I have a big sailing game

Chapter 243: Reality? The Death Lamp (two in one, please subscribe!)

However, at this point, Rogge could only give up and silently remembered the two keywords [Abyssal Sea Era] and [Secret Palace] in his mind.

"Huh, you're lucky. They were all promoted successfully."

"Everyone should familiarize themselves with their abilities first, and remember to be quiet so as not to sink the Gelin."

Roger said.

Judging from the current situation, after being promoted to an apostle, a transcendent will generally obtain a large "integration package" of abilities, similar to his mystical hand.

Mira seems to have gained a lot. She has not spoken since the promotion was successful, and has been thinking silently, as if she is sensing the gains after the promotion.

Rogge just let them get familiar with it first.

After hearing Rogge's words, everyone nodded and went back to their rooms.

Then, Rogge turned his head and took out a leaf from the inventory.

[Secret Leaves About the Swamp of Corruption × 1. 】

After opening the secret leaf and reading it carefully, Rogge touched his chin and pondered.

The Swamp of Corruption is a dangerous place, and it is also a gathering place for extraordinary people. Most of them are humans, but they are not limited to humans.

Its location is behind a foggy area east of the Sea of ​​Repentance. If you want to enter it, you have to pass through a foggy area.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the dangers in foggy areas.

If you are lucky, there will be no sea monsters blocking your way, and you may even encounter treasures or something.

If you are unlucky, there will be treasures. Of course, it will be someone else who discovers your treasure that was swallowed by the sea.

Perhaps, it is the foggy area that blocks the extension of the power of faith in the Sea of ​​Repentance.

After all, most cities or towns in the Sea of ​​Penance are now completely controlled by their respective faiths.

Believers have become the extraordinary mainstream of mankind in the Sea of ​​Repentance.

However, this does not mean that there is no place for the extraordinary beings on the Green ship.

After all, not one faith controls all areas in the Sea of ​​Repentance. There are also relaxed and comfortable environments like Giant Tree Island, and some are even small free countries.

But the premise is that they choose a place to stay before docking.

"Tsk, this part of the map alone has nearly a dozen sea areas, large and small. The Sea of ​​Repentance is really big..."

Rogge sighed in his heart.

It seems that it is precisely because of this that the situation in the Sea of ​​Repentance is so complicated.

"What about you, what are you going to do?" Rogge looked at Sean.

Sean pondered for a moment after hearing this, and then said: "I hope to go to a relatively peaceful island first."

"As for what to do in the future... I haven't decided yet."

"It seems that you are not that eager for powerful power?"

"Power is nothing but a tool."

Sean smiled, very candidly.

"To be honest, my biggest wish is to be an ordinary person in the real world. This may be the meaning of my life."

"Ordinary people may not always be able to live an ordinary life." Rogge said.

"That's why I said I haven't thought about it yet." Sean said, "But I'm a little tired now. Let's talk about the future... later."

"In that case, I'll send you to the next island."

Rogge nodded, and after taking out the navigation chart, his eyes fell on a small island.

Sea of ​​Penance, Weston Sea, northwest corner, Magrela Island.

They were currently in the Balahave Sea area adjacent to the Weston Sea area.

I don’t plan to go to Rogge, the harvest city of Balahawe, for the time being.

According to some information he obtained on Giant Tree Island, the situation on Magrela Island is relatively complicated, but the power of faith is not that big, and there is a huge shipyard.

He planned to go there to repair and strengthen the Green.

After all, no one can predict what situations may arise while crossing the foggy sea, so one must be fully prepared.

"Thank you, Captain Roger."

After thanking him, he straightened up and prepared to go back to the room.

But halfway through, he suddenly stopped and looked up at the sky, as if talking to Rogge or to himself.

"Because of the pursuit of reality, I came from one world to another."

"But is this world real?"

After a while, he shook his head and left.

Roger leaned against the fence, looking at the sea, wondering what he was thinking.

