mark unless it was absolutely necessary.

Embarrassment was one of the reasons, but the fear and vigilance of the Lord of the Black Tide was the key.

In Finmag's opinion, it was courting death.

Instead of trading with Him, it would be better to look for the potion master in the Rotten Swamp.

And his eyes naturally fell on... the city-state of Ryanlando.

It is said that the Ryanlando family in this city-state is very powerful and should have a potion master who can make potions...

Although he hated dealing with those damn families, Finmag had to do it.

"I hope everything goes well..."

Finmag thought to himself.



After a period of sailing.

Rogge and others arrived at the first stop on the way to the Rose Island.

Black Peanut Depression.

To be honest, Rogge felt that the name of this place was a bit strange.

But when he saw the large number of black-leaved plants planted in this settlement, he immediately understood the origin of the name of this area.

It seems that it is a plant similar to the four-season branches of the Dragon Bone Rock.

But in addition to this, Rogge and others also found an abnormal phenomenon.

That is, the people in the Black Peanut Depression seemed to be planning something.

A high platform has been built near the coast of the Black Peanut Depression, and one of the wooden signs is particularly prominent, with two sheep skulls hanging on it.

"What are they doing?"

Mira was curious.

Then, after getting Rogge's approval, she and Nomi set out together to inquire.

However, after asking several people, they did not get any results.

Those people looked at them very vigilantly and did not answer at all.

Until they went to ask a young man who looked more well-dressed.

"Are you from outside?"

"No wonder, you don't even know about the Twin Spirits Ceremony."

The young man shook his head proudly. With two beautiful ladies in front of him, he wanted to show off his gentlemanly manners, elegance and erudition.

"Double Spirit Festival? What is that?"

Nomi asked politely.

The young man laughed and explained to them.

The Double Spirit Festival is an ancient festival in the Black Peanut Valley with a long history.

It is said that in the Black Peanut Valley, there once lived an ancient, powerful and brutal existence - the Dark Twin Spirit.

He has always lived in the Black Peanut Valley and protected the humans living here.

However, this protection comes at a price.

The humans living here must hold the Double Spirit Festival on this day every year and offer three pairs of twins to the Dark Twin Spirit, usually humans, calves, and lambs.

After the festival, the Dark Twin Spirit will continue to protect them from the harm and invasion of monsters.

When the two told Rogge the news.

He looked a little strange.

What was the name of the monster that ate boys and girls in Journey to the West?

This "Dark Twin Spirit" really has some similarities with it.

"The festival will be held tomorrow. As outsiders, you should stay in the town and don't do anything out of line."

"We will keep an eye on you."

The young man came over to warn and left.

"One pair of twins every year... What a ferocious man-eating monster, Captain, otherwise we..."

Nomi was a little dissatisfied after hearing this, and came to Rogge and whispered, taking his hand to cut his neck.

"Don't worry."

Rogge shook his head.

He looked at the core area of ​​the Black Peanut Depression with a steady gaze.

As an angel-level creature, Heisatan was in the sea outside at this time.

And He had clearly sensed the abnormality in this land.

The origin of these dark twin spirits is probably not as simple as the young man said just now...

"Let's purchase supplies first."

Rogge came back to his senses and said to everyone.

In any case, their purchases are still necessary, and they are still far from the next destination.

After hearing Rogge's reply, everyone couldn't help but start thinking in their hearts.

In the midst of busyness

The crowd soon welcomed the second day.

This day was also the day when the Double Spirit Festival began.

The Black Peanut Depression was very lively, and almost everyone came to the festival location at the port.

The two twins and two cows and two sheep were also pulled to the ceremony platform.

And Rogge, at this time, had already focused his attention on Heysatan.

He was watching the abnormal part of the Black Peanut Depression with Heysatan's perception.

It was a strange source.

Although the power it showed was not strong, Rogge had a vague feeling...

This thing can't be killed!

[Mysticism·Peeping into the Secret brings you some additional information. ]

[The source of the double spirits, an ancient mysterious existence, has not been erased by the years for a long time. There are always some incredible existences in the corners of this world. ]

[It... is almost impossible to be eliminated. ]

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