I have a big sailing game

Chapter 244: Crying Island, Crying Stone (two in one, please subscribe!)

After coming to this conclusion.

Roger chose to conduct automatic exploration.

There was no way. Judging from the situation just now, the exploration in [The Lamp of Dying] should have many branches, and he would need to make a lot of attempts.

Automatic exploration will save a lot of trouble.

This time, Rogge read the file again and chose to stay where he was to see if there would be any other turning points.

[In the confinement room, you rejected Daomai's request to leave and chose to stay where you were. You must use actions to prove that your choice is absolutely correct. 】

[You experienced a long wait in the solitary room. 】

[The sounds of fighting outside are getting closer and closer, and there are some familiar sounds mixed in among them. 】

[You feel very complicated, and you can't help but start praying to relieve your inner emotions. 】

Familiar voice?

Seeing this, Rogge began to think subconsciously.

Judging from this information, is Sera familiar with the strength and strength of the "fortress" outside the confinement?

And she herself is a believer of "Tooth Spirit".

So she wanted to prove something to the people in the "fortress" and chose to stay where she was?

This is probably why she has complicated moods...

Rogge guessed in his mind.

Of course, the information is not sufficient yet. It is definitely not advisable to blindly judge from the current bit of information. We must continue to explore.

[While waiting, a loud noise and huge vibration attracted your attention. Stone chips flew throughout the confinement room, and a bright light appeared in front of you. 】

[A crack appeared in the confinement room. 】

[You see from the crack, a figure with a plush body pushes away the rubble on his body, gets up and enters the battle again. 】

[If you think about it, that is "Xiang", the strongest warrior on Iona Island and your best friend in childhood. Now he is fighting with the Tooth Spirit Knights, and he is scarred. 】

[You closed your eyes, unable to bear to see all this. 】

[Even if this makes you feel very painful, you are still determined. This may be an indispensable bloody sacrifice on the road to light for Yina Island. 】

[Exploration degree: 10%]

Great, now there is a lot of information coming out again.

Roger understood.

Now he can basically determine some simple situations.

First of all, the "Sela" he is currently controlling should originally belong to the "Weinna" force, but for some reason, she turned to a hostile camp - the Yaling.

So what is she trying to prove?

Prove that Yaling's certain ideas are correct? Can you lead Weina towards the light?

Rogge looked at the two options just now.

【Get out of the gap/Stay where you are】

After seeing these two options, Rogge did not hesitate. After saving a file, he chose the first option.

[After walking out of the gap, you saw a very tragic war. 】

[The Tooth Spirit Knights joined forces with the believers to fight against the soldiers of Weina Island. Blood and screams almost filled the entire fortress. 】

[Although the warriors of Weina Island were blessed by the Stone of Weina and were able to transform into wolf beasts and gain powerful strength, their numbers were too small and they were no match for the Tooth Spirit Knights and believers, and they began to retreat steadily. 】

[You walk firmly towards the center of the fortress. 】

[You have always wanted to see what happened to the Weena Stone. 】

[Why is there such a cruel thing as "living sacrifice" on the island? 】

[Now that the fortress is empty, this may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 】

[You carefully avoided the people in the war and came to the fortress. 】

[There was no one in front of the fortress at this time. You quickly entered it, climbed the stairs, and came to the room where the Weena Stone was. 】

[However, there is a person sitting in front of the room. 】

[Summon the wolf spirit/come forward to negotiate]

Needless to say, after saving, Rogge decisively chose the first option.


I didn’t expect the first option to have branches.

Seeing this, Rogge shrugged and chose to attack.

Anyway, he decided to try it slowly.

Then the unsurprising thing happened.

[Seeing the wolf spirit attacking, the man stood up slowly without panic, stretched out his tall body flexibly, and crushed the wolf spirit directly. 】

[At the same time, he also discovered you. 】

[But he didn’t attack you, he just sat back down again. 】

Now there is only one option left: [Come forward to negotiate].

[Violence is fruitless, so you choose to negotiate. 】

[You have never seen this person before, but he doesn't seem very smart. 】

[You talk to him, but he just looks at you and doesn't speak. 】

[It looks like I won’t let you go. 】

[Maybe you should go back the way you came. 】

Rogge scratched his head and chose to go back. At the same time, he couldn't help but think.

Could it be that he was unwilling to speak because the summoned wolf spirit attacked him?

Then try letting the wolf spirit escape, maybe you can lure him away.