It will be a long time before the Greene sails to its next destination.

Roger walked into the planting area.

The lazy pig elf was still sleeping soundly in the wooden house.

Ever since Rogge handed her the things from the Tree of Life, she had been sleeping longer.

This made Rogge even wonder if the Gardener Elf had some habit of hibernating...

After arriving at the strange grape plant, Roger watered it as usual.

[The intimacy between you and the strange grape species is +1, and the current intimacy is full. 】

[You have received the gift of strange grape seeds. 】

Although I didn't get the third fruit, I got a gift.

Rogge reached out his hand curiously and took the gift of strange grape seeds.

[You have obtained: Repair vine × 1. 】

【Repair Vine】

[Type: consumables]

[Quality: Purple]

[Special effect: After placing this vine on a wooden ship or craft, it will be given the "repair" property, allowing it to extend repair vines to repair it after being damaged. 】

[Explanation: ...]

After reading the special effects, Rogge glanced at the instructions and didn't continue reading.

In general, this gift from the strange grapes is very good.

It should be a great improvement for the Green.

However, Rogge doesn't plan to use it now.

He plans to use it after going to Magrela Island.

"Keep it for now."

Rogge put it away.

After gently patting the leaves of the strange grapes, he turned around and left the planting area and returned to his room.

Then, he took out the cave key obtained in the lava prison.

Now, he finally has free time to explore this new cave.

"Let's take a look first. If the monsters inside are of low level, leave them to Lina and the others to level up."

Rogge thought as he used the cave key.


The transition darkness on the screen gradually disappeared.

The game character stood up from the ground.

Rogge took a good look at the surrounding environment at this time.

At this time, he seemed to be in a closed room.

There were four oil lamps hanging on the four corners of the east, south, west and north, and the light in the room was very dim.

After Rogge controlled the game character to explore the room for a while, he did not find any exit or door.

There was only one interactive option.

This was a lamp that shone with white light.

Unlike the surrounding oil lamps, it contained a floating light spot like a firefly, which provided light while floating.

[Do you want to enter the Death Lamp? ]


Death Lamp?

What is this? Is this cave doing something new?

After saving the game, Rogge clicked to confirm.

After Rogge made his choice, his game character sat cross-legged in front of the white lamp, and then slowly stretched out his hand.

The floating light spot in the white lamp also slowly floated out and fell into his palm.

The pure white light slowly bloomed, and finally gradually enveloped the entire mobile phone screen...


[You entered a special place. ]

[In this area, your original rank, ability, and skills are temporarily blocked. 】

【You will experience the next story from a completely new character's perspective. 】

【During this process, your main task is to explore. After the end, you will be awarded the corresponding gifts according to your exploration level. 】

After the white light faded.

The content on Rogge's game screen changed.

His original game character disappeared, replaced by a slim girl wearing a white religious robe.


Seeing this, Rogge was stunned for a moment.

Then his eyes lit up and he tried to control the game character.

He found that this game character did follow his behavior, asking her to move forward, asking her to move backward, asking her to pinch...

"Damn, why is the degree of freedom so low?"

Rogge was very regretful.

Then he tried to enter the real perspective.

[The real perspective could not be switched at that time, please exit the area first. 】

Seeing this, Rogge was also a little helpless.

Now it seems that there is no way to experience what it feels like to be a female character.

After his thoughts faded, Rogge began to check the surrounding environment.

She seemed to be in a small dark room or a confinement room, with only a bed and a few small windows on the wall, nothing else.

"Is she imprisoned?"

Roger thought.

After a moment, he decided to open the information bar to take a look.

[Title: Sera]

[Level: 5]

[Body: 5]

[Spirit: 5]

[Faith: 9]

[Rank: None]

[Special Skill: Wolf Spirit Appears Level 3. ]

The information bar can be viewed, but the life skills under the special skills disappeared directly.

However, Sera has another special skill, which should be a skill that can summon servants.

Then, he began to explore around.

But he found nothing.

It must be said that the small dark room is just a small dark room, there is nothing.

The only door is also closed from the outside.

This made Roger wonder, could he find a way to escape from prison by himself?

Maybe it is true.

After all, he can't stay here forever.

"Try this wolf spirit to appear."

Rogge prepared to use skills to see if he could break through the door and leave.

[Lack of necessary equipment, skills cannot be used. ]


Rogge was speechless.

This thing must be a prayer, so it can't be used without a mark.

This gave Rogge a headache.

Without a mark, the skill can't be used.

Could it be that the little girl Sera could just punch the door?

Don't tell me, Rogge really tried it.

As expected, there was no accident, and it was useless.

Just when Rogge was thinking about other ways to escape from prison, there was a new movement in the game.

With a bang, a hole suddenly appeared on the ground behind Sera.

A little man came out from it.

At the same time, there were some noises outside, as if a large number of people were running, and there were some roars.

"Go, Sera."

Then, two options appeared in front of Rogge.

[Go into the tunnel/stay where you are]

Rogge was a little surprised when he saw this.

Then he saved the game without hesitation, and then clicked "Enter the Tunnel".

After making the choice, the two little men entered the tunnel, and the screen went black.

A moment later, Rogge appeared outside the city.

The little man who rescued Sera also spoke at this time, and her name appeared in the dialog box.

Daomai: "The church's Fangling Knights have already attacked the castle, and we will win in no time."

Sera also spoke automatically at this time.

Sera: "Under the protection of the Fangling, we will definitely usher in the final victory."

[Exploration: 5%]

Then, the screen in front of Rogge went black, and the camera jumped again.

This surprised him a little.

He didn't do anything, just went into the tunnel with the person in front of him and talked to him, and he got the exploration?

But this exploration is too little.

After frowning and thinking for a while, Rogge read the archive.

This time, he chose [Stay Where].

Sera: "Daomai, go ahead. I'm going to stay here and prove to them that my choice is right."

Daomai on the opposite side hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, but you have to be careful and don't get affected by the war."

"Here's to you."

After that, Daomai on the opposite side handed over something.

[You got: Tooth Spirit Totem x 1. ]

[You can now use the character's special skills. ]

After that, Daomai turned around and left.

And Sera sat back on the bed.

"This choice should have a higher degree of freedom, maybe you can get a reward or something."

"Go out and take a look first."

Rogge immediately planned to use special skills to see if he could leave here.

This time, Sera successfully used the totem in his hand to summon a translucent white little wolf under his control.

"Knock the door open."

Rogge ordered it.

The wolf spirit faithfully executed Rogge's orders.

Bang bang bang!

The little wolf spirit kept hitting the prison door with its body.

After a moment, with a puff, the little wolf spirit turned into smoke and dissipated.

The cell door did not move at all.


Rogge was speechless.

What the hell is this? Such a weak little wolf spirit is useless.

In the end, you still can't get out, right?

Rogge took a deep breath.

The noise outside the room was getting louder and louder, the sound of swords colliding, the sound of collisions, and the sound of fighting were getting more and more intense.

It seems that no matter which route is taken, the war will continue.

After waiting for a long time without any movement, Rogge could not help but focus on the tunnel on the ground.

Although he made the choice to stay where he was, since he could control Sera, then this tunnel...

After a moment of hesitation, Rogge controlled Sera to get into the tunnel.

Then, the screen went black.

A moment later, Sera met Daomai again.

She seemed to be guarding the entrance of the tunnel.

Daomai: "Aren't you going to prove it to them? Why did you come out from here?"

Sera: "..."

Daomai: "Forget it, it's not important. The Fangling Knights of the Church have already attacked the castle. It won't be long before we win."


[Exploration Degree: 5%]

Rogge covered his face.

It seems that the road of drilling the tunnel can only get 5% exploration degree anyway.

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