[The wolf spirit flashes in front of him. 】

[He stood up and went to chase the wolf spirit. 】

[You took the opportunity to enter the room. 】


It seems that this wolf spirit is so weak that it can only be used as bait to lure away enemies, and cannot be used in battle at all.

[The room is very spacious, and inside is an altar made of polished hard stones. 】

[In the center of the altar, a translucent prism-shaped crystal floats in mid-air. 】

[There is a conspicuous crack on it. 】

[Exploration degree: 20%]

[This should be the Stone of Weina. The strength of all the warriors on Weina Island comes from it. 】

[Besides the Weinna Stone, there are several books, and I don’t know what is recorded on them. 】

[Touch the Weeping Stone/Read the books]

Rogge didn't care, he had to give it a try anyway, so he directly chose to touch the Weeping Stone.

[You touched the Weeping Stone. 】

[A mysterious power quickly merges into your body, your body undergoes magical changes, and you control a new power! 】

[You have gained the ability: Weeping and Howling]

[Exploration degree: 35%]

When Rogge saw this, his eyes lit up and he gained a new ability, which should have some offensive power now.

[Just after you gained the ability, the sound of fighting suddenly came from the door. 】

[Go out to check/browse books]

Rogge once again chose the second option based on his feeling.

This time he decided to go all the way to the dark side first and wait until he was dead or over.

[You look through the books and find that two of them record some praises. 】

[Only one of them is about the Weeping Stone. 】

[It turns out that, just like the oral legend of Weina Island, the Stone of Weina came from a cave on Weina Island. It was the ruins of an ancient battlefield. There were countless corpses of giant beasts everywhere, and only one giant wolf still stood. The stone of Na is on his forehead. 】

[After the ancestors of Weina discovered it, they touched the Stone of Weina. It changed the bloodline of the people on Weina Island, allowing people to transform into wolves and gain powerful extraordinary power. 】

[The people of Weina Island established their ethnic group, developed cities, conquered other ethnic groups, and established large tribes, which was a glorious time. 】

[However, for some reason, the blessing power that the people of Weina Island received from the Stone of Weina was not as good as each generation. The once invincible wolf warriors can now only show some of their characteristics. 】

[The big tribe of Weina gradually became weaker as a result. 】

[To this day, the Weinna Island is no longer able to control the previous islands, and the tribes that were originally enemies of each other are also eyeing them. The Weinna tribe can only survive on the Weina Island. 】

[And this situation is getting worse. 】

[The priest of Weina, who is also your grandfather, realized that the power of the Weina Stone was gradually weakening. 】

[Because its blessings have never been withdrawn. 】

[So after trying many methods, your grandfather found a way to continue the blessing of the Weeping Stone - living sacrifice. 】

[This can indeed slowly restore the lost power of the Weeping Stone, but the price is too cruel. Even your grandfather cannot bear to do this. 】

[However, after the black barbarian tribe in the southern part of the island rebelled and greatly damaged the vitality of the island, your grandfather united all the warriors of the island and made a decision. 】

[Even if it is a living sacrifice, they must restore the blessing of the Weina Stone and continue the Weina tribe. 】

[But this secret is very important. If it is leaked, the tribe will also face the danger of extinction, so it cannot be told to anyone except those who have the power of Weina. 】

[Your father and grandfather took the lead, and your brother also chose to return to the embrace of the Weeping Stone after being seriously injured. 】

[All the soldiers of Weinna have no hesitation in this matter. 】

[Seeing this, you have burst into tears and burst into tears. 】

[It turns out that my brother didn’t let you touch the Stone of Weeping just to prevent you from being sacrificed alive, and he wanted you to live well. 】

[It turns out that the cruel living sacrifice is only for the continuation of the tribe, and is not blinded by evil. If the power of the Weeping Stone is lost, the entire tribe will cease to exist...]

[Exploration degree: 60%]

Seeing this, Rogge realized.

Damn it, no wonder this girl Senna wants to join the "Tooth Spirit".

Her grandfather, father, and brother were all sacrificed alive, but she couldn't tell her the truth. No wonder she would defect to another camp.

"...It feels like it's going to be a tragedy."

Rogge thought again of the [Light of Dying] at the beginning of the cave.

From this point of view, Serra's ending will definitely not be much better.

Sure enough, after Rogge read this paragraph, a new situation happened.

[After the doubts that have troubled you for a long time are solved, you feel very confused and painful. 】

[It turns out that the living sacrifice is not as evil as you thought, it is just to continue the tribe, which is exactly the same as your idea. 】

[But now, you have joined the Yaling and welcomed the arrival of the Yaling on Yina Island. 】

[Will the Tooth Spirit allow all ethnic groups to coexist and no longer have hatred, as described in the teachings? 】

[You have absolutely no idea what to do now. 】

[But at this time, the movement below has ended. 】

[You heard the familiar sound of prayers and the collision of knight armor. There is no doubt that the Tooth Spirit Knights and believers have arrived. 】

[You can’t help but look at the Weeping Stone behind you. 】

[If you read the book before, you will definitely hand over the Weeping Stone and let Bishop Yaling deal with this "evil" thing. 】

[But after you know the truth, how will you choose? 】

[Take the Weena Stone/Do Nothing]

Rogge chose the first option without hesitation.

What a bullshit church, he never liked these nonsense.

[After a moment of hesitation, you wiped away your tears and your eyes became firm. 】

[The Stone of Weina is the root of the Weina tribe and must not fall into the hands of outsiders, even the Tooth Spirit cannot be trusted. 】

[You picked up the Weena Stone and prepared to leave the fortress. 】

【But at this time, two injured Fangling Knights and believers have arrived in front of the room. 】

【You let out a crying howl without hesitation. 】

【This howl, which symbolizes the unyielding will of the warriors of Weeping Island, instantly resounded throughout the fortress. The Fangling Knights and believers were in great pain, and your body also changed dramatically. 】

【Your body became larger, your clothes were torn, and you turned into a werewolf beast, and violent power filled your whole body. 】

【You fought bloody battles with the Fangling forces. 】

【But the Fangling forces have completely disintegrated the resistance of the entire Weeping Island. They have too many people. 】

【You were seriously injured and had to place your last hope on the cliff behind the fortress. 】

【You jumped down without hesitation while holding the Weeping Stone. 】

【You tried to grab the cliff wall to slow down, and your palm was torn, but this also prevented you from being killed directly. 】

【When you came to the bottom of the cliff, you were already dying. 】

【You returned to your original appearance. 】

【At this moment, your body is covered with blood, and your vision is also covered with blood. 】

【In front of you, a figure slowly appears. 】

【His body is covered with dry brown hair, his eyes are cold and sinister, and his body looks very much like the statue you saw in the Tooth Spirit Church. 】

【He is the Tooth Spirit, but not the Tooth Spirit you imagined. 】

【He easily took the Weeping Stone from your hand, looked at it, and said something to someone unknown. 】

【"Weeping, you chose the wrong path, now you are a dog without a home..." 】

【After saying that, you were cruelly stepped on and your head exploded. 】

【You died. 】

【Exploration degree: 65%】

【About to exit the Death Cup...】

Rogge certainly would not quit.

Only 65% ​​of the exploration degree means that he still has a lot of room for operation. How could it end like this?

After thinking for a moment, he returned to the option of [going forward to negotiate].

Then, he started a new round of exploration.

Roger's guess was right.

After choosing [Go Forward to Negotiate], he could talk to the person at the door.

He was the guardian of the Stone of Weeping and a powerful warrior of Weeping Island.

The negotiation process was very smooth, and there were no options.

Because the person at the door... couldn't speak.

After Sera expressed her doubts and needs, he would be silent for a while, and then let Sera enter the room.

However, the arrival of the Tooth Spirit was still inevitable.

The difference was that the guardian at the door would help Sera block the enemy and let her take the Stone of Weeping away.

They also fell from the cliff.

But the difference was that Sera only had an arm injury and could move independently.

[When you saw the Tooth Spirit in front of you, you were shocked. He was exactly the same as the Tooth Spirit statue you met in the Tooth Spirit Church, but he looked so gloomy and cold-blooded. ]

[If it was really the Tooth Spirit, then even if you had the blessing of the Stone of Weeping, you would not have the slightest chance of winning. 】

【But at this time, the Weeping Stone in your hand has changed. It actively merges with you, and you gain a powerful blessing power. The injuries on your body are instantly healed. 】

【You have completely turned into a tall gray giant wolf, confronting the Fangling. 】

At this time, Rogge hurriedly checked his status bar.

【Weeping (Sera)】

【Type: Spirit of Faith】

【Level: 52】

【Rank: Agent】

【Description: The legend of Weeping Island, a legendary totem that symbolizes power and fearlessness. 】

